package ProGAL.math; import java.util.Arrays; import ProGAL.geom3d.Point; import ProGAL.geom3d.Vector; //import ProGAL.geom3d.viewer.J3DScene; import ProGAL.geom3d.volumes.LSS; import ProGAL.geom3d.volumes.Sphere; public class Matrix3x3 extends Matrix{ public Matrix3x3(){ super(3,3); } public Matrix3x3(double[][] coords){ super(coords); if(M!=3 || N!=3) throw new RuntimeException("Dimensions dont fit"); } public Vector getColumn(int c){ return new Vector(coords[0][c],coords[1][c],coords[2][c]); } public Vector getRow(int r){ return new Vector(coords[r][0],coords[r][1],coords[r][2]); } public Matrix3x3 getTranspose(){ Matrix3x3 ret = clone(); for(int i=0;iConstants.EPSILON){ Matrix3x3 m2 = clone(); m2.set(0, 0, -l2+m2.get(0, 0)); m2.set(1, 1, -l2+m2.get(1, 1)); m2.set(2, 2, -l2+m2.get(2, 2)); m2.reduceThis(); //18HOPs // m2.toConsole(); v2 = new Vector(-m2.coords[0][2], -m2.coords[1][2], 1); } if(l3>Constants.EPSILON){ Matrix3x3 m3 = clone(); m3.set(0, 0, -l3+m3.get(0, 0)); m3.set(1, 1, -l3+m3.get(1, 1)); m3.set(2, 2, -l3+m3.get(2, 2)); m3.reduceThis();//18HOPs // m3.toConsole(); v3 = new Vector(-m3.coords[0][2], -m3.coords[1][2], 1); } return new Vector[]{v1,v2,v3}; } EigenvalueDecomposition ed = new EigenvalueDecomposition(); Vector[] ret = new Vector[3]; double[][] V = ed.getV().coords; ret[0] = new Vector(V[0][0],V[1][0],V[2][0]).multiplyThis(ed.getRealEigenvalues()[0]); ret[1] = new Vector(V[0][1],V[1][1],V[2][1]).multiplyThis(ed.getRealEigenvalues()[1]); ret[2] = new Vector(V[0][2],V[1][2],V[2][2]).multiplyThis(ed.getRealEigenvalues()[2]); return ret; } /* Multiply this matrix with matrix M */ public Matrix3x3 multiply(Matrix3x3 M) { double[] r0 = {coords[0][0]*M.coords[0][0]+coords[0][1]*M.coords[1][0]+coords[0][2]*M.coords[2][0], coords[0][0]*M.coords[0][1]+coords[0][1]*M.coords[1][1]+coords[0][2]*M.coords[2][1], coords[0][0]*M.coords[0][2]+coords[0][1]*M.coords[1][2]+coords[0][2]*M.coords[2][2]}; double[] r1 = {coords[1][0]*M.coords[0][0]+coords[1][1]*M.coords[1][0]+coords[1][2]*M.coords[2][0], coords[1][0]*M.coords[0][1]+coords[1][1]*M.coords[1][1]+coords[1][2]*M.coords[2][1], coords[1][0]*M.coords[0][2]+coords[1][1]*M.coords[1][2]+coords[1][2]*M.coords[2][2]}; double[] r2 = {coords[2][0]*M.coords[0][0]+coords[2][1]*M.coords[1][0]+coords[2][2]*M.coords[2][0], coords[2][0]*M.coords[0][1]+coords[2][1]*M.coords[1][1]+coords[2][2]*M.coords[2][1], coords[2][0]*M.coords[0][2]+coords[2][1]*M.coords[1][2]+coords[2][2]*M.coords[2][2]}; double[][] mat = {r0, r1, r2}; return new Matrix3x3(mat); } /** * This routine maps three values (x[0], x[1], x[2]) in the range [0,1] * into a 3x3 rotation matrix, M. Uniformly distributed random variables * x0, x1, and x2 create uniformly distributed random rotation matrices. * To create small uniformly distributed "perturbations", supply * samples in the following ranges *
	 *     x[0] in [ 0, d ]
	 *     x[1] in [ 0, 1 ]
	 *     x[2] in [ 0, d ]
* where 0 < d < 1 controls the size of the perturbation. Any of the * random variables may be stratified (or "jittered") for a slightly more * even distribution. * * * @author Jim Arvo, 1991 * @url */ public static Matrix3x3 randRotation(double[] x){ double theta = x[0] * Constants.PI * 2.0; /* Rotation about the pole (Z). */ double phi = x[1] * Constants.PI * 2.0; /* For direction of pole deflection. */ double z = x[2] * 2.0; /* For magnitude of pole deflection. */ /* Compute a vector V used for distributing points over the sphere */ /* via the reflection I - V Transpose(V). This formulation of V */ /* will guarantee that if x[1] and x[2] are uniformly distributed, */ /* the reflected points will be uniform on the sphere. Note that V */ /* has length sqrt(2) to eliminate the 2 in the Householder matrix. */ double r = Math.sqrt( z ); double Vx = Math.sin( phi ) * r; double Vy = Math.cos( phi ) * r; double Vz = Math.sqrt( 2.0 - z ); /* Compute the row vector S = Transpose(V) * R, where R is a simple */ /* rotation by theta about the z-axis. No need to compute Sz since */ /* it's just Vz. */ double st = Math.sin( theta ); double ct = Math.cos( theta ); double Sx = Vx * ct - Vy * st; double Sy = Vx * st + Vy * ct; /* Construct the rotation matrix ( V Transpose(V) - I ) R, which */ /* is equivalent to V S - R. */ Matrix3x3 ret = new Matrix3x3(); ret.coords[0][0] = -(Vx * Sx - ct); ret.coords[0][1] = -(Vx * Sy - st); ret.coords[0][2] = -(Vx * Vz); ret.coords[1][0] = -(Vy * Sx + st); ret.coords[1][1] = -(Vy * Sy - ct); ret.coords[1][2] = -(Vy * Vz); ret.coords[2][0] = Vz * Sx; ret.coords[2][1] = Vz * Sy; ret.coords[2][2] = 1.0 - z; return ret; } public static Matrix3x3 randRotation2(double[] x){ double ax = x[0] * Math.PI * 2; double ay = x[1] * Math.PI * 2; double az = x[2] * Math.PI * 2; Matrix3x3 mx = (Matrix3x3)Matrix3x3.createRotationMatrix(ax, Vector.X); Matrix3x3 my = (Matrix3x3)Matrix3x3.createRotationMatrix(ay, Vector.Y); Matrix3x3 mz = (Matrix3x3)Matrix3x3.createRotationMatrix(az, Vector.Z); return mz.multiply(my).multiply(mx); } public static Matrix3x3 randRotation3(double scl){ double theta = Math.acos(Randomization.randBetween(-1.0, 1.0)); double phi = Randomization.randBetween(0, 2*Constants.PI); Vector rax= new Vector( Math.sin(theta)*Math.cos(phi), Math.sin(theta)*Math.sin(phi), Math.cos(theta) ); double angle = Randomization.randBetween(0.0, scl); return (Matrix3x3)Matrix3x3.createRotationMatrix(angle, rax); } // public static void main(String[] args){ // // Point[] ps = new Point[]{ // new Point(1,0,0), // new Point(0,1,0), // new Point(0,0,1), //// new Point(1/Math.sqrt(3),1/Math.sqrt(3),1/Math.sqrt(3)) // }; // Vector x = new Vector(0.04,0,0); // Vector y = new Vector(0,0.04,0); // Vector z = new Vector(0,0,0.04); // J3DScene scene = J3DScene.createJ3DSceneInFrame(); //// scene.addShape(new Sphere(new Point(0,0,0), 1), new java.awt.Color(100,100,50,100), 64); // scene.setAxisEnabled(true); // // for(int i=0;i<10000;i++){ //// double d1 = 0.05; //// double d2 = 0.05; //// Matrix3x3 m = randRotation(new double[]{ //// Randomization.randBetween(-d1/2,d1/2), //// Randomization.randBetween(0.0,1.0), //// Randomization.randBetween(0.0,d2) //// }); //// double[] rand = new double[]{1,1,1}; //// while( Math.sqrt(rand[0]*rand[0]+ rand[1]*rand[1]+ rand[2]*rand[2])>d1 ) //// { //// rand[0] = Randomization.randBetween(-d1,d1); //// rand[1] = Randomization.randBetween(-d1,d1); //// rand[2] = Randomization.randBetween(-d1,d1); //// } //// Matrix3x3 m = randRotation2(rand); // Matrix3x3 m = randRotation3(0.1*Math.PI); // // System.out.println(m); //// for(Point p: ps){ //// Point p_r = m.multiply(p); //// Vector x_r = m.multiply(x); //// Vector y_r = m.multiply(y); //// Vector z_r = m.multiply(z); //// scene.addShape(new Sphere(p, 0.05), java.awt.Color.BLACK); //// scene.addShape(new Sphere(p_r, 0.01), java.awt.Color.RED, 3); //// scene.addShape(new LSS(p_r,p_r.add(x_r), 0.004), java.awt.Color.RED, 3); //// scene.addShape(new LSS(p_r,p_r.add(y_r), 0.004), java.awt.Color.RED, 3); //// scene.addShape(new LSS(p_r,p_r.add(z_r), 0.004), java.awt.Color.RED, 3); //// } // // // double theta = Math.acos(Randomization.randBetween(-1.0, 1.0)); // double phi = Randomization.randBetween(0, 2*Constants.PI); // Point rax= new Point( // Math.sin(theta)*Math.cos(phi), // Math.sin(theta)*Math.sin(phi), // Math.cos(theta) // ); // scene.addShape(new Sphere(rax, 0.01), java.awt.Color.BLACK, 4); // } // // } public Matrix3x3 clone(){ Matrix3x3 ret = new Matrix3x3(); for(int r=0;r