package org.autoplot.cefdatasource; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.das2.util.LoggerManager; /** * Reads the CEF Header, which contains metadata and information about how to * parse the stream. * * @author jbf */ public class CefReaderHeader { private static final Logger logger = LoggerManager.getLogger("apdss.cef"); private enum State { TOP, END, DATA_READ, GLOBAL, PARAM } protected static class Record { String data; } protected static class KeyValue { String key; String[] val; } protected static class GlobalStruct { //String name; //List entries; String valueType; } protected static class ParamStruct { String name; int[] sizes; int recType; int[] cefFieldPos; // start, end inclusive Map entries = new LinkedHashMap<>(); } private static final byte EOL = 10; private boolean cefReadHeadRec(ReadableByteChannel c, Record record) throws IOException { boolean status = false; // *** Status flag, set to 1 if complete record found boolean readFlag = true; // *** used to flag multi-line records StringBuilder recordBuf = new StringBuilder(); boolean eofReached = false; byte[] buf = new byte[1]; ByteBuffer b1 = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf); //*** Keep reading unit until got complete entry or end of file *** while (readFlag && !eofReached) { StringBuilder sbuf = new StringBuilder(); //*** read next record *** while (true) { b1.rewind(); if ( == -1) { eofReached = true; break; } //; sbuf.append((char) buf[0]); if (buf[0] == EOL) { break; } } String tempRecord = sbuf.toString(); tempRecord = tempRecord.trim(); //*** skip comment lines *** if (tempRecord.length() > 0 && tempRecord.charAt(0) == '!') { //; PRINT, tempRecord } else if (tempRecord.length() > 0 && tempRecord.charAt(tempRecord.length() - 1) == '\\') { recordBuf.append(tempRecord.substring(0, tempRecord.length() - 1)); } else { recordBuf.append(tempRecord); // *** if not blank then finish read of this record *** if (recordBuf.length() > 0) { readFlag = false; status = true; = recordBuf.toString(); } else { = ""; } } } // WHILE return status; } private boolean cefSplitRec(String record, KeyValue kv) { boolean status = false; //*** Set default status // *** look for comment int pos = record.lastIndexOf('!'); if (pos > -1) { record = record.substring(0, pos); } // *** look for key/value delimiter *** pos = record.indexOf('='); if (pos > -1) { status = true; //*** Extract the key *** kv.key = record.substring(0, pos).trim().toUpperCase(); //*** Extract the value *** String val = record.substring(pos + 1).trim(); //*** Split value into separate array elements //*** Handle quoted string elements if (val.charAt(0) == '"') { //STRSPLIT(STRMID(val,1,STRLEN(val)-2), $ // '"[ '+STRING(9B)+']*,[ '+STRING(9B)+']*"',/REGEX, /EXTRACT) String tab = new String(new byte[]{9}); kv.val = val.substring(1, val.length() - 1).split("\"[ " + tab + "]*,[ " + tab + "]*\""); } else { kv.val = val.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < kv.val.length; i++) { kv.val[i] = kv.val[i].trim(); } } } return status; } public Cef read(ReadableByteChannel c) throws IOException { Cef cef = new Cef(); State state = State.TOP; int pdata = 0; // data index int eCount = 0; //List elements = null; // for debugging int[] data_idx; GlobalStruct gStru = null; String gName = null; ParamStruct pStru = null; String pName = null; Record record = new Record(); KeyValue kv = new KeyValue(); //int recordNumber = 0; // *** Keep reading until end of header information or no more records *** while (state != State.DATA_READ && state != State.END) { //*** Try to read header record if (!cefReadHeadRec(c, record)) { break; } //recordNumber++; if ( > 2 && ("19") ||"20"))) { //CFA has a bug that they don't output the "DATA_UNTIL" delimiter. // C1_CP_WHI_ACTIVE__20020221_000000_20020221_050000_V120201.cef doesn't have delimiter, so trigger on a date. break; } //*** Get the keyword/value(s) for this record if (cefSplitRec(, kv)) { String key = kv.key.intern(); String[] value = kv.val; //*** Use the parser state to check what we are looking for switch (state) { case TOP: { //*** Use the keyword to determine the action switch (key) { case "START_META": //*** New global metadata item *** state = State.GLOBAL; gStru = new GlobalStruct(); gName = value[0]; // = value[0]; gStru.valueType = "CHAR"; eCount = 0; break; case "START_VARIABLE": //*** New parameter *** state = State.PARAM; pName = value[0]; pStru = new ParamStruct(); = value[0]; pStru.recType = 1; break; case "INCLUDE": throw new IllegalArgumentException("not yet supported"); //if ( !value[0].equals(readFile) ) { // param = cef_read( findinclude(value[0]), cef ); // } //*** Special CEF defined items at the top level *** case "DATA_UNTIL": //*** Start of data *** state = State.DATA_READ; //cef.dataUntil = value[0]; break; //cef.fileName = value[0]; case "FILE_NAME": break; //cef.fileFormatVersion = value[0]; case "FILE_FORMAT_VERSION": break; case "END_OF_RECORD_MARKER": cef.eor = (byte) value[0].charAt(0); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported key " + key); } } break; case GLOBAL: { //*** Global metadata handling if (value.length > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Global entry not allowed multiple values per entry : " + gName); } switch (key) { case "END_META": state = State.TOP; if (!kv.val[0].equals(gName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("END_VARIABLE expected " + gName + " got " + kv.val[0]); } //gStru.entries = elements; cef.nglobal = cef.nglobal + 1; if (gStru.valueType.equals("CHAR")) { cef.globals.put(gName, gStru); } else { cef.globals.put(gName, gStru); } break; case "VALUE_TYPE": //*** WARNING: In theory CEF allows a different VALUE_TYPE for each entry //*** this is a 'feature' from CDF but I can't think of a situation where //*** it is useful. This feature is not currently supported by this //*** software and so we just assign a type based on the last specification //*** of the VALUE_TYPE. gStru.valueType = value[0]; break; case "ENTRY": //*** if this is the second entry then must be multi entry global *** if (eCount == 0) { //elements = new ArrayList(); } //elements.add(value[0]); eCount = eCount + 1; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported global key " + key); } } break; case PARAM: //*** Parameter description handling { if (key.equals("END_VARIABLE")) { //*** Set some defaults if not provided in the file int[] sizes = pStru.sizes; if (sizes == null) { pStru.sizes = new int[]{1}; } if (pStru.recType == 0) { data_idx = new int[]{-1, -1}; } else { sizes = pStru.sizes; int n = pStru.sizes[0]; for (int i = 1; i < sizes.length; i++) { n = n * sizes[i]; } data_idx = new int[]{pdata, pdata + n - 1}; pdata = pdata + n; } pStru.cefFieldPos = data_idx; //*** Change parser state state = State.TOP; //*** Check this is the end of the correct parameter! if (!value[0].equals( { throw new IllegalArgumentException("END_VARIABLE expected " + pName + " got " + value[0]); } //*** Update the number of parameters cef.nparam = cef.nparam + 1; cef.parameters.put(pName, pStru); } else { switch (key) { case "DATA": pStru.entries.put(key, value); pStru.recType = 0; //*** Flag non-record varying data //******************************** //;At the moment we just add non-record varying data as string array //;we should really check SIZES and VALUE_TYPE and reform and retype //;data as we do for the real data fields. Something for the next release? //******************************** break; case "SIZES": logger.log(Level.FINER, "{0}={1}", new Object[]{key, Arrays.toString(value)}); if (value.length > 1) { String[] rev = new String[value.length]; for (int k = 0; k < value.length; k++) { rev[k] = value[value.length - k - 1]; } value = rev; } pStru.entries.put(key, value); int[] isizes = new int[value.length]; for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { isizes[i] = Integer.parseInt(value[i]); } pStru.sizes = isizes; break; default: pStru.entries.put(key, value[0]); break; } } } // case PARAM default: { logger.warning("bad state, check code"); } break; } // switch } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad record? " +; } } // while //*** Return the result return cef; } }