package ftpfs.ftp; import java.util.ListResourceBundle; /* * FtpBean * Copyright 1999 Calvin Tai * E-mail: * URL: * * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * Copyright 1999 Calvin Tai All Rights Reserved. * * FtpBean may be modified and used in any application free of charge by * anyone so long as this copyright notice and the comments above remain * intact. By using this code you agree to indemnify Calvin Tai from any * liability that might arise from it's use. * * Selling the code for this java bean alone is expressly forbidden. * In other words, please ask first before you try and make money off of * this java bean as a standalone application. * * Obtain permission before redistributing this software over the Internet or * in any other medium. In all cases copyright and header must remain intact. */ /* * Updates: * version 1.4.5 - 28 Mar 2002 * 1) Added this class. */ /** * This class is used to store the valid reply code for various ftp commands. */ class FtpReplyResourceBundle extends ListResourceBundle { public Object[][] getContents() { return cmdGrps; } static final Object[][] cmdGrps = { { FtpBean.FTP_INIT, new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_CMP } }, { FtpBean.CMD_ACCT, new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_CMP } }, { FtpBean.CMD_APPE, new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_PRE, FtpBean.REPLY_POS_CMP } }, { FtpBean.CMD_CDUP, new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_CMP } }, { FtpBean.CMD_CWD , new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_CMP } }, { FtpBean.CMD_DELE, new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_CMP } }, { FtpBean.CMD_LIST, new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_PRE, FtpBean.REPLY_POS_CMP } }, { FtpBean.CMD_MKD , new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_CMP } }, { FtpBean.CMD_PASV, new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_CMP } }, { FtpBean.CMD_PASS, new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_CMP, FtpBean.REPLY_POS_INT } }, { FtpBean.CMD_PORT, new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_CMP } }, { FtpBean.CMD_PWD , new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_CMP } }, { FtpBean.CMD_QUIT, new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_CMP } }, { FtpBean.CMD_RETR, new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_PRE, FtpBean.REPLY_POS_CMP } }, { FtpBean.CMD_RNFR, new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_INT } }, { FtpBean.CMD_RNTO, new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_CMP } }, { FtpBean.CMD_REST, new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_INT } }, { FtpBean.CMD_RMD , new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_CMP } }, { FtpBean.CMD_SITE, new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_CMP } }, { FtpBean.CMD_STOR, new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_PRE, FtpBean.REPLY_POS_CMP } }, { FtpBean.CMD_SYST, new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_CMP } }, { FtpBean.CMD_TYPE, new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_CMP } }, { FtpBean.CMD_USER, new String[] { FtpBean.REPLY_POS_INT, FtpBean.REPLY_POS_CMP } } }; }