package org.autoplot.netCDF; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.filter.ElementFilter; import org.jdom.filter.Filter; import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder; import ucar.ma2.DataType; import ucar.nc2.Dimension; import ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile; import ucar.nc2.Structure; import ucar.nc2.Variable; import; public abstract class AbstractIOSP { //TODO: look into using "bufferSize" attribute for IOSP private Properties _properties; private String _iospParam; /** * JDOM Element defining the "netcdf" element that uses this IOSP. */ private Element _ncElement; /** * Number of time samples found in the data source. */ private int _ntim; /** * Return false. Netcdf will not automatically determine that this IOSP should handle the given file. * Use this IOSP only if it is specified in the ncml. */ public boolean isValidFile(RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException { return false; } /** * Called by NetCDF passing in the contents of the ncml "iospParam" attribute. * Assumes that message is a String of key,value pairs: "k1=v1 k2=v2" * Ignores return value. */ public Object sendIospMessage(Object message) { _iospParam = (String) message; if (message == null) return null; //parse and save in _properties _properties = new Properties(); String[] props = ((String) message).split("\\s"); //split on white space for (String string : props) { if (string.contains("=")) { int i= string.indexOf("="); _properties.put(string.substring(0,i), string.substring(i+1) ); } } return null; } protected String getIospParam() { return _iospParam; } protected String getProperty(String name) { if (_properties == null) return null; return _properties.getProperty(name); } protected Element readNcmlElement(String ncmlLocation) throws IOException { String ncml_file = ncmlLocation; //Read ncml file using JDOM and extract the "netcdf" element. //May refer to nested "netcdf" element by using "#id" // String ncml_file = getProperty("ncml"); //specified in the iospParam attribute in the ncml // String[] s = ncml_file.split("#"); // String link = getProperty("id"); //must set iospParam: id=foo and have that att set in the netcdf element, TODO: just match iospParam att? // if (s.length == 2) { // ncml_file = s[0]; // link = s[1]; // } // Use the iospParam attribute in the ncml to find appropriate netcdf component if we have an aggregation. //TODO: refactor, not right to trigger on existence of iospParam String link = getIospParam(); Element ncElement = null; try { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document doc =; ncElement = doc.getRootElement(); if (link != null) { //find the "netcdf" element with the "id" attribute = link //ncElement = ncElement.getChildren("netcdf", ns); Filter filter = new ElementFilter("netcdf"); Iterator it = ncElement.getDescendants(filter); while (it.hasNext()) { Element e = (Element); String id = e.getAttributeValue("iospParam"); if (link.equals(id)) { ncElement = e; break; } //TODO: error if not found } } } catch (JDOMException e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } _ncElement = ncElement; //internal copy return ncElement; } protected Element getNetcdfElement() { return _ncElement; } /** * Create the dimensions for the ncfile. * Assumes no more than one of any type. */ protected Dimension makeDimension(Element element) { Dimension dim = null; String name = element.getAttributeValue("name"); String length = element.getAttributeValue("length"); int n = 0; //default to zero length, if (length != null) n = Integer.parseInt(length); // Require setting length of time dim in ncaml for now, TODO: override getLength as needed? // else if (name.equals("time")) { //length for time dimension unknown // //need to have number of time samples to make time dim // //Note, this will cause the times to be read // //TODO: how to deal with large ts? // //TODO: can we use varlength? // n = getTimes().length; // } if (name.equals("time")) _ntim = n; dim = new Dimension(name, n, true, true, false); return dim; } protected int getLength() { return _ntim; } protected Variable makeVariable(NetcdfFile ncfile, Element element) throws IOException { Variable var = null; String name = getVariableName(element); String shape = element.getAttributeValue("shape"); //may be null for scalar String type = element.getAttributeValue("type"); if ("Structure".equals(type)) { //var = makeStructure(ncfile, element); Structure struct = new Structure(ncfile, null, null, name); struct.setDimensions(shape); //Make member variables List vars = element.getChildren("variable", element.getNamespace()); //_nvar = vars.size(); for (Element e : vars) { Variable v = makeVariable(ncfile, e); v.setParentStructure(struct); struct.addMemberVariable(v); } var = struct; } else { var = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, name); var.setDataType(DataType.getType(type)); //TODO: support other types, use info from ncml var.setDimensions(shape); } //TODO: support pluggable variable types here? e.g. image, could they just fall out from shape? // delegate to TSSVar to make ncvar? should be indep of tsds return var; } /** * Return the original name for the time variable. * Look for the "time" variable in the NcML. * Return the "orgName" if it exists or "time" otherwise. */ protected String getTimeVarName() { String vname = "time"; Element ncElement = getNetcdfElement(); List vars = ncElement.getChildren("variable", ncElement.getNamespace()); for (Element element : vars) { if (vname.equals(element.getAttributeValue("name"))) { // This will be the original name that the ncfile knows about. vname = getVariableName(element); break; } } return vname; } /** * Extract the name of a variable from the NcML element that defines it. * Use the original name if we have it. */ protected String getVariableName(Element varElement) { String name = varElement.getAttributeValue("orgName"); if (name == null) name = varElement.getAttributeValue("name"); return name; } }