import sys import math as M import autoplot as A # These are commonly needed, good candidates for exporting into the Autoplot # namespace from org.das2.fsm import FileStorageModel from org.das2.qds.util.Reduction import reducex ############################################################################## # Constants DESC = 0 FIRST_COL = 1 NUM_BINS = 2 DROP_LEFT = 3 FILES = 4 g_sRoot = """file:/opt/project/juno/mirror/jed/JNOJED_3001/DATA""" g_dOffset = {'counts':0, 'counts_per_sec':1, 'flux':0} g_dLabel = {'counts':'counts', 'counts_per_sec':'Count Rate (s!a-1!n)', 'flux':'Differential Intensity (cm!a-2!n keV!a-1!n s!a-1!n sr!a-1!n)'} perr = sys.stderr.write ############################################################################## def getFileList(sType, lFans, tr): """Get a list of files of homogeneous files to read, the data produced from reading all these files will be a qube and may thus be time averaged easily. sType - one of HIERSTOFXER, HIERSTOFXPHR, LOERSTOFXER, LOERSTOFXPHR lFans - A list of JEDI sensors (hockey pucks) tr - An Autoplot timerange object """ lFiles = [] for sFan in lFans: sPtrn = '%s/$Y/$j/JED_%s_%s_CDR_$Y$j_V$v.TAB'%(g_sRoot, sFan, sType) i = FileStorageModel.splitIndex( sPtrn ) sBase = sPtrn[0:i] # the static part of the name sTplt = sPtrn[i:] # the templated part of the name #fs = FileSystem.create(sBase) #fsm = FileStorageModel.create(fs, sTplt) # Get best names only returns relative paths from the root... mon = monitor.getSubtaskMonitor("Finding %s files"%sType) #aNames = fsm.getBestNamesFor(DatumRangeUtil.parseTimeRange(tr), mon) # glue them back together #lFiles += [ "%s%s"%(sBase, s) for s in aNames] return lFiles ############################################################################## def getYTags(sFile, iStart, nBins): """Open a TOF x E/PH file and get the energy bin centers""" if sFile.startswith('file:'): sFile = sFile[5:] if sFile.startswith('///'): sFile = sFile[2:] fIn = file(sFile, 'rb') fIn.readline() sBeg = fIn.readline() sEnd = fIn.readline() fIn.close() lBeg = sBeg.strip().split(',') lEnd = sEnd.strip().split(',') lCenters = [None]*nBins for i in xrange(0, nBins): lCenters[i] = M.sqrt( float(lBeg[iStart +i*3]) * float(lEnd[iStart + i*3])) dsYTags = A.dataset(lCenters, A.Units.lookupUnits("keV")) dsYTags.putProperty(QDataSet.SCALE_TYPE,'log' ) return dsYTags ############################################################################## # main def main(trQuery, sFans, sTimeBinWidth, sOutType): nColOffset = g_dOffset[sOutType] # Need to use up to 8 datasets here, list entries for each set are: # 0. Description # 1. 1st Data Column # 2. Number of Energy Birs # 3. Number of Low enery channels to drop # 4. File list lFans = [s.strip() for s in sFans.split(',')] if len(lFans) == 0: raise ValueError("At least one JEDI fan must be specified") elif len(lFans) == 1: sFanInfo = "Fan %s"%sFans else: sFanInfo = "Fans %s"%", ".join(lFans) llDataSets = [] llDataSets += [ # For this one the lower 4-bins overlap with the upper bins of the # low-energy set, and the calibration for each sensor is different. To # provide a smooth spectrogram the bottom 4 are dropped here ['High Resolution, High Energy, %s'%sFanInfo, 14, 24, 4, getFileList('HIERSTOFXER', lFans, trQuery) ], # This one is odd because the first 7 energy levels for each SSD are for # IONS even though this is described as a proton only file ['High Resolution, Low Energy, %s'%sFanInfo, 14, 16, 8, getFileList('HIERSTOFXPHR', lFans, trQuery) ], ['Low Resolution, High Energy, %s'%sFanInfo, 14, 6, 0, getFileList('LOERSTOFXER', lFans, trQuery) ], ['Low Resolution, Low Energy, %s'%sFanInfo, 14, 4, 0, getFileList('LOERSTOFXPHR', lFans, trQuery) ] ] dsOut = None for lSet in llDataSets: # Over all file series #perr("INFO: %s files for range: %d\n"%(lSet[DESC], lSet[FILES] ) ) dsFileSet = None for sFile in lSet[FILES]: # Over all files dsFile = None nEBins = lSet[NUM_BINS] iStartCol = lSet[FIRST_COL] iEndCol = iStartCol + nEBins*3*6 # Get data for all SSDs sUri = 'vap+dat:%s?depend0=field0&skip=5&rank2=%d:%d'%(sFile, iStartCol, iEndCol) dsFile = A.getDataSet(sUri) dsFile.putProperty(QDataSet.UNITS, g_dUnits[sOutType]) # Take every third item starting from the offset, the offset picks the # output type, either counts, counts/sec, or flux dsFile = dsFile[:,nColOffset::3] # Sum over all 6 SSDs dsSum = dsFile[:, 0:nEBins] for i in xrange(1, 6): dsSum = dsSum + dsFile[:, i*nEBins:(i+1)*nEBins ] # Drop un-wanted low energy channels if lSet[DROP_LEFT] > 0: dsSum = dsSum[:, lSet[DROP_LEFT] :] # If we are doing flux output, need to divide by the number of SSDs to # keep the units constant if sOutType == 'flux': dsSum = dsSum / 6.0 # Add the energy bin centers from the file dsYTags = getYTags(sFile, lSet[FIRST_COL]+lSet[DROP_LEFT]*3, lSet[NUM_BINS]-lSet[DROP_LEFT] ) sBaseName = sUri.split('?')[0].split('/')[-1] perr("INFO: Extracted %2d energy bins and %5d records from %s\n"%( len(dsYTags), dsFile.length(), sBaseName)) dsSum.putProperty(QDataSet.DEPEND_1, dsYTags) dsSum.putProperty(QDataSet.LABEL, g_dLabel[sOutType]) if dsFileSet == None: dsFileSet = dsSum else: #This... #dsFileSet.append(dsSum) not this dsFileSet = A.append(dsFileSet, dsSum) if dsFileSet != None: # Sort the resulting data as it may have come from both 090 and 270 sensors indices = A.sort( dsSorted = dsFileSet[indices] # Reduce in time, if requested sAvgInfo = '' if sTimeBinWidth != '0 s': dsFileSet = reducex(dsFileSet, A.dataset(sTimeBinWidth)) sAvgInfo = "!c(%s averages)"%sTimeBinWidth if dsOut == None: dsOut = dsFileSet else: dsOut = join(dsOut, dsFileSet) # Add a title here if dsOut != None: if sOutType == 'flux': sNote = "Average over all look directions" else: sNote = "Sum over all look directions" dsOut.putProperty(QDataSet.TITLE, "JEDI-%s Proton Spectrum - %s%s"%( ", ".join(lFans), sNote, sAvgInfo)) return dsOut ############################################################################## trQuery = A.getParam( 'timerange', '2016-181', 'timerange to load' ) sFans = A.getParam( 'fan', 'spin_plane', 'three individual fans, or all spin-plane', [ '090','180','270','spin_plane' ] ) if sFans == 'spin_plane': sFans = """090,270""" sTimeBinSeconds = A.getParam( 'timeBinSeconds', '30', 'averaging time in seconds, 0 is intrisinic', [ '600','60', '30', '0' ] ) sTimeBinWidth__CLASSTYPE = QDataSet # (spot line1014 b) sOutType = A.getParam( 'outputType','flux',"Data output type", ['counts','counts_per_sec','flux'] ) # Autoplot uses magic variables, so you have to set one of them to output the # dataset, kinda strange