Started 3 days 3 hr ago
Took 8 min 35 sec

Build #214 (Feb 28, 2025 11:21:20 AM)

Build Artifacts
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Revision: 28122
  1. release notes, add a couple of file types which hadn't been mentioned. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  2. release notes, add a couple of file types which hadn't been mentioned. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  3. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  4. remove debug println from OdlDataSource, which is mature code (detail)
    by jbfaden
  5. Java 8 so that Netbeans 24 can edit (detail)
    by jbfaden
  6. Java 1.8 so that Netbeans 24 can be used (detail)
    by jbfaden
  7. source should be 1.8 (detail)
    by jbfaden
  8. fixHorizontalLayout removes redundant columns.  s shows where this used to happen. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  9. look for FIELD and ITEMS in SPREADSHEETS, which might have multi-item fields. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  10. look for FIELD and ITEMS in SPREADSHEETS, which might have multi-item fields. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  11. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  12. Juno JADE L5 data has EV_PER_Q_RANGE, which has items=2 for one field, showing a bug where items was assumed to be 1 for all fields. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  13. add utility to dump the JSON out to a file for inspection by developer (me). (detail)
    by jbfaden
  14. when pasting the plot, don't use the target's range if it is marked as autoranging.  (detail)
    by jbfaden
  15. trivial cleanup (detail)
    by jbfaden
Changes in dependency
  1. autoplot-release #210 (detail)

Started by user Jeremy Faden