abs(ds1) - element-wise abs.
accum(accumDs,ds) - return an array that is the running sum of each element in the array, starting with the value accum. ...
acos(ds) - element-wise arccos, the inverse of the cos function.
add(ds1,ds2) - add the two datasets which have the compatible geometry and units.
addBottomDecoration(node,painter) - add code that will paint custom graphics on the canvas or on a plot. The command will be invoked after all other...
addMouseModule(plot,label,listener) - add code that will respond to mouse events.
addPlotElement(chNum) - "overplot" by adding another PlotElement to the plot and setting the data to this PlotElement.
addPlots(nrows,ncolumns,dir) - adds a block of plots to the canvas below the focus plot.
addTab(label,c) - add a tab to the running application.
addToSearchPath(syspath,path,mon) - download the jar file resource, unpack it, and add it to the search path.
addTopDecoration(node,painter) - add code that will paint custom graphics on the canvas or on a plot. The command will be invoked after all other...
alert(message) - show a popup that you know the user will see.
and(ds1,ds2) - element-wise logical and function.
append(ds1,ds2) - append two datasets that are QUBEs.
applyBinaryOp(ds1,ds2,op) - apply the binary operator element-for-element of the two datasets, minding dataset geometry, fill values, etc.
applyIndex(vv,ds,fillValue) - apply the indices, checking for out-of-bounds values.
applyLambda(ds,f) - Apply the Python function, typically a lambda function, to each element of the dataset.
applyUnaryOp(ds1,op) - apply the unary operation (such as "cos") to the dataset, propagating DEPEND_0 through DEPEND_3 and other appropriate...
arange(len0) - returns rank 1 dataset with values [0.,1.,2.,...]
asin(ds) - element-wise arcsin, the inverse of the sin function.
atan(ds) - element-wise arc tangent function
atan2(y,x) - element-wise atan2, 4-quadrant atan.
autoHistogram(ds) - AutoHistogram is a one-pass self-scaling histogram, useful in autoranging data.
binAverage(ds,newTags0) of org.das2.qds.util.BinAverage - returns a dataset with tags specified by newTags0.
binAverageBundle(ds,dep0,dep1,dep2) of org.das2.qds.util.BinAverage - takes rank 2 bundle (x,y,z,f) and averages it into rank 3 qube f(x,y,z).
binData(ds,bin) - increase the rank 1 data into rank 2 data by binning data.
binMeanAverageDeviation(ads,ds) of org.das2.qds.util.BinAverage - takes rank 2 bundle (x,y,z) and averages in table z(x,y) and computes the mean average deviation in each bin.
bind(src,srcProp,dst,dstProp) - binds two bean properties together.
bindGuiSafe(src,srcProp,dst,dstProp,c) - binds two bean properties together.
binsWithin(ds,bounds) - return non-zero where the bins of ds are within the bounds.
binsWithout(ds,bounds) - return non-zero where the bins of ds are outside of the bounds.
bitwiseAnd(ds1,ds2) - bitwise AND operator treats the data as (32-bit) integers, and returns the bit-wise AND.
bitwiseOr(ds1,ds2) - bitwise OR operator treats the data as (32-bit) integers, and returns the bit-wise OR.
bitwiseXor(ds1,ds2) - bitwise XOR (exclusive or) operator treats the data as (32-bit) integers, and returns the bit-wise XOR.
boundsDataset(s) - This returns one of a bounds dataset:...
boxcar(ds,size) of org.das2.qds.util.BinAverage - run boxcar average over the dataset, returning a dataset of same geometry.
buckshotInterpolate(xyz,data,xinterp,yinterp,zinterp) - 3-D interpolation performed by tesselating the space (with 4-point tetrahedra) and doing interpolation. NOTE: this...
bundle(ds) - bundle the dataset, making an initial bundle, adding a bundle dimension.
butterworth(in,order,f,lowp) - Perform Butterworth filter for high pass or low pass.
bytarr(len0) - create a dataset filled with zeros, stored in unsigned bytes.
ceil(ds1) - element-wise ceil function.
chirp(t,df0,dt1,df1) - SciPy chirp function, used for testing.
circle(radius,x,y) - return a dataset with X and Y forming a circle, introduced as a convenient way to indicate planet location.
cleanData(ds) - remove the data which is 3 sigmas from the mean of the data.
clearWritable(ds) - assign zeros to all the values of the dataset.
collapse0(fillDs,st,en) - this is introduced to mimic the in-line function which reduces the dimensionality by averaging over the zeroth...
collapse0R4(ds,mon) - Collapse the rank 4 dataset on the zeroth index.
collapse1(ds) - this is introduced to mimic the in-line function which reduces the dimensionality by averaging over the first...
collapse1R4(ds,mon) - Collapse the rank 4 dataset on the first index.
collapse2(fillDs) - this is introduced to mimic the in-line function which reduces the dimensionality by averaging over the first...
collapse2R4(ds,mon) - Collapse the rank 4 dataset on the second index.
collapse3(fillDs) - this is introduced to mimic the in-line function which reduces the dimensionality by averaging over the first...
collapse3R4(ds,mon) - Collapse the rank 4 dataset on the third index.
color(val) - get the color from the python object, for example: ...
colorFromString(sval) - return the color encoded as one of:...
complexConj(ds) - return the complex conjugate of the rank 1 or rank 2 QDataSet.
complexDataset(realPart,imaginaryPart) - create a complex dataset.
complexMultiply(ds1,ds2) - perform complex multiplication, where the two datasets must have the same rank and must both end with a complex...
contour(tds,vv) - contour the data in rank 2 table tds at rank 0 vv.
convertPropertyValue(context,name,value) - convert the object into the type needed for the property.
convertToString(bytes) - convert the bytes (or unicode up to 2**16) to a string.
convertUnitsTo(ds,u) - convert the dataset to the target units. ...
copy(src) - copy the dataset to make a new one that is writable.
copyIndexedProperties(srcds,mds) - copy over all the indexed properties into the mutable property dataset. This was introduced to support...
copyProperties(ds) - copies the properties, copying depend datasets as well.
copysign(magnitude,sign) - Returns the first floating-point argument with the sign of the second floating-point argument.
cos(ds) - element-wise cos.
cosh(ds) - element-wise hyperbolic cosine
createApplicationModel(id) - return a new dom in a minimal Autoplot application.
createDataPointRecorder() - return a component which can be used to accumulate data.
createEvent(timeRange,rgbcolor,annotation) - tool for creating ad-hoc events datasets.
createEvents(vds) - make canonical rank 2 bundle dataset of min,max,color,text This was originally part of EventsRenderer, but it became ...
createGui() - create a model with a GUI presentation layer.
createPolyMesh(append,xy) - create or append to a polyMesh, adding the points from rank 2 bundle xy.
crossProduct(a,b) - apply the cross product of a and b, where a or b may be rank 1, three-element vector, or both can be vector arrays of...
cubicRoot(coefficients) - Solves each of a set of cubic equations of the form: a*x...
cumulativeMax(ds) - for each element i of ds, set the result[i] to the maximum of ds[0:(i+1)]
cumulativeMin(ds) - for each element i of ds, set the result[i] to the minimum of ds[0:(i+1)]
currentLine() - return the current line in the Jython script as <filename>:<linenum> or ...
dataIntersection(itE,itB) - return the values which occur in both rank 1 datasets.
dataset(arg0) - coerce a python array or list into a QDataSet.
datum(arg0) - coerce python objects to Datum
datumRange(arg0) - coerce python objects to DatumRange See http://jfaden.net:8080/hudson/job/autoplot-test029/ This supports:...
dblarr(len0) - create a rank 1 dataset filled with zeros, stored in 8-byte doubles.
decimate(ds) - reduce the size of the data by keeping every 10th measurement.
dependsOn(ds,dim,dep) - declare that the dataset is a dependent parameter of an independent parameter. This isolates the QDataSet semantics,...
detrend(yy,size) - remove D/C and low-frequency components from the data by subtracting out the smoothed data with a boxcar of the given...
detrend1(yy,size) - remove D/C and low-frequency components from the data by subtracting out the smoothed data with a boxcar of the given...
diff(ds) - return array that is the differences between each successive pair in the dataset. Result[i]...
dimensionCount(dss) - returns the number of physical dimensions of a dataset. ...
dindgen(len0) - returns rank 1 dataset with values [0.,1.,2.,...]
distance(len0,c0,r0) - return a table of distances d[len0] to the indices c0; in units of r0. This is motivated by a need for more...
div(ds1,ds2) - element-wise div of two datasets with compatible geometry.
divide(ds1,ds2) - element-wise divide of two datasets with compatible geometry.
divp(ds1,ds2) - This div goes with modp, where -18 divp 10 ...
dumpToDas2Stream(ds,ascii) - serializes the dataset to a das2stream, a well-documented, open, streaming data format.
dumpToQStream(ds,out,ascii) - serializes the dataset to a QStream, a self-documenting, streaming format useful for moving datasets. ...
ellipse(xwidth,ywidth) - return a dataset with X and Y forming a ellipse, introduced as a convenient way to indicate planet location of any...
ensureMonotonic(ds) - possibly sort the data where the DEPEND_0 tags are monotonically increasing.
ensureMonotonicAndIncreasingWithFill(ds) - Return data where the DEPEND_0 tags are monotonically increasing and non repeating.
eq(ds1,ds2) - element-wise equality test.
equalProperties(m1,m2) - returns the subset of two groups of properties that are equal, so these may be preserved through operations.
equivalent(ds1,ds2) - returns true iff the dataset values are equivalent.
eventsComplement(events,range,color,msg) - Return an events list of time intervals which are not covered in the events list. A new events list is returned,...
eventsConjunction(tE,tB) - return an events list of when events are found in both events lists.
eventsDiff(tE,tB) - return an events dataset describing differences between the two events lists.
exp(ds) - element-wise exponentiate e**x.
exp10(ds) - element-wise exponentiate 10**x.
expandToFillGaps(ds) - Special function by the RPW Group at U.
expandWaveform(ds) - special function needed by the RPW Group at U.
expm1(xx) - Returns ...
extent(ds) - returns a two element, rank 1 dataset containing the extent of the data. Note this accounts for DELTA_PLUS,...
extentSimple(ds,wds,range) - like extent, but does not account for DELTA_PLUS, DELTA_MINUS, BIN_PLUS, BIN_MINUS, BIN_MIN or BIN_MAX properties.
fft(ds) - Performs an FFT on the provided rank 1 dataset.
fftFilter(ds,len,filt) - Apply windows to the data to prepare for FFT.
fftLinearSpectralDensity(ds,window,stepFraction,mon) - Perform the linear spectral density function
fftLinearSpectrum(ds,window,stepFraction,mon) - Perform the linear spectrum function
fftPower(ds,len,mon) - create a power spectrum on the dataset by breaking it up and doing FFTs on each segment.
fftPowerMultiThread(ds,len,mon) - Experiment with multi-threaded FFTPower function.
fftPowerSpectralDensity(ds,window,stepFraction,mon) - Perform the power spectral density function
fftPowerSpectrum(ds,window,stepFraction,mon) - Perform the linear spectrum function
fftWindow(ds,len) - perform ffts on the rank 1 dataset to make a rank2 spectrogram.
fileCanRead(file) of org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util - return true if the file can be read. This is introduced to avoid imports of java.io.File.
fileExists(file) of org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util - return true if the file exists.
fillIsDifferent(ds1,ds2) - return true of the representation of fill is different in the two data sets. TODO: this does not consider WEIGHTS.
findJavaPathRoots(destDir) - search the folder for the names of packages.
findex(uu,vv) - returns the "floating point index" of each element of vv within the monotonically increasing dataset uu.
findgen(len0) - returns rank 1 dataset with values [0.,1.,2.,...]
finite(ds) - returns 1 where the data is not NaN, Inf, etc I needed this when I was working with the RBSP polar scatter script.
fixLayout() - make the layout more efficient by removing empty spaces and overlapping plots.
flatten(ds) - flatten a rank N dataset, though currently rank 4 is not supported. The result for rank 2 is an n,3 dataset of...
flattenWaveform(ds) - flatten a rank 2 dataset where the y depend variable is just an offset from the xtag.
floor(ds1) - element-wise floor function.
fltarr(len0) - create a dataset filled with zeros, stored in 4-byte floats.
formUri(vapScheme,resourceUri,args) - convenience method for creating URIs.
formatDataSet(ds,file) - Export the data into a format implied by the filename extension.
gamma(n) - return the gamma function for numbers greater than 0.
ge(ds1,ds2) - element-wise function returns 1 where ds1>...
generateTimeRanges(spec,srange) of org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util - Given a spec to format timeranges and a range to contain each timerange, produce a list of all timeranges covering the...
getAllCompletions(file) of org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util - return a list of all completions, even if they are not complete.
getApplication() - return the focus application.
getApplicationModel() - returns the internal application model (the object that does all the business).
getAutoplotScriptingVersion() of org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util - this returns a double indicating the current scripting version, found at the top of autoplot2023.py in...
getCompletions(file) of org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util - return a list of completions.
getDataSet(suri,stimeRange,mon) of org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util - load the data specified by URI into Autoplot...
getDataSetFromStream(spec,in,mon) of org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util - load data from the input stream into Autoplot internal data model.
getDataSets(uris,mon) of org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util - load multiple uris simultaneously.
getDataSource(suri) of org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util - returns the dataSource for the given URI.
getDocumentModel() - get the document model (DOM).
getInstance() of org.autoplot.ScriptContext2023
getMetadata(suri,mon) of org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util - load the metadata for the url.
getProperty(ds,name) - retrieve a property from the dataset.
getQubeDimsForArray(arg0) - return the length of each index of a n-D array.
getTimeRangesFor(surl,timeRange,format) of org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util - return an array of URLs that match the spec for the time range provided. For example, ...
getTimeSeriesBrowse(ds) of org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util - get the TimeSeriesBrowse capability, if available.
getViewWindow() - return the Window for the application, to be used for dialogs. See createGui(), which creates the view.
getWindow() - return the internal handle for the window and dom within.
greaterOf(ds1,ds2) - element-wise function returns the greater of ds1 and ds2. If an element of ds1 or ds2 is fill, then the result is fill.
grid(ds) - Opposite of the flatten function, takes rank 2 bundle (x,y,z) and makes a table from it z(x,y).
gridIrregularY(t,y,z,ytags) - This finds sweeps of Y and interpolates T-...
gt(ds1,ds2) - element-wise function returns 1 where ds1>ds2.
guardedSplit(s,delim,exclude1,exclude2) of org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util - only split on the delimiter when we are not within the exclude delimiters.
guessLabel(ds) - get the label, using the NAME when LABEL is not available.
guessName(ds) - guess a name for the dataset, looking for NAME and then safeName(LABEL).
hanning(ds,len) - Apply Hanning (Hann) windows to the data to prepare for FFT.
hashcodes(ds) - return a rank 1 hashcodes of each record the dataset, with one hashcodes value for each record.
hilbert(ds) - Perform the Hilbert function on the rank 1 dataset, similar to the hilbert function in IDL and Matlab.
hilbertSciPy(ds) - Perform the Hilbert function on the rank 1 dataset, similar to the scipy.signal.hilbert function in SciPy.
histogram(ds,min,max,binSize) - returns a rank 1 dataset that is a histogram of the data.
histogram2d(x,y,bins,xrange,yrange) - make a 2-D histogram of the data in x and y.
identifyContinuousBlocks(cadence,extent,lastBlocks,times) - return events list containing start and stop times of continuous blocks in time.
ifft(ds) - Performs an inverse FFT on the provided rank 2 dataset of complex numbers.
imax(ds) - return the index of the maximum value.
imin(ds) - return the index of the minimum value.
indgen(len0) - returns rank 1 dataset with values [0,1,2,...] This returns an immutable dataset, so that it can be used in Jython...
intarr(len0) - create a dataset filled with zeros, stored in 4-byte ints.
interpolate(vv,findex) - interpolate values from rank 1 dataset vv using fractional indices in rank N findex.
interpolateGrid(vv,findex0,findex1) - interpolate values from rank 2 dataset vv using fractional indices in rank N findex, using bilinear interpolation.
interpolateMod(vv,mod,findex) - like interpolate, but the findex is recalculated when the two bracketed points are closer in the modulo space than...
invalid(ds) - returns a dataset with one where the data is invalid, and zero the data is valid.
invokeSometime(func) - run the function on a different thread
irange(min,max,step) - mimic the Jython xrange function for use in loops.
isAngleRange(ds,strict) - return true if the dataset can be interpreted as radian degrees from 0 to PI or from 0 to 2*PI.
isBundle(zds) - return true if the dataset is a bundle.
isLegacyBundle(zds) - return true if DEPEND_1 is set and its units are EnumerationUnits.
isLegacyImports() of org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util - return true if we should do the imports as before, where all of Autoplot is imported with each session.
isModelInitialized() - provide way to see if the model is already initialized (e.g.
isSafeName(name) - returns true if the name is a Java-style identifier, starting with one of a-z, A-Z, or _; followed by a-z, A-Z, 0-9,...
labelsDataset(labels,context) - create a labels dataset for tagging rows of a dataset.
le(ds1,ds2) - element-wise function returns 1 where ds1<...
lesserOf(ds1,ds2) - element-wise function returns the smaller of ds1 and ds2. If an element of ds1 or ds2 is fill, then the result is fill.
link(x,y) - link is the fundamental operator where we declare that one dataset is dependent on another.
linspace(min,max,len0) - return a rank 1 dataset with ...
listDirectory(suri) of org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util - returns an array of the files in the local or remote filesystem pointed to by suri.
load(filename) - load the .vap file.
loadVap(filename) - load a vap from a file and return the dom.
log(ds) - element-wise natural logarithm.
log10(ds) - element-wise base 10 logarithm.
logspace(min,max,len0) - return a rank 1 dataset with ...
lonarr(len0) - create a dataset filled with zeros, stored in 8-byte longs, suitable for storing cdf_tt2000 times..
lt(ds1,ds2) - element-wise function returns 1 where ds1<ds2.
magnitude(ds) - return the magnitudes of vectors in a rank 1 or greater dataset (typically rank 2).
main(args) of org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util
makeColorTable(name,index,rgb) - returns a color table with the given name.
matrixFormat(mm,style) - format the matrix values, using ...
matrixFromEuler(seq,angle) - return the matrix rotating about one axis.
matrixMultiply(m,v) - matrix multiply the components of vector ...
matrixParse(smat) - parse the string into a rank 2 matrix
maybeCopy(ads0) - Copy the dataset to an ArrayDataSet only if the dataset is not already an ArrayDataSet or BufferDataSet. Note this...
mean(ds) - Mean function that returns the average of the valid elements of a rank N dataset
meanAverageDeviation(ds) - return the Mean Average Deviation (MAD) of the rank N dataset.
median(o) - Median function that sorts a rank N dataset and returns its median.
medianFilter(ds,size) - 1-D median filter with a boxcar of the given size.
merge(ds1,ds2) - Merge the two sorted rank N datasets, using their DEPEND_0 datasets, into one rank N dataset.
mkdir(dir) - make the directory.
mod(ds1,ds2) - element-wise mod of two datasets with compatible geometry. This should support Units.t2000 mod "24 hours" to get...
mode(ds) - return the most frequently occurring element of the valid elements of a rank N dataset
modp(ds1,ds2) - element-wise mod of two datasets with compatible geometry.
monotonicSubset(ds) - ensure that there are no non-monotonic or repeat records, by removing the first N-1 records of N repeated records.
multiply(ds1,ds2) - element-wise multiply of two datasets with compatible geometry. Presently, either ds1 or ds2 should be dimensionless. ...
ne(ds1,ds2) - element-wise not equal test.
negate(ds1) - return a dataset with each element negated. If units are specified, Units must be ratiometric units, like "5 km" or...
neighborFill(ds) - fill in the missing values by copying nearest data points.
newApplication(id) - get or create the application identified by the name.
newDialogWindow(parent,title) - return a new Autoplot.
newWindow(id,width,height,x,y) - create a new window with the given location and size.
normalize(ds) - normalize the data so that the max is 1, where we normalize by the biggest value, so that the maximum is one.
not(ds1) - element-wise logical not function.
ones(len0) - return new dataset filled with ones.
or(ds1,ds2) - element-wise logical or function.
outerProduct(ds1,ds2) - returns outerProduct of two rank 1 datasets, a rank 2 dataset with elements R[i,j]...
outerSum(ds1,ds2) - returns outerSum of two rank 1 datasets, a rank 2 dataset with elements R[i,j]...
peekAt(o) - This is intended to be used with a debugger.
plot(suri) - bring up the autoplot with the specified URL.
polarToCartesian(ds) - converts a rank 2 bundle of polar data, where ds[:,0] are the radii and ds[:,1] are the angles.
polyCenters(polyMesh) - return an array of the centers of each triangle in the triangle mesh.
popString(line) of org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util
pow(ds1,pow) - element-wise pow (** in FORTRAN, ...
putBundleProperty(ds,name,index,value) - Like putIndexedProperty, but manages the bundle for the client.
putIndexedProperty(ds,name,index,value) - Like putProperty, but this inserts the value at the index.
putProperty(ds,name,value) - converts types often seen in Jython codes to the correct type.
putValues(ds,indices,values) - like putProperty, but this inserts values into the dataset.
randn() - return a rank 0 dataset of random numbers of a Gaussian (normal) distribution.
randomSeed() - restart the random sequence used by randu and randn.
randomn(seed) - returns a rank 0 dataset of random numbers of a Gaussian (normal) distribution. System.currentTimeMillis() may be used...
randomu(seed) - returns a rank 0 dataset of random numbers of a uniform distribution. System.currentTimeMillis() may be used for the...
randu() - returns a rank 0 dataset of random uniform numbers from 0 to 1 but not including 1.
readConfiguration(suri) of org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util - read the preferences into a map.
rebin(ds,newTags0) of org.das2.qds.util.BinAverage - returns a dataset with tags specified by newTags0.
rebundle(bundle1,names) - unbundle the names from the bundle, and rebundle them in the order specified.
reduceBins(dep1) - reduce each bin to its center.
reduceMax(ds,dim) - reduce the dataset...
reduceMean(ds,dim) - reduce the dataset...
reduceMedian(ds,dim,mon) - reduce the dataset...
reduceMin(ds,dim) - reduce the dataset...
reduceSum(ds,dim) - reduce the dataset...
reform(ds) - Reshape the dataset to remove the first dimension with length 1, reducing its rank by 1.
removeFill(ds) - remove the fill values from the rank 1 dataset, returning a smaller dataset. This was introduced to support the...
removeIndeces(vv,indices) - remove the data at the indices from the rank 1 dataset.
removeValues(ds,indices) - put fill data for these indices
removeValuesGreaterThan(ds,v) - remove values in the dataset which are greater than the value.
removeValuesLessThan(ds,v) - remove values in the dataset which are less than the value. This is a convenient method for the common case where we...
replicate(val,len0) - returns rank 1 dataset with value
requireAutoplotScriptingVersion(v) of org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util - throw an exception if the scripting version cannot be supported.
rescale(data,min,max) - calculate the range of data, then rescale it so that the smallest values becomes min and the largest values becomes...
rescaleRange(dr,min,max) - returns rank 1 QDataSet range relative to range "dr", where 0.
rescaleRangeLogLin(dr,min,max) - like rescaleRange, but look at log/lin flag.
reset() - reset the application to its initial state.
residuals(ds,boxcarSize) of org.das2.qds.util.BinAverage - returns number of stddev from adjacent data.
reverse(ds) - returns the reverse of the rank 1 dataset.
rgbColorDataset(red,green,blue) - create a dataset of RGB colors.
ripples(len0) - rank 1 dataset for demos and testing.
ripplesJoinSpectrogramTimeSeries(len) - return fake position data for testing result is rank 3 bundle [3,len/3,27*]
ripplesPitchAngleDistribution() - return an example of a QDataSet containing a pitch angle distribution.
ripplesSpectrogramTimeSeries(len) - return fake position data for testing result is rank 2 bundle [len,27]
ripplesTimeSeries(len) - return fake rank 1 data timeseries for testing
ripplesVectorTimeSeries(len) - return fake position data for testing. result is rank 2 bundle [len,3]
ripplesWaveformTimeSeries(len) - return fake waveform data for testing result is rank 2 bundle [len,512]
round(ds1) - element-wise round function.
runInParallel(job,argument,mon) of org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util - run the python jobs in parallel.
safeName(suggest) - made a Java-style identifier from the provided string See Autoplot/src/scripts/safeName.jy which demonstrates this.
saferName(suggest) - extra spaces and pipes cause problems in the Operations text field.
save(filename) - save the current state as a vap file
saveVap(dom,filename) - save the application dom to a file.
sawtooth(t) - generates a sawtooth from the tags, where a peak occurs with a period 2*PI. All values of T should be ge zero.
setApplication(app) - set the current application for commands.
setApplicationModel(m) - set the focus for scripts.
setCanvasSize(width,height) - set the size of the canvas.
setDataSourceURL(surl) - set the internal model...
setDefaultApplication() - reset the script focus to the default application.
setDepend0Cadence(ds,arg) - set the cadence property for the DEPEND_0 data.
setDepend1Cadence(ds,arg) - set the cadence property for the DEPEND_1 data.
setLayout(nrows) - make a stack plot.
setLayoutOverplot(nplotElement) - make a single plot with so many plot elements.
setNominalRange(ds,arg) - set the metadata property LIMITS_NOMINAL_MIN and LIMITS_NOMINAL_MAX, which are displayed in the series renderer as a...
setRenderStyle(name) - Set the style used to render the data using a string identifier: spectrogram, series, scatter, histogram,...
setStatus(message) - set the Autoplot status bar string.
setTitle(title) - set the title of the plot.
setValidRange(ds,arg) - assert that the valid data is within the given range like "10 to 50000", where the range is parsed using...
setWarnRange(ds,arg) - set the metadata property LIMITS_WARN_MIN and LIMITS_WARN_MAX, which are displayed in the series renderer as a red...
setWindow(appm) - Set the application model.
setWindowLocation(x,y) - set the window location
shortarr(len0) - create a dataset filled with zeros, stored in 2-byte signed shorts. Note that shortarr is equivalent to intarr in IDL,...
showMessageDialog(message) - show a popup to the scientist, which they must acknowledge before this returns.
shuffle(ds) - returns a rank 1 dataset of indices that shuffle the rank 1 dataset ds. ...
signum(ds1) - Returns the signum function of the argument; zero if the argument is zero, 1.0 if the argument is greater than zero,...
sin(ds) - element-wise sin.
sinh(ds) - element-wise sinh.
size(ds) - returns the number of elements in each index.
sleep(millis) of org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util - sleep for so many milliseconds.
slice0(ds,idx) - returns the slice at the given slice location.
slice1(ds,idx) - returns the slice at the given slice location.
slice2(ds,idx) - returns the slice at the given slice location.
slice3(ds,idx) - returns the slice at the given slice location.
slices(ds,args) - slice each dimension in one call, so that chaining isn...
smooth(ds,size) - run boxcar average over the dataset, returning a dataset of same geometry.
smooth1(ds,size) - smooth over the first dimension (not the zeroth).
smooth2d(ds,n0,n1) - smooth in both the first and second dimensions.
smoothFit(xx,yy,size) - run boxcar average over the dataset, returning a dataset of same geometry.
sort(ds) - returns a rank 1 dataset of indices that sort the rank 1 dataset ds. This is not the dataset sorted.
sortInTime(ds) - pick out the timetags and sort the data based on these.
sqrt(ds) - element-wise sqrt.
square(t) - generates a square from the tags, where a the signal is 1 from 0-PI, 0 from PI-2*PI, etc.
stddev(o) - standard deviation function.
strarr(len0) - return a QDataSet containing empty strings.
subset(ds,w) - return the data at the indices given.
subtract(ds1,ds2) - subtract one dataset from another.
synchronize(ds1,ds) - The first dataset...
synchronizeNN(ds1,ds) - The first dataset...
synchronizeOne(dsTarget,dsSource) - The first dataset...
taggen(base,dcadence,len0,units) - creates tags.
tan(ds) - element-wise trigonometric tangent (tan) function
tanh(ds) - element-wise tanh.
timeShift(ds,delta) - Shift the DEPEND_0 or the time column of a rank 2 dataset by the amount.
timegen(baseTime,cadence,len0) - returns rank 1 dataset with values that are times.
toDegrees(ds) - convert the data to degrees by multiplying each element by 180/PI. This does not check the units of the data, but a...
toRadians(ds) - convert the data to radians by multiplying each element by PI/180. This does not check the units of the data, but a...
toTimeDataSet(years,mons,days,hour,minute,second,nano) - return a rank 1 dataset of times.
total(ds) - return the total of all the elements in the dataset.
transpose(ds) - transpose the rank 2 or rank 1 dataset.
triangulate(xx,yy) - return a triangle tesselation of the space identified by rank 1 xx and yy.
trim(ds,st,en) - trim the dataset to the indices on the zeroth dimension.
trim1(ds,st,en) - return the trim of the dataset ds where its DEPEND_1 (typically ytags) are within the range dr.
unbind(src) - unbind the property
unbundle(ds,name) - Extract the named bundled dataset.
unbundleBins(ds,i) - convenient method for getting the times from an events dataset, this unbundles the startTimes at i and the stopTimes...
uniq(ds) - Return the unique indices from the rank 1 dataset.
uniqValues(ds,sort) - return the unique elements from the dataset.
unwrap(ds,discont) - SciPy...
valid(ds) - returns a dataset with zero where the data is invalid, and positive non-zero where the data is valid.
validateParam(name,v,constraint) - validate the parameter value against the constraint.
variance(o) - variance function is the square of the stddev.
waitUntilIdle() - wait until the application is idle.
where(ds) - returns a dataset containing the indices of where the dataset is non-zero. For a rank 1 dataset, returns a rank 1...
whereR1(ds) - returns a dataset containing the indices of where the dataset is non-zero. This is used when the code using this...
whereSequence(ds,seq) - return a list of indices, similar to the where result.
windowFunction(filt,len) - return a dataset for the given filter type.
within(ds,bounds) - return non-zero where the data in ds are within the bounds.
withinSet(ds,set) - returns 1 where the dataset contains elements within the set, 0 where elements are not within the set. Note this...
without(ds,bounds) - return non-zero where the data in ds are outside of the bounds.
writeToBufferedImage(applicationIn) - creates a BufferedImage from the provided DOM.
writeToPdf(filename) - write out the current canvas to a pdf file. TODO: this has issues with the size.
writeToPng(filename) - write out the current canvas to a png file. TODO: bug 557: this has issues with the size.
writeToSvg(filename) - write out the current canvas to a svg file. Note for relative references, this will use the Java process present...
xtags(ds) - return the xtags of the dataset.
ytags(ds) - return the ytags of the dataset.
zeros(len0) - return new dataset filled with zeros.