Started by user Jeremy Faden Running as SYSTEM Building in workspace /var/local/jenkins/workspace/autoplot-release Updating at revision '2024-09-12T11:36:19.575 -0500' --quiet At revision 27756 No changes for since the previous build [autoplot-release] $ /bin/sh -e /usr/local/apache-tomcat-8.0.27/temp/ PWD: , /var/local/jenkins/workspace/autoplot-release TAG: 20240912b From d054c5927..bc8bda889 main -> origin/main Updating d054c5927..bc8bda889 Fast-forward dasCore/src/org/das2/graph/ | 4 ++++ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+) setting STOREPASS and KEYPASS with set +v... cd autoplot/Autoplot/ CODEBASE=${HUDSON_URL}job/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER/artifact/autoplot/Autoplot/dist/; export CODEBASE #TAG=hudson-$BUILD_NUMBER; export TAG # I'm not sure why this was used, but it killed about an hour trying to figure out why I wasn't seeing # updates and finally apps-pw couldn't see the folder anyway. #AUTOPLOT_STABLE_DIR=/home/Web/das2/web/autoplot/lib/; export AUTOPLOT_STABLE_DIR AUTOPLOT_NO_JNLP_TEMPLATE=1; export AUTOPLOT_NO_JNLP_TEMPLATE bash ./ TAG=20240912b JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.8/ DO_HIDE=true # if false then show passwords etc for debugging. AP_KEEP_STABLE=F # if T then keep the stable jars for release CODEBASE= pwd= /var/local/jenkins/workspace/autoplot-release/autoplot/Autoplot copy jar file classes using wget -q... wget --no-check-certificate -q -O AutoplotStable.jar wget --no-check-certificate -q -O AutoplotStable.jar.pack.gz done copy jar file classes. === look for plugins, META-INF/org.autoplot.datasource.DataSourceFactory.extensions etc == AudioSystemDataSource BinaryDataSource CDAWebDataSource CdfJavaDataSource CefDataSource Das2ServerDataSource DataSourcePack ExcelDataSource FedCatDataSource FitsDataSource HapiDataSource IdlMatlabSupport ImageDataSource JythonDataSource NetCdfDataSource OpenDapDataSource PDSDataSource PDSPPIDataSource TsdsDataSource WavDataSource copy sources... rsync -a --exclude .svn ../das2java/dasCore/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../das2java/dasCoreUtil/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../das2java/dasCoreDatum/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../das2java/QDataSet/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../das2java/QStream/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../DataSource/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../JythonSupport/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../AutoplotHelp/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../IdlMatlabSupport/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../AudioSystemDataSource/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../BinaryDataSource/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../CDAWebDataSource/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../CdfJavaDataSource/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../CefDataSource/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../Das2ServerDataSource/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../DataSourcePack/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../ExcelDataSource/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../FedCatDataSource/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../FitsDataSource/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../HapiDataSource/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../IdlMatlabSupport/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../ImageDataSource/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../JythonDataSource/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../NetCdfDataSource/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../OpenDapDataSource/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../PDSDataSource/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../PDSPPIDataSource/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../TsdsDataSource/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../WavDataSource/src/ temp-volatile-src/ rsync -a --exclude .svn ../Autoplot/src/ temp-volatile-src/ done copy sources === special handling of META-INF stuff... Not copying JNLP-INF because AUTOPLOT_NO_JNLP_TEMPLATE is set done special handling of META-INF stuff. === copy resources... Terminated Build was aborted Aborted by Jeremy Faden Archiving artifacts Recording fingerprints