Started 1 mo 11 days ago
Took 9 min 31 sec

Build #139 (Jul 29, 2024 5:34:27 PM)

Build Artifacts
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Revision: 27704
  1. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  2. bugfix 2604: vap+hapi:,Field_Vector&timerange=2015-12-31+8:04+to+15:55 showed where the labels were not propogated out. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  3. bug add 5% when a plot element's range is against the new range. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  4. bug add 5% when a plot element's range is against the new range. (detail)
    by jbfaden

Started by user Jeremy Faden