/* File: Units.java * Copyright (C) 2002-2003 The University of Iowa * Created by: Jeremy Faden * Jessica Swanner * Edward E. West * * This file is part of the das2 library. * * das2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.das2.datum; import java.text.Normalizer; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.das2.datum.format.DatumFormatterFactory; /** * Class for indicating physical units, and other random units. * @author jbf */ public abstract class Units { private static final Logger logger= Logger.getLogger("datum.units"); private static Map unitsMap = new HashMap(); public static final Units dimensionless= new NumberUnits("","dimensionless quantities"); public static final Units radians= new NumberUnits("radian"); public static final Units degrees= new NumberUnits("degrees"); public static final Units deg= new NumberUnits("deg"); public static final Units degrees2= new NumberUnits("Degrees"); static { degrees.registerConverter(radians, new UnitsConverter.ScaleOffset(Math.PI/180.0,0.0) ); degrees.registerConverter(deg, UnitsConverter.IDENTITY); degrees.registerConverter(degrees2, UnitsConverter.IDENTITY); } /** * It's often enough that we just want to paint data with a particular color that * there's a special unit which is used to trigger a branch, and the color will * be used. This can have an alpha channel as well in the high byte, but zero will imply that the * alpha channel is missing and opaque will be used. */ public static final Units rgbColor= new NumberUnits("rgbColor","256*256*red+256*green+blue"); /** * return the preferred unit to use when there are multiple representations * of the same unit (having conversion UnitsConverter.IDENTITY. * @param units * @return the preferred unit */ public static Units getCanonicalUnit(Units units) { String s= units.getId(); switch ( s ) { case "msec": return Units.milliseconds; case "Degrees": return Units.degrees; case "deg": return Units.degrees; case "sec": return Units.seconds; case "nanoseconds": return Units.ns; case "\u00B5s": return Units.microseconds; case "\u03BCs": return Units.microseconds; case "ev": return Units.eV; } return units; } /** * this is left in in case legacy code needs to see the conversion from dB to dimensionless offset. */ private static final class dBConverter extends UnitsConverter { @Override public double convert(double value) { return 10 * Math.log10(value); } @Override public UnitsConverter getInverse() { if (inverse == null) { inverse = new UnitsConverter() { @Override public double convert(double value) { return Math.pow(10.0, value / 10.0); } @Override public UnitsConverter getInverse() { return dBConverter.this; } }; } return inverse; } } public static final Units celciusDegrees= new NumberUnits("celcius degrees"); // disambiguate from "deg C" which is the temperature scale public static final Units fahrenheitDegrees= new NumberUnits("fahrenheit degrees"); // disambiguate from "deg F" which is the temperature scale public static final Units years= new NumberUnits("years"); public static final Units days= new NumberUnits("days"); public static final Units hours= new NumberUnits("hr"); public static final Units hours2= new NumberUnits("hrs"); public static final Units minutes= new NumberUnits("min"); public static final Units seconds= new NumberUnits("s"); public static final Units seconds2= new NumberUnits("sec"); //public static final Units seconds3= new NumberUnits("seconds"); // note s was not convertible to seconds. public static final Units milliseconds= new NumberUnits("ms","milliseconds"); public static final Units milliseconds2= new NumberUnits("msec"); public static final Units microseconds= new NumberUnits("microseconds"); public static final Units microseconds2= new NumberUnits("\u00B5s"); // note this is not the normalized micro. public static final Units microseconds3= new NumberUnits("\u03BCs"); public static final Units nanoseconds= new NumberUnits("nanoseconds"); public static final Units ns= new NumberUnits("ns","nanoseconds"); public static final Units picoseconds= new NumberUnits("picoseconds"); static { seconds.registerConverter(milliseconds, UnitsConverter.MILLI); seconds.registerConverter(microseconds, UnitsConverter.MICRO); seconds.registerConverter(nanoseconds,UnitsConverter.NANO); seconds.registerConverter(ns,UnitsConverter.NANO); nanoseconds.registerConverter( ns, UnitsConverter.IDENTITY ); seconds.registerConverter(picoseconds,UnitsConverter.PICO); seconds.registerConverter(seconds2,UnitsConverter.IDENTITY); microseconds.registerConverter(nanoseconds, UnitsConverter.MILLI); // to support time formatting, often from us2000 to microseconds offset. microseconds.registerConverter(microseconds2, UnitsConverter.IDENTITY); microseconds.registerConverter(microseconds3, UnitsConverter.IDENTITY); milliseconds.registerConverter(milliseconds2, UnitsConverter.IDENTITY); hours.registerConverter(hours2, UnitsConverter.IDENTITY ); hours.registerConverter(seconds, new UnitsConverter.ScaleOffset( 3600.,0.0)); minutes.registerConverter(seconds, new UnitsConverter.ScaleOffset( 60.,0.0)); days.registerConverter(seconds, new UnitsConverter.ScaleOffset(8.64e4, 0.0)); } public static final Units bytesPerSecond= new NumberUnits("bytes/s"); public static final Units kiloBytesPerSecond= new NumberUnits("KBytes/s"); public static final Units bytes= new NumberUnits( "bytes" ); public static final Units kiloBytes= new NumberUnits( "KBytes" ); static { bytesPerSecond.registerConverter( kiloBytesPerSecond, UnitsConverter.KILO ); bytes.registerConverter( kiloBytes, UnitsConverter.KILO ); } public static final Units hertz= new NumberUnits("Hz"); public static final Units kiloHertz = new NumberUnits("kHz"); // I verified that this should be lower case k. I wonder why... public static final Units megaHertz = new NumberUnits("MHz"); public static final Units gigaHertz = new NumberUnits("GHz"); static { hertz.registerConverter(kiloHertz, UnitsConverter.KILO); hertz.registerConverter(megaHertz, UnitsConverter.MEGA); hertz.registerConverter(gigaHertz, UnitsConverter.GIGA); } public static final Units eV= new NumberUnits("eV"); public static final Units ev= new NumberUnits("ev"); // Mike at LANL had run into these... public static final Units keV= new NumberUnits("keV"); public static final Units MeV= new NumberUnits("MeV"); static { eV.registerConverter(Units.ev, UnitsConverter.IDENTITY); eV.registerConverter(Units.keV, UnitsConverter.KILO); eV.registerConverter(Units.MeV, UnitsConverter.MEGA); } /** * 1 / cm3 */ public static final Units pcm3= new NumberUnits("cm!a-3!n"); public static final Units kelvin= new NumberUnits("K"); public static final Units cm_2s_1keV_1= new NumberUnits( "cm!U-2!N s!U-1!N keV!U-1!N" ); public static final Units cm_2s_1MeV_1= new NumberUnits( "cm!U-2!N s!U-1!N MeV!U-1!N" ); static { cm_2s_1keV_1.registerConverter( Units.cm_2s_1MeV_1, UnitsConverter.KILO ); } /** * Volts 2 m-2 Hz-1 */ public static final Units v2pm2Hz= new NumberUnits("V!a2!nm!a-2!nHz!a-1"); /** * Watts / m2 */ public static final Units wpm2= new NumberUnits("W/m!a-2!n"); public static final Units meters = new NumberUnits("m"); public static final Units millimeters = new NumberUnits("mm"); public static final Units centimeters = new NumberUnits("cm"); public static final Units kiloMeters = new NumberUnits("km"); public static final Units inches = new NumberUnits("inch"); public static final Units typographicPoints = new NumberUnits("points"); static { meters.registerConverter(kiloMeters, UnitsConverter.KILO); meters.registerConverter(centimeters, UnitsConverter.CENTI ); meters.registerConverter(millimeters, UnitsConverter.MILLI ); inches.registerConverter( meters, new UnitsConverter.ScaleOffset(0.0254,0.0) ); inches.registerConverter( typographicPoints, new UnitsConverter.ScaleOffset(72,0.0) ); } public static final Units nT= new NumberUnits("nT","nanoTesla"); public static final Units cmps= new NumberUnits("cm/s"); public static final Units mps= new NumberUnits("m s!a-1!n","meters per second"); static { mps.registerConverter( cmps, UnitsConverter.CENTI ); } /**** begin of LocationUnits. These must be defined after the physical units to support Basis. ****/ public static final Units centigrade= new LocationUnits( "centigrade", "centigrade", Units.celciusDegrees, Basis.centigrade ); public static final Units fahrenheitScale= new LocationUnits("deg F", "deg F", Units.fahrenheitDegrees, Basis.fahrenheit ); static { centigrade.registerConverter(fahrenheitScale, new UnitsConverter.ScaleOffset(1.8, 32)); celciusDegrees.registerConverter(fahrenheitDegrees, new UnitsConverter.ScaleOffset(1.8,0) ); } /** * currencies for demonstration purposes. */ public static final Units dollars= new CurrencyUnits("dollars","$","United States Dollars"); public static final Units euros= new CurrencyUnits("euros","\u20AC", "Euro Dollars"); public static final Units yen= new CurrencyUnits("yen","\uFFE5","Japanese Yen"); public static final Units rupee= new CurrencyUnits("rupee","\u20B9", "Indian Rupee"); /** * Microseconds since midnight Jan 1, 2020, excluding those within a leap second. Differences across leap * second boundaries do not represent the number of microseconds elapsed. */ public static final TimeLocationUnits us2020= new TimeLocationUnits("us2020", "Microseconds since midnight Jan 1, 2020.", Units.microseconds, Basis.since2020); /** * Microseconds since midnight Jan 1, 2000, excluding those within a leap second. Differences across leap * second boundaries do not represent the number of microseconds elapsed. */ public static final TimeLocationUnits us2000= new TimeLocationUnits("us2000", "Microseconds since midnight Jan 1, 2000.", Units.microseconds, Basis.since2000); /** * Microseconds since midnight Jan 1, 1980, excluding those within a leap second. */ public static final TimeLocationUnits us1980= new TimeLocationUnits("us1980", "Microseconds since midnight Jan 1, 1980.", Units.microseconds, Basis.since1980 ); /** * Seconds since midnight Jan 1, 2010, excluding leap seconds. */ public static final TimeLocationUnits t2010= new TimeLocationUnits("t2010","Seconds since midnight Jan 1, 2010.", Units.seconds, Basis.since2010 ); /** * Seconds since midnight Jan 1, 2000, excluding leap seconds. */ public static final TimeLocationUnits t2000= new TimeLocationUnits("t2000","Seconds since midnight Jan 1, 2000.", Units.seconds, Basis.since2000 ); /** * seconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970, excluding leap seconds. */ public static final TimeLocationUnits t1970= new TimeLocationUnits("t1970","Seconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970", Units.seconds, Basis.since1970 ); /** * milliseconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970, excluding leap seconds. */ public static final TimeLocationUnits ms1970= new TimeLocationUnits("ms1970","Milliseconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970", Units.milliseconds, Basis.since1970 ); /** * milliseconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970, excluding leap seconds. */ public static final TimeLocationUnits us1970= new TimeLocationUnits("us1970","Microseconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970", Units.microseconds, Basis.since1970 ); /** * roughly days since on midnight on 1958-01-01, Julian - 2436204.5 to be more precise. */ public static final TimeLocationUnits mj1958= new TimeLocationUnits("mj1958","days since 1958-01-01T00:00Z, or Julian - 2436204.5", Units.days, Basis.since1958 ); /** * The Modified Julian Day (MJD) is the number of days (with decimal fraction of the day) that have elapsed since midnight at the beginning of Wednesday November 17, 1858. * Julian - 2400000.5 */ public static final TimeLocationUnits mjd= new TimeLocationUnits("mjd", "days since midnight November 17, 1858.", Units.days , Basis.modifiedJulian ); /** * The Julian Day (MJD) is the number of days (with decimal fraction of the day) that have elapsed since noon on January 1, 4713 BCE. * Julian - 2400000.5 */ public static final TimeLocationUnits julianDay= new TimeLocationUnits("julianDay", "days since noon January 1, 4713 BCE", Units.days , Basis.julian ); /** * cdf epoch milliseconds since midnight, 01-Jan-0000, excluding those with a leap second. There must be skipped days, because this doesn't yield 01-Jan-0000 for 0., * but works fine at 1-1-2000., excluding those within a leap second */ public static final TimeLocationUnits cdfEpoch= new TimeLocationUnits("cdfEpoch","milliseconds since 01-Jan-0000", Units.milliseconds, Basis.since0000 ); /** * the number of nanoseconds since 01-Jan-2000T12:00, roughly. This includes leap seconds, so conversion is more than a scale,offset. */ public static final TimeLocationUnits cdfTT2000= new TimeLocationUnits("cdfTT2000","nanoseconds since 01-Jan-2000, including leap seconds", Units.nanoseconds, Basis.since2000 ); /** * the year plus the fraction into the current year, ((doy-1)/365) for non-leap years. */ public static final LocationUnits decimalYear= new TimeLocationUnits("decimalYear","years, plus fractional component when multiplied by year length gives day of year", Units.years, Basis.since0000 ); static { ((Units)t2000).registerConverter(us2000, UnitsConverter.MICRO); ((Units)us1980).registerConverter(us2000, new UnitsConverter.ScaleOffset(1.0, -631152000000000L ) ); ((Units)us2020).registerConverter(us2000, new UnitsConverter.ScaleOffset(1.0, 631152000000000L ) ); ((Units)us2000).registerConverter(cdfEpoch, new UnitsConverter.ScaleOffset( 1/1000.,63113904000000L )); ((Units)us2000).registerConverter(cdfTT2000, new LeapSecondsConverter( true ) ); ((Units)us2000).registerConverter(decimalYear, new DecimalYearConverter( true ) ); ((Units)t2000).registerConverter(t1970, new UnitsConverter.ScaleOffset(1.0, 9.466848e8)); ((Units)t1970).registerConverter(ms1970, UnitsConverter.MILLI ); ((Units)t1970).registerConverter(us1970, UnitsConverter.MICRO ); ((Units)t2000).registerConverter(t2010, new UnitsConverter.ScaleOffset(1.0, -3.1561920e+8 )); ((Units)t2000).registerConverter(mj1958, new UnitsConverter.ScaleOffset(1.0/8.64e4, 15340 )); ((Units)t2000).registerConverter(mjd, new UnitsConverter.ScaleOffset(1.0/8.64e4, 51544 )); ((Units)t2000).registerConverter(julianDay, new UnitsConverter.ScaleOffset(1.0/8.64e4, 51544 + 2400000.5 ) ); } /**** ratiometric units ***********/ public static final Units percent= new NumberUnits("%",""); /** * Define a set of units to describe ratiometric (logarithmic) spacing. * Note the log10Ratio is the preferred method for expressing spacing, but all are convertible * See logERatio, log10Ratio and Google for "fold change." */ /* percentIncrease is defined as ( b-a )*100. / a. So { 1,2,4,8 } has a spacing of 100 % diff. */ public static final Units dB = new NumberUnits("dB","decibels"); public static final Units ampRatio= new NumberUnits("ampratio","amplitude ratio"); public static final Units percentIncrease= new NumberUnits("% diff","Special dimensionless number, useful for expressing on logarithmic scale. 100% indicates a doubling"); public static final Units log10Ratio= new NumberUnits("log10Ratio", "Special dimensionless number, useful for expressing distances on a log10 scale" ); public static final Units logERatio= new NumberUnits("logERatio", "Special dimensionless number, useful for expressing distances on a logE scale" ); private static class PercentRatioConverter extends UnitsConverter { @Override public double convert(double value) { return ( Math.exp(value) - 1.0 ) * 100; } @Override public UnitsConverter getInverse() { if (inverse == null) { inverse = new UnitsConverter() { @Override public double convert(double value) { return Math.log( value / 100 + 1. ); } @Override public UnitsConverter getInverse() { return PercentRatioConverter.this; } }; } return inverse; } } /** * see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decibel */ private static class AmpRatioConverter extends UnitsConverter { @Override public double convert(double value) { return ( Math.pow(10,value/20.) ); } @Override public UnitsConverter getInverse() { if (inverse == null) { inverse = new UnitsConverter() { @Override public double convert(double value) { return 20 * Math.log10( value ); } @Override public UnitsConverter getInverse() { return AmpRatioConverter.this; } }; } return inverse; } } static { log10Ratio.registerConverter( logERatio, new UnitsConverter.ScaleOffset( Math.log(10), 0. ) ); logERatio.registerConverter( percentIncrease, new PercentRatioConverter() ); dB.registerConverter( log10Ratio, new UnitsConverter.ScaleOffset( 10, 0 ) ); dB.registerConverter( ampRatio, new AmpRatioConverter() ); } /* static { unitsMap.put("mj1958", Units.mj1958); unitsMap.put("t1970", Units.t1970); unitsMap.put("t2000", Units.t2000); unitsMap.put("us2000", Units.us2000); unitsMap.put("seconds", Units.seconds); unitsMap.put("s", Units.seconds); unitsMap.put("days", Units.days); unitsMap.put("microseconds", Units.microseconds); unitsMap.put("", Units.dimensionless); unitsMap.put("dB", Units.dB); unitsMap.put("Hz", Units.hertz); unitsMap.put("kHz", Units.kiloHertz); unitsMap.put("MHz", Units.megaHertz); }*/ private String id; private String description; private final Map conversionMap = new ConcurrentHashMap(); protected Units( String id ) { this( id, "" ); }; protected Units( String id, String description ) { this.id= id; this.description= description; unitsMap.put( id, this ); }; /** * get the id uniquely identifying the units. Note the id may contain * special tokens, like "since" for time locations. * @return the id. */ public String getId() { return this.id; } /** * register a converter between the units. Note these converters can be * changed together to derive conversions. (A to B, B to C defines A to C.) * @param toUnits the target units * @param converter the converter that goes from this unit to target units. */ public void registerConverter(Units toUnits, UnitsConverter converter) { conversionMap.put(toUnits, converter); UnitsConverter inverse = (UnitsConverter)toUnits.conversionMap.get(this); if (inverse == null || inverse.getInverse() != converter) { toUnits.registerConverter(this, converter.getInverse()); } } /** * return the units to which this unit is convertible. * @return the units to which this unit is convertible. * @deprecated use getConvertibleUnits, which is spelled correctly. */ public Units[] getConvertableUnits() { return getConvertibleUnits(); } /** * return the units to which this unit is convertible. * @return the units to which this unit is convertible. */ public Units[] getConvertibleUnits() { Set result= new HashSet(); LinkedList queue = new LinkedList(); queue.add(this); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { Units current = (Units)queue.removeFirst(); for (Map.Entry entry : current.conversionMap.entrySet()) { Units next = (Units)entry.getKey(); if (!result.contains(next)) { queue.add(next); result.add(next); } } } // sort the list Comparator c= new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { Units u1= (Units)o1; Units u2= (Units)o2; if ( UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation( u1 ) ) { return u1.toString().compareTo(u2.toString()); } else { try { return u1.convertDoubleTo( u2, 1.0 ) < 1.0 ? -1 : 1; } catch ( RuntimeException ex ) { return u1.toString().compareTo(u2.toString()); } } } }; Units[] resultArray= (Units[])result.toArray( new Units[result.size()] ); Arrays.sort(resultArray, c); return resultArray; } /** * return true if the unit can be converted to toUnits. * @deprecated use isConvertibleTo (which does not contain spelling error) * @param toUnits Units object. * @return true if the unit can be converted to toUnits. */ public boolean isConvertableTo( Units toUnits ) { UnitsConverter result= getConverterInternal(this, toUnits); return result!=null; } /** * return true if the unit can be converted to toUnits. * @param toUnits Units object. * @return true if the unit can be converted to toUnits. */ public boolean isConvertibleTo( Units toUnits ) { UnitsConverter result= getConverterInternal(this, toUnits); return result!=null; } /** * lookup the UnitsConverter object that takes numbers from fromUnits to toUnits. * This will chain together UnitsConverters registered via units.registerConverter. * @param fromUnits units instance that is the source units. * @param toUnits units instance that is the target units. * @return UnitsConverter object * @throws InconvertibleUnitsException when the conversion is not possible. */ public static UnitsConverter getConverter( final Units fromUnits, final Units toUnits ) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "getConverter( {0} to {1} )", new Object[]{fromUnits, toUnits}); //TODO: THIS IS CALLED WITH EVERY REPAINT!!! UnitsConverter result= getConverterInternal(fromUnits, toUnits); if ( result==null ) { throw new InconvertibleUnitsException( fromUnits, toUnits ); } return result; } /** * lookup the UnitsConverter object that takes numbers from fromUnits to toUnits. * This will chain together UnitsConverters registered via units.registerConverter. * @param fromUnits * @param toUnits * @return UnitsConverter object * @throws InconvertibleUnitsException when the conversion is not possible. */ private static UnitsConverter getConverterInternal( final Units fromUnits, final Units toUnits ) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "fromUnits={0} {1} toUnits={2} {3}", new Object[]{fromUnits,fromUnits.hashCode(), toUnits,toUnits.hashCode()}); if (fromUnits == toUnits) { return UnitsConverter.IDENTITY; } UnitsConverter o = fromUnits.conversionMap.get(toUnits); if ( o != null) { return o; } Map visited = new HashMap(); visited.put(fromUnits, null); LinkedList queue = new LinkedList(); queue.add(fromUnits); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { Units current = (Units)queue.removeFirst(); for ( Map.Entry entry : current.conversionMap.entrySet() ) { Units next = (Units)entry.getKey(); if (!visited.containsKey(next)) { visited.put(next, current); queue.add(next); if (next == toUnits) { return buildConversion(fromUnits, toUnits, visited); } } } } return null; } private static UnitsConverter buildConversion(Units fromUnits, Units toUnits, Map parentMap) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "build conversion from {0} to {1}", new Object[]{fromUnits, toUnits}); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); Units current = toUnits; while (current != null) { list.add(current); current = (Units)parentMap.get(current); } UnitsConverter converter = UnitsConverter.IDENTITY; for (int i = list.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { Units a = (Units)list.get(i); Units b = (Units)list.get(i - 1); UnitsConverter c = (UnitsConverter)a.conversionMap.get(b); logger.log(Level.FINE, "append conversion from {0} to {1}", new Object[]{a,b}); converter = converter.append(c); } fromUnits.registerConverter(toUnits, converter); return converter; } /** * Get the converter that goes from this Unit to toUnits. E.g. * Units.meters.getConverter(Units.centimeters) yields a converter that * multiplies by 100. * @param toUnits * @return a converter from this unit to toUnits. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if conversion between units is not possible */ public UnitsConverter getConverter( Units toUnits ) { return getConverter( this, toUnits ); } /** * convert the double in this units' space to toUnits' space. * @param toUnits the units. * @param value the value in toUnits. * @return the double in the new units system. * @throws InconvertibleUnitsException when the conversion is not possible. */ public double convertDoubleTo( Units toUnits, double value ) { if ( this==toUnits ) { return value; } else { return getConverter(this,toUnits).convert(value); } } @Override public String toString() { return id; } /** * return the units from the Basis for the unit, such as "seconds" in * "seconds since midnight, Jan 1, 1970" * @return this units offsets. */ public Units getOffsetUnits() { return this; } /** * return the Basis which defines the meaning of zero and the direction of positive values, such as * "since midnight, Jan 1, 1970" * @return the Basis object, which simply identifies a basis. */ public Basis getBasis() { return Basis.physicalZero; } public abstract Datum createDatum( double value ); public abstract Datum createDatum( int value ); public abstract Datum createDatum( long value ); public abstract Datum createDatum( Number value ); /** * create a Datum with the units. For example, *
  • Units.cm.createDatum('5m') → '500cm' *
  • eu.createDatum(datum('voyager1')) will convert to the new ordinal units. *
* @param value * @return */ public abstract Datum createDatum( Datum value ); public abstract Datum createDatum( double value, double resolution ); private final static double FILL_DOUBLE= -1e31; public double getFillDouble() { return FILL_DOUBLE; } public Datum getFillDatum() { return this.createDatum(FILL_DOUBLE); } public boolean isFill( double value ) { return valueFILL_DOUBLE/10 ; } /** * return the formatter factor for this Datum. * @return */ public abstract DatumFormatterFactory getDatumFormatterFactory(); /** * parse the string in the context of these units. The unit may * throw a parse exception if it cannot be parsed, or may return * a * @param s * @return * @throws ParseException */ public abstract Datum parse(String s) throws ParseException; /** * format the Datum. * @param datum the Datum * @return the Datum formatted as a string. */ public String format( Datum datum ) { return getDatumFormatterFactory().defaultFormatter().format(datum); } /** * format the Datum, allowing use of subscripts and superscripts interpretted by GrannyTextRenderer. * @param datum the Datum * @return the Datum formatted as a string, possibly containing control sequences like !A and !n, etc. */ public String grannyFormat( Datum datum ) { return getDatumFormatterFactory().defaultFormatter().grannyFormat(datum); } public abstract Datum add( Number a, Number b, Units bUnits ); public abstract Datum subtract( Number a, Number b, Units bUnits ); public abstract Datum multiply( Number a, Number b, Units bUnits ); public abstract Datum divide( Number a, Number b, Units bUnits ); /** * return all the known units. * @return list of all the known units. */ public static List getAllUnits() { return new ArrayList<>(unitsMap.values()); } /** * returns a Units object with the given string representation that is stored in the unitsMap. * Unlike lookupUnits, this will not allocate new units but will throw an IllegalArgumentException * if the string is not recognized. * * @param s units identifier * @return units object * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the unit is not recognized. * @see #lookupUnits(java.lang.String) */ public static Units getByName(String s) { Units units = (Units)unitsMap.get(s); if (units == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized units: "+s); } else return units; } /** * return canonical das2 unit for colloquial time. * @param s string containing time unit like s, sec, millisec, etc. * @return */ public static Units lookupTimeLengthUnit(String s) throws ParseException { s= s.toLowerCase().trim(); if ( s.startsWith("sec") || s.equals("s") ) { return Units.seconds; } else if ( s.startsWith("ms") || s.startsWith("millisec") || s.startsWith("milliseconds") ) { return Units.milliseconds; } else if ( s.equals("hr") || s.startsWith("hour") ) { return Units.hours; } else if ( s.equals("mn") || s.startsWith("min") ) { return Units.minutes; } else if ( s.startsWith("us") || s.startsWith("\u00B5s" ) || s.startsWith("micros")) { return Units.microseconds; } else if ( s.startsWith("ns") || s.startsWith("nanos" ) ) { return Units.nanoseconds; } else if ( s.startsWith("d") ) { //TODO: yikes... return Units.days; } else { throw new ParseException("failed to identify unit: "+s,0); } } /** * lookupUnits canonical units object, or allocate one. If one is * allocated, then parse for "<unit> since <datum>" and add conversion to * "microseconds since 2000-001T00:00." Note leap seconds are ignored! * @param base the base time, for example 2000-001T00:00. * @param offsetUnits the offset units for example microseconds. Positive values of the units will be since the base time. * @return the unit. */ public static synchronized Units lookupTimeUnits( Datum base, Units offsetUnits ) { Units result; String canonicalName = "" + offsetUnits + " since "+ base; try { result= Units.getByName(canonicalName); return result; } catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) { Basis basis= new Basis( "since "+ base, "since "+ base, Basis.since2000, base.doubleValue(Units.us2000), Units.us2000.getOffsetUnits().id ); result= new TimeLocationUnits( canonicalName, canonicalName, offsetUnits, basis ); result.registerConverter( Units.us2000, new UnitsConverter.ScaleOffset( offsetUnits.convertDoubleTo(Units.microseconds, 1.0), base.doubleValue(Units.us2000) ) ); return result; } } /** * lookupUnits canonical units object, or allocate one. If one is * allocated, then parse for "<unit> since <datum>" and add conversion to * "microseconds since 2000-001T00:00" (us2000). Note leap seconds are ignored * in the returned units, so each day is 86400 seconds long, and differences in * times should not include leap seconds. Note this contains a few kludges * as this for datasets encountered by Autoplot. * @param units string like "microseconds since 2000-001T00:00" which will be the id. * @return a units object that implements. * @throws java.text.ParseException if the time cannot be parsed, etc. */ public static synchronized Units lookupTimeUnits( String units ) throws ParseException { Units result; //see if it's already registered. try { result= Units.getByName(units); return result; } catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) { //do nothing until later } if(units.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("UTC")) return us2000; String[] ss= units.split("since"); Units offsetUnits= lookupTimeLengthUnit(ss[0]); Datum datum; if ( ss[1].equals(" 1-1-1 00:00:00" ) ) { // make this into something that won't crash. //datum= Units.mj1958.createDatum(-714779); ss[1]= "1901-01-01 00:00:00"; // /media/mini/data.backup/examples/netcdf/sst.ltm.1961-1990.nc } if ( ss[1].contains("1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 0:00") ) { ss[1]= "1970-01-01 00:00:00"; } if ( ss[1].endsWith(" UTC") ) { // http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/stp/satellite/dmsp/f16/ssj/2011/01/f16_20110101_ssj.h5?TIME ss[1]= ss[1].substring(0,ss[1].length()-4); } datum= TimeUtil.create(ss[1]); return lookupTimeUnits( datum, offsetUnits ); } /** * lookupUnits canonical units object, or allocate one if the * unit has not been used already. * Examples include: * "nT" where it's already allocated, * "apples" where it allocates a new one, and * "seconds since 2011-12-21T00:00" where it uses lookupTimeUnits. * @param sunits string identifier. * @return canonical units object. * @see #getByName(java.lang.String) */ public static synchronized Units lookupUnits(String sunits) { Units result; sunits= sunits.trim(); try { result= Units.getByName(sunits); } catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) { sunits= java.text.Normalizer.normalize( sunits, Normalizer.Form.NFC ); try { result= Units.getByName(sunits); return result; } catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex2 ) { logger.fine("normalized version did not fix"); } if ( sunits.contains(" since ") || sunits.equalsIgnoreCase("UTC") ) { try { result = lookupTimeUnits(sunits); } catch (ParseException ex1) { result= new NumberUnits( sunits ); } } else if ( sunits.equals("sec") ) { // begin, giant table of kludges result= Units.seconds; } else if ( sunits.equals("msec") ) { // CDF result= Units.milliseconds; } else if ( sunits.contains("(All Qs)")) { //themis files have this annotation on the units. Register a converter. TODO: solve this in a nice way. The problem is I wouldn't want to assume nT(s) doesn't mean nT * sec. result= new NumberUnits( sunits ); Units targetUnits= lookupUnits( sunits.replace("(All Qs)","").trim() ); result.registerConverter( targetUnits, UnitsConverter.IDENTITY ); } else { Pattern multPattern= Pattern.compile("([.0-9]+)\\s*([a-zA-Z]+)"); Matcher m= multPattern.matcher(sunits); if ( m.matches() ) { // kludge for ge_k0_mgf which has "0.1nT" for units. We register a converter when we see these. Note this is going to need more attention try { Units convTo; convTo = lookupUnits(m.group(2)); if ( convTo!=null ) { double fact= Double.parseDouble(m.group(1)); result= new NumberUnits( sunits ); result.registerConverter( convTo, new UnitsConverter.ScaleOffset(fact,0.0) ); } else { result= lookupUnits(sunits); } } catch ( NumberFormatException ex2 ) { result= lookupUnits(sunits); } } else { result= new NumberUnits( sunits ); } } } // look to see if there is a standard unit for this and register a converter if so. E.g. [ms]<-->ms String stdunits= sunits; if ( stdunits.startsWith("[") && stdunits.endsWith("]") ) { // we can't just pop these off. Hudson has case where this causes problems. We need to make units in vap files canonical as well. stdunits= stdunits.substring(1,stdunits.length()-1); } if ( stdunits.startsWith("(") && stdunits.endsWith(")") ) { // often units get [] or () put around them. Pop these off. stdunits= stdunits.substring(1,stdunits.length()-1); } if ( !stdunits.equals(sunits) ) { Units stdUnit= lookupUnits(stdunits); // we need to register "foo" when "[foo]" so that order doesn't matter. if ( !stdUnit.isConvertibleTo(result) ) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "registering identity converter {0} -> {1}", new Object[]{stdUnit, result}); stdUnit.registerConverter( result, UnitsConverter.IDENTITY ); stdUnit.getConverter(result); } } return result; } /** * return unit for identifying nominal data. Strings are enumerated using * this unit using the result's create(string) method, which returns a datum * representing the string. This method allocates * a number for the string if one hasn't already been allocated, and the * name is unique within the namespace "default". * @return an EnumerationUnit with the namespace "default" */ public static EnumerationUnits nominal() { return nominal("default"); } /** * return unit for identifying nominal data. Strings are enumerated using * this unit using the result's create(string) method, which returns a datum * representing the string. This method allocates * a number for the string if one hasn't already been allocated, and the * name is unique within the namespace named. * @param nameSpace * @return an EnumerationUnit. */ public static EnumerationUnits nominal( String nameSpace ) { return EnumerationUnits.create(nameSpace); } public static void main( String[] args ) throws java.text.ParseException { //Datum ratio = Datum.create(100); Datum ratio = Units.ampRatio.createDatum(100); Datum db = ratio.convertTo(dB); System.out.println("ratio: " + ratio); System.out.println("dB: " + db); Datum Hz = Datum.create(1000000.0, hertz); Datum kHz = Hz.convertTo(kiloHertz); Datum MHz = kHz.convertTo(megaHertz); System.out.println("Hz: " + Hz); System.out.println("kHz: " + kHz); System.out.println("MHz: " + MHz); System.err.println( Units.ms1970.createDatum(1000) ); } }