Best Formatter Purpose: for a group of numbers, select a formatter that correctly and efficiently represents each number of the set. Cases: 1. linearly spaced. 2. logarithmically spaced. 3. arbitary set of similar magnitude 4. arbitary set of differing magnitudes 3a. similar, large magnitude 3b. similar, order-one magnitude Is (1) an instance of (3), and (2) an instance of (4)? Case 3b solution: Find the greatest common divisor of the numbers, and let this set the number of fractional decimal places. Case 3a solution: Identify the base exponent to make each number order one, specifically so the mantissas of the numbers vary from 1-100. Then use gcd to determine number of digimal places, and express each number with the common exponent pulled out. Case 4 solution: ??? Case 3 examples: dv= DatumVector.newDatumVector( new double[] { 100000, 125000, 105000 }, Units.dimensionless ); Case 4 examples: dv= DatumVector.newDatumVector( new double[] { 0.002, 2.001, 105.001 }, Units.dimensionless ); dv= DatumVector.newDatumVector( new double[] { 1e3, 1e6, 1e9, 2.345e7 }, Units.dimensionless ); dv= DatumVector.newDatumVector( new double[] { 0.001, 1.0, 1000.00 }, Units.dimensionless );