/* Copyright (c) 2003. All Rights Reserved. * * This is the distribution of classes developed at IGPP/UCLA. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * See the COPYING file located in the top-level-directory of * the archive of this library for complete text of license. * */ package gov.nasa.pds.ppi.label; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; /** * PDSElement is a class that contains a single definition or line * as specified in the PDS Object Defnition Language (ODL). * In this context a line may be an simple line of text, a block of * commented text, or a keyword/value pair. A value may extend * over more than one physical line if it is quoted or part of * a value set. * * @author Todd King * @author Planetary Data System * @version 1.0, 02/21/03 * @since 1.0 */ public class PDSElement { // Enumeration of possible value type /** Unspecified grouping type. */ public static final int TYPE_NONE = 0; /** Ordered list of values. */ public static final int TYPE_ORDERED = 1; /** An unordered list of values. */ public static final int TYPE_UNORDERED = 2; /** A blank line */ public static final int TYPE_BLANK_LINE = 3; /** A comment */ public static final int TYPE_COMMENT = 4; /** The text found before the equal sign of an element. If the element does not * contain and equal sign the value is blank. */ public String mKeyword = ""; /** An array containing a PDSValue object for each value following * the equal sign in the element. There may be any number of * values. */ public ArrayList mValue = new ArrayList(); /** The basic type of the value. Possible values include: *
Unspecified grouping type
An ordered list of values
A unordered list of values
*/ public int mType = TYPE_NONE; /** The comment text found within the element. If the element does not contain a comment * the value is blank. */ public String mComment = ""; /** The raw line as read from the file. */ public char[] mRaw = null; /** Maximum line length when printing. Really its 80 including the DOS style new line (2 bytes). * All lines are wrapped if they exceed this length */ public int mMaxLength = 78; /** The count of the number of physical lines parsed into this element */ public int mLineCount = 0; public String mSource= ""; /** Indicates whether a symtax error occurred will parsing or reading a line. */ public boolean mSyntaxError = false; /** Creates an instance of a PDSElement */ public PDSElement() { } /** Creates an instance of a PDSElement */ public PDSElement(int line) { mLineCount = line; } public PDSElement( int line, String source ) { mSource= source; } /** * Clears an element and set it to an initial state **/ public void clear() { mKeyword = ""; mValue.clear(); mType = TYPE_NONE; mComment = ""; mRaw = null; mMaxLength = 78; mLineCount = 0; mSyntaxError = false; } /** * Parses the next element from a file stream. An element * is a single definition or line as specified in the PDS * Object Defnition Language (ODL). In this context a line * may be an simple line of text, a block of commented text, * or a keyword/value pair. A value may extend over more than * one physical line if it is quoted or part of a value set. * * @param reader the input file stream. * * @return true if an element was parsed from the stream; * false if the end of file or an error was encountered. * @since 1.0 */ /* @see FileInputStream */ // Note: We use character arrays for optimization. Long strings // are very slow to parse. public boolean parse(BufferedReader reader) throws PDSException { char lastC = 0; char c = 0; int quote = ' '; int i; int total = 0; boolean inQuote = false; boolean inBlock = false; boolean inComment = false; boolean inUnits = false; boolean add = true; int commentStart; int commentEnd; boolean scanning = true; String buffer; try { clear(); while(scanning) { mRaw = readLine(reader); if(mRaw == null) return false; // End of file total = strlen(mRaw); // if(total == 0) continue; // Keep reading // Now parse the raw string // Extract comment from string commentStart = 0; commentEnd = 0; inComment = false; inQuote = false; lastC = 0; for(i = 0; i < total; i++) { c = mRaw[i]; if(!inComment) { // Check if in quote if(c == '"') { if(inQuote) inQuote = false; else inQuote = true; } } if(!inQuote) { // Check if in comment if(lastC == '/' && c == '*') { commentStart = i-1; inComment = true; } if(lastC == '*' && c == '/') { commentEnd = i; inComment = false; add = false; } } lastC = c; if(inComment) { mComment += (char) c; continue; } } if(mComment.length() > 0) mComment = mComment.substring(1); // Remove leading "*"; if(mComment.length() > 0) mComment = mComment.substring(0, mComment.length() - 1); // Remove trailing "*" // Remove comment from raw buffer; if(commentStart != commentEnd) { deleteString(mRaw, commentStart, commentEnd); } trimSpace(mRaw); total = strlen(mRaw); if(total == 0) { if(commentEnd > 0) { mType = TYPE_COMMENT; } else { mType = TYPE_BLANK_LINE; } return true; } scanning = false; } // Check for END statement if(total >= 3) { buffer = new String(mRaw, 0, 3); if(total > 3) c = mRaw[3]; else c = ' '; if(buffer.compareTo("END") == 0 && Character.isWhitespace(c)) { mKeyword = "END"; return false; } } // Extract keyword and parse value i = indexOf(mRaw, '='); if(i == -1) { // Just a word - check if "END" mKeyword = new String(mRaw, 0, total); if(total > 14) { // Check for CCSD tag if(mKeyword.substring(0, 14).compareTo("CCSD3ZF0000100") == 0) return true; } if(mKeyword.compareTo("END") == 0) return false; // End of label - no more keywords throw(new PDSException("Syntax error. Unrecognized plain word (" + mKeyword + ") at line " + mLineCount)); } // Extract keyword mKeyword = new String(mRaw, 0, i); mKeyword = mKeyword.trim(); // Extract value return parseValue(mRaw, i+1); } catch(PDSException e) { throw(e); } } public int indexOf(char[] cbuff, char c) { for(int i = 0; i < cbuff.length; i++) { if(cbuff[i] == c) return i; } return -1; } public void deleteString(char[] cbuff, int start, int end) { int i; int n = start; for(i = end+1; i < cbuff.length; i++) { cbuff[n++] = cbuff[i]; } for(i = n; i < cbuff.length; i++) { cbuff[i] = '\0'; } } public int strlen(char[] cbuff) { return strlen(cbuff, 0); } public int strlen(char[] cbuff, int startAt) { int total = cbuff.length; for(int i = startAt; i < total; i++) {if(cbuff[i] == '\0') return i-startAt; } return cbuff.length-startAt; } /** * Read the next element definition from an input file stream. * An element may extend over more than one physical line if it * is quoted or part of a value set. * * @param reader the input file stream. * * @return true if an element was parsed from the stream; * false if the end of file or an error was encountered. * * @since 1.0 */ /* @see FileInputStream */ public char[] readLine(BufferedReader reader) throws PDSException { int lastC = 0; int c = 0; int quote = ' '; boolean inQuote = false; boolean inLiteral = false; boolean inList = false; boolean inOrderedList = false; boolean inComment = false; boolean inUnits = false; boolean inValue = false; boolean foundValue = false; boolean foundComment = false; int n = 0; int total = 0; int maxBuffer = 4048; char[] buffer = new char[maxBuffer]; ArrayList buffList = new ArrayList(); mSyntaxError = false; try { while((c = reader.read()) != -1) { buffer[n] = (char) c; n++; total++; if(n == maxBuffer) { buffList.add(buffer); buffer = new char[4048]; n = 0; } if(c == '\n') mLineCount++; if(!inComment) { // Check for quoting if(c == '"') { if(inQuote) inQuote = false; else inQuote = true; } } if(!inQuote) { // Check if in comment if(lastC == '/' && c == '*') { inComment = true; } if(lastC == '*' && c == '/') { inComment = false; foundComment = true; } } lastC = c; if(inQuote) continue; if(inComment) continue; if(inValue && !isSpace(c)) { foundValue = true; } if(c == '{') { if(inList) throw(new PDSException("List in a list") ); else inList = true; } if(c == '}') { if(!inList) throw(new PDSException("End of list without start of list") ); else inList = false; } if(c == '(') { if(inOrderedList) throw(new PDSException("Ordered list in an ordered list") ); else inOrderedList = true; } if(c == ')') { if(!inOrderedList) throw(new PDSException("End of ordered list without start of ordered list") ); else inOrderedList = false; } if(c == '\'') { if(inLiteral) inLiteral = false; else inLiteral = true; } if(c == '<') { if(inUnits) { mSyntaxError = true; return null; } inUnits = true; } if(c == '>') { if(!inUnits) { mSyntaxError = true; return null; } inUnits = false; } if(c == '=') { inValue = true; } if(c == '\n' && !foundValue && foundComment) break; if(c == '\n' && foundValue && !inComment && !inQuote && !inList && !inOrderedList && !inLiteral && !inUnits) break; if(c == '\n' && !inValue && !inComment && !inQuote && !inList && !inOrderedList && !inLiteral && !inUnits) break; } } catch(MalformedInputException e){ buffer = null; throw new PDSException( "Malformed Label Input, file is not 7-Bit ASCII safe"); } catch(IOException e) { buffer = null; throw new PDSException(e); } if(c == -1 && total == 0) return null; // End of file if(n > 0) { buffList.add(buffer); } // Build up return string int i; int start = 0; int end; int remaining = total; char[] cbuff = new char[total]; Iterator t = buffList.iterator(); while(t.hasNext()) { buffer = (char[]) t.next(); n = remaining; if(n > maxBuffer) n = maxBuffer; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) cbuff[start+i] = buffer[i]; start += n; remaining -= n; } return cbuff; } /** * Trims the leading and trailing white space from a character array. * White space characters are tab, space, new line, return. * * @param cbuff the character array to trim. * * @since 1.0 */ public void trimSpace(char[] cbuff) { trimSpace(cbuff, 0); } /** * Trims the leading and trailing white space from a character array. * White space characters are tab, space, new line, return. * * @param cbuff the character array to trim. * * @since 1.0 */ public void trimSpace(char[] cbuff, int startAt) { // Trim leading and trailing space int start; int end; int i, n; int total = cbuff.length; for(end = total-1; end > -1; end--) { if(! isSpace(cbuff[end])) { break; } } for(start = startAt; start < end; start++) { if(! isSpace(cbuff[start])) { break; } } if(start > startAt || end < total-1) { n = startAt; for(i = start; i <= end; i++) cbuff[n++] = cbuff[i]; for(i = end+1; i < total; i++) cbuff[n++] = '\0'; // Zero fill } } /** * Determines if a character is a white space character. * White space characters are tab, space, new line, return. * * @param c the character to check. * * @return true if the character is white space; * false otherwise. * * @since 1.0 */ public boolean isSpace(int c) { if(c == ' ') return true; if(c == '\n') return true; if(c == '\r') return true; if(c == '\t') return true; return false; } /** * Determines if an element is an "OBJECT". * * @return true if element is an OBJECT; * false otherwise. * * @since 1.0 */ public boolean isObject() { if(mKeyword.compareToIgnoreCase("OBJECT") == 0) return true; return false; } /** * Parses a string as a value according to the PDS * Object Defnition Language (ODL). In this context a value * can be a string, literal or list of values. Lists may * be ordered (enclosed in parenthesis () ) or unordered (enclosed * in curly braces {} ). A value may extend over more than * one physical line if it is quoted or part of a value set. * * @param cbuff the string to parse as a value. * * @return true if an value was parsed from properly; * false if the an error was encountered. * * @since 1.0 */ public boolean parseValue(char[] cbuff, int startAt) throws PDSException { char c = 0; int quote = ' '; int i; boolean inQuote = false; boolean inComment = false; boolean inUnits = false; boolean inList = false; PDSValue value; int maxValBuff = 8192; char[] valBuff = new char[maxValBuff]; int valN = 0; inQuote = false; inUnits = false; mValue.clear(); if(strlen(cbuff) <= startAt || startAt >= strlen(cbuff)) { // No value throw(new PDSException("Empty value at line " + mLineCount)); } value = new PDSValue(); mValue.add(value); // Optimization for long quoted strings if(cbuff[startAt] == '"' && cbuff[startAt + strlen(cbuff, startAt) - 1] == '"') { value.mValue = new String(cbuff, startAt+1, strlen(cbuff, startAt)-2); value.mType = PDSValue.TYPE_STRING; return true; } // Parse all other types valN = 0; for(i = startAt; i < cbuff.length; i++) { c = cbuff[i]; if(c == '\0') break; // End of line if(inQuote && c == quote) { inQuote = false; quote = ' '; continue; } if(!inQuote && isSpace(c)) continue; // Ignore white space if(!inQuote && (c == '"' || c == '\'')) { inQuote = true; if(c == '"') { quote = '"'; value.mType = PDSValue.TYPE_STRING; } if(c == '\'') { quote = '\''; value.mType = PDSValue.TYPE_LITERAL; } continue; } if(inQuote) { if(valN < maxValBuff) {valBuff[valN++] = c;} continue; } if(c == '{' || c == '(') { if(inList) throw(new PDSException("Syntax error - list in list - at line: " + mLineCount)); switch(c) { case '{': mType = TYPE_ORDERED; break; case '(': mType = TYPE_UNORDERED; break; } inList = true; continue; } if(c == '}' || c == ')') { // End of list markers if(!inList) throw(new PDSException("Syntax error - end of list without start of list - at line: " + mLineCount + new String(cbuff))); inList = false; continue; // List markers } if(c == '<') { inUnits = true; continue; } if(c == '>') { inUnits = false; continue; } if(!inUnits && c == ',') { value.mValue = new String(valBuff, 0, valN); valN = 0; value = new PDSValue(); mValue.add(value); continue; } if(inUnits) value.mUnits += c; else { if(valN < maxValBuff) valBuff[valN++] = c; } } if(valN > 0) { value.mValue = new String(valBuff, 0, valN); } return true; } /** * Sets the value of an element. The type of the value is set to TYPE_NODE. * Clears any currently set values. * * @param buffer the string to use as a value. * * @return true if an value was parsed from properly; * false if the an error was encountered. * * @since 1.0 */ public boolean setValue(String buffer) throws PDSException { return setValue(buffer, PDSValue.TYPE_NONE); } /** * Sets the value of an element and set the type of the value. * Clears any currently set values. * * @param buffer the string to use as a value. * @param type the type of the value. * * @return true if an value was parsed from properly; * false if the an error was encountered. * * @since 1.0 */ public boolean setValue(String buffer, int type) throws PDSException { mValue.clear(); PDSValue value = new PDSValue(); value.mValue = buffer; value.mType = type; mValue.add(value); return true; } /** * Parses a string as a value according to the PDS * Object Defnition Language (ODL). In this context a value * can be a stirng, literal or list of values. Lists may * be ordered (enclosed in parenthesis () ) or unordered (enclosed * in curly braces {} ). A value may extend over more than * one physical line if it is quoted or part of a value set. * * @param buffer the string to parse as a value. * * @return true if an value was parsed from properly; * false if the an error was encountered. * * @since 1.0 */ public boolean parseValue(String buffer) throws PDSException { int c = 0; int quote = ' '; int i; boolean inQuote = false; boolean inComment = false; boolean inUnits = false; PDSValue value; inQuote = false; inUnits = false; mValue.clear(); if(buffer.length() == 0) { throw(new PDSException("Empty value at line " + mLineCount)); } value = new PDSValue(); mValue.add(value); c = buffer.charAt(0); switch(c) { case '{': mType = TYPE_ORDERED; break; case '(': mType = TYPE_UNORDERED; break; default: mType = TYPE_NONE; break; } for(i = 0; i < buffer.length(); i++) { c = buffer.charAt(i); if(c == '\0') break; // End of line if(inQuote && c == quote) { inQuote = false; quote = ' '; continue; } if(!inQuote && Character.isWhitespace((char) c)) continue; // Ignore white space if(!inQuote && (c == '"' || c == '\'')) { inQuote = true; if(c == '"') { quote = '"'; value.mType = PDSValue.TYPE_STRING; } if(c == '\'') { quote = '\''; value.mType = PDSValue.TYPE_LITERAL; } continue; } if(inQuote) { value.mValue += (char) c; continue; } if(c == '{' || c == '(' || c == '}' || c == ')') continue; // List markers if(c == '<') { inUnits = true; continue; } if(c == '>') { inUnits = false; continue; } if(!inUnits && c == ',') { value = new PDSValue(); mValue.add(value); continue; } if(inUnits) value.mUnits += (char) c; else value.mValue += (char) c; } return true; } /** * Returns the number of values in the value list. * An element may contain any number of values, including 0. * For example, an element that is just comment text will * have a value size of 0. * * @return the number of values in the value list. * @since 1.0 */ public int valueSize() { return mValue.size(); } /** * Returns the value associated with the value item in the * value array that is assocaited with the given index. * If the index is out of range a blank value is returned. * * @param index the index of the value to return. * @return a string containing the value associated with the given index. * @since 1.0 */ public String value(int index) { PDSValue value; if(index < 0 || index >= mValue.size()) return ""; value = (PDSValue) mValue.get(index); return value.mValue; } /** * Returns the units associated with the value item in the * value array that is assocaited with the given index. * If the index is out of range a blank value is returned. * * @param index the index of the value to return. * @return a string containing the units associated with the given index. * @since 1.0 */ public String units(int index) { PDSValue value; if(index < 0 || index >= mValue.size()) return ""; value = (PDSValue) mValue.get(index); return value.mUnits; } /** * Create a copy of the element and return a new instance * of a PDSElement. * * @return a new instance of a PDSElement with the same content as this element. * @since 1.0 */ public PDSElement copy() { PDSElement element = new PDSElement(); element.mComment = mComment; element.mKeyword = mKeyword; element.mRaw = mRaw; element.mType = mType; element.mValue = mValue; return element; } /** * Print the element according to PDS specifications for label * files to Syste.out. The line that is output can be indented with the equal sign * (when present) placed at a fixed position. The line is printed to System.out. * * @param indent the number of spaces to indent for each level. * @param equal the number of spaces from the end of the indent * to align the equal sign for elements which have * a keyword and value. * @param level the current level of indenting. The number of spaces * the element will be indented is level*indent * @since 1.0 */ public void print(int indent, int equal, int level) { print(System.out, indent, equal, level); } /** * Print the element according to PDS specifications for label * files. The line that is output can be indented with the equal sign * (when present) placed at a fixed position. The line is printed to System.out. * * @param out the stream to print the element to. * @param indent the number of spaces to indent for each level. * @param equal the number of spaces from the end of the indent * to align the equal sign for elements which have * a keyword and value. * @param level the current level of indenting. The number of spaces * the element will be indented is level*indent * @since 1.0 */ public void print(PrintStream out, int indent, int equal, int level) { int i, k, n; int realIndent = 0; PDSValue value; int col; boolean checkWrap; String newline = "\r\n"; switch(mType) { case TYPE_BLANK_LINE: out.print(newline); return; case TYPE_COMMENT: out.print("/*" + mComment + "*/" + newline); return; } // Print keyword if(mKeyword.length() != 0) { realIndent = indent * level; printSpaces(out, realIndent); out.print(mKeyword); } // Print value n = mValue.size(); if(n != 0) { k = equal - mKeyword.length() - realIndent; if(k < 0) k = 1; printSpaces(out, k); out.print("= "); col = equal + 2; // Start of value if(n > 1) { // If more than one value in list switch(mType) { case TYPE_ORDERED: out.print("{"); col++; break; case TYPE_UNORDERED: out.print("("); col++; break; } } // Print each value checkWrap = true; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { value = (PDSValue) mValue.get(i); if(i != 0) { out.print(", "); col += 2; } if(mType != TYPE_NONE || !value.isQuoted()) checkWrap = true; else checkWrap = false; if(checkWrap && col + value.length() > mMaxLength) { out.print("\r\n"); col = equal + 2; printSpaces(out, col); } col += value.length(); value.print(out, equal+2, 4, mMaxLength); checkWrap = true; } if(n > 1) { // If more than one value in list switch(mType) { case TYPE_ORDERED: out.print("}"); break; case TYPE_UNORDERED: out.print(")"); break; } } } // Print comment if(mComment.length() > 0) { if(mKeyword.length() > 0) out.print(" "); out.print("/*" + mComment + "*/"); } out.print(newline); } /** * Create a string representation of the value. * * @return a String containing the formatted value. * * @since 1.0 * */ public String valueString() { return valueString(false, false); } /** * Create a string representation of the value. * * @param plain flag indicating if the value is not to be adorned * with appropriate quotation marks. * * @return a String containing the formatted value. * * @since 1.0 * */ public String valueString(boolean plain) { return valueString(plain, true); } /** * Create a string representation of the value. * * @param plain flag indicating if the value is not to be adorned * with appropriate quotation marks. * @param odl flag indicating if the value is to be formated with * ODL syntax for lists. * * @return a String containing the formatted value. * * @since 1.0 * */ public String valueString(boolean plain, boolean odl) { String buffer; PDSValue value; int i, n; // Format value buffer = ""; n = mValue.size(); if(n != 0) { // Format each value for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { if(i != 0) buffer += ", "; value = (PDSValue) mValue.get(i); buffer += value.formatValue(plain); } if(n > 1 && odl) { // If more than one value in list switch(mType) { case TYPE_ORDERED: buffer = "{" + buffer + "}"; break; case TYPE_UNORDERED: buffer = "(" + buffer + ")"; break; } } } return buffer; } /** * Dump all information about an element. * * @param out the stream to print the element to. * * @since 1.0 */ public void dump(PrintStream out) { PDSValue value; out.println("Keyword: " + mKeyword); out.println("Line Count: " + mLineCount); out.println("Type: " + mType); out.println("Comment: " + mComment); out.println("Raw line: " + mRaw); out.println("--- Parsed values ---"); out.println("Number of values: " + mValue.size()); for(int i = 0; i < mValue.size(); i++) { value = (PDSValue) mValue.get(i); value.dump(out); } } /** * Print a string of spaces to an output stream. * * @param out the stream to print the element to. * @param count the number of spaces to print. * * @since 1.0 */ public void printSpaces(PrintStream out, int count) { for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) out.print(" "); } /** Returns the keyword name if any and the first value. * * @todo For comments the entire comment is returned. This * should probably be length limited to about 40 characters. */ @Override public String toString(){ if(mType == TYPE_BLANK_LINE) return ""; if(mType == TYPE_COMMENT) return mComment; if(mValue.size() > 1) return mKeyword+" = ("+value(0)+", ...)"; if(mValue.size() == 1) return mKeyword+" = "+value(0); return mKeyword+" = "; } }