resourceURI= getParam( 'resourceURI', '', 'example file to load' ) antenna= getParam( 'antenna', 0, 'the antenna to load when multiple dual antenna file is used.', [0,1] ) #resourceURI='/home/masafumi/Linux/sps_example/150127042000.sps' #Type SkyPipeHeader # version As String * 10 # Start As Double # Finish As Double # Lat As Double # Lng As Double # MaxY As Double # MinY As Double # TimeZone As Integer # Source As String * 10 # Author As String * 20 # LocalName As String * 20 # Location As String * 40 # Channels As Integer # NoteLength As Long #End Type start= getDataSet( 'vap+bin:'+resourceURI+'?recLength=8&type=double&byteOffset=10&recCount=1' ) finish= getDataSet( 'vap+bin:'+resourceURI+'?recLength=8&type=double&byteOffset=18&recCount=1' ) start= putProperty( start[0], QDataSet.UNITS, Units.lookupTimeUnits('days since 1899-12-30T00:00') ) finish= putProperty( finish[0], QDataSet.UNITS, Units.lookupTimeUnits('days since 1899-12-30T00:00') ) headerLength= 10 + 6*8 + 2 + 10 + 20 + 20 + 40 + 2 + 4 header= getDataSet( 'vap+bin:'+resourceURI+'?byteOffset=0&byteLength=%d' % (headerLength ) ) headerDoubles= getDataSet( 'vap+bin:'+resourceURI+'?type=double&byteOffset=10&byteLength=48') lat= headerDoubles[2] lon= headerDoubles[3] timezone= getDataSet( 'vap+bin:'+resourceURI+'?type=short&byteOffset=58&byteLength=2') timezone= timezone[0] obsauthor= map( chr, map( int, header[70:90] ) ) obsauthor= ''.join(obsauthor) obsauthor= obsauthor.strip() obsname= map( chr, map( int, header[90:110] ) ) obsname= ''.join(obsname) obsname= obsname.strip() obslocation= map( chr, map( int, header[110:150] ) ) obslocation= ''.join(obslocation) obslocation= obslocation.strip() noteLength= getDataSet( 'vap+bin:'+resourceURI+'?recLength=4&type=int&byteOffset=%d&recCount=1' % (headerLength-4) ) noteLength= noteLength[0] noteUri='vap+bin:'+resourceURI+'?byteOffset=%d&byteLength=%d' % (headerLength, noteLength ) note= getDataSet( noteUri ) r= where( note.eq(255) ) note[r]= 10 note= map( chr, map( int, note ) ) note= ''.join(note) note= note[4:-4] sDualSpecFile='F' from java.util import LinkedHashMap meta= LinkedHashMap() meta.put( 'lat', lat ) meta.put( 'lon', lon ) meta.put( 'ObsAuthor', obsauthor) meta.put( 'ObsName', obsname) meta.put( 'ObsLocation', obslocation) meta.put( 'TimeZone', timezone) index= 0 for n in note.split('\n'): if n.startswith('HIF'): hif= dataset( float( n[3:] ), Units.hertz ) meta.put( 'HIF', hif ) elif n.startswith('LOWF'): lowf= dataset( float( n[4:] ), Units.hertz ) meta.put( 'LOWF', lowf ) elif n.startswith('SWEEPS'): i= int( n[6:] ) meta.put( 'SWEEPS', i ) elif n.startswith('STEPS'): i= int( n[5:] ) meta.put( 'STEPS', i ) elif n.startswith('DUALSPECFILE'): i= n[12:] sDualSpecFile= n[12:13] meta.put( 'DUALSPECFILE', i ) elif n.startswith('RCP'): i= n[3:] meta.put( 'RCP', i ) elif n.startswith('ANTENNATYPE'): meta.put( n[0:11], n[11:] ) elif n.startswith('ANTENNAAZIMUTH'): i= n[14:] meta.put( n[0:14], i ) elif n.startswith('ANTENNAELEVATION'): i= n[16:] meta.put( n[0:16], i ) elif n.startswith('ANTENNAPOLARIZATION'): meta.put( n[0:20], n[20:] ) elif n.startswith('COLORFILE'): meta.put( n[0:9], n[9:] ) elif n.startswith('COLOROFFSET'): meta.put( n[0:12], n[12:] ) elif n.startswith('COLORGAIN'): meta.put( n[0:10], n[10:] ) elif n.startswith('COLORRES'): # no tag means 10-bit data sDataBit='10-bit' if int(n[8]) == 1: sDataBit='12-bit' meta.put( 'COLORRES', sDataBit ) elif n.startswith('BANNER'): meta.put( n[0:7], n[7:] ) elif n.startswith('RCVR'): meta.put( 'RCVR', n[4:] ) else: meta.put( 'index%03d'%index , n ) index= index+1 #print 'note=', note print 'sDualSpecFile %s'%(sDualSpecFile) print 'byteOffset=%d' % ( headerLength + noteLength ) channelsUri= 'vap+bin:'+resourceURI+'?recLength=2&type=ushort&byteOffset=%d&recCount=1&byteOrder=little' % (headerLength-6) print 'channelsUri=', channelsUri channels= getDataSet( channelsUri ) channels= channels[0] print 'channels=', channels print 'file length should be %d ' % ( headerLength + noteLength + ( 2 + channels*2 ) *621 ) #ds= getDataSet( 'vap+bin:'+resourceURI+'?recLength=16&type=double&byteOffset=%d&validMax=1e20&validMin=-1e20&recOffset=8' % ( headerLength + noteLength ) ) ds= getDataSet( 'vap+bin:'+resourceURI+'?recLength=%d&byteOffset=%d&type=ushort&rank2=0:%d&recOffset=2&byteOrder=big' % ( 2 + channels*2, headerLength + noteLength, channels) ) if ( sDualSpecFile=='T' ): ds= ds[antenna::2] ttag= linspace( start, finish, ds.length() ) #ds= putProperty( ds, QDataSet.METADATA, #tt= putProperty( tt, QDataSet.UNITS, Units.lookupTimeUnits('days since 1900-01-03T00:00') ) #plot( ds[-1000:] ) #plot( 1, tt ) #d= ds[:,::2] print hif, lowf ytags= linspace( hif, lowf, int(channels) ) #plot( ttag, ytags, ds ) result= link( ttag, ytags, ds ) result= putProperty( result, QDataSet.METADATA, meta ) yds= QDataSet.DEPEND_1 ) yds.putProperty( QDataSet.UNITS,Units.hertz) yds.putProperty( QDataSet.LABEL, 'Frequency (MHz)' ) yds= convertUnitsTo( yds, Units.megaHertz ) xds= QDataSet.DEPEND_0 ) xds.putProperty( QDataSet.LABEL, 'Time (UT)' ) result= putProperty( result, QDataSet.DEPEND_1,yds) result= putProperty( result, QDataSet.DEPEND_0,xds) result= putProperty( result, QDataSet.TITLE, "%s (%s) @ %s"%(obsname, obsauthor, obslocation)) #plot( 1, ds[:,1::2] ) #plot(tt,ds)