= Debugging Java called from IDL = == Set up IDL-Java Bridge == Here is /home/jbf/.idl_bridge.sh: export IDLJAVAB_LIB_LOCATION=/usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/i386/client export IDLJAVAB_CONFIG=$HOME/etc/idljavabrc Here is "more ~/etc/idljavabrc | grep -v '^#' | uniq": JVM Classpath = $CLASSPATH:/media/mini/nbprojects/virbo/autoplot/VirboAutoplot/dist/jumbojar.jar:/usr/local/itt/idl64/resource/bridges/import/java/jbexamples.jar JVM Option1=-Xdebug JVM Option2=-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=localhost:41460,server=y,suspend=y Now Autoplot is linked in, and the JVM opens a JPDA port for debugging. Calling qds= OBJ_NEW('IDLjavaObject$GetDataSet', 'org.virbo.idlsupport.APDataSet') causes IDL to suspend until Netbeans connects to the port. Note hotswap classes works! == Problems == * 64 bit IDL on linux doesn't appear to work. * I read somewhere that on a mac, java 1.3 is always used, Autoplot requires 1.5. =20111101= I was not able to get this working with IDL8.1