resourceURI= getParam( 'resourceURI', '$Y$m$d_V03.cef', 'example file to load' ) timerange= getParam( 'timerange', '2005-02-12/2005-02-19', 'timerange to load' ) fast= getParam( 'fast', 'F', 'Fast version doesn''t list remote folders', ['T','F'] ) drtr= DatumRangeUtil.parseTimeRange(timerange) import time count=0 if ( False ): print params print '# resourceURI='+resourceURI print '# timerange='+timerange print '# fast='+fast if ( fast=='T' ): if ( resourceURI.find('$v')>-1 ): raise Exception("fast mode doesn't support $v") tp= TimeParser.create(resourceURI) st= tp.format(drtr.min(),None) dr= tp.parse( st,None ).getTimeRange() while ( dr.min().lt( drtr.max() ) ): st= tp.format(dr.min(),None) dr= print st count= count+1 else: from org.das2.fsm import FileStorageModel from org.das2.util.filesystem import FileSystem i= FileStorageModel.splitIndex( resourceURI ) root= resourceURI[0:i] # the static part of the name template= resourceURI[i:] # the templated part of the name fs= FileSystem.create( root ) fsm= FileStorageModel.create( fs, template ) names= fsm.getNamesFor( DatumRangeUtil.parseTimeRange(timerange) ) for n in names: print root + n count= count+1 if ( count==0 ): print '# '+resourceURI print '# '+timerange print '# none found.'