<%-- Document : script Created on : Jul 24, 2008, 9:46:49 AM Author : jbf --%> <%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> Autoplot Script Servlet

Autoplot Script Servlet Demo

This demonstrates how scripting might be used with Autoplot to provide precise specification of an image or access to the libraries it uses.

WARNING: This allows arbitrary code to be executed on the server, so this should not be left on and should not be advertised. We try to guard against attacks with taint-checking (for example, imports are not allowed nor formatDataSet, etc) but this is not thorough. Scripts are logged in /tmp/autoplotservlet or the location indicated in the environment variable AUTOPLOT_SERVLET_HOME. The file AUTOPLOT_SERVLET_HOME/allowhosts can be used to restrict access to the service, and by default only localhost is allowed. It is a list of allowed clients IP, allowing *'s (globs or wildcards) to match multiple IPs.

Note there are issues with the design right now, and this lacks abusive testing!

Documentation: Script Context Imported Codes

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