
This class implements an encoder for encoding byte data using the Base64 encoding scheme as specified in RFC 4648 and RFC 2045.

Instances of {@link Encoder} class are safe for use by multiple concurrent threads.

Unless otherwise noted, passing a {@code null} argument to a method of this class will cause a {@link java.lang.NullPointerException NullPointerException} to be thrown.


encode( byte[] src ) → byte

Encodes all bytes from the specified byte array into a newly-allocated byte array using the {@link Base64} encoding scheme. The returned byte array is of the length of the resulting bytes.


src - the byte array to encode


A newly-allocated byte array containing the resulting encoded bytes.

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encode( byte[] src, byte[] dst ) → int
encode( java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer ) → ByteBuffer


encodeToString( byte[] src ) → String

Encodes the specified byte array into a String using the {@link Base64} encoding scheme.

This method first encodes all input bytes into a base64 encoded byte array and then constructs a new String by using the encoded byte array and the {@link java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets#ISO_8859_1 ISO-8859-1} charset.

In other words, an invocation of this method has exactly the same effect as invoking new String(encode(src), StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1).


src - the byte array to encode


A String containing the resulting Base64 encoded characters

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withoutPadding( ) → Encoder

Returns an encoder instance that encodes equivalently to this one, but without adding any padding character at the end of the encoded byte data.

The encoding scheme of this encoder instance is unaffected by this invocation. The returned encoder instance should be used for non-padding encoding operation.


an equivalent encoder that encodes without adding any padding character at the end

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wrap( os ) → OutputStream

Wraps an output stream for encoding byte data using the {@link Base64} encoding scheme.

It is recommended to promptly close the returned output stream after use, during which it will flush all possible leftover bytes to the underlying output stream. Closing the returned output stream will close the underlying output stream.


os - the output stream.


the output stream for encoding the byte data into the specified Base64 encoded format

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