
DefaultVectorDataSet( double[] xTags, Units xUnits, double[] yValues, Units yUnits, java.util.Map properties )

Creates a new instance of DefaultVectorDataSet

DefaultVectorDataSet( double[] xTags, Units xUnits, double[] yValues, Units yUnits, java.util.Map yValuesMap, java.util.Map yUnitsMap, java.util.Map properties )

Creates a new instance of DefaultVectorDataSet The keys for the properties, yValuesMap, and unitsMap parameter must consist solely of String values. If any of these key sets contain non-string values an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. The key set of the yUnitsMap parameter must match exactly the key set of the yValuesMap. If their key sets do not exactly match, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.


getDatum( int i ) → Datum

Returns the Y value for the given index into the x tags as a Datum.


i - index of the x tag for the requested value.


the value at index location i as a Datum

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getDouble( int i, Units units ) → double

Returns the Y value for the given index into the x tags as a double with the given units.


i - index of the x tag for the requested value.
units - the units the returned value should be coverted to.


the value at index location i as a double.

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getInt( int i, Units units ) → int

Returns the Y value for the given index into the x tags as a int with the given units.


i - index of the x tag for the requested value.
units - the units the returned value should be coverted to.


the value at index location i as a int.

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getPlanarView( String planeID ) → DataSet

Returns a DataSet with the specified view as the primary view.


planeID - the String id of the requested plane.


the specified view, as a DataSet

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getPlaneIds( ) → String



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