# Copyright 2017 Andrew Rucker Jones. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. bean.instantiation.impossible=Basic instantiation of the given bean type (and subordinate beans created through recursion, if applicable) was determined to be impossible. chronology.not.found=A chronology named '%s' cannot be found. collection.cannot.be.instantiated=A collection of type [%s] cannot be instantiated with a nullary constructor. column.count.mismatch=The number of column names must be the same as the number of header names. column.name.bogus=Column names cannot be null, empty, or blank. column.nonexistant=The column named %s does not exist in the result set! conversion.impossible=Conversion of %1$s to %2$s failed. csvdate.not.date=@CsvDate annotation used on non-date field (%s). csvnumber.not.number=The annotation CsvNumber was used on a type not derived from java.lang.Number. csvreader.null=Unable to instantiate IterableCSVToBeanBuilder because there is no CSVReader defined. csvreaderheaderaware.impossible=It was not possible to initialize a CSVReaderHeaderAware. custom.converter.invalid=There was a problem instantiating the custom converter %s. define.separator=The separator character must be defined! error.introspecting.beans=There was an error while manipulating the bean to be written. error.introspecting.field=An introspection error was thrown while attempting to manipulate property %1$s of bean %2$s. error.writing.beans=There was an unrecoverable error while writing beans. field.not.multivaluedmap=The bean field must implement org.apache.commons.collections4.MultiValuedMap. field.not.primitive=The field must be primitive, boxed primitive, BigDecimal, BigInteger or String types only. header.data.mismatch=Number of data fields does not match number of headers. header.data.mismatch.with.line.number=Error on record number %d: The number of data elements is not the same as the number of header elements. Expected %d, found %d. header.error=Error capturing CSV header! header.name.bogus=Column header names cannot be null, empty, or blank. header.nonexistant=No column found for header [%s]. header.required.field.absent=Header is missing required fields [%s]. The list of headers encountered is [%s]. ignore.field.inconsistent=When specifying a field to ignore, both the type and the field must be non-null, and the field must be a member of the type, either directly or through inheritance. illegal.enum.value=The value [%1$s] is not a valid value for the enumeration type %2$s. invalid.currency.value=The value [%1$s] is not a valid ISO 4217 currency code. invalid.collection.type=The specified type for the collection is either unknown or does not implement java.util.Collection: %s invalid.date.format.string=The specified format string does not parse properly or cannot be used with the supplied data. The format string is: %s invalid.multivaluedmap.type=The specified type for the map is either unknown or does not implement org.apache.commons.collections4.MultiValuedMap: %s invalid.number.pattern=The pattern [%s] is not valid according to the rules of java.text.NumberFormat. invalid.one.parameter.format.string=The specified format string is not valid for one parameter of type string: %s invalid.range.definition=The specified range definition [%s] is invalid. invalid.regex=The specified regular expression is invalid: %s invalid.uuid.value=The value [%1$s] is not a valid pattern for UUID. map.cannot.be.instantiated=A multi-valued map of type [%s] cannot be instantiated with a nullary constructor. matching=Matches [%s] multiline.limit.broken=Encountered single record with more lines than the specified upper limit of %d (row %d). Context: %s multiple.required.field.empty=The following required fields were not present for one record of the input: no.converter.specified=A converter is necessary, but none has been specified. numberformat.not.decimalformat=A java.text.DecimalFormat is required in ConverterNumber, but the JDK returned some other derivative of java.text.NumberFormat. parsing.error=Error parsing CSV. parsing.error.full=Error parsing CSV line: %1$d, values: %2$s parsing.error.linenumber=Error parsing CSV line: %1$d. [%2$s] profile.not.found.date=No CsvDate annotation was found for the profile "%s". profile.not.found.number=No CsvNumber annotation was found for the profile "%s". read.only.iterator=This is a read-only iterator. reader.null=The Reader must always be non-null. recursion.binding.mutually.exclusive=Recursion and binding annotations are mutually exclusive. recursion.on.primitive=Recursion cannot be applied to primitive types. recursive.type.encountered.twice=The type %s was encountered twice during recursive mapping. regex.without.capture.group=The provided regular expression must have at least one capture group: %s required.field.empty=Field '%s' is mandatory but no value was provided. special.characters.must.differ=The separator, quote, and escape characters must be different! specify.strategy.reader=Both mapping strategy and CSVReader/Reader must be specified! strategy.type.missing=Either a mapping strategy or the type of the bean to be populated must be specified. type.before.header=You must call MappingStrategy.setType() before calling MappingStrategy.generateHeader(). type.unset=The type has not been set in the MappingStrategy. unassignable.collection.type=The Collection implementation specified (%s) cannot be assigned to the type of the bean field (%s). unassignable.multivaluedmap.type=The MultiValuedMap implementation specified (%s) cannot be assigned to the type of the bean field (%s). unparsable.number=The input [%1$s] could not be parsed as a number according to the pattern [%2$s]. unterminated.quote=Unterminated quoted field at end of CSV line. Beginning of lost text: [%s] validator.instantiation.impossible=Error instantiating validator %1$s for field %2$s. xmlgregoriancalendar.impossible=It was not possible to initialize an XMLGregorianCalendar.