/* * TagGenDataSet.java * * Created on April 24, 2007, 11:47 PM */ package org.das2.qds; import org.das2.datum.Units; /** * return a value based on the scale and offset. For example, this * is used to create timetags: *
 *   TagGenDataSet( 1440, 60, 0, Units.t2000 )
* These are the 1440 minutely timetags in the first day of 2000-01-01. * @author jbf */ public class TagGenDataSet extends AbstractRank1DataSet { double scale, offset; /** * create new dimensionless TagGenDataSet * @param length number of elements * @param scale the increment between elements * @param offset the value for the zeroth element. */ public TagGenDataSet( int length, double scale, double offset ) { this( length, scale, offset, null ); } /** * create new TagGenDataSet * @param length number of elements * @param scale the increment between elements * @param offset the value for the zeroth element. * @param units the units of the data. */ public TagGenDataSet( int length, double scale, double offset, Units units ) { super(length); this.scale= scale; this.offset= offset; if ( units!=null ) { putProperty( QDataSet.CADENCE, DRank0DataSet.create( scale, units.getOffsetUnits() ) ); putProperty( QDataSet.UNITS, units ); } else { putProperty( QDataSet.UNITS, Units.dimensionless ); putProperty( QDataSet.CADENCE, DRank0DataSet.create( scale, Units.dimensionless ) ); } if ( scale>0 ) putProperty( QDataSet.MONOTONIC, Boolean.TRUE ); } @Override public double value(int i) { return i * scale + offset; //TODO: check numerical stability, this is an extrapolation. } @Override public QDataSet trim(int start, int end) { if ( start==0 && end==length() ) { return this; } Units u= (Units)property(QDataSet.UNITS); if ( u==null ) u=Units.dimensionless; TagGenDataSet result= new TagGenDataSet( end-start, scale, offset + start*scale, u ); DataSetUtil.copyDimensionProperties( this, result ); return result; } @Override public QDataSet slice(int i) { Units u= (Units) property(QDataSet.UNITS); if ( u==null ) u=Units.dimensionless; return DRank0DataSet.create( i * scale + offset, u ); } }