# demos a bug where imin was rank 0 dataset, and it could not be used to # index another dataset because of __getitem__. xxs= linspace( PI, 2*PI, 101 ) xxs.putProperty( QDataSet.NAME, 'xxs' ) # for debugging. yys= sin( xxs ) yys.putProperty( QDataSet.NAME, 'yys' ) plot(xxs,yys) mn= reduceMin( yys, 0 ) mn.putProperty( QDataSet.NAME, 'mn' ) imin= where( yys.eq(mn) ) imin.putProperty( QDataSet.NAME, 'imin' ) print 1, imin print 2, imin[0] print 3, xxs[imin] print 4, xxs[0].rank() print 15, imin print 5, imin[0].rank() imin0= imin[0] print 6, xxs[imin0].rank()