Changes between #210 and #213
#211 (Feb 22, 2025 6:42:37 AM)
- release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail
- paste plot will also add bindings — Jeremy Faden / detail
- add "@see" comments — Jeremy Faden / detail
- copy bindings to clipboard as well. Introduce new method for searching for bindings
within two groups of DomNodes. — Jeremy Faden / detail - release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail
- showed where the code assumed there would be an independent axis. — Jeremy Faden / detail
- put the bindings into the clipboard plot. — Jeremy Faden / detail
- put the bindings into the clipboard plot. — Jeremy Faden / detail
- add getRow, getColumn, getPlot, and getPlotElement which are faster and more convenient than getElementById. Copy plots to clipboard now copies inset plots, connected by parent row and parent column. — Jeremy Faden / detail
- bug 2669: add way to relax check since vap+inline uses the parser but repeats are allowed (with the events tool). — Jeremy Faden / detail
- bug 2669: add way to relax check since vap+inline uses the parser but repeats are allowed (with the events tool). — Jeremy Faden / detail
- bug 2669: add way to relax check since vap+inline uses the parser but repeats are allowed (with the events tool).
— Jeremy Faden / detail - release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail
- release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail
- support rank 3 ordinal data in CDF (as with PSP EPILO) — Jeremy Faden / detail