Changes between #128 and #130

#130 (May 14, 2024 9:37:45 AM)

  1. release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail
  2. rfe829: add script editor dialog for setScriptDescription — Jeremy Faden / detail
  3. javadoc — Jeremy Faden / detail
  4. add no-arg constructor so that it can be used with the Netbeans Matisse GUI builder's Pallette Manager — Jeremy Faden / detail
  5. finally figured this out after walking though carefully and making no assumptions — Jeremy Faden / detail
  6. finally figured this out after walking though carefully and making no assumptions — Jeremy Faden / detail
  7. finally figured this out after walking though carefully and making no assumptions — Jeremy Faden / detail
  8. more experiments — Jeremy Faden / detail
  9. don't just execute "java" on the command line, since Java 8 doesn't provide return codes (I think). — Jeremy Faden / detail

#129 (May 13, 2024 2:42:05 PM)

  1. use -13 for the return code, since 100 doesn't seem to get through with Jenkins — Jeremy Faden / detail