Class for reading ascii tables into a VectorDataSet. This parses a file by looking at each line to see if it matches one of two Patterns: one for properties and one for records. If a record matched, then the record is matched and fields pulled out, parsed and insered a VectorDataSetBuilder. If a property is matched, then the builder property is set. Two Patterns are provided NAME_COLON_VALUE_PATTERN and NAME_EQUAL_VALUE_PATTERN for convenience. The record pattern is currently the number of fields identified with whitespace in between. Note the X tags are just the record numbers.
return the field count that would result in the largest number of records parsed. The entire file is scanned, and for each line the number of decimal fields is counted. At the end of the scan, the fieldCount with the highest record count is returned.
creates a parser with @param fieldCount fields, named "field0,...,fieldN"
Parse the file using the current settings.
Parse the stream using the current settings.
specify the Pattern used to recognize properties. Note property values are not parsed, they are provided as Strings.
limit the number of records read. parsing will stop at this limit.
skip a number of lines before trying to parse anything.