Quantitative Productshttps://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_doc/grib2_table4-2-3-1.shtmlESTPEstimated Precipitationkg m-2IRRATEInstantaneous Rain Ratekg m-2 s-1CTOPHCloud Top HeightmCTOPHQICloud Top Height Quality IndicatorCode table 4.219ESTUGRDEstimated u-Component of Windm s-1ESTVGRDEstimated v-Component of Windm s-1NPIXUNumber Of Pixels UsedNumericSOLZASolar Zenith AngleRAZARelative Azimuth AngleRFL06Reflectance in 0.6 Micron Channel%RFL08Reflectance in 0.8 Micron Channel%RFL16Reflectance in 1.6 Micron Channel%RFL39Reflectance in 3.9 Micron Channel%ATMDIVAtmospheric Divergences-1CBTMPCloudy Brightness TemperatureKCSBTMPClear Sky Brightness TemperatureKCLDRADCloudy Radiance (with respect to wave number)W m-1 sr-1CSKYRADClear Sky Radiance (with respect to wave number)W m-1 sr-1WINDSWind Speedm s-1AOT06Aerosol Optical Thickness at 0.635 mAOT08Aerosol Optical Thickness at 0.810 mAOT16Aerosol Optical Thickness at 1.640 mANGCOEAngstrom CoefficientBRFLFBidirectional Reflecance Factor (See Note 1)NumericSPBRTBrightness TempertureKSCRADScaled Radiance (See Note 2)NumericCCMPEMRRCorrelation coefficient between MPE rain rates for the co-located IR data and the microwave data rain ratesNumericSDMPEMRRStandard deviation between MPE rain rates for the co-located IR data and the microwave data rain ratesNumericUSCTScatterometer Estimated U Wind Componentm s-1VSCTScatterometer Estimated V Wind Componentm s-1SWQIScatterometer Wind Quality