Vegetation/Biomass LAND Land Cover (0=sea, 1=land) Proportion SFCR Surface Roughness m TSOIL Soil Temperature *** K SOILM Soil Moisture Content * kg m-2 VEG Vegetation % WATR Water Runoff kg m-2 EVAPT Evapotranspiration (See note 1) kg-2 s-1 MTERH Model Terrain Height m LANDU Land Use See Table 4.212 SOILW Volumetric Soil Moisture Content ** Proportion GFLUX Ground Heat Flux * W m-2 MSTAV Moisture Availability % SFEXC Exchange Coefficient kg m-2 s-1 CNWAT Plant Canopy Surface Water kg m-2 BMIXL Blackadar's Mixing Length Scale m CCOND Canopy Conductance m s-1 RSMIN Minimal Stomatal Resistance s m-1 WILT Wilting Point * Proportion RCS Solar parameter in canopy conductance Proportion RCT Temperature parameter in canopy Proportion RCQ Humidity parameter in canopy conductance Proportion RCSOL Soil moisture parameter in canopy conductance Proportion SOILM Soil Moisture *** kg m-3 CISOILW Column-Integrated Soil Water *** kg m-2 HFLUX Heat Flux W m-2 VSOILM Volumetric Soil Moisture m3 m-3 WILT Wilting Point kg m-3 VWILTP Volumetric Wilting Point m3 m-3 LEAINX Leaf Area Index Numeric EVGFC Evergreen Forest Cover Proportion DECFC Deciduous Forest Cover Proportion NDVINX Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI) Numeric RDVEG Root Depth of Vegetation m WROD Water Runoff and Drainage **** kg m-2 SFCWRO Surface Water Runoff **** kg m-2 TCLASS Tile Class See Table 4.243 TFRCT Tile Fraction Proportion TPERCT Tile Percentage % SOILVIC Soil Volumetric Ice Content (Water Equivalent) (See note 2) m3 m-3 EVAPTRAT Evapotranspiration Rate kg m-2 s-1 SOILW Volumetric Soil Moisture Content Fraction GFLUX Ground Heat Flux W m-2 MSTAV Moisture Availability % SFEXC Exchange Coefficient (kg m-3) (m s-1) CNWAT Plant Canopy Surface Water kg m-2 BMIXL Blackadars Mixing Length Scale m VGTYP Vegetation Type Integer (0-13) CCOND Canopy Conductance m s-1 RSMIN Minimal Stomatal Resistance s m-1 WILT Wilting Point Fraction RCS Solar parameter in canopy conductance Fraction RCT Temperature parameter in canopy conductance Fraction RCQ Humidity parameter in canopy conductance Fraction RCSOL Soil moisture parameter in canopy conductance Fraction RDRIP Rate of water dropping from canopy to ground ICWAT Ice-free water surface % AKHS Surface exchange coefficients for T and Q divided by delta z m s-1 AKMS Surface exchange coefficients for U and V divided by delta z m s-1 VEGT Vegetation canopy temperature K SSTOR Surface water storage Kg m-2 LSOIL Liquid soil moisture content (non-frozen) Kg m-2 EWATR Open water evaporation (standing water) W m-2 GWREC Groundwater recharge Kg m-2 QREC Flood plain recharge Kg m-2 SFCRH Roughness length for heat m NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index LANDN Land-sea coverage (nearest neighbor) [land=1,sea=0] AMIXL Asymptotic mixing length scale m WVINC Water vapor added by precip assimilation Kg m-2 WCINC Water condensate added by precip assimilation Kg m-2 WVCONV Water Vapor Flux Convergance (Vertical Int) Kg m-2 WCCONV Water Condensate Flux Convergance (Vertical Int) Kg m-2 WVUFLX Water Vapor Zonal Flux (Vertical Int) Kg m-2 WVVFLX Water Vapor Meridional Flux (Vertical Int) Kg m-2 WCUFLX Water Condensate Zonal Flux (Vertical Int) Kg m-2 WCVFLX Water Condensate Meridional Flux (Vertical Int) Kg m-2 ACOND Aerodynamic conductance m s-1 EVCW Canopy water evaporation W m-2 TRANS Transpiration W m-2