Hydrology Basic FFLDG Flash Flood Guidance (Encoded as an accumulation over a floating subinterval of time between the reference time and valid time) kg m-2 FFLDRO Flash Flood Runoff (Encoded as an accumulation over a floating subinterval of time) kg m-2 RSSC Remotely Sensed Snow Cover See Table 4.215 ESCT Elevation of Snow Covered Terrain See Table 4.216 SWEPON Snow Water Equivalent Percent of Normal % BGRUN Baseflow-Groundwater Runoff kg m-2 SSRUN Storm Surface Runoff kg m-2 DISRS Discharge from Rivers or Streams m3 s-1 GWUPS Group Water Upper Storage kg m-2 GWLOWS Group Water Lower Storage kg m-2 SFLORC Side Flow into River Channel m3 s-1 m-1 RVERSW River Storage of Water m3 FLDPSW Flood Plain Storage of Water m3 DEPWSS Depth of Water on Soil Surface kg m-2 UPAPCP Upstream Accumulated Precipitation kg m-2 UPASM Upstream Accumulated Snow Melt kg m-2 PERRATE Percolation Rate kg m-2 s-1 BGRUN Baseflow-Groundwater Runoff kg m-2 SSRUN Storm Surface Runoff kg m-2