Hydrology Basichttps://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_doc/grib2_table4-2-1-0.shtmlFFLDGFlash Flood Guidance (Encoded as an accumulation over a floating subinterval of time between the reference time and valid time)kg m-2FFLDROFlash Flood Runoff (Encoded as an accumulation over a floating subinterval of time)kg m-2RSSCRemotely Sensed Snow CoverSee Table 4.215ESCTElevation of Snow Covered TerrainSee Table 4.216SWEPONSnow Water Equivalent Percent of Normal%BGRUNBaseflow-Groundwater Runoffkg m-2SSRUNStorm Surface Runoffkg m-2DISRSDischarge from Rivers or Streamsm3 s-1GWUPSGroup Water Upper Storagekg m-2GWLOWSGroup Water Lower Storagekg m-2SFLORCSide Flow into River Channelm3 s-1 m-1RVERSWRiver Storage of Waterm3FLDPSWFlood Plain Storage of Waterm3DEPWSSDepth of Water on Soil Surfacekg m-2UPAPCPUpstream Accumulated Precipitationkg m-2UPASMUpstream Accumulated Snow Meltkg m-2PERRATEPercolation Ratekg m-2 s-1BGRUNBaseflow-Groundwater Runoffkg m-2SSRUNStorm Surface Runoffkg m-2