Thermodynamic stability indices PLI Parcel Lifted Index (to 500 hPa) K BLI Best Lifted Index (to 500 hPa) K KX K Index K KOX KO Index K TOTALX Total Totals Index K SX Sweat Index Numeric CAPE Convective Available Potential Energy J kg-1 CIN Convective Inhibition J kg-1 HLCY Storm Relative Helicity m2 s-2 EHLX Energy Helicity Index Numeric LFT X Surface Lifted Index K 4LFTX Best (4 layer) Lifted Index K RI Richardson Number Numeric SHWINX Showalter Index K UPHL Updraft Helicity m2 s-2 BLKRN Bulk Richardson Number Numeric GRDRN Gradient Richardson Number Numeric FLXRN Flux Richardson Number Numeric CONAPES Convective Available Potential Energy Shear m2 s-2 LFT X Surface Lifted Index K 4LFTX Best (4 layer) Lifted Index K RI Richardson Number Numeric CWDI Convective Weather Detection Index UVI Ultra Violet Index W m-2 UPHL Updraft Helicity m2 s-2 LAI Leaf Area Index Numeric MXUPHL Hourly Maximum of Updraft Helicity over Layer 2km to 5 km AGL m2 s-2 MNUPHL Hourly Minimum of Updraft Helicity m2 s-2 BNEGELAY Bourgoiun Negative Energy Layer (surface to freezing level) J kg-1 BPOSELAY Bourgoiun Positive Energy Layer (2k ft AGL to 400 hPa) J kg-1 DCAPE Downdraft CAPE J kg-1 EFHL Effective Storm Relative Helicity m2 s-2 ESP Enhanced Stretching Potential Numeric CANGLE Critical Angle Degree