Atmospheric Chemical Constituents MASSDEN Mass Density (Concentration) kg m-3 COLMD Column-Integrated Mass Density (See Note 1) kg m-2 MASSMR Mass Mixing Ratio (Mass Fraction in Air) kg kg-1 AEMFLX Atmosphere Emission Mass Flux kg m-2s-1 ANPMFLX Atmosphere Net Production Mass Flux kg m-2s-1 ANPEMFLX Atmosphere Net Production And Emision Mass Flux kg m-2s-1 SDDMFLX Surface Dry Deposition Mass Flux kg m-2s-1 SWDMFLX Surface Wet Deposition Mass Flux kg m-2s-1 AREMFLX Atmosphere Re-Emission Mass Flux kg m-2s-1 WLSMFLX Wet Deposition by Large-Scale Precipitation Mass Flux kg m-2s-1 WDCPMFLX Wet Deposition by Convective Precipitation Mass Flux kg m-2s-1 SEDMFLX Sedimentation Mass Flux kg m-2s-1 DDMFLX Dry Deposition Mass Flux kg m-2s-1 TRANHH Transfer From Hydrophobic to Hydrophilic kg kg-1s-1 TRSDS Transfer From SO2 (Sulphur Dioxide) to SO4 (Sulphate) kg kg-1s-1 DDVEL Dry deposition velocity m s-1 MSSRDRYA Mass mixing ratio with respect to dry air kg kg-1 MSSRWETA Mass mixing ratio with respect to wet air kg kg-1 AIA Amount in Atmosphere mol CONAIR Concentration In Air mol m-3 VMXR Volume Mixing Ratio (Fraction in Air) mol mol-1 CGPRC Chemical Gross Production Rate of Concentration mol m-3s-1 CGDRC Chemical Gross Destruction Rate of Concentration mol m-3s-1 SFLUX Surface Flux mol m-2s-1 COAIA Changes Of Amount in Atmosphere (See Note 1) mol s-1 TYABA Total Yearly Average Burden of The Atmosphere> mol TYAAL Total Yearly Average Atmospheric Loss (See Note 1) mol s-1 ANCON Aerosol Number Concentration (See Note 2) m-3 ASNCON Aerosol Specific Number Concentration (See Note 2) kg-1 MXMASSD Maximum of Mass Density (See Note 1) kg m-3 HGTMD Height of Mass Density m CAVEMDL Column-Averaged Mass Density in Layer kg m-3 MOLRDRYA Mole fraction with respect to dry air mol mol-1 MOLRWETA Mole fraction with respect to wet air mol mol-1 CINCLDSP Column-integrated in-cloud scavenging rate by precipitation kg m-2 s-1 CBLCLDSP Column-integrated below-cloud scavenging rate by precipitation kg m-2 s-1 CIRELREP Column-integrated release rate from evaporating precipitation kg m-2 s-1 CINCSLSP Column-integrated in-cloud scavenging rate by large-scale precipitation kg m-2 s-1 CBECSLSP Column-integrated below-cloud scavenging rate by large-scale precipitation kg m-2 s-1 CRERELSP Column-integrated release rate from evaporating large-scale precipitation kg m-2 s-1 CINCSRCP Column-integrated in-cloud scavenging rate by convective precipitation kg m-2 s-1 CBLCSRCP Column-integrated below-cloud scavenging rate by convective precipitation kg m-2 s-1 CIRERECP Column-integrated release rate from evaporating convective precipitation kg m-2 s-1 WFIREFLX Wildfire flux kg m-2 s-1 EMISFLX Emission Rate kg kg-1 s-1 SFCEFLX Surface Emission flux kg m-2 s-1 SADEN Surface Area Density (Aerosol) m-1 ATMTK Vertical Visual Range m AOTK Aerosol Optical Thickness Numeric SSALBK Single Scattering Albedo Numeric ASYSFK Asymmetry Factor Numeric AECOEF Aerosol Extinction Coefficient m-1 AACOEF Aerosol Absorption Coefficient m-1 ALBSAT Aerosol Lidar Backscatter from Satellite m-1sr-1 ALBGRD Aerosol Lidar Backscatter from the Ground m-1sr-1 ALESAT Aerosol Lidar Extinction from Satellite m-1 ALEGRD Aerosol Lidar Extinction from the Ground m-1 ANGSTEXP Angstrom Exponent Numeric SCTAOTK Scattering Aerosol Optical Thickness Numeric