Covariance COVMZ Covariance between zonal and meridional components of the wind. Defined as [uv]-[u][v], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. m2/s2 COVTZ Covariance between zonal component of the wind and temperature. Defined as [uT]-[u][T], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. K*m/s COVTM Covariance between meridional component of the wind and temperature. Defined as [vT]-[v][T], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. K*m/s COVTW Covariance between temperature and vertical component of the wind. Defined as [wT]-[w][T], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. K*m/s COVZZ Covariance between zonal and zonal components of the wind. Defined as [uu]-[u][u], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. m2/s2 COVMM Covariance between meridional and meridional components of the wind. Defined as [vv]-[v][v], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. m2/s2 COVQZ Covariance between specific humidity and zonal components of the wind. Defined as [uq]-[u][q], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. kg/kg*m/s COVQM Covariance between specific humidity and meridional components of the wind. Defined as [vq]-[v][q], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. kg/kg*m/s COVTVV Covariance between temperature and vertical components of the wind. Defined as [T]-[][T], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. K*Pa/s COVQVV Covariance between specific humidity and vertical components of the wind. Defined as [q]-[][q], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. kg/kg*Pa/s COVPSPS Covariance between surface pressure and surface pressure. Defined as [Psfc]-[Psfc][Psfc], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. Pa*Pa COVQQ Covariance between specific humidity and specific humidy. Defined as [qq]-[q][q], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. kg/kg*kg/kg COVVVVV Covariance between vertical and vertical components of the wind. Defined as []-[][], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. Pa2/s2 COVTT Covariance between temperature and temperature. Defined as [TT]-[T][T], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. K*K