Nuclear/radiology ACCES Air Concentration of Caesium 137 Bq m-3 ACIOD Air Concentration of Iodine 131 Bq m-3 ACRADP Air Concentration of Radioactive Pollutant Bq m-3 GDCES Ground Deposition of Caesium 137 Bq m-2 GDIOD Ground Deposition of Iodine 131 Bq m-2 GDRADP Ground Deposition of Radioactive Pollutant Bq m-2 TIACCP Time Integrated Air Concentration of Cesium Pollutant (See Note 1) Bq s m-3 TIACIP Time Integrated Air Concentration of Iodine Pollutant (See Note 1) Bq s m-3 TIACRP Time Integrated Air Concentration of Radioactive Pollutant (See Note 1) Bq s m-3 AIRCON Air Concentration (See Note 3) Bq m-3 WETDEP Wet Deposition Bq m-2 DRYDEP Dry Deposition Bq m-2 TOTLWD Total Deposition (Wet + Dry) Bq m-2 SACON Specific Activity Concentration (See Note 3) Bq kg-1 MAXACON Maximum of Air Concentration in Layer Bq m-3 HMXACON Height of Maximum of Air Concentration m CIAIRC Column-Integrated Air Concentration Bq m-2 CAACL Column-Averaged Air Concentration in Layer Bq m-3