Moisture SPFH Specific Humidity kg kg-1 RH Relative Humidity % MIXR Humidity Mixing Ratio kg kg-1 PWAT Precipitable Water kg m-2 VAPP Vapour Pressure Pa SATD Saturation Deficit Pa EVP Evaporation kg m-2 PRATE Precipitation Rate * kg m-2 s-1 APCP Total Precipitation *** kg m-2 NCPCP Large-Scale Precipitation (non-convective) *** kg m-2 ACPCP Convective Precipitation *** kg m-2 SNOD Snow Depth m SRWEQ Snowfall Rate Water Equivalent * kg m-2 s-1 WEASD Water Equivalent of Accumulated Snow Depth *** kg m-2 SNOC Convective Snow *** kg m-2 SNOL Large-Scale Snow *** kg m-2 SNOM Snow Melt kg m-2 SNOAG Snow Age day ABSH Absolute Humidity kg m-3 PTYPE Precipitation Type See Table 4.201 ILIQW Integrated Liquid Water kg m-2 TCOND Condensate kg kg-1 CLWMR Cloud Mixing Ratio kg kg-1 ICMR Ice Water Mixing Ratio kg kg-1 RWMR Rain Mixing Ratio kg kg-1 SNMR Snow Mixing Ratio kg kg-1 MCONV Horizontal Moisture Convergence kg kg-1 s-1 MAXRH Maximum Relative Humidity * % MAXAH Maximum Absolute Humidity * kg m-3 ASNOW Total Snowfall *** m PWCAT Precipitable Water Category See Table 4.202 HAIL Hail m GRLE Graupel kg kg-1 CRAIN Categorical Rain Code table 4.222 CFRZR Categorical Freezing Rain Code table 4.222 CICEP Categorical Ice Pellets Code table 4.222 CSNOW Categorical Snow Code table 4.222 CPRAT Convective Precipitation Rate kg m-2 s-1 MDIVER Horizontal Moisture Divergence kg kg-1 s-1 CPOFP Percent frozen precipitation % PEVAP Potential Evaporation kg m-2 PEVPR Potential Evaporation Rate W m-2 SNOWC Snow Cover % FRAIN Rain Fraction of Total Cloud Water Proportion RIME Rime Factor Numeric TCOLR Total Column Integrated Rain kg m-2 TCOLS Total Column Integrated Snow kg m-2 LSWP Large Scale Water Precipitation (Non-Convective) *** kg m-2 CWP Convective Water Precipitation *** kg m-2 TWATP Total Water Precipitation *** kg m-2 TSNOWP Total Snow Precipitation *** kg m-2 TCWAT Total Column Water (Vertically integrated total water (vapour+cloud water/ice) kg m-2 TPRATE Total Precipitation Rate ** kg m-2 s-1 TSRWE Total Snowfall Rate Water Equivalent ** kg m-2 s-1 LSPRATE Large Scale Precipitation Rate kg m-2 s-1 CSRWE Convective Snowfall Rate Water Equivalent kg m-2 s-1 LSSRWE Large Scale Snowfall Rate Water Equivalent kg m-2 s-1 TSRATE Total Snowfall Rate m s-1 CSRATE Convective Snowfall Rate m s-1 LSSRATE Large Scale Snowfall Rate m s-1 SDWE Snow Depth Water Equivalent kg m-2 SDEN Snow Density kg m-3 SEVAP Snow Evaporation kg m-2 TCIWV Total Column Integrated Water Vapour kg m-2 RPRATE Rain Precipitation Rate kg m-2 s-1 SPRATE Snow Precipitation Rate kg m-2 s-1 FPRATE Freezing Rain Precipitation Rate kg m-2 s-1 IPRATE Ice Pellets Precipitation Rate kg m-2 s-1 TCOLW Total Column Integrate Cloud Water kg m-2 TCOLI Total Column Integrate Cloud Ice kg m-2 HAILMXR Hail Mixing Ratio kg kg-1 TCOLH Total Column Integrate Hail kg m-2 HAILPR Hail Prepitation Rate kg m-2 s-1 TCOLG Total Column Integrate Graupel kg m-2 GPRATE Graupel (Snow Pellets) Prepitation Rate kg m-2 s-1 CRRATE Convective Rain Rate kg m-2 s-1 LSRRATE Large Scale Rain Rate kg m-2 s-1 TCOLWA Total Column Integrate Water (All components including precipitation) kg m-2 EVARATE Evaporation Rate kg m-2 s-1 TOTCON Total Condensate kg kg-1 TCICON Total Column-Integrate Condensate kg m-2 CIMIXR Cloud Ice Mixing Ratio kg kg-1 SCLLWC Specific Cloud Liquid Water Content kg kg-1 SCLIWC Specific Cloud Ice Water Content kg kg-1 SRAINW Specific Rain Water Content kg kg-1 SSNOWW Specific Snow Water Content kg kg-1 STRPRATE Stratiform Precipitation Rate kg m-2 s-1 CATCP Categorical Convective Precipitation Code table 4.222 TKMFLX Total Kinematic Moisture Flux kg kg-1 m s-1 UKMFLX U-component (zonal) Kinematic Moisture Flux kg kg-1 m s-1 VKMFLX V-component (meridional) Kinematic Moisture Flux kg kg-1 m s-1 RHWATER Relative Humidity With Respect to Water % RHICE Relative Humidity With Respect to Ice % FZPRATE Freezing or Frozen Precipitation Rate kg m-2 s-1 MASSDR Mass Density of Rain kg m-3 MASSDS Mass Density of Snow kg m-3 MASSDG Mass Density of Graupel kg m-3 MASSDH Mass Density of Hail kg m-3 SPNCR Specific Number Concentration of Rain kg-1 SPNCS Specific Number Concentration of Snow kg-1 SPNCG Specific Number Concentration of Graupel kg-1 SPNCH Specific Number Concentration of Hail kg-1 NUMDR Number Density of Rain m-3 NUMDS Number Density of Snow m-3 NUMDG Number Density of Graupel m-3 NUMDH Number Density of Hail m-3 SHTPRM Specific Humidity Tendency due to Parameterizations kg kg-1 s-1 MDLWHVA Mass Density of Liquid Water Coating on Hail Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Volume of Air kg m-3 SMLWHMA Specific Mass of Liquid Water Coating on Hail Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Mass of Moist Air kg kg-1 MMLWHDA Mass Mixing Ratio of Liquid Water Coating on Hail Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Mass of Dry Air kg kg-1 MDLWGVA Mass Density of Liquid Water Coating on Graupel Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Volume of Air kg m-3 SMLWGMA Specific Mass of Liquid Water Coating on Graupel Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Mass of Moist Air kg kg-1 MMLWGDA Mass Mixing Ratio of Liquid Water Coating on Graupel Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Mass of Dry Air kg kg-1 MDLWSVA Mass Density of Liquid Water Coating on Snow Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Volume of Air kg m-3 SMLWSMA Specific Mass of Liquid Water Coating on Snow Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Mass of Moist Air kg kg-1 MMLWSDA Mass Mixing Ratio of Liquid Water Coating on Snow Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Mass of Dry Air kg kg-1 UNCSH Unbalanced Component of Specific Humidity kg kg-1 UCSCLW Unbalanced Component of Specific Cloud Liquid Water content kg kg-1 UCSCIW Unbalanced Component of Specific Cloud Ice Water content kg kg-1 FSNOWC Fraction of Snow Cover Proportion EFRCWAT Effective Radius of Cloud Water m EFRRAIN Effective Radius of Rain m EFRCICE Effective Radius of Cloud Ice m EFRSNOW Effective Radius of Snow m EFRGRL Effective Radius of Graupel m EFRHAIL Effective Radius of Hail m EFRSLC Effective Radius of Subgrid Liquid Clouds m EFRSICEC Effective Radius of Subgrid Ice Clouds m EFARRAIN Effective Aspect Ratio of Rain EFARCICE Effective Aspect Ratio of Cloud Ice EFARSNOW Effective Aspect Ratio of Snow EFARGRL Effective Aspect Ratio of Graupel EFARHAIL Effective Aspect Ratio of Hail EFARSIC Effective Aspect Ratio of Subgrid Ice Clouds CRAIN Categorical Rain Code table 4.222 CFRZR Categorical Freezing Rain Code table 4.222 CICEP Categorical Ice Pellets Code table 4.222 CSNOW Categorical Snow Code table 4.222 CPRAT Convective Precipitation Rate kg m-2 s-1 MCONV Horizontal Moisture Divergence kg kg-1 s-1 MINRH Minimum Relative Humidity % PEVAP Potential Evaporation kg m-2 PEVPR Potential Evaporation Rate W m-2 SNOWC Snow Cover % FRAIN Rain Fraction of Total Liquid Water non-dim RIME Rime Factor non-dim TCOLR Total Column Integrated Rain kg m-2 TCOLS Total Column Integrated Snow kg m-2 TIPD Total Icing Potential Diagnostic non-dim NCIP Number concentration for ice particles non-dim SNOT Snow temperature K TCLSW Total column-integrated supercooled liquid water kg m-2 TCOLM Total column-integrated melting ice kg m-2 EMNP Evaporation - Precipitation cm/day SBSNO Sublimation (evaporation from snow) W m-2 CNVMR Deep Convective Moistening Rate kg kg-1 s-1 SHAMR Shallow Convective Moistening Rate kg kg-1 s-1 VDFMR Vertical Diffusion Moistening Rate kg kg-1 s-1 CONDP Condensation Pressure of Parcali Lifted From Indicate Surface Pa LRGMR Large scale moistening rate kg kg-1 s-1 QZ0 Specific humidity at top of viscous sublayer kg kg-1 QMAX Maximum specific humidity at 2m kg kg-1 QMIN Minimum specific humidity at 2m kg kg-1 ARAIN Liquid precipitation (Rainfall) kg m-2 SNOWT Snow temperature, depth-avg K APCPN Total precipitation (nearest grid point) kg m-2 ACPCPN Convective precipitation (nearest grid point) kg m-2 FRZR Freezing Rain kg m-2 PWTHER Pblackominant Weather (see Note 1) Numeric FROZR Frozen Rain kg m-2 FICEAC Flat Ice Accumulation (FRAM) kg m-2 LICEAC Line Ice Accumulation (FRAM) kg m-2 SLACC Sleet Accumulation kg m-2 PPINDX Precipitation Potential Index % PROBCIP Probability Cloud Ice Present % SNOWLR Snow Liquid ratio kg kg-1 PCPDUR Precipitation Duration hour CLLMR Cloud Liquid Mixing Ratio kg kg-1 TSNOW Total Snow kg m-2 RHPW Relative Humidity with Respect to Precipitable Water %