Moisture Humiditykg kg-1RHRelative Humidity%MIXRHumidity Mixing Ratiokg kg-1PWATPrecipitable Waterkg m-2VAPPVapour PressurePaSATDSaturation DeficitPaEVPEvaporationkg m-2PRATEPrecipitation Rate *kg m-2 s-1APCPTotal Precipitation ***kg m-2NCPCPLarge-Scale Precipitation (non-convective) ***kg m-2ACPCPConvective Precipitation ***kg m-2SNODSnow DepthmSRWEQSnowfall Rate Water Equivalent *kg m-2 s-1WEASDWater Equivalent of Accumulated Snow Depth ***kg m-2SNOCConvective Snow ***kg m-2SNOLLarge-Scale Snow ***kg m-2SNOMSnow Meltkg m-2SNOAGSnow AgedayABSHAbsolute Humiditykg m-3PTYPEPrecipitation TypeSee Table 4.201ILIQWIntegrated Liquid Waterkg m-2TCONDCondensatekg kg-1CLWMRCloud Mixing Ratiokg kg-1ICMRIce Water Mixing Ratiokg kg-1RWMRRain Mixing Ratiokg kg-1SNMRSnow Mixing Ratiokg kg-1MCONVHorizontal Moisture Convergencekg kg-1 s-1MAXRHMaximum Relative Humidity *%MAXAHMaximum Absolute Humidity *kg m-3ASNOWTotal Snowfall ***mPWCATPrecipitable Water CategorySee Table 4.202HAILHailmGRLEGraupelkg kg-1CRAINCategorical RainCode table 4.222CFRZRCategorical Freezing RainCode table 4.222CICEPCategorical Ice PelletsCode table 4.222CSNOWCategorical SnowCode table 4.222CPRATConvective Precipitation Ratekg m-2 s-1MDIVERHorizontal Moisture Divergencekg kg-1 s-1CPOFPPercent frozen precipitation%PEVAPPotential Evaporationkg m-2PEVPRPotential Evaporation RateW m-2SNOWCSnow Cover%FRAINRain Fraction of Total Cloud WaterProportionRIMERime FactorNumericTCOLRTotal Column Integrated Rainkg m-2TCOLSTotal Column Integrated Snowkg m-2LSWPLarge Scale Water Precipitation (Non-Convective) ***kg m-2CWPConvective Water Precipitation ***kg m-2TWATPTotal Water Precipitation ***kg m-2TSNOWPTotal Snow Precipitation ***kg m-2TCWATTotal Column Water (Vertically integrated total water (vapour+cloud water/ice)kg m-2TPRATETotal Precipitation Rate **kg m-2 s-1TSRWETotal Snowfall Rate Water Equivalent **kg m-2 s-1LSPRATELarge Scale Precipitation Ratekg m-2 s-1CSRWEConvective Snowfall Rate Water Equivalentkg m-2 s-1LSSRWELarge Scale Snowfall Rate Water Equivalentkg m-2 s-1TSRATETotal Snowfall Ratem s-1CSRATEConvective Snowfall Ratem s-1LSSRATELarge Scale Snowfall Ratem s-1SDWESnow Depth Water Equivalentkg m-2SDENSnow Densitykg m-3SEVAPSnow Evaporationkg m-2TCIWVTotal Column Integrated Water Vapourkg m-2RPRATERain Precipitation Ratekg m-2 s-1SPRATESnow Precipitation Ratekg m-2 s-1FPRATEFreezing Rain Precipitation Ratekg m-2 s-1IPRATEIce Pellets Precipitation Ratekg m-2 s-1TCOLWTotal Column Integrate Cloud Waterkg m-2TCOLITotal Column Integrate Cloud Icekg m-2HAILMXRHail Mixing Ratiokg kg-1TCOLHTotal Column Integrate Hailkg m-2HAILPRHail Prepitation Ratekg m-2 s-1TCOLGTotal Column Integrate Graupelkg m-2GPRATEGraupel (Snow Pellets) Prepitation Ratekg m-2 s-1CRRATEConvective Rain Ratekg m-2 s-1LSRRATELarge Scale Rain Ratekg m-2 s-1TCOLWATotal Column Integrate Water (All components including precipitation)kg m-2EVARATEEvaporation Ratekg m-2 s-1TOTCONTotal Condensatekg kg-1TCICONTotal Column-Integrate Condensatekg m-2CIMIXRCloud Ice Mixing Ratiokg kg-1SCLLWCSpecific Cloud Liquid Water Contentkg kg-1SCLIWCSpecific Cloud Ice Water Contentkg kg-1SRAINWSpecific Rain Water Contentkg kg-1SSNOWWSpecific Snow Water Contentkg kg-1STRPRATEStratiform Precipitation Ratekg m-2 s-1CATCPCategorical Convective PrecipitationCode table 4.222TKMFLXTotal Kinematic Moisture Fluxkg kg-1 m s-1UKMFLXU-component (zonal) Kinematic Moisture Fluxkg kg-1 m s-1VKMFLXV-component (meridional) Kinematic Moisture Fluxkg kg-1 m s-1RHWATERRelative Humidity With Respect to Water%RHICERelative Humidity With Respect to Ice%FZPRATEFreezing or Frozen Precipitation Ratekg m-2 s-1MASSDRMass Density of Rainkg m-3MASSDSMass Density of Snowkg m-3MASSDGMass Density of Graupelkg m-3MASSDHMass Density of Hailkg m-3SPNCRSpecific Number Concentration of Rainkg-1SPNCSSpecific Number Concentration of Snowkg-1SPNCGSpecific Number Concentration of Graupelkg-1SPNCHSpecific Number Concentration of Hailkg-1NUMDRNumber Density of Rainm-3NUMDSNumber Density of Snowm-3NUMDGNumber Density of Graupelm-3NUMDHNumber Density of Hailm-3SHTPRMSpecific Humidity Tendency due to Parameterizationskg kg-1 s-1MDLWHVAMass Density of Liquid Water Coating on Hail Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Volume of Airkg m-3SMLWHMASpecific Mass of Liquid Water Coating on Hail Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Mass of Moist Airkg kg-1MMLWHDAMass Mixing Ratio of Liquid Water Coating on Hail Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Mass of Dry Airkg kg-1MDLWGVAMass Density of Liquid Water Coating on Graupel Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Volume of Airkg m-3SMLWGMASpecific Mass of Liquid Water Coating on Graupel Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Mass of Moist Airkg kg-1MMLWGDAMass Mixing Ratio of Liquid Water Coating on Graupel Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Mass of Dry Airkg kg-1MDLWSVAMass Density of Liquid Water Coating on Snow Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Volume of Airkg m-3SMLWSMASpecific Mass of Liquid Water Coating on Snow Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Mass of Moist Airkg kg-1MMLWSDAMass Mixing Ratio of Liquid Water Coating on Snow Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Mass of Dry Airkg kg-1UNCSHUnbalanced Component of Specific Humiditykg kg-1UCSCLWUnbalanced Component of Specific Cloud Liquid Water contentkg kg-1UCSCIWUnbalanced Component of Specific Cloud Ice Water contentkg kg-1FSNOWCFraction of Snow CoverProportionEFRCWATEffective Radius of Cloud WatermEFRRAINEffective Radius of RainmEFRCICEEffective Radius of Cloud IcemEFRSNOWEffective Radius of SnowmEFRGRLEffective Radius of GraupelmEFRHAILEffective Radius of HailmEFRSLCEffective Radius of Subgrid Liquid CloudsmEFRSICECEffective Radius of Subgrid Ice CloudsmEFARRAINEffective Aspect Ratio of RainEFARCICEEffective Aspect Ratio of Cloud IceEFARSNOWEffective Aspect Ratio of SnowEFARGRLEffective Aspect Ratio of GraupelEFARHAILEffective Aspect Ratio of HailEFARSICEffective Aspect Ratio of Subgrid Ice CloudsCRAINCategorical RainCode table 4.222CFRZRCategorical Freezing RainCode table 4.222CICEPCategorical Ice PelletsCode table 4.222CSNOWCategorical SnowCode table 4.222CPRATConvective Precipitation Ratekg m-2 s-1MCONVHorizontal Moisture Divergencekg kg-1 s-1MINRHMinimum Relative Humidity%PEVAPPotential Evaporationkg m-2PEVPRPotential Evaporation RateW m-2SNOWCSnow Cover%FRAINRain Fraction of Total Liquid Waternon-dimRIMERime Factornon-dimTCOLRTotal Column Integrated Rainkg m-2TCOLSTotal Column Integrated Snowkg m-2TIPDTotal Icing Potential Diagnosticnon-dimNCIPNumber concentration for ice particlesnon-dimSNOTSnow temperatureKTCLSWTotal column-integrated supercooled liquid waterkg m-2TCOLMTotal column-integrated melting icekg m-2EMNPEvaporation - Precipitationcm/daySBSNOSublimation (evaporation from snow)W m-2CNVMRDeep Convective Moistening Ratekg kg-1 s-1SHAMRShallow Convective Moistening Ratekg kg-1 s-1VDFMRVertical Diffusion Moistening Ratekg kg-1 s-1CONDPCondensation Pressure of Parcali Lifted From Indicate SurfacePaLRGMRLarge scale moistening ratekg kg-1 s-1QZ0Specific humidity at top of viscous sublayerkg kg-1QMAXMaximum specific humidity at 2mkg kg-1QMINMinimum specific humidity at 2mkg kg-1ARAINLiquid precipitation (Rainfall)kg m-2SNOWTSnow temperature, depth-avgKAPCPNTotal precipitation (nearest grid point)kg m-2ACPCPNConvective precipitation (nearest grid point)kg m-2FRZRFreezing Rainkg m-2PWTHERPblackominant Weather (see Note 1)NumericFROZRFrozen Rainkg m-2FICEACFlat Ice Accumulation (FRAM)kg m-2LICEACLine Ice Accumulation (FRAM)kg m-2SLACCSleet Accumulationkg m-2PPINDXPrecipitation Potential Index%PROBCIPProbability Cloud Ice Present%SNOWLRSnow Liquid ratiokg kg-1PCPDURPrecipitation DurationhourCLLMRCloud Liquid Mixing Ratiokg kg-1TSNOWTotal Snowkg m-2RHPWRelative Humidity with Respect to Precipitable Water%