NCEP Table Version 129 anomaly of temperature%PAOPProbability anomaly of precipitation%CWRProbability of Wetting Rain, exceeding 0.10" in a given time period%FRAINRain fraction of total liquid waternon-dimFICEIce fraction of total condensatenon-dimRIMERime Factornon-dimCUEFIConvective cloud efficiencynon-dimTCONDTotal condensatekg/kgTCOLWTotal column-integrated cloud waterkg/m2TCOLITotal column-integrated cloud icekg/m2TCOLRTotal column-integrated rainkg/m2TCOLSTotal column-integrated snowkg/m2TCOLCTotal column-integrated condensatekg/m2PLPLPressure of level from which parcel was liftedPaHLPLHeight of level from which parcel was liftedmCEMSCloud EmissivityFraction 0-1COPDCloud Optical Depthnon-dimPSIZEffective Particle sizeMicronsTCWATTotal Water Cloud%TCICETotal Ice Cloud%WDIFWind differencem/sWSTPWave Steepnessnon-dimPTANProbability of Temperature being above normal%PTNNProbability of Temperature being near normal%PTBNProbability of Temperature being below normal%PPANProbability of Precipitation being above normal%PPNNProbability of Precipitation being near normal%PPBNProbability of Precipitation being below normal%PMTCParticulate matter (coarse)g/m3PMTFParticulate matter (fine)g/m3AETMPAnalysis error of temperatureKAEDPTAnalysis error of dew point%AESPHAnalysis error of specific humiditykg/kgAEUWDAnalysis error of u-windm/sAEVWDAnalysis error of v-windm/sLPMTFParticulate matter (fine)log10(g/m3)LIPMFIntegrated column particulate matter (fine)log10(g/m3)REFZRDerived radar reflectivity backscatter from rainmm6/m3REFZIDerived radar reflectivity backscatter from icemm6/m3REFZCDerived radar reflectivity backscatter from parameterized convectionmm6/m3TCLSWTotal column-integrated supercooled liquid waterkg/m2TCOLMTotal column-integrated melting icekg/m2ELRDIEllrod Indexnon-dimTSECSeconds prior to initial reference time (defined in octects 18-20)secTSECASeconds after initial reference time (defined in octets 18-20)secNUMNumber of samples/observationsnon-dimAEPRSAnalysis error of pressurePaICSEVIcing severitynon-dimICPRBIcing probabilitynon-dimLAVNILow-level aviation interestnon-dimHAVNIHigh-level aviation interestnon-dimFLGHTFlight Category (See note 7 below)non-dimOZCONOzone concentrationPPBOZCATCategorical ozone concentrationnon-dimVEDHVertical eddy diffusivity heat exchange (Kh)m2/sSIGVSigma level valuenon-dimEWGTEnsemble Weightnon-dimCICELConfidence indicator - Ceiling (See note 8 below)non-dimCIVISConfidence indicator - Visibility (See note 8 below)non-dimCIFLTConfidence indicator - Flight Category (See note 8 below)non-dimLAVVLatitude of V wind component of velocitydegLOVVLongitude of V wind component of velocitydegUSCTScatterometer estimated U wind componentm/sVSCTScatterometer estimated V wind componentm/sLAUVLatitude of U wind component of velocitydegLOUVLongitude of U wind component of velocitydegTCHPTropical Cyclone Heat PotentialJ/m2KDBSSGeometric Depth Below Sea SurfacemODHAOcean Dynamic Height Anomalydynamic mOHCOcean Heat ContentJ/m2SSHGSea Surface Height Relative to GeoidmSLTFLSalt Fluxkg/m2sDUVBUV-B downward solar fluxW/m2CDUVBClear sky UV-B downward solar fluxW/m2THFLXTotal downward heat flux at surface (downward is positive)W/m2UVARU velocity variancem2/s2VVARV velocity variancem2/s2UVVCCUV Velocity Cross Correlationm2/s2MCLSMeteorological Correlation Length ScalemLAPPLatitude of pressure pointdegLOPPLongitude of pressure pointdegREFOObserved radar reflectivitydbZREFDDerived radar reflectivitydbZREFCMaximum/Composite radar reflectivitydbZSBT122Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES12, Channel 2KSBT123Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES12, Channel 3KSBT124Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES12, Channel 4KSBT126Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES12, Channel 6KMINRHMinimum Relative Humidity%MAXRHMaximum Relative Humidity%CEILCeilingmPBLREGPlanetary boundary layer RegimeSBC123Simulated Brightness Counts for GOES12, Channel 3ByteSBC124Simulated Brightness Counts for GOES12, Channel 4ByteRPRATERain Precipitation Ratekg/m2/sSPRATESnow Precipitation Ratekg/m2/sFPRATEFreezing Rain Precipitation Ratekg/m2/sIPRATEIce Pellets Precipitation Ratekg/m2/sUPHLUpdraft Helicitym2/s2SURGEStorm SurgemETSRGExtra Tropical Storm SurgemRHPWRelative Humidity with Respect to Precipitable Water%OZMAX1Ozone Daily Max from 1-hour AverageppbVOZMAX8Ozone Daily Max from 8-hour AverageppbVPDMAX1PM 2.5 Daily Max from 1-hour Averageg/m3PDMX24PM 2.5 Daily Max from 24-hour Averageg/m3MAXREFHourly Maximum of Simulated Reflectivity at 1 km AGLdbZMXUPHLHourly Maximum of Updraft Helicity over layer 2km to 5 km AGLm2/s2MAXUVVHourly Maximum of Upward Vertical Velocity in the lowest 400hPam/sMAXDVVHourly Maximum of Downward Vertical Velocity in the lowest 400hPam/sMAXVIGHourly Maximum of Column Vertical Integrated Graupelkg/m2RETOPRadar Echo Top (18.3 DBZ)mVRATEVentilation Ratem2/sTCSRG2020% Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge ExceedancemTCSRG3030% Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge ExceedancemTCSRG4040% Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge ExceedancemTCSRG5050% Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge ExceedancemTCSRG6060% Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge ExceedancemTCSRG7070% Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge ExceedancemTCSRG8080% Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge ExceedancemTCSRG9090% Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge ExceedancemHINDEXHaines IndexDIFTENDifference Between 2 States In Total Energy NormJ/kgPSPCPPseudo-Precipitationkg/m2MAXUWU Component of Hourly Maximum 10m Wind Speedm/sMAXVWV Component of Hourly Maximum 10m Wind Speedm/sMissing