# # BUFR local only from C:/dev/tds/bufr/resources/resources/bufr/tables/B4L-007-013-B.diff # Class,FXY,enElementName,BUFR_Unit,BUFR_Scale,BUFR_ReferenceValue,BUFR_DataWidth_Bits 1,1192,"Radiosonde part name",CCITT IA5,0,0,32 1,1193,"Direction of motion of ship during last 3 hours",Code table,0,0,4 1,1194,"PREPBUFR: Station identification",CCITT IA5,0,0,64 1,1195,"Country/agency operating satellite",Code table,0,0,8 1,1196,"Indicator figure for satellite name",CCITT IA5,0,0,16 1,1197,"Radiosonde ship, drop, or mobile land station id",CCITT IA5,0,0,64 1,1198,"Report identifier",CCITT IA5,0,0,64 1,1199,"Type of hourly report",Code table,0,0,2 1,1200,"Average speed of motion of ship during last 3 hours",Code table,0,0,4 1,1203,"Ship call sign (8 characters)",CCITT IA5,0,0,64 1,1204,"Satellite wind producer",Code table,0,0,8 1,1205,"Station number (holds up to 6 digits)",Numeric,0,0,20 1,1208,"IGS station identifier",CCITT IA5,0,0,32 1,1209,"Name of quality control parameter",CCITT IA5,0,0,32 1,1211,"Station number (holds up to 6 digits)",Numeric,0,0,20 1,1212,"Radar volume id (in the form DDHHMM)",Numeric,0,0,19 1,1213,"Radar scan id (range 1-21)",Numeric,0,0,5 2,2192,"Detector instrument number",Numeric,0,0,6 2,2193,"Indicator for type of station operation and past/ present weather",Code table,0,0,3 2,2194,"Automated station type",Code table,0,0,4 2,2195,"PREPBUFR: Instrument type",Code table,0,0,8 2,2196,"Class of profile output",Code table,0,0,2 2,2197,"GOES-I/M soundings parameter characteristics",Flag table,0,0,8 2,2198,"GOES-I/M brightness temperature characteristics",Flag table,0,0,8 2,2199,"FSL aircraft roll angle flag",Code table,0,0,3 2,2200,"Objective forecast technique used",Code table,0,0,4 2,2201,"NESDIS satellite wind type",Code table,0,0,8 2,2202,"USGS wind direction sensor type",Numeric,0,0,7 2,2203,"USGS wind speed sensor type",Numeric,0,0,7 2,2204,"USGS river stage height sensor type",Numeric,0,0,7 2,2205,"USGS river stage discharge sensor type",Numeric,0,0,7 2,2206,"USGS river stage precipitation sensor type",Numeric,0,0,7 2,2207,"Platform type for NWS Cooperative Observer sites",Code table,0,0,3 2,2223,"Satellite derived wind computation method",Code table,0,0,8 2,2226,"Cross track resolution (coarse)",m,-2,0,12 2,2227,"Along track resolution (coarse)",m,-2,0,12 2,2231,"Radar incidence angle (high accuracy)",Degree,2,0,13 2,2232,"Radar look angle (high accuracy)",Degree,2,0,16 4,4193,"Day of the week",Code table,0,0,3 4,4194,"Forecast time",Second,0,0,24 4,4195,"Time of last known position of buoy",Year,0,0,12 4,4196,"Time of last known position of buoy",Month,0,0,4 4,4197,"Time of last known position of buoy",Day,0,0,6 4,4198,"Time of last known position of buoy",Hour,0,0,5 4,4199,"Time of last known position of buoy",Minute,0,0,6 4,4200,"Receipt time",Year,0,0,12 4,4201,"Receipt time",Month,0,0,4 4,4202,"Receipt time",Day,0,0,6 4,4203,"Receipt time",Hour,0,0,5 4,4204,"Receipt time",Minute,0,0,6 4,4205,"Receipt time",Second,0,0,6 4,4206,"Second (extended)",Second,0,0,14 4,4208,"Millisecond (fractional)",Millisecond,0,0,10 4,4210,"Radiosonde launch time",Hour,0,0,5 4,4211,"Radiosonde launch time",Minute,0,0,6 4,4212,"Time of occurrence of wind shift",Hour,0,0,5 4,4213,"Time of occurrence of wind shift",Minute,0,0,6 4,4214,"PREPBUFR: Reported observation time",Hour,5,0,22 4,4215,"PREPBUFR: Observation time minus cycle time",Hour,5,-2400000,23 4,4216,"PREPBUFR: Correction indicator for reported observation time",Code table,0,0,3 4,4217,"PREPBUFR: Receipt time",Hour,2,0,12 4,4218,"PREPBUFR: Radiosonde balloon drift time minus cycle time",Hour,3,-24000,16 4,4219,"PREPBUFR: Forecast hour",Hour,1,0,12 5,5197,"Latitude of superob (coarse accuracy)",Degree,2,-9000,15 5,5201,"Scan number",Numeric,0,0,14 5,5202,"Position number",Numeric,0,0,10 5,5203,"Latitude for SSM/I 85 GHz brightness temperature data (course accuracy)",Degree,2,-9000,15 5,5204,"Channel number for SSM/I 85 GHz brightness temperature data",Numeric,0,0,6 5,5205,"Position number for SSM/I 85 GHz brightness temperature data",Numeric,0,0,10 5,5241,"PREPBUFR: Radiosonde balloon drift latitude",Degree,2,-9000,15 6,6193,"SST obs type",Code table,0,0,8 6,6194,"SST obs source",Code table,0,0,7 6,6196,"Longitude at which satellite track crosses equator",Degree,2,-18000,16 6,6197,"Longitude of superob (coarse accuracy)",Degree,2,-18000,16 6,6203,"Longitude for SSM/I 85 GHz brightness temperature",Degree,2,-18000,16 6,6210,"Distance in eighths of a kilometer",125*m,0,0,12 6,6240,"PREPBUFR: Longitude (coarse accuracy)",Degree (East),2,-18000,16 6,6241,"PREPBUFR: Radiosonde balloon drift longitude",Degree (East),2,-18000,16 7,7192,"Satellite-sun glint angle",Degree,1,0,11 7,7195,"Extrapolated mandatory level pressure",Pa,-1,0,14 7,7196,"Pressure altitude relative to mean sea level pressure",m,1,-4000,20 7,7197,"Flight level",m,1,-4000,20 7,7198,"River stage height",m,3,0,15 7,7199,"River stage height above NGVD 1929",m,3,0,15 7,7204,"Anemometer height",m,2,0,12 7,7244,"PREPBUFR: Pressure coordinate",mb,1,0,14 7,7245,"PREPBUFR: Pressure observation",mb,1,0,14 7,7246,"PREPBUFR: Pressure (quality) marker",Code table,0,0,5 7,7247,"PREPBUFR: Pressure event program code",Code table,0,0,5 7,7248,"PREPBUFR: Pressure event reason code",Code table,0,0,10 7,7249,"PREPBUFR: Global forecast (background) pressure value",mb,1,0,14 7,7250,"PREPBUFR: Pressure observation error",mb,2,0,14 7,7251,"PREPBUFR: Analyzed pressure value",mb,1,0,14 7,7252,"PREPBUFR: Climatological pressure value",mb,1,0,14 7,7253,"PREPBUFR: Standard deviation of climatological pressure value",mb,1,0,14 7,7254,"PREPBUFR: Analysis-tuned pressure observation error",mb,2,0,14 7,7255,"PREPBUFR: Model forecast (background) pressure value",mb,1,0,14 8,8193,"PREPBUFR: Data level category",Code table,0,0,6 8,8199,"Indicator for source and units of wind speed",Code table,0,0,3 8,8201,"Relationship to following value",Code table,0,0,3 8,8202,"Receipt time significance",Code table,0,0,6 8,8220,"Qualifier as to whether first guess information was used in calculation of quality information for EUMETSAT winds",Code table,0,0,2 8,8222,"Type of NESDIS cloud detection",Code table,0,0,6 10,10194,"Grid-point elevation",m,0,-400,15 10,10195,"Surface pressure",Pa,-1,0,14 10,10196,"Extrapolated mandatory level geopotential",m**2/s**2,0,-10000,20 10,10197,"Height of the planetary boundary layer",m,0,0,13 10,10199,"PREPBUFR: Station elevation",m,0,-1000,17 10,10243,"PREPBUFR: Mean sea-level pressure observation",mb,1,0,14 10,10244,"PREPBUFR: Mean sea-level pressure (quality) marker",Code table,0,0,5 10,10246,"PREPBUFR: Height (quality) marker",Code table,0,0,5 10,10247,"PREPBUFR: Height event program code",Code table,0,0,5 10,10248,"PREPBUFR: Height event reason code",Code table,0,0,10 10,10249,"PREPBUFR: Global forecast (background) height value",m,0,-1000,17 10,10250,"PREPBUFR: Height observation error",m,0,0,10 10,10251,"PREPBUFR: Analyzed height value",m,0,-1000,17 10,10252,"PREPBUFR: Climatological height value",m,0,-1000,17 10,10253,"PREPBUFR: Standard deviation of climatological height value",m,0,0,10 10,10255,"PREPBUFR: Model forecast (background) height value",m,0,-1000,17 11,11193,"Turbulent kinetic energy in a layer",m**2/s**2,2,-1024,13 11,11196,"u-component at 10 m",m/s,1,-4096,13 11,11197,"v-component at 10 m",m/s,1,-4096,13 11,11200,"Inflated wind speed",m/s,1,0,12 11,11201,"Mean wind speed over past 12 hours",m/s,1,0,12 11,11202,"Peak wind direction",Degree true,0,0,9 11,11203,"Peak wind speed",m/s,1,0,12 11,11206,"Roughness length",m,2,0,10 11,11208,"Surface exchange coefficient",m/s,3,0,10 11,11210,"Root mean square vector wind error",m/s,1,0,12 11,11211,"Wind direction at 10 m",Degree true,2,0,16 11,11212,"Wind speed at 10 m",m/s,2,0,14 11,11217,"PREPBUFR: Wind speed (SOB) (quality) marker",Code table,0,0,5 11,11218,"PREPBUFR: Wind direction/speed (DDO/FFO) (quality) marker",Code table,0,0,5 11,11219,"PREPBUFR: Wind direction/speed (DDO/FFO) event program code",Code table,0,0,5 11,11220,"PREPBUFR: Wind direction/speed (DDO/FFO) event reason code",Code table,0,0,10 11,11221,"Mean wind direction for 1500 - 3000 m",Degree true,0,0,9 11,11222,"Mean wind speed for 1500 - 3000 m",m/s,1,0,12 11,11223,"10 m extrapolated wind speed",m/s,1,0,12 11,11224,"20 m extrapolated wind speed",m/s,1,0,12 11,11225,"10 meter wind reduction factor",Numeric,4,0,16 11,11227,"Continuous wind direction",Degree true,0,0,9 11,11228,"Continuous wind speed",m/s,1,0,12 11,11229,"w-component",Pa/s,1,-512,10 11,11230,"Ocean surface wind speed",m/s,1,0,12 11,11231,"u-component of storm motion",m/s,1,-4096,13 11,11232,"v-component of storm motion",m/s,1,-4096,13 11,11233,"Storm relative helicity",m**2/s**2,1,-10000,15 11,11235,"Turbulence index",Code table,0,0,6 11,11236,"Turbulence index for period from 1 minute prior to observation time to observation time",Code table,0,0,6 11,11237,"Turbulence index for period from 2 minutes prior to observation time to 1 minute prior to observation time",Code table,0,0,6 11,11238,"Turbulence index for period from 3 minutes prior to observation time to 2 minutes prior to observation time",Code table,0,0,6 11,11239,"Turbulence index for period from 4 minutes prior to observation time to 3 minutes prior to observation time",Code table,0,0,6 11,11240,"PREPBUFR: u-, v-component wind (UOB/VOB) (quality) marker",Code table,0,0,5 11,11241,"PREPBUFR: u-, v-component wind (UOB/VOB) event program code",Code table,0,0,5 11,11242,"PREPBUFR: u-, v-component wind (UOB/VOB) event reason code",Code table,0,0,10 11,11243,"PREPBUFR: Global forecast (background) u-component wind value",m/s,1,-4096,13 11,11244,"PREPBUFR: Global forecast (background) v-component wind value",m/s,1,-4096,13 11,11245,"PREPBUFR: Wind observation error",m/s,1,0,10 11,11246,"PREPBUFR: Analyzed u-component wind value",m/s,1,-4096,13 11,11247,"PREPBUFR: Analyzed v-component wind value",m/s,1,-4096,13 11,11248,"PREPBUFR: Climatological u-component wind value",m/s,1,-4096,13 11,11249,"PREPBUFR: Climatological v-component wind value",m/s,1,-4096,13 11,11250,"PREPBUFR: Standard deviation of climatological u-component wind value",m/s,1,0,10 11,11251,"PREPBUFR: Standard deviation of climatological v-component wind value",m/s,1,0,10 11,11252,"PREPBUFR: Wind speed observation",kt,0,0,9 11,11253,"PREPBUFR: Analysis-tuned wind observation error",m/s,1,0,10 11,11254,"PREPBUFR: Model forecast (background) u-component wind value",m/s,1,-4096,13 11,11255,"PREPBUFR: Model forecast (background) v-component wind value",m/s,1,-4096,13 12,12193,"Temperature (city)",K,2,0,16 12,12194,"Maximum temperature (city)",K,2,0,16 12,12195,"Minimum temperature (city)",K,2,0,16 12,12196,"1-hour minimum temperature at lowest model level",K,1,0,12 12,12197,"1-hour maximum temperature at lowest model level",K,1,0,12 12,12198,"Layer soil temperature",K,1,0,12 12,12199,"1-hour average latent heat flux",W/m**2,1,-10000,15 12,12200,"Daytime maximum temperature",K,1,0,12 12,12201,"Nighttime minimum temperature",K,1,0,12 12,12202,"1-hour average sub-surface heat flux",W/m**2,1,-5000,14 12,12203,"1-hour average snow phase change heat flux",W/m**2,1,-10000,14 12,12204,"Bottom soil temperature",K,1,0,12 12,12205,"Potential temperature at 10 m",K,1,0,12 12,12206,"Cold space temperature correction",K,2,0,10 12,12210,"Cloud top temperature",K,2,0,16 12,12211,"Maximum soil temperature",K,2,0,16 12,12212,"Minimum soil temperature",K,2,0,16 12,12213,"Road temperature",K,2,0,16 12,12214,"Road liquid freeze temperature",K,2,0,16 12,12221,"Convective latent heating rate",K/s,6,-6000,14 12,12222,"Stable latent heating rate",K/s,6,-6000,14 12,12233,"Brightness temperature for SSM/I 85 GHz channels",K,2,0,19 12,12243,"PREPBUFR: Virtual temperature observation",oC,1,-2732,14 12,12244,"PREPBUFR: Dew-point temperature observation",oC,1,-2732,14 12,12245,"PREPBUFR: Temperature observation (dry-bulb or virtual)",oC,1,-2732,14 12,12246,"PREPBUFR: Temperature (TOB) (quality) marker",Code table,0,0,5 12,12247,"PREPBUFR: Temperature (TOB) event program code",Code table,0,0,5 12,12248,"PREPBUFR: Temperature (TOB) event reason code",Code table,0,0,10 12,12249,"PREPBUFR: Global forecast (background) temperature value",oC,1,-2732,14 12,12250,"PREPBUFR: Temperature observation error",oC,1,0,10 12,12251,"PREPBUFR: Analyzed temperature value",oC,1,-2732,14 12,12252,"PREPBUFR: Climatological temperature value",oC,1,-2732,14 12,12253,"PREPBUFR: Standard deviation of climatological temperature value",oC,1,0,10 12,12254,"PREPBUFR: Analysis-tuned temperature observation error",oC,1,0,10 12,12255,"PREPBUFR: Model forecast (background) temperature value",oC,1,-2732,14 13,13192,"Cloud water",kg/m**2,2,0,12 13,13193,"Total column precipitable water",kg/m**2,1,0,11 13,13194,"Indicator for inclusion/omission of precipitation data",Code table,0,0,3 13,13195,"Modified Showalter stability index",Numeric,0,-40,8 13,13197,"Soil moisture",m,3,0,8 13,13198,"Specific humidity at 2 m",kg/kg,5,0,14 13,13199,"Total precipitation past 5 minutes",kg/m**2,1,-1,14 13,13201,"Lifted index",K,2,-5000,14 13,13202,"Precipitable water in layer bounded by 1.0 to 0.9 simga",kg/m**2,1,0,11 13,13203,"Precipitable water in layer bounded by 0.9 to 0.7 simga",kg/m**2,1,0,11 13,13204,"Precipitable water in layer bounded by 0.7 to 0.3 simga",kg/m**2,1,0,11 13,13205,"Total rain rate",mm/hour,2,0,12 13,13207,"Rain plus cloud water",mm,2,0,12 13,13208,"Convective precipitation in past 1 hour",kg/m**2,2,-1,14 13,13209,"Convective precipitation in past 3 hours",kg/m**2,2,-1,14 13,13210,"Snow water equivalent",kg/m**2,2,0,18 13,13212,"Canopy water",kg/m**2,3,0,11 13,13213,"Stream velocity",m/s,2,-500,10 13,13214,"Discharge",m**3/s,2,-8450000,25 13,13215,"Convective rain rate",mm/hour,2,0,12 13,13216,"1-hour accumulated snowfall",kg/m**2,1,-1,14 13,13217,"Convective precipitation in past 1 hour",kg/m**2,1,-1,14 13,13218,"1-hour accumulated snow melt",kg/m**2,2,0,14 13,13219,"Convective precipitation in past 3 hours",kg/m**2,1,-1,14 13,13220,"Soil moisture availability",%,0,0,8 13,13222,"1-hour accumulated surface runoff",kg/m**2,2,0,15 13,13224,"1-hour accumulated baseflow-groundwater runoff",kg/m**2,2,0,15 13,13226,"Layer volumetric soil moisture",Numeric,3,0,10 13,13227,"City total precipitation past 24 hours",kg/m**2,1,-1,14 13,13228,"Snow report remarks",Code table,0,0,3 13,13231,"Snow ratio from explicit cloud scheme",%,0,0,7 13,13232,"Snow precipitation type",Code table,0,0,2 13,13233,"Ice pellet precipitation type",Code table,0,0,2 13,13234,"Freezing rain precipitation type",Code table,0,0,2 13,13235,"Rain precipitation type",Code table,0,0,2 13,13239,"Cloud water mixing ratio",kg/kg,5,0,16 13,13240,"Specific humidity at 10 m",kg/kg,5,0,14 13,13242,"PREPBUFR: Global forecast (background) saturation specific humidity value",mg/kg,0,0,16 13,13243,"PREPBUFR: Lifted index",K,1,-50,10 13,13244,"Ice mixing ratio",kg/kg,5,0,16 13,13245,"PREPBUFR: Specific humidity observation",mg/kg,0,0,16 13,13246,"PREPBUFR: Specific humidity (quality) marker",Code table,0,0,5 13,13247,"PREPBUFR: Specific humidity event program code",Code table,0,0,5 13,13248,"PREPBUFR: Specific humidity event reason code",Code table,0,0,10 13,13249,"PREPBUFR: Global forecast (background) specific humidity value",mg/kg,0,0,16 13,13250,"PREPBUFR: Relative humidity observation error",%*0.1,1,0,10 13,13251,"PREPBUFR: Analyzed Specific humidity value",mg/kg,0,0,16 13,13252,"PREPBUFR: Climatological Specific humidity value",mg/kg,0,0,16 13,13253,"PREPBUFR: Standard deviation of climatological specific humidity value",mg/kg,0,0,16 13,13254,"PREPBUFR: Analysis-tuned relative humidity observation error",%*0.1,1,0,10 13,13255,"PREPBUFR: Model forecast (background) specific humidity value",mg/kg,0,0,16 14,14194,"Short-wave heating rate",K/s,7,-12000,15 14,14195,"Long-wave heating rate",K/s,7,-12000,15 14,14198,"1-hour average downward short-wave flux",W/m**2,1,0,14 14,14199,"1-hour average upward short-wave flux",W/m**2,1,-15000,14 14,14200,"Percent of possible sunshine",%,0,0,7 14,14201,"1-hour average upward long-wave flux",W/m**2,1,-8192,13 14,14202,"1-hour average net long-wave flux at top",W/m**2,1,-8192,13 14,14203,"1-hour average net short-wave flux at top",W/m**2,1,-15000,15 14,14204,"Log 10 of cloud test results",Numeric,2,-300,10 14,14226,"Net radiative heating rate",K/s,7,-12000,15 15,15192,"Ozone mixing ratio",cm**3/m**3,4,0,17 15,15193,"Aerosol optical thickness",m,2,-100,16 15,15194,"Scattering angle",Degree,2,0,16 15,15195,"Aerosol type land",Code table,0,0,4 15,15196,"Algorithm flag for best ozone",Code table,0,0,16 15,15202,"Log 10 of integrated electron density",log(1/m**2),3,13000,12 20,20193,"Second runway visual range (RVR)",m,0,0,12 20,20194,"Height of base of icing",m,-1,-40,16 20,20195,"Height of top of icing",m,-1,-40,16 20,20196,"Height of base of present weather",m,-1,-40,16 20,20197,"Height of top of present weather",m,-1,-40,16 20,20198,"Cloud cover in a layer",%,0,0,7 20,20199,"Clouds from AVHRR (CLAVR) cloud mask",Code table,0,0,3 20,20200,"Mean cloud cover (opaque), past 12 hours",%,0,0,7 20,20201,"Height above surface of the base of the lowest cloud seen",Code table,0,0,4 20,20208,"Ice concentration",%,0,0,7 20,20209,"SSM/I ice age",Code table,0,0,2 20,20210,"SSM/I ice edge",Code table,0,0,2 20,20216,"SSM/I calculated surface type",Code table,0,0,5 20,20217,"SSM/I surface tag",Code table,0,0,3 20,20218,"Surface tag for SSM/I 85 GHz brightness temperature data",Code table,0,0,3 20,20219,"WindSat surface type",Code table,0,0,3 20,20220,"Road liquid ice percent",%,0,0,7 20,20221,"Road liquid ice depth",m,2,0,12 20,20222,"Road state",Code table,0,0,5 20,20226,"Low cloud pressure",Pa,-1,0,14 20,20227,"Middle cloud pressure",Pa,-1,0,14 20,20228,"High cloud pressure",Pa,-1,0,14 20,20231,"Green vegetation cover",%,0,0,7 20,20246,"PREPBUFR: Cloud top pressure (quality) marker",Code table,0,0,5 20,20247,"PREPBUFR: Cloud top pressure event program code",Code table,0,0,5 20,20248,"PREPBUFR: Cloud top pressure event reason code",Code table,0,0,10 20,20249,"PREPBUFR: Global forecast (background) cloud top pressure value",Pa,-1,0,14 20,20250,"PREPBUFR: Cloud top pressure observation error",Pa,-1,0,10 20,20251,"PREPBUFR: Analyzed cloud top pressure value",Pa,-1,0,14 21,21194,"Radial wind superob radial wind speed",m/s,1,-4096,13 21,21195,"Radial wind superob azimuth",Degree,2,0,16 21,21196,"Standard deviation of radial wind superob wind speed",m/s,1,0,12 21,21197,"Volume coverage pattern",Numeric,0,0,10 21,21226,"PREPBUFR: ERS incident angle number 1",Degree,1,0,12 21,21227,"PREPBUFR: ERS incident angle number 2",Degree,1,0,12 21,21228,"PREPBUFR: ERS incident angle number 3",Degree,1,0,12 21,21231,"PREPBUFR: ERS azimuth angle number 1",Degree,1,0,12 21,21232,"PREPBUFR: ERS azimuth angle number 2",Degree,1,0,12 21,21233,"PREPBUFR: ERS azimuth angle number 3",Degree,1,0,12 21,21236,"PREPBUFR: ERS backscatter number 1",dB,2,-5000,13 21,21237,"PREPBUFR: ERS backscatter number 2",dB,2,-5000,13 21,21238,"PREPBUFR: ERS backscatter number 3",dB,2,-5000,13 21,21241,"PREPBUFR: ERS error estimate number 1",%,0,0,7 21,21242,"PREPBUFR: ERS error estimate number 2",%,0,0,7 21,21243,"PREPBUFR: ERS error estimate number 3",%,0,0,7 22,22193,"Sea temperature at specified depth",K,2,0,15 22,22194,"Averaging period for TRACKOB parameters",Code table,0,0,4 22,22196,"Indicator for units of sea-surface current speed",Code table,0,0,2 22,22197,"Sea-level height deviation from 3-year mean of 1993-1995",m,4,-30000,16 22,22198,"Number of altimeter records averaged to obtain sea-level height deviation from 3-year mean of 1993-1995",Numeric,0,0,6 22,22199,"Sea-level height deviation from 8-year mean of 1993-2000",m,6,-4200000,23 22,22211,"NGDR satellite pass time",Second,0,0,31 22,22212,"NGDR satellite cycle number",Numeric,0,0,32 22,22214,"NGDR SSH corrected",m,3,-1000000,24 22,22216,"NGDR sigma-0",dB,2,0,12 22,22217,"NGDR inverse barometer",m,3,-500,12 22,22218,"NGDR geiod height",m,3,-1500000,22 22,22219,"NGDR mean sea surface I",m,3,-1500000,22 22,22220,"NGDR mean sea surface II",m,3,-1500000,22 22,22222,"NGDR net SHW corrected",m,2,-16767,17 22,22224,"NGDR brightness temperature at 22GHz",K,2,0,15 22,22225,"NGDR brightness temperature at 37GHz",K,2,0,15 22,22226,"Tide elevation with respect to mean lower low water",m,3,-9999,15 22,22227,"Reliability of sea-surface temperature retrieval (higher number means more reliable)",Numeric,0,0,15 22,22228,"Internal RMS error of sea-surface temperature retrieval",K,0,0,15 22,22246,"PREPBUFR: Sea temperature (quality) marker",Code table,0,0,5 22,22247,"PREPBUFR: Sea temperature event program code",Code table,0,0,5 22,22248,"PREPBUFR: Sea temperature event reason code",Code table,0,0,10 22,22249,"PREPBUFR: Global forecast (background) sea temperature value",K,2,0,15 22,22250,"PREPBUFR: Sea temperature observation error",K,1,0,10 22,22251,"PREPBUFR: Analyzed sea temperature value",K,2,0,15 25,25193,"NMC 15 day sea-surface temperature availability",Code table,0,0,2 25,25194,"HIRS channel 8/surface air temperature difference",Code table,0,0,2 25,25201,"Satellite wind deep layer moisture flag",Code table,0,0,2 25,25203,"GOES I/M temperature (skin) channel selection flag",Flag table,0,0,4 25,25204,"NSTAR average value",Numeric,3,-5000,14 25,25205,"RTOVS filter flag",Code table,0,0,3 25,25220,"Total delay",m,4,0,16 25,25221,"Error in total delay",m,4,0,9 25,25222,"Hydrostatic delay",m,4,0,16 25,25223,"Error in hydrostatic delay",m,4,0,9 25,25224,"Weighted mean temperature",K,2,0,16 25,25225,"Wet delay mapping function",Numeric,3,0,13 33,33192,"SDMEDIT quality mark for geopotential",Code table,0,0,4 33,33193,"SDMEDIT/QUIPS quality mark for air temperature",Code table,0,0,4 33,33194,"SDMEDIT/QUIPS quality mark for moisture",Code table,0,0,4 33,33195,"SDMEDIT/QUIPS quality mark for wind (does not include NESDIS produced satellite winds)",Code table,0,0,4 33,33196,"Per cent confidence based on NESDIS recursive filter function (satellite winds)",%,0,0,8 33,33197,"Per cent confidence based on EUMETSAT quality index with forecast consistency test (satellite winds)",%,0,0,8 33,33198,"Per cent confidence based on EUMETSAT quality index without forecast consistency test (satellite winds)",%,0,0,8 33,33199,"Chi-squared",Numeric,2,0,17 33,33200,"WindSat EDR quality flag-1",Flag table,0,0,31 33,33201,"Estimated error covariance for wind direction retrieval",Degree true,1,0,12 33,33202,"Radiosonde report diagnostic code",Code table,0,0,8 33,33203,"Per cent confidence based on NESDIS expected error (satellite winds)",%,0,0,8 33,33204,"PREPBUFR: Analysis variational qc weight on pressure observation based on guess",%,0,0,7 33,33205,"PREPBUFR: Analysis variational qc weight on pressure observation based on analysis",%,0,0,7 33,33206,"PREPBUFR: Analysis variational qc weight on temperature observation based on guess",%,0,0,7 33,33207,"SDMEDIT/QUIPS quality mark for pressure",Code table,0,0,4 33,33208,"SDMEDIT/QUIPS quality mark for wave height",Code table,0,0,4 33,33209,"PREPBUFR: Analysis variational qc weight on temperature observation based on analysis",%,0,0,7 33,33210,"PREPBUFR: Analysis variational qc weight on moisture observation based on guess",%,0,0,7 33,33211,"PREPBUFR: Analysis variational qc weight on moisture observation based on analysis",%,0,0,7 33,33212,"PREPBUFR: Analysis variational qc weight on wind observation based on guess",%,0,0,7 33,33213,"PREPBUFR: Analysis variational qc weight on wind observation based on analysis",%,0,0,7 33,33214,"PREPBUFR: Analysis variational qc weight on total precipitable water observation based on guess",%,0,0,7 33,33215,"Corrected report indicator",Code table,0,0,3 33,33216,"SDMEDIT quality mark for NESDIS produced satellite winds",Code table,0,0,4 33,33217,"SSM/I rain flag (derived wind product quality indicator)",Code table,0,0,3 33,33218,"SDMEDIT quality mark for sea-surface temperature",Code table,0,0,4 33,33219,"MODS QC results flag",Flag table,0,0,8 33,33220,"FSL QC data flag",CCITT IA5,0,0,8 33,33221,"FSL QC applied flag for surface data (surface, hydro, satellite winds)",Flag table,0,0,11 33,33222,"FSL QC results flag for surface data (surface, hydro, satellite winds)",Flag table,0,0,11 33,33223,"FSL QC applied flag for upper air data (radiosonde, NPN and CAP profiler, ACARS, ACARSP, radiometer, TAMDAR)",Flag table,0,0,13 33,33224,"FSL QC results flag for upper air data (radiosonde, NPN and CAP profiler, ACARS, ACARSP, radiometer, TAMDAR)",Flag table,0,0,13 33,33225,"FSL decoding correction indicator",Code table,0,0,4 33,33226,"FSL location interpolation indicator",Code table,0,0,2 33,33227,"FSL time interpolation indicator",Code table,0,0,2 33,33228,"PREPBUFR: Analysis variational qc weight on total precipitable water observation based on analysis",%,0,0,7 33,33230,"SHEF data revision flag",Code table,0,0,2 33,33231,"SHEF data qualifier flag",Code table,0,0,5 33,33233,"AMSR-E Level 2 ocean summary quality code",Code table,0,0,3 33,33234,"AMSR-E Level 2 ocean product quality flag",Flag table,0,0,24 33,33238,"Data quality check indicator",Same as code table for 0-33-015,0,0,6 33,33239,"Quality control indicator for temperature/ salinity profile",Same as code table for 0-33-020,0,0,3 33,33240,"Quality control indicator for current profile",Same as code table for 0-33-020,0,0,3 33,33245,"Estimated error covariance for sea surface temperature retrieval",K,2,0,16 33,33246,"Estimated error covariance for wind speed retrieval",m/s,2,0,15 33,33247,"Estimated error covariance for total water vapor retrieval",kg/m**2,2,0,14 33,33248,"Estimated error covariance for total cloud liquid water retrieval",kg/m**2,3,0,14 33,33249,"NRL aircraft quality mark",CCITT IA5,0,0,8 33,33250,"Quality mark for reflectivities along radial line",Code table,0,0,3 33,33251,"Quality mark for winds along radial line",Code table,0,0,3 33,33254,"2-bit indicator of quality",Code table,0,0,2 33,33255,"1-bit indicator of quality",Code table,0,0,1 35,35194,"Bulletin being monitored (BBB)",CCITT IA5,0,0,48 35,35195,"Channel sequence number",CCITT IA5,0,0,32 35,35200,"Restrictions on redistribution",Flag table,0,0,9 35,35201,"Expiration of restrictions on redistribution",Hour,0,0,8 49,49001,"Record id",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49002,"Sequence number",Numeric,0,0,8 49,49003,"Subsatellite latitude",Degree,2,-9000,15 49,49004,"Subsatellite longitude",Degree,2,-18000,16 49,49005,"View latitude total ozone",Degree,2,-9000,15 49,49006,"View longitude total ozone",Degree,2,-18000,16 49,49007,"Solar zenith angle",Degree,2,-18000,16 49,49008,"N-value CCR 339.8 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49009,"N-value CCR 331.2 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49010,"N-value CCR 317.5 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49011,"N-value CCR 312.5 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49012,"N-value MONO 339.8 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49013,"N-value MONO 331.2 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49014,"N-value MONO 317.5 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49015,"N-value MONO 312.5 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49016,"Gain sel code 4 wavelengths + 305 nm",Numeric,0,0,16 49,49017,"Grating differences channels 1-6",Code table,1,0,24 49,49018,"Total ozone best estimated TOVS cloud height",m ATM cm,2,0,17 49,49019,"Field-of-view averaged cloud top pressure",ATM,2,0,7 49,49020,"Pressure of reflected surface estimated using TOVS",ATM,2,0,7 49,49021,"Reflectivity average for TOVS",Numeric,2,0,7 49,49022,"Per cent cloud from CCR",%,0,0,7 49,49023,"Ozone error flag for TOVS total ozone",Code table,0,0,5 49,49024,"Total ozone A-pair",m ATM cm,2,0,17 49,49025,"Ozone A-pair sensitivity",(m ATM cm)**-1,2,0,7 49,49026,"Reflectivity average for A-pair",Numeric,2,0,7 49,49027,"Ozone weight A-pair",Numeric,2,0,7 49,49028,"Total B-pair ozone",m ATM cm,2,0,17 49,49029,"Ozone B-pair sensitivity",(m ATM cm)**-1,2,0,7 49,49030,"Reflectivity average for B-pair",Numeric,2,0,7 49,49031,"Ozone weight B-pair",Numeric,2,0,7 49,49032,"Total ozone best estimate based on climatological cloud height",m ATM cm,2,0,17 49,49033,"Total C-pair ozone",m ATM cm,2,0,17 49,49034,"Pressure of reflected surface estimated without TOVS",ATM,2,0,7 49,49035,"Reflectivity average",Numeric,2,0,7 49,49036,"Ozone C-pair sensitivity",(m ATM cm)**-1,2,0,7 49,49037,"Ozone error flag for best ozone",Code table,0,0,5 49,49038,"Table selection index",Code table,2,-1000,12 49,49039,"Grating differences channels 7-12",Code table,1,0,24 49,49040,"Reflectivity differences (photo/mono)",Numeric,2,-10,10 49,49041,"Terrain/surface pressure",ATM,2,0,7 49,49042,"Total D-pair ozone",m ATM cm,2,0,17 49,49043,"Sulfur dioxide index (provides a measure of SO2 contamination)",Numeric,2,-100000,18 49,49044,"0 total B ozone",m ATM cm,2,0,17 49,49045,"View latitude profile ozone",Degree,2,-9000,15 49,49046,"View longitude profile ozone",Degree,2,-18000,16 49,49047,"Solar zenith angle for profile ozone",Degree,2,-18000,16 49,49048,"N-value CCR 252.2 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49049,"N-value CCR 275.3 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49050,"N-value CCR 283.0 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49051,"N-value CCR 287.6 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49052,"N-value CCR 292.2 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49053,"N-value CCR 297.5 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49054,"N-value CCR 301.9 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49055,"N-value CCR 305.8 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49056,"N-value MONO 252.2 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49057,"N-value MONO 275.3 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49058,"N-value MONO 283.0 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49059,"N-value MONO 287.6 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49060,"N-value MONO 292.2 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49061,"N-value MONO 297.5 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49062,"N-value MONO 301.9 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49063,"N-value MONO 305.8 nm",Numeric,0,0,10 49,49064,"Gain sel code first 4 wavelengths",Numeric,0,0,16 49,49065,"Gain sel code last 4 wavelengths",Numeric,0,0,16 49,49066,"First guess layer ozone 12 .25-.12 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49067,"First guess layer ozone 11 .5-.25 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49068,"First guess layer ozone 10 1-.5 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49069,"First guess layer ozone 9 2-1 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49070,"First guess layer ozone 8 4-2 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49071,"First guess layer ozone 7 8-4 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49072,"First guess layer ozone 6 16-8 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49073,"First guess layer ozone 5 32-16 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49074,"First guess layer ozone 4 64-32 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49075,"First guess layer ozone 3 127-64 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49076,"First guess layer ozone 2 250-127 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49077,"First guess layer ozone 1 1013-250 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49078,"Total ozone a-priori profile",m ATM cm,2,0,17 49,49079,"Q-vals corrected for multi-scat/refl 252.2 nm",Numeric,2,0,24 49,49080,"Q-vals corrected for multi-scat/refl 275.3 nm",Numeric,2,0,24 49,49081,"Q-vals corrected for multi-scat/refl 283.0 nm",Numeric,2,0,24 49,49082,"Q-vals corrected for multi-scat/refl 287.6 nm",Numeric,2,0,24 49,49083,"Q-vals corrected for multi-scat/refl 292.2 nm",Numeric,2,0,24 49,49084,"Q-vals corrected for multi-scat/refl 297.5 nm",Numeric,2,0,24 49,49085,"Q-vals corrected for multi-scat/refl 301.9 nm",Numeric,2,0,24 49,49086,"Q-vals corrected for multi-scat/refl 305.8 nm",Numeric,2,0,24 49,49087,"Q-vals corrected for multi-scat/refl 312.5 nm",Numeric,2,0,24 49,49088,"Q-vals corrected for multi-scat/refl 317.5 nm",Numeric,2,0,24 49,49089,"Initial residue 252.2 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49090,"Initial residue 275.3 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49091,"Initial residue 283.0 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49092,"Initial residue 287.6 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49093,"Initial residue 292.2 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49094,"Initial residue 297.5 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49095,"Initial residue 301.9 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49096,"Initial residue 308.8 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49097,"Initial residue 312.5 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49098,"Initial residue 317.5 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49099,"Multi scat corrected to Q 297.5 nm",Numeric,2,0,7 49,49100,"Multi scat corrected to Q 301.9 nm",Numeric,2,0,7 49,49101,"Multi scat corrected to Q 305.8 nm",Numeric,2,0,7 49,49102,"Multi scat corrected to Q 312.5 nm",Numeric,2,0,7 49,49103,"Multi scat corrected to Q 317.5 nm",Numeric,2,0,7 49,49104,"Reflectivities 297.5 nm",Numeric,2,0,7 49,49105,"Reflectivities 301.9 nm",Numeric,2,0,7 49,49106,"Reflectivities 305.8 nm",Numeric,2,0,7 49,49107,"Reflectivities 312.5 nm",Numeric,2,0,7 49,49108,"Reflectivities 317.5 nm",Numeric,2,0,7 49,49109,"Multi scat sensitivity 297.5 nm",(m ATM cm)**-1,2,0,7 49,49110,"Multi scat sensitivity 301.9 nm",(m ATM cm)**-1,2,0,7 49,49111,"Multi scat sensitivity 305.8 nm",(m ATM cm)**-1,2,0,7 49,49112,"Multi scat sensitivity 312.5 nm",(m ATM cm)**-1,2,0,7 49,49113,"Multi scat sensitivity 317.5 nm",(m ATM cm)**-1,2,0,7 49,49114,"Multi scat mix. fract. 297.5 nm",Numeric,2,0,11 49,49115,"Multi scat mix. fract. 301.9 nm",Numeric,2,0,11 49,49116,"Multi scat mix. fract. 305.8 nm",Numeric,2,0,11 49,49117,"Multi scat mix. fract. 312.5 nm",Numeric,2,0,11 49,49118,"Multi scat mix. fract. 317.5 nm",Numeric,2,0,11 49,49119,"Final residues 252.2 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49120,"Final residues 275.3 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49121,"Final residues 283.0 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49122,"Final residues 287.6 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49123,"Final residues 292.2 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49124,"Final residues 297.5 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49125,"Final residues 301.9 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49126,"Final residues 305.8 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49127,"Final residues 312.5 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49128,"Final residues 317.5 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49129,"Solution profile layer ozone 12 .25-.12 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49130,"Solution profile layer ozone 11 .5-.25 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49131,"Solution profile layer ozone 10 1-.5 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49132,"Solution profile layer ozone 9 2-1 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49133,"Solution profile layer ozone 8 4-2 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49134,"Solution profile layer ozone 7 8-4 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49135,"Solution profile layer ozone 6 16-8 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49136,"Solution profile layer ozone 5 32-16 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49137,"Solution profile layer ozone 4 64-32 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49138,"Solution profile layer ozone 3 127-64 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49139,"Solution profile layer ozone 2 250-127 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49140,"Solution profile layer ozone 1 1013-250 mb",m ATM cm,2,0,16 49,49141,"Solution profile standard deviation layer ozone 12 .25-.12 mb",%,0,0,7 49,49142,"Solution profile standard deviation layer ozone 11 .5-.25 mb",%,0,0,7 49,49143,"Solution profile standard deviation layer ozone 10 1-.5 mb",%,0,0,7 49,49144,"Solution profile standard deviation layer ozone 9 2-1 mb",%,0,0,7 49,49145,"Solution profile standard deviation layer ozone 8 4-2 mb",%,0,0,7 49,49146,"Solution profile standard deviation layer ozone 7 8-4 mb",%,0,0,7 49,49147,"Solution profile standard deviation layer ozone 6 16-8 mb",%,0,0,7 49,49148,"Solution profile standard deviation layer ozone 5 32-16 mb",%,0,0,7 49,49149,"Solution profile standard deviation layer ozone 4 64-32 mb",%,0,0,7 49,49150,"Solution profile standard deviation layer ozone 3 127-64 mb",%,0,0,7 49,49151,"Solution profile standard deviation layer ozone 2 250-127 mb",%,0,0,7 49,49152,"Solution profile standard deviation layer ozone 1 1013-250 mb",%,0,0,7 49,49153,"Total ozone for solution profile",m ATM cm,2,0,17 49,49154,"Ozone error flag for profile",Code table,0,0,4 49,49155,"Upper-level profile parameter c",m ATM cm,2,0,17 49,49156,"Upper-level profile parameter sigma",m ATM cm,2,0,17 49,49157,"Ozone mixing ratio level 1 .3 mb",mg/g,2,0,13 49,49158,"Ozone mixing ratio level 2 .4 mb",mg/g,2,0,13 49,49159,"Ozone mixing ratio level 3 .5 mb",mg/g,2,0,13 49,49160,"Ozone mixing ratio level 4 .7 mb",mg/g,2,0,13 49,49161,"Ozone mixing ratio level 5 1.0 mb",mg/g,2,0,13 49,49162,"Ozone mixing ratio level 6 1.5 mb",mg/g,2,0,13 49,49163,"Ozone mixing ratio level 7 2.0 mb",mg/g,2,0,13 49,49164,"Ozone mixing ratio level 8 3.0 mb",mg/g,2,0,13 49,49165,"Ozone mixing ratio level 9 4.0 mb",mg/g,2,0,13 49,49166,"Ozone mixing ratio level 10 5.0 mb",mg/g,2,0,13 49,49167,"Ozone mixing ratio level 11 7.0 mb",mg/g,2,0,13 49,49168,"Ozone mixing ratio level 12 10.0 mb",mg/g,2,0,13 49,49169,"Ozone mixing ratio level 13 15.0 mb",mg/g,2,0,13 49,49170,"Ozone mixing ratio level 14 20.0 mb",mg/g,2,0,13 49,49171,"Ozone mixing ratio level 15 30.0 mb",mg/g,2,0,13 49,49172,"Ozone mixing ratio level 16 40.0 mb",mg/g,2,0,13 49,49173,"Ozone mixing ratio level 17 50.0 mb",mg/g,2,0,13 49,49174,"Ozone mixing ratio level 18 70.0 mb",mg/g,2,0,13 49,49175,"Ozone mixing ratio level 19 100.0 mb",mg/g,2,0,13 49,49176,"Layer ozone standard deviation 1st guess layer 12",%,0,0,7 49,49177,"Layer ozone standard deviation 1st guess layer 11",%,0,0,7 49,49178,"Layer ozone standard deviation 1st guess layer 10",%,0,0,7 49,49179,"Layer ozone standard deviation 1st guess layer 9",%,0,0,7 49,49180,"Layer ozone standard deviation 1st guess layer 8",%,0,0,7 49,49181,"Layer ozone standard deviation 1st guess layer 7",%,0,0,7 49,49182,"Layer ozone standard deviation 1st guess layer 6",%,0,0,7 49,49183,"Layer ozone standard deviation 1st guess layer 5",%,0,0,7 49,49184,"Layer ozone standard deviation 1st guess layer 4",%,0,0,7 49,49185,"Layer ozone standard deviation 1st guess layer 3",%,0,0,7 49,49186,"Layer ozone standard deviation 1st guess layer 2",%,0,0,7 49,49187,"Layer ozone standard deviation 1st guess layer 1",%,0,0,7 49,49188,"Standard deviation q-vals mult scat and refl 252.2 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49189,"Standard deviation q-vals mult scat and refl 275.3 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49190,"Standard deviation q-vals mult scat and refl 283.0 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49191,"Standard deviation q-vals mult scat and refl 287.6 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49192,"Standard deviation q-vals mult scat and refl 292.2 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49193,"Standard deviation q-vals mult scat and refl 297.5 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49194,"Standard deviation q-vals mult scat and refl 301.9 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49195,"Standard deviation q-vals mult scat and refl 305.8 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49196,"Standard deviation q-vals mult scat and refl 312.5 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49197,"Standard deviation q-vals mult scat and refl 317.5 nm",%,0,0,7 49,49198,"Number of iterations for profile solution",Numeric,0,0,7 49,49199,"Volcano contamination index",Numeric,2,-1000,12 49,49200,"Solar azimuth angle at field-of-view start of scan",Degree,2,-18000,16 49,49201,"Ozone sensitivity D-pair",(m ATM cm)**-1,2,0,7 49,49202,"Ozone sensitivity B'",(m ATM cm)**-1,2,0,7 49,49203,"Solar zenith angle at start of scan",rad,4,0,29 49,49204,"Solar zenith angle at start of scan",rad,4,0,29 50,50001,"PREPBUFR: Report sequence number",Numeric,0,0,19 50,50002,"File name string",CCITT IA5,0,0,64 50,50003,"PREPBUFR: Process number for this MPI run",Numeric,0,0,7 50,50004,"BUFR message number",Numeric,0,0,7 50,50005,"PREPBUFR: File name of data source",CCITT IA5,0,0,24 50,50192,"PREPBUFR: Convective available potential energy",J/kg,0,0,14 50,50193,"PREPBUFR: Convective inhibition",J/kg,0,-3890,12 51,51001,"PREPBUFR: Rainfall (average rate) (quality) marker",Code table,0,0,5 51,51002,"PREPBUFR: Rainfall (average rate) event program code",Code table,0,0,5 51,51003,"PREPBUFR: Rainfall (average rate) event reason code",Code table,0,0,10 51,51004,"PREPBUFR: Global forecast (background) rainfall (average rate) value",kg m**-2 s**-1,6,0,18 51,51005,"PREPBUFR: Rainfall (average rate) observation error",kg m**-2 s**-1,6,0,18 51,51006,"PREPBUFR: Analyzed rainfall (average rate) value",kg m**-2 s**-1,6,0,18 51,51021,"PREPBUFR: Total precipitable water (quality) marker",Code table,0,0,5 51,51022,"PREPBUFR: Total precipitable water event program code",Code table,0,0,5 51,51023,"PREPBUFR: Total precipitable water event reason code",Code table,0,0,10 51,51024,"PREPBUFR: Global forecast (background) total precipitable water value",kg/m**2,1,0,11 51,51025,"PREPBUFR: Total precipitable water observation error",kg/m**2,1,0,10 51,51026,"PREPBUFR: Analyzed total precipitable water value",kg/m**2,1,0,11 51,51027,"PREPBUFR: Analysis-tuned total precipitable water observation error",kg/m**2,1,0,10 51,51030,"PREPBUFR: Model forecast (background) total precipitable water value",kg/m**2,1,0,11 51,51032,"PREPBUFR: Precipitable water in layer bounded by 1.0 to 0.9 sigma (quality) marker",Code table,0,0,5 51,51033,"PREPBUFR: Precipitable water in layer bounded by 1.0 to 0.9 sigma event program code",Code table,0,0,5 51,51034,"PREPBUFR: Precipitable water in layer bounded by 1.0 to 0.9 sigma event reason code",Code table,0,0,10 51,51035,"PREPBUFR: Global forecast (background) precipitable water value in layer bounded by 1.0 to 0.9 sigma",kg/m**2,1,0,11 51,51036,"PREPBUFR: Precipitable water in layer bounded by 1.0 to 0.9 sigma observation error",kg/m**2,1,0,10 51,51037,"PREPBUFR: Analyzed precipitable water value in layer bounded by 1.0 to 0.9 sigma",kg/m**2,1,0,11 51,51040,"PREPBUFR: Model forecast (background) precipitable water value in layer bounded by 1.0 to 0.9 sigma",kg/m**2,1,0,11 51,51042,"PREPBUFR: Precipitable water in layer bounded by 0.9 to 0.7 sigma (quality) marker",Code table,0,0,5 51,51043,"PREPBUFR: Precipitable water in layer bounded by 0.9 to 0.7 sigma event program code",Code table,0,0,5 51,51044,"PREPBUFR: Precipitable water in layer bounded by 0.9 to 0.7 sigma event reason code",Code table,0,0,10 51,51045,"PREPBUFR: Global forecast (background) precipitable water value in layer bounded by 0.9 to 0.7 sigma",kg/m**2,1,0,11 51,51046,"PREPBUFR: Precipitable water in layer bounded by 0.9 to 0.7 sigma observation error",kg/m**2,1,0,10 51,51047,"PREPBUFR: Analyzed precipitable water value in layer bounded by 0.9 to 0.7 sigma",kg/m**2,1,0,11 51,51050,"PREPBUFR: Model forecast (background) precipitable water value in layer bounded by 0.9 to 0.7 sigma",kg/m**2,1,0,11 51,51052,"PREPBUFR: Precipitable water in layer bounded by 0.7 to 0.3 sigma (quality) marker",Code table,0,0,5 51,51053,"PREPBUFR: Precipitable water in layer bounded by 0.7 to 0.3 sigma event program code",Code table,0,0,5 51,51054,"PREPBUFR: Precipitable water in layer bounded by 0.7 to 0.3 sigma event reason code",Code table,0,0,10 51,51055,"PREPBUFR: Global forecast (background) precipitable water value in layer bounded by 0.7 to 0.3 sigma",kg/m**2,1,0,11 51,51056,"PREPBUFR: Precipitable water in layer bounded by 0.7 to 0.3 sigma observation error",kg/m**2,1,0,10 51,51057,"PREPBUFR: Analyzed precipitable water value in layer bounded by 0.7 to 0.3 sigma",kg/m**2,1,0,11 51,51060,"PREPBUFR: Model forecast (background) precipitable water value in layer bounded by 0.7 to 0.3 sigma",kg/m**2,1,0,11 51,51061,"PREPBUFR: Precipitable water observation in layer bounded by 0.3 to 0.0 simga",kg/m**2,1,0,11 51,51062,"PREPBUFR: Precipitable water in layer bounded by 0.3 to 0.0 sigma (quality) marker",Code table,0,0,5 51,51063,"PREPBUFR: Precipitable water in layer bounded by 0.3 to 0.0 sigma event program code",Code table,0,0,5 51,51064,"PREPBUFR: Precipitable water in layer bounded by 0.3 to 0.0 sigma event reason code",Code table,0,0,10 51,51065,"PREPBUFR: Global forecast (background) precipitable water value in layer bounded by 0.3 to 0.0 sigma",kg/m**2,1,0,11 51,51066,"PREPBUFR: Precipitable water in layer bounded by 0.3 to 0.0 sigma observation error",kg/m**2,1,0,10 51,51067,"PREPBUFR: Analyzed precipitable water value in layer bounded by 0.3 to 0.0 sigma",kg/m**2,1,0,11 51,51070,"PREPBUFR: Model forecast (background) precipitable water value in layer bounded by 0.3 to 0.0 sigma",kg/m**2,1,0,11 55,55006,"NMC (now NCEP) report type",Code table,0,0,10 55,55007,"PREPBUFR: PREPBUFR report type",Code table: GFS/GDAS Code table: CDAS/Reanalysis Code table: NAM/NDAS Code table: RUC,0,0,9 55,55008,"PREPBUFR: Data dump report type",Code table,0,0,10 55,55009,"PREPBUFR: Report subtype",Code table,0,0,10 58,58008,"Raw report string",CCITT IA5,0,0,64 58,58009,"MESONET provider id string",CCITT IA5,0,0,64 58,58010,"MESONET subprovider id string",CCITT IA5,0,0,64 60,60001,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation > 0.01 inch, past 6 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60002,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation > 0.01 inch, past 12 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60003,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation > 0.01 inch, past 24 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60004,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation > 0.10 inch, past 6 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60005,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation > 0.10 inch, past 12 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60006,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation > 0.10 inch, past 24 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60007,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation > 0.25 inch, past 6 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60008,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation > 0.25 inch, past 12 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60009,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation > 0.25 inch, past 24 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60010,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation > 0.50 inch, past 6 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60011,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation > 0.50 inch, past 12 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60012,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation > 0.50 inch, past 24 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60013,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation > 1.00 inch, past 6 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60014,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation > 1.00 inch, past 12 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60015,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation > 1.00 inch, past 24 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60016,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation > 2.00 inches, past 12 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60017,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation > 2.00 inches, past 24 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60018,"Relative frequency of > 0.01 inch liquid equivalent precipitation, past 12 hours (climatic)",%,0,0,7 60,60019,"Relative frequency of > 0.01 inch liquid equivalent precipitation, past 24 hours (climatic)",%,0,0,7 60,60020,"Conditional probability of precipitation type - freezing",%,0,0,7 60,60021,"Conditional probability of precipitation type - snow",%,0,0,7 60,60022,"Conditional probability of precipitation type - liquid",%,0,0,7 60,60023,"Conditional probability of precipitation type - drizzle",%,0,0,7 60,60024,"Conditional probability of precipitation type - continuous",%,0,0,7 60,60025,"Conditional probability of precipitation type - showers",%,0,0,7 60,60026,"Probability of snow amount > trace, past 6 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60027,"Probability of snow amount > trace, past 12 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60028,"Probability of snow amount > trace, past 24 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60029,"Probability of snow amount > 2 inches, past 6 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60030,"Probability of snow amount > 2 inches, past 12 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60031,"Probability of snow amount > 2 inches, past 24 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60032,"Probability of snow amount > 4 inches, past 12 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60033,"Probability of snow amount > 4 inches, past 24 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60034,"Probability of snow amount > 6 inches, past 12 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60035,"Probability of snow amount > 6 inches, past 24 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60036,"Conditional probability of snow, past 12 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60037,"Conditional relative frequency of snow, past 12 hours (climatic)",%,0,0,7 60,60038,"Probability of opaque sky cover - clear",%,0,0,7 60,60039,"Probability of opaque sky cover - scattered",%,0,0,7 60,60040,"Probability of opaque sky cover - broken",%,0,0,7 60,60041,"Probability of opaque sky cover - overcast",%,0,0,7 60,60042,"Probability of ceiling height < 200 feet",%,0,0,7 60,60043,"Probability of ceiling height 200 to 400 feet",%,0,0,7 60,60044,"Probability of ceiling height 500 to 900 feet",%,0,0,7 60,60045,"Probability of ceiling height 1000 to 3000 feet",%,0,0,7 60,60046,"Probability of ceiling height 3100 to 6500 feet",%,0,0,7 60,60047,"Probability of ceiling height 6600 to 12000 feet",%,0,0,7 60,60048,"Probability of ceiling height > 12000 feet",%,0,0,7 60,60049,"Probability of visibility < 1/2 mile",%,0,0,7 60,60050,"Probability of visibility 1/2 to 7/8 miles",%,0,0,7 60,60051,"Probability of visibility 1 to 2+3/4 miles",%,0,0,7 60,60052,"Probability of visibility 3 to 5 miles",%,0,0,7 60,60053,"Probability of visibility > 5 miles",%,0,0,7 60,60054,"Probability of obstruction to vision - blowing phenomena",%,0,0,7 60,60055,"Probability of obstruction to vision - haze",%,0,0,7 60,60056,"Probability of obstruction to vision - fog",%,0,0,7 60,60057,"Probability of obstruction to vision - none",%,0,0,7 60,60058,"Probability of thunderstorm, past 6 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60059,"Probability of thunderstorm, past 12 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60060,"Probability of thunderstorm, past 24 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60061,"Probability of severe weather, past 6 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60062,"Probability of severe weather, past 12 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60063,"Probability of severe weather, past 24 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60064,"Climatic average cloud cover (opaque) during past 12 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60065,"Climatic wind speed during past 12 hours",m/s,1,0,12 60,60066,"Climatic (normal) day maximum temperature",K,1,0,12 60,60067,"Climatic (normal) night minimum temperature",K,1,0,12 60,60068,"Cond. 25% Prcp. Amt. Fractile, past 24 hrs",kg/m2,1,-1,14 60,60069,"Cond. 50% Prcp. Amt. Fractile, past 24 hrs",kg/m2,1,-1,14 60,60070,"Cond. 75% Prcp. Amt. Fractile, past 24 hrs",kg/m2,1,-1,14 60,60071,"Probability of precipitation amount > 0.01 inch, during the past 6 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60072,"Probability of precipitation amount > 0.01 inch, during the past 12 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60073,"Pct Precip in 1st 6-h period past 24 hrs (NGM)",%,0,0,7 60,60074,"Pct Precip in 2nd 6-h period past 24 hrs (NGM)",%,0,0,7 60,60075,"Pct Precip in 3rd 6-h period past 24 hrs (NGM)",%,0,0,7 60,60076,"Pct Precip in 4th 6-h period past 24 hrs (NGM)",%,0,0,7 60,60079,"Probability of thunderstorm, past 2 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60080,"Probability of ceiling height 1000 to 1900 feet",%,0,0,7 60,60081,"Probability of ceiling height 2000 to 3000 feet",%,0,0,7 60,60082,"Conditional probability of ceiling height < 200 feet",%,0,0,7 60,60083,"Conditional probability of ceiling height 200 to 400 feet",%,0,0,7 60,60084,"Conditional probability of ceiling height 500 to 900 feet",%,0,0,7 60,60085,"Conditional probability of ceiling height 1000 to 1900 feet",%,0,0,7 60,60086,"Conditional probability of ceiling height 2000 to 3000 feet",%,0,0,7 60,60087,"Conditional probability of ceiling height 3100 to 6500 feet",%,0,0,7 60,60088,"Conditional probability of ceiling height 6600 to 12000 feet",%,0,0,7 60,60089,"Conditional probability of ceiling height > 12000 feet",%,0,0,7 60,60090,"Quantitative precipitation forecast (categories)",Code table,0,0,4 60,60091,"Conditional precipitation type forecast (categories)",Code table,0,0,3 60,60092,"Conditional precipitation character forecast (categories)",Code table,0,0,3 60,60093,"Quantitative snow amount forecast (categories)",Code table,0,0,4 60,60094,"Ceiling height forecast (categories)",Code table,0,0,4 60,60095,"Visibility forecast (categories)",Code table,0,0,3 60,60096,"Obstruction to vision forecast (categories)",Code table,0,0,3 60,60097,"Thunderstorm forecast (categories)",Code table,0,0,2 60,60098,"Severe weather forecast (categories)",Code table,0,0,2 60,60099,"Combined ceiling/visibility forecast (categories)",Code table,0,0,3 60,60100,"Probability of 0/8 of sky covered with clouds",%,0,0,7 60,60101,"Probability of 1/8 to 4/8 of sky covered with clouds",%,0,0,7 60,60103,"Probability of 5/8 to 7/8 of sky covered with clouds",%,0,0,7 60,60104,"Probability of 8/8 of sky covered with clouds",%,0,0,7 60,60105,"Probability of sky cover mostly clear",%,0,0,7 60,60106,"Probability of sky cover partly cloudy",%,0,0,7 60,60107,"Probability of sky cover mostly cloudy",%,0,0,7 60,60108,"Probability of 1/8 to 2/8 of sky covered with clouds",%,0,0,7 60,60109,"Probability of 3/8 to 4/8 of sky covered with clouds",%,0,0,7 60,60110,"Probability of visibility < 1/4 mile",%,0,0,7 60,60111,"Probability of visibility < 1/2 mile",%,0,0,7 60,60112,"Probability of visibility < 1 mile",%,0,0,7 60,60113,"Probability of visibility < 3 miles",%,0,0,7 60,60114,"Probability of visibility < 5 miles",%,0,0,7 60,60115,"Probability of visibility < 6 miles",%,0,0,7 60,60116,"Probability of obstruction to vision - mist",%,0,0,7 60,60117,"Probability of obstruction to vision - fog",%,0,0,7 60,60118,"Probability of visibility < 2 miles",%,0,0,7 60,60140,"Probability of precipitation type freezing",%,0,0,7 60,60141,"Probability of precipitation type snow",%,0,0,7 60,60142,"Probability of precipitation type mixed",%,0,0,7 60,60143,"Probability of precipitation type liquid",%,0,0,7 60,60144,"Probability of snow amount = 0.1" (> trace) during past 24 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60145,"Probability of snow amount = 8" during past 24 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60146,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation > 3.00 inches, past 24 hours",%,0,0,7 60,60147,"Conditional expected precipitation amount",kg/m³,1,-1,14 60,60148,"Probability of precipitation occurrence",%,0,0,7 60,60149,"Probability of precipitation occurrence last 3 hrs",%,0,0,7 60,60150,"Unconditional probability of severe weather during past 6 hrs",%,0,0,7 60,60151,"Unconditional probability of severe weather during past 12 hrs",%,0,0,7 60,60152,"Unconditional probability of severe weather during past 24 hrs",%,0,0,7 60,60160,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation = 0.01", past 1 hr %,0,0,7 60,60161,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation = 0.01", past 3 hrs %,0,0,7 60,60162,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation = 0.10", past 3 hrs %,0,0,7 60,60163,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation = 0.25", past 3 hrs %,0,0,7 60,60164,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation = 0.50", past 3 hrs %,0,0,7 60,60165,"Probability of liquid equivalent precipitation = 1.00", past 3 hrs %,0,0,7 60,60170,"Conditional probability of precip type - ice pellets",%,0,0,7 60,60171,"Conditional probability of precip type - mixed snow/rain",%,0,0,7 60,60172,"Conditional probability of freezing, past 3 hrs",%,0,0,7 60,60173,"Conditional probability of ice pellets, past 3 hrs",%,0,0,7 60,60174,"Conditional probability of snow, past 3 hrs",%,0,0,7 60,60175,"Conditional probability of mixed snow/rain, past 3 hrs",%,0,0,7 60,60176,"Conditional probability of rain, past 3 hrs",%,0,0,7 60,60180,"Percent -- predominant opaque sky cover, past 3 hrs",%,0,0,7 60,60181,"Probability of clear (predominant opaque sky cover, past 3 hrs)",%,0,0,7 60,60182,"Prob. of mostly clear (predominant opaque sky cover, past 3 hrs)",%,0,0,7 60,60183,"Prob. of partly cloudy (predominant opaque sky cover, past 3 hrs)",%,0,0,7 60,60184,"Prob. of mostly cloudy (predominant opaque sky cover, past 3 hrs)",%,0,0,7 60,60185,"Prob. of considerably cloudy (pred. opaque sky cover, past 3 hrs)",%,0,0,7 60,60186,"Probability of cloudy (predominant opaque sky cover, past 3 hrs)",%,0,0,7 60,60190,"Visibility Forecast (categories)",CODE,0,0,4 60,60191,"Combined CIG/VIS 4-category",CODE,0,0,3 60,60192,"Sky Cover Forecast (categories)",CODE,0,0,4 60,60193,"Conditional visibility forecast (categories)",Code table,0,0,4 60,60194,"Conditional ceiling height forecast (categories)",Code table,0,0,4 60,60195,"Probability of precipitation occurrence forecast (categories)",Code table,0,0,2 60,60200,"Conditional probability of visibility < 1/2 mile",%,0,0,7 60,60201,"Conditional probability of visibility < 1 mile",%,0,0,7 60,60202,"Conditional probability of visibility < 2 miles",%,0,0,7 60,60203,"Conditional probability of visibility < 3 miles",%,0,0,7 60,60204,"Conditional probability of visibility < 5 miles",%,0,0,7 60,60205,"Conditional probability of visibility < 6 miles",%,0,0,7 60,60210,"Probability of fog with visibility = ¼ mile, past 3 hrs",%,0,0,7 60,60220,"Conditional probability of thunderstorm, past 3 hrs",%,0,0,7 60,60221,"Conditional probability of severe weather, past 3 hrs",%,0,0,7 60,60222,"Unconditional probability of thunderstorm, past 3 hrs",%,0,0,7 60,60223,"Unconditional probability of severe weather, past 3 hrs",%,0,0,7 63,63000,"Byte count",Numeric,0,0,16 63,63255,"Fill bit",Numeric,0,0,1