# Copyright (C) 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is # subject to license terms. # General Errors error.convert=Cannot convert {0} of type {1} to {2} error.compare=Cannot compare {0} to {1} error.function=Problems calling function ''{0}'' error.unreachable.base=Target Unreachable, identifier ''{0}'' resolved to null error.unreachable.property=Target Unreachable, ''{0}'' returned null error.resolver.unhandled=ELResolver did not handle type: {0} with property of ''{1}'' error.resolver.unhandled.null=ELResolver cannot handle a null base Object with identifier ''{0}'' # ValueExpressionLiteral error.value.literal.write=ValueExpression is a literal and not writable: {0} # ExpressionFactoryImpl error.null=Expression cannot be null error.mixed=Expression cannot contain both '#{..}' and '${..}' : {0} error.method=Not a valid MethodExpression : {0} error.method.nullParms=Parameter types cannot be null error.value.expectedType=Expected type cannot be null # ExpressionMediator error.eval=Error Evaluating {0} : {1} # ValueSetVisitor error.syntax.set=Illegal Syntax for Set Operation # ReflectionUtil error.method.notfound=Method not found: {0}.{1}({2}) error.property.notfound=Property ''{1}'' not found on {0} # ValidatingVisitor error.fnMapper.null=Expression uses functions, but no FunctionMapper was provided error.fnMapper.method=Function ''{0}'' not found error.fnMapper.paramcount=Function ''{0}'' specifies {1} params, but {2} were declared # **ExpressionImpl error.context.null=ELContext was null # ArrayELResolver error.array.outofbounds=Index {0} is out of bounds for array of size {1} # ListELResolver error.list.outofbounds=Index {0} is out of bounds for list of size {1} # BeanELResolver error.property.notfound=Property ''{1}'' not found on type: {0} error.property.invocation=Property ''{1}'' threw an exception from type: {0} error.property.notreadable=Property ''{1}'' doesn't have a 'get' specified on type: {0} error.property.notwritable=Property ''{1}'' doesn't have a 'set' specified on type: {0}