# # Lua Properties: # # For completions, you have to define the Action (key to trigger completions): Action.combo-completion = jsyntaxpane.actions.ComboCompletionAction, control SPACE Action.combo-completion.MenuText = Completions Action.combo-completion.ItemsURL=${class_path}/combocompletions.txt # auto fill-in actions Action.parenthesis = jsyntaxpane.actions.PairAction, typed ( Action.brackets = jsyntaxpane.actions.PairAction, typed [ Action.quotes = jsyntaxpane.actions.PairAction, typed ' Action.double-quotes = jsyntaxpane.actions.PairAction, typed " Action.close-curly = jsyntaxpane.actions.JUnindentAction, typed } # Style is one of: 0 = plain, 1=bold, 2=italic, 3=bold/italic Style.OPERATOR = 0x000000, 0 Style.KEYWORD = 0x3333ee, 0 Style.STRING = 0xcc6600, 0 Style.NUMBER = 0x999933, 1 Style.IDENTIFIER = 0x000000, 0 Style.COMMENT = 0x339933, 2