package org.das2.util.filesystem; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.das2.util.monitor.CancelledOperationException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JPasswordField; import javax.swing.JSeparator; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.SwingConstants; import org.das2.util.Base64; /** * class that contains the credentials for websites. This is first * introduced so that and subdirectories * would just ask for credentials once. Also, this allows all the sensitive * information to be stored in one class. * * talks about how this * should be done. Presently this is done by URL and not the realm. * TODO: This needs to be redone so that the keys are stored by realm * as well, and once a directory is left a 401 and resending of the * realm will be needed before the key is sent again. * * @see * @author jbf */ public class KeyChain { private static final Logger logger= org.das2.util.LoggerManager.getLogger("das2.filesystem.keychain"); private static KeyChain instance; /** * get the single instance of the class. * @return the single instance of the class. */ public static synchronized KeyChain getDefault() { if ( instance==null ) { instance= new KeyChain(); instance.loadInitial(); } return instance; } private static Map instances= new HashMap<>(); /** * get the instance for this name. This is added to support future applications, such as servlets, where * multiple users are using the same process. * * @param name * @return */ public static synchronized KeyChain getInstance( String name ) { if ( name==null || name.length()==0 ) { return getDefault(); } KeyChain t= instances.get(name); if ( t!=null ) { return t; } else { t= new KeyChain(); instances.put( name, t ); return t; } } /** * If the keys file is found, then pre-load these credentials. * The keys file is in new File( FileSystem.settings().getLocalCacheDir(), "keychain.txt" ); */ private void loadInitial() { File keysFile= new File( FileSystem.settings().getLocalCacheDir(), "keychain.txt" ); if ( keysFile.exists() ) { logger.log( Level.FINE, "loading keys from {0}", keysFile); BufferedReader r=null; try { r= new BufferedReader( new FileReader(keysFile) ); String line= r.readLine(); while ( line!=null ) { int i= line.indexOf("#"); if ( i>-1 ) line= line.substring(0,i); line= line.trim(); if ( line.length()>0 ) { String[] ss= line.split("\\s+"); if ( ss.length!=2 ) { logger.log( Level.WARNING, "skipping line because wrong number of fields: {0}", line); } else { String hash= ss[0].trim(); String storedUserInfo= ss[1].trim(); //TODO: shouldn't "" match " ectsoc:..." if ( !hash.endsWith("/") ) { int k=hash.lastIndexOf("/"); hash= hash.substring(0,k+1); } keys.put( hash, storedUserInfo ); } } line= r.readLine(); } } catch ( IOException ex ) { logger.log( Level.SEVERE, "while loading keychain.txt file "+keysFile, ex ); } finally { if ( r!=null ) { try { r.close(); logger.log(Level.FINE, "loaded keys from keychain file {0}", keysFile); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } } } } else { logger.log( Level.FINE, "keychain file not found: {0}", keysFile); } } /** * append to the keys file. * @param url web file or folder * @param key the key * @throws IOException * @see #writeKeysFile(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ private void appendKeysFile( String url, String key ) throws IOException { int i= url.lastIndexOf('/'); url= url.substring(0,i+1); // remove file to attach to folder. File keysFile= new File( FileSystem.settings().getLocalCacheDir(), "keychain.txt" ); PrintWriter w= null; try { if ( keysFile.exists() ) { if ( keysFile.canWrite() ) { w= new PrintWriter( new FileWriter(keysFile,true) ); } else { throw new IOException( "Unable to append to file: "+ keysFile ); } } else { try { w= new PrintWriter( new FileWriter(keysFile) ); if ( !keysFile.setReadable(false) ) logger.warning("setReadable failure"); if ( !keysFile.setReadable(false,false) ) logger.warning("setReadable failure"); if ( !keysFile.setReadable(true,true) ) logger.warning("setReadable failure"); if ( !keysFile.setWritable(false) ) logger.warning("setWritable failure"); if ( !keysFile.setWritable(false,false) ) logger.warning("setWritable failure"); if ( !keysFile.setWritable(true,true) ) logger.warning("setWritable failure"); } catch ( IOException ex ) { throw new IOException( "Unable to create file: "+ keysFile ); } } w.append( url ).append("\t").append(key).append("\n"); } finally { if ( w!=null ) w.close(); } } /** * dump the loaded keys into the file new File( FileSystem.settings().getLocalCacheDir(), "keychain.txt" ) */ public void writeKeysFile() { try { writeKeysFile(false); } catch ( IOException ex ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex); } } /** * format the keys file. Since Java 5 didn't have a way to restrict * access to the file, this would simply display the keychain file contents * and have the operator write the keychain file to disk. The required * Java7 is able to restict access to the file properly. * @param toFile the file should be created. * @throws IOException * @see #appendKeysFile(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ public void writeKeysFile( boolean toFile ) throws IOException { File keysFile= new File( FileSystem.settings().getLocalCacheDir(), "keychain.txt" ); PrintWriter w=null; final ByteArrayOutputStream out= new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { w= new PrintWriter( out ); w.println("# keys file produced on "+ new java.util.Date() ); w.println("# "+keysFile ); for ( Entry key : keys.entrySet() ) { w.println( key.getKey() + "\t" + key.getValue() ); } } finally { if ( w!=null ) w.close(); } if ( toFile ) { try (FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(keysFile)) { fout.write( out.toByteArray() ); } if ( !keysFile.setReadable(false) ) logger.warning("setReadable failure"); if ( !keysFile.setReadable(false,false) ) logger.warning("setReadable failure"); if ( !keysFile.setReadable(true,true) ) logger.warning("setReadable failure"); if ( !keysFile.setWritable(false) ) logger.warning("setWritable failure"); if ( !keysFile.setWritable(false,false) ) logger.warning("setWritable failure"); if ( !keysFile.setWritable(true,true) ) logger.warning("setWritable failure"); } JButton button= new JButton( new AbstractAction( "Show Passwords") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JTextArea ta= new JTextArea(); ta.setText( new String( out.toByteArray() ) ); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(parent, ta ); } }); String s= toFile ? "The keychain file has been created:" : "You must create a protected file"; JPanel p= new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); p.add( new JLabel("******************************
" + s + "
" +keysFile +"
" +"that contains all passwords.
" +"Click the button below to show content, which contains passwords.
" +"******************************" ) ); p.add( button, BorderLayout.SOUTH ); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( parent, p ); } /** * map from URL, without trailing slash, to key. */ private final Map keys= new LinkedHashMap<>(); /** * map from URL, without trailing slash, to cookie. */ private final Map cookies= new HashMap<>(); /** * parent component for password dialog. */ private Component parent=null; /** * get the user credentials, maybe throwing CancelledOperationException if the * user hits cancel. * @param uri * @return * @throws CancelledOperationException * @see #getUserInfo( */ public String getUserInfo( URI uri ) throws CancelledOperationException { try { return getUserInfo(uri.toURL()); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /** * return the user info (username:password) associated with this URL. * Note if there is no user info in the URI, this will return null! * * @param url the URL * @return null or the user info. * @throws CancelledOperationException * @see #getUserInfo(, java.lang.String) which will always check and prompt. * */ public String getUserInfo( URL url ) throws CancelledOperationException { String userInfo= url.getUserInfo(); if ( userInfo==null ) return null; return getUserInfo( url, userInfo ); } /** * return null or the stored user info. This allows clients to attempt to * use stored user info without bothering the scientist if the info isn't * needed. * @param url the URL * @return the user info (user:password) associated, or null if the user info isn't found. */ public String checkUserInfo( URL url ) { String userInfo= url.getUserInfo(); String userName= null; if ( userInfo!=null ) { String[] ss= userInfo.split(":",2); userName= ss[0]; } String path= url.getProtocol() + "://" + ( userName!=null ? userName+"@" : "" ) + url.getHost() + url.getPath(); String storedUserInfo= lookupStoredUserInfo(path); return storedUserInfo; } /** * insert the userInfo into the table of stored passwords. * TODO: note the path is not used in the hash, and it should be. * @param url * @param userInfo */ public void setUserInfo( URL url, String userInfo ) { String hash= url.getProtocol() + "://" + url.getHost() + "/"; //TODO: whah? This still doesn't use the path! keys.put( hash, userInfo ); } /** * return the user info but base-64 encoded. This is put in so that * a future version of the software can cache these as well. This is * intended to be inserted like so: * * connection= theUrl.getConnection(); * String encode= KeyChain.getDefault().getUserInfoBase64Encoded( theUrl ); * if ( encode!=null ) connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + encode); * * @param url the URL which may contain user info. * @return the base-64 encoded credentials. * @throws CancelledOperationException */ public String getUserInfoBase64Encoded( URL url ) throws CancelledOperationException { String userInfo= getUserInfo(url); if ( userInfo!=null ) { return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString( userInfo.getBytes()); } else { return null; } } public void setParentGUI( Component c ) { this.parent= c; } /** * return null or the WWW-Authenticate string. * @param url * @return */ public String getWWWAuthenticate( URL url ) { try { URLConnection c= url.openConnection(); c.connect(); String s= c.getHeaderField("WWW-Authenticate"); if ( s==null ) { logger.fine("WWW-Authenticate is not provided."); return null; } else { int i= s.indexOf("\""); if ( i>-1 ) { s= s.substring(i); } return s; } //BufferedReader in= new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( c.getInputStream() ) ); //String line= ""; //while ( line!=null ) line= in.readLine(); // eat the rest of the stream, because this is important. } catch (IOException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return null; } /** * look up the stored user info, looking at, * then, then, etc. * @param path the path to lookup, with folders ending in /. * @return null or the user info. */ private String lookupStoredUserInfo( String path ) { int stop= path.indexOf("://"); int i=path.lastIndexOf('/'); while( i>stop ) { String hash= path.substring(0,i+1); String storedUserInfo= keys.get(hash); if ( storedUserInfo!=null ) { return storedUserInfo; } else { i= path.lastIndexOf('/',i-1); } } return null; } /** * store the user info, presuming that the site uses the same keys for each * level, until another key is found. * @param path * @param storedUserInfo */ private void storeUserInfo(String path, String storedUserInfo) { int stop= path.indexOf("://")+3; int i=path.lastIndexOf('/'); while( i>stop ) { String hash= path.substring(0,i+1); if ( keys.get(hash)==null ) { keys.put( hash, storedUserInfo ); } i= path.lastIndexOf('/',i-1); } } /** * remove all keys starting within path. path should not contain a username. * @param path */ private void clearUserInfo( String path ) { int stop= path.indexOf("://")+3; int i=path.lastIndexOf('/'); while( i>stop ) { String hash= path.substring(0,i+1); if ( keys.get(hash)!=null ) { keys.remove(hash); } i= path.lastIndexOf('/',i-1); } } /** * get the user credentials, maybe throwing CancelledOperationException if the * user hits cancel. If the password is "pass" or "password" then don't use * it, prompt for it instead. * * The userInfo passed in can contain just "user" or the user account to log in with, then * maybe a colon and "pass" or the password. So examples include:
  • null, where null is returned and credentials are presumed to *
  • user, where both the username and password are needed. *
  • user:pass where both are needed *
  • joe:pass there the user joe is presumed and pass is needed *
  • joe:JoPass1 where both the user and password are already specified, and this is returned. *
* * Note a %40 in the username is converted to @. * @param url * @param userInfo that is available separately. (Java doesn't like user@usersHost:password@server) * @return the userinfo, like "us3r:passw0rd" * @throws CancelledOperationException * @see */ public String getUserInfo( URL url, String userInfo ) throws CancelledOperationException { if ( userInfo==null ) return null; String userName=null; String[] ss= userInfo.split(":",-2); if ( !ss[0].equals("user") ) { userName= ss[0]; if ( userName.contains("%40") ) { userName= userName.replaceAll( "%40", "@" ); StringBuilder userInfob= new StringBuilder(userName); for ( int i=1; i0 ) { panel.add( new JLabel( "Enter Login details to access
"+n+" on
"+s )); } else { panel.add( new JLabel( url.getHost() ) ); } JSeparator sep= new JSeparator( SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL ); sep.setPreferredSize( new Dimension(0,16) ); panel.add( sep ); panel.add( new JLabel("Username:") ); JTextField userTf= new JTextField(); if ( !ss[0].equals("user") ) userTf.setText(userName); panel.add( userTf ); panel.add( new JLabel("Password:") ); JPasswordField passTf= new JPasswordField(); if ( ss.length>1 && !( ss[1].equals("pass")||ss[1].equals("password")) ) passTf.setText(ss[1]); panel.add( passTf ); JCheckBox storeKeychain= new JCheckBox("store password in keychain.txt file"); storeKeychain.setToolTipText("passwords can be stored in keychain.txt files in your cache, but beware of security implications and confusion this can cause."); panel.add( storeKeychain ); //int r= JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null, panel, "Authentication Required", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION ); int r= JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( parent, panel, proto + " Authentication Required", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null); if ( JOptionPane.OK_OPTION==r ) { char[] pass= passTf.getPassword(); storedUserInfo= userTf.getText() + ":" + new String(pass); storeUserInfo( path, storedUserInfo ); if ( storeKeychain.isSelected() ) { try { appendKeysFile( path, storedUserInfo ); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.log( Level.WARNING, null, ex ); } } return storedUserInfo; } else if ( JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION==r ) { throw new CancelledOperationException(); } } else { if ( "true".equals( System.getProperty("java.awt.headless") ) ) { Console c= System.console(); if ( c==null ) { logger.log( Level.WARNING, "** java.awt.headless=true: HEADLESS MODE means needed credentials cannot be queried" ); throw new CancelledOperationException("HEADLESS MODE means needed credentials cannot be queried"); } else { c.printf( "Enter Login details to access \n%s on\n%s\n", n, s ); String user; if ( !ss[0].equals("user") ) { user= c.readLine( "Username (leave empty for %s): ", ss[0] ); if ( user.trim().length()==0 ) { user= ss[0]; } } else { user= c.readLine( "Username: " ); } char[] pass= c.readPassword( "Password: " ); storedUserInfo= user + ":" + new String(pass); return storedUserInfo; } } else { return userInfo; } } } return userInfo; } /** * clear all passwords. */ public void clearAll() { logger.fine("clear all cached passwords in the keychain, and reload all keychain.txt files."); keys.clear(); loadInitial(); } public void clearUserPassword(URI uri) { try { clearUserPassword(uri.toURL()); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } } /** * remove the password from the list of known passwords. This was introduced * because we needed to clear a bad password in FTP. * @param url */ public void clearUserPassword(URL url) { String userName=null; String userInfo= url.getUserInfo(); if ( userInfo==null ) { userInfo= lookupStoredUserInfo(url.toString()); } else { String[] ss= userInfo.split(":",-2); if ( !ss[0].equals("user") ) { userName= ss[0]; if ( userName.contains("%40") ) { userName= userName.replaceAll( "%40", "@" ); } } } if ( userInfo==null ) return; String hash= url.getProtocol() + "://" + ( userName!=null ? userName+"@" : "" ) + url.getHost() + url.getPath(); if ( hash.endsWith("/") ) { } clearUserInfo( hash ); } /** * plug the username and password into the URI. * @param root the URI, possibly needing a username and password. * @return the URI with the username and password. * @throws org.das2.util.monitor.CancelledOperationException */ public URI resolveUserInfo(URI root) throws CancelledOperationException { try { String userInfo = getUserInfo(root); URI newuri = new URI(root.getScheme(), userInfo, root.getHost(), root.getPort(), root.getPath(), root.getQuery(), root.getFragment()); return newuri; } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex); } } public String hideUserInfo( URI root ) { String userInfo= root.getUserInfo(); int i= userInfo.indexOf(":"); if ( i>-1 ) { userInfo= userInfo.substring(0,i) + ":*****"; } URI uri; try { uri = new URI(root.getScheme(), userInfo, root.getHost(), root.getPort(), root.getPath(), root.getQuery(), root.getFragment()); return uri.toString(); // suspect } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } public static void main( String[]args ) throws MalformedURLException, CancelledOperationException { KeyChain.getDefault().getUserInfo( new URL( "" ) ); KeyChain.getDefault().getUserInfo( new URL( "ftp://jbf@localhost/" ) ); } /** * Add a cookie for the URL. This was added as a work-around to provide * access to the MMS data server at LASP. * @param url * @param cookie */ public void addCookie( String url, String cookie ) { if ( url.endsWith("/") ) { url= url.substring(0,url.length()-1); } if ( !url.equals("") ) { System.err.println("Warning: This is only works for"); } cookies.put( url, cookie ); } /** * Some servers want cookies to handle the authentication. This checks for * "" and handles logins for * this server. * @param url * @return null or the cookie to include in the request header. */ protected String getCookie(URL url) { String cookie= null; if ( url.toString().contains("") ) { String hash= ""; cookie= cookies.get(hash); if ( cookie==null ) { try { System.err.println( "See"); System.err.println( "jsse.enableSNIExtension="+ System.getProperty("jsse.enableSNIExtension") ); URL urlr= new URL( "" ); HttpURLConnection conn= (HttpURLConnection) urlr.openConnection(); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.connect(); HttpUtil.consumeStream(conn.getErrorStream()); HttpUtil.consumeStream(conn.getInputStream()); String cookie0= conn.getHeaderField("Set-Cookie"); conn.disconnect(); String user= getUserInfo( new URL(""), "user:" ); conn= (HttpURLConnection) urlr.openConnection(); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.setRequestMethod("POST"); conn.setRequestProperty( "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ); int i= user.indexOf(":"); String username= user.substring(0,i); String password= user.substring(i+1); String encodedData = "j_username="+URLEncoder.encode(username,"US-ASCII")+"&j_password="+URLEncoder.encode(password,"US-ASCII"); conn.setRequestProperty( "Referer", "" ); conn.setRequestProperty( "Content-Length", String.valueOf(encodedData.length())); conn.setRequestProperty( "Cookie", cookie0 ); conn.connect(); OutputStream os = conn.getOutputStream(); os.write(encodedData.getBytes("US-ASCII")); os.close(); String cookie1= conn.getHeaderField("Set-Cookie"); os.close(); cookie= cookie1; } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (CancelledOperationException | IOException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } //cookie= ""; // see email to at 2015-09-01T12:50 CDT for cookie //cookie= "_shibsession_64656661756c7468747470733a2f2f646d7a2d73686962322e6c6173702e636f6c6f7261646f2e6564752f73686962626f6c657468=_76cd22bfba4f8da6a96910259901710b"; } return cookie; } }