/* File: TickCurveRenderer.java * Copyright (C) 2002-2003 The University of Iowa * * Created on November 3, 2003, 11:43 AM by __FULLNAME__ <__EMAIL__> * * This file is part of the das2 library. * * das2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.das2.graph; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import org.das2.datum.Units; import org.das2.util.DasMath; import org.das2.components.propertyeditor.Enumeration; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import org.das2.dataset.NoDataInIntervalException; import org.das2.datum.Datum; import org.das2.datum.DatumRange; import org.das2.datum.DatumVector; import org.das2.datum.DomainDivider; import org.das2.datum.DomainDividerUtil; import org.das2.datum.UnitsUtil; import static org.das2.graph.ContoursRenderer.PROP_LINETHICK; import org.das2.qds.DDataSet; import org.das2.qds.DataSetOps; import org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil; import org.das2.qds.JoinDataSet; import org.das2.qds.QDataSet; import org.das2.qds.SemanticOps; import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops; import org.das2.util.LoggerManager; /** * Renderer showing ticks along a curve, useful for orbits. Note this renderer * assumes that someone else is showing the context, so just HH:MM is shown, * assuming YYYY-MM-DD is shown elsewhere. * @author jbf */ public final class TickCurveRenderer extends Renderer { protected static final Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger("das2.graphics.renderer.tickCurveRenderer"); TickVDescriptor tickv; TickVDescriptor manualTickV=null; DomainDivider ticksDivider; private String xplane; private String yplane; private QDataSet xds; private QDataSet yds; private Units xunits; // xUnits of the axis private Units yunits; // yUnits of the axis /** * data transformed to pixel space */ private double[][] ddata; /** * current indeces--careful not thread safe. */ private final int[] index= new int[3]; TickLabeller tickLabeller; public static final String PROP_TICK_STYLE = "tickStyle"; private TickStyle tickStyle= TickCurveRenderer.TickStyle.OUTER; private double lineWidth= 1.0f; private Color color= Color.BLACK; private String tickLength= "0.66em"; private double tickLen= 0; // updated with each repaint private GeneralPath path; private PropertyChangeListener labelListener= new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { updateCacheImage(); } }; public static class TickStyle implements Enumeration { private final String name; public static final TickStyle OUTER= new TickStyle("Outer"); public static final TickStyle BOTH= new TickStyle("Both"); private TickStyle(String name) { this.name= name; } @Override public String toString() { return this.name; } @Override public javax.swing.Icon getListIcon() { return null; } } /** * Create a new renderer with the x and y planes of the bundle ds identified. If the xplane or yplane is * not identified, then use unbundle(1) for the xplane and unbundle(y) for the yplane. * @param ds * @param xplane * @param yplane * @param tickv null or ticks for manual specification. */ public TickCurveRenderer( QDataSet ds, String xplane, String yplane, TickVDescriptor tickv) { this(); this.setDataSet(ds); this.xplane= xplane; this.yplane= yplane; this.tickv= tickv; } public TickCurveRenderer() { super(); this.tickLabeller= new GrannyTickLabeller( ); ((GrannyTickLabeller)this.tickLabeller).addPropertyChangeListener( labelListener ); } @Override public void setControl(String s) { super.setControl(s); logger.log(Level.FINE, "setControl({0})", s); this.lineWidth= getDoubleControl( PROP_LINETHICK, lineWidth ); this.color= getColorControl( CONTROL_KEY_COLOR, color ); this.fontSize= getControl( CONTROL_KEY_FONT_SIZE, fontSize ); this.tickLength= getControl(CONTROL_TICK_LENGTH, tickLength ); this.tickSpacing= getControl( PROP_TICKSPACING, tickSpacing ); this.tickValues= getControl( PROP_TICKVALUES, tickValues ); this.tickDirection= getControl( PROP_TICKDIRECTION, tickDirection ); String sstyle= getControl( PROP_TICK_STYLE, tickStyle.toString() ); this.tickStyle= sstyle.equals("both") ? TickStyle.BOTH : TickStyle.OUTER; tickv= null; update(); } @Override public String getControl() { Map controls= new LinkedHashMap(); controls.put( PROP_LINETHICK, String.valueOf(lineWidth) ); controls.put( CONTROL_KEY_COLOR, encodeColorControl(color) ); controls.put( CONTROL_KEY_FONT_SIZE, fontSize ); controls.put( CONTROL_TICK_LENGTH, tickLength ); controls.put( PROP_TICKSPACING, tickSpacing ); controls.put( PROP_TICKVALUES, tickValues ); controls.put( PROP_TICKDIRECTION, tickDirection ); controls.put( PROP_TICK_STYLE, tickStyle.toString().equals("both") ? "both" : "oneSided" ); String s= Renderer.formatControl(controls); logger.log(Level.FINE, "getControl()->{0}", s); return s; } public static final String CONTROL_TICK_LENGTH = "tickLength"; private String fontSize = ""; public static final String PROP_FONTSIZE = "fontSize"; public String getFontSize() { return fontSize; } /** * relative font size. * @see Renderer#CONTROL_KEY_FONT_SIZE * @param fontSize */ public void setFontSize(String fontSize) { String oldFontSize = this.fontSize; this.fontSize = fontSize; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_FONTSIZE, oldFontSize, fontSize); } private String tickDirection = ""; public static final String PROP_TICKDIRECTION = "tickDirection"; public String getTickDirection() { return tickDirection; } public void setTickDirection(String tickDirection) { String oldTickDirection = this.tickDirection; this.tickDirection = tickDirection; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_TICKDIRECTION, oldTickDirection, tickDirection); } /** * return true if the data is ds[:,3] (T,X,Y) or ds[x[t]] t→x→y * @param ds the dataset * @return true if the data is ds[:,3] or ds[x[t]] */ public static boolean acceptsData( QDataSet ds ) { if ( ds.rank()==2 && ds.length(0)==3 ) { return true; } QDataSet xx; QDataSet yy; QDataSet tt; if ( ds.rank()==1 ) { yy= ds; if ( yy.property(QDataSet.DEPEND_0)==null ) { return false; } else { return org.das2.datum.UnitsUtil.isIntervalOrRatioMeasurement( SemanticOps.getUnits(ds) ); } } else { return false; } } @Override public boolean acceptContext(int x, int y) { return selectionArea().contains(x,y); } public Shape selectionArea() { if ( path==null ) { return SelectionUtil.NULL; } Shape s = new BasicStroke( Math.min(14,1.f+8.f), BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND ).createStrokedShape(path); return s; } @Override public Icon getListIcon() { BufferedImage img= new BufferedImage( 16, 16, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB ); Graphics2D g= (Graphics2D) img.getGraphics(); g.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON ); g.setColor( color ); g.setStroke( new BasicStroke((float)lineWidth) ); g.drawLine(2,12,14,8); g.drawLine(8,10,6,6); g.drawLine(4,2,4,2); return new ImageIcon( img ); } /** * autorange on the data, returning a rank 2 bounds for the dataset. * * @param ds1 the dataset * @return rank 2 bounding box. r[0,0] is x min, r[0,1] is x max. */ public static QDataSet doAutorange( QDataSet ds1 ) { QDataSet ds= makeCanonical(ds1); QDataSet xrange= Ops.extent( DataSetOps.unbundle(ds,1) ); if ( xrange.value(1)==xrange.value(0) ) { Units u= SemanticOps.getUnits(xrange); xrange= DDataSet.wrap( new double[] { -10, 10 } ); ((DDataSet)xrange).putProperty( QDataSet.UNITS, u ); } try { xrange= Ops.rescaleRangeLogLin( xrange, -0.1, 1.1 ); } catch ( RuntimeException ex ) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "runtime error in rescale of {0}", xrange); } QDataSet yrange= Ops.extent( DataSetOps.unbundle(ds,2) ); if ( yrange.value(1)==yrange.value(0) ) { Units u= SemanticOps.getUnits(yrange); yrange= DDataSet.wrap( new double[] { -10, 10 } ); ((DDataSet)yrange).putProperty( QDataSet.UNITS, u ); } try { yrange= Ops.rescaleRangeLogLin( yrange, -0.1, 1.1 ); } catch ( RuntimeException ex ) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "runtime error in rescale of {0}", yrange); } JoinDataSet bds= new JoinDataSet(2); bds.join(xrange); bds.join(yrange); return bds; } /** * return data in the canonical form, a rank 2 bundle [n,3] of tt,xx,yy. * @param ds * @return */ private static QDataSet makeCanonical( QDataSet ds ) { if ( ds.rank()==2 && ds.length(0)==3 ) { return ds; } QDataSet xx; QDataSet yy; QDataSet tt; if ( ds.rank()==1 ) { yy= ds; xx= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(yy); tt= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(xx); return Ops.bundle( tt, xx, yy ); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("dataset must be rank2[3,n] or rank 1 ds[xx[tt]]"); } } // private static double length( Line2D line ) { // double dx= line.getX2()-line.getX1(); // double dy= line.getY2()-line.getY1(); // double dist= Math.sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy ); // return dist; // } /** * make line segment length len, starting at line.getP1() and * having the same direction. * @param line the line segment, with non-zero length. * @param len the new length of the line. * @return the new line. */ private static Line2D normalize(Line2D line, double len) { Point2D p1= line.getP1(); double dx= line.getX2()-line.getX1(); double dy= line.getY2()-line.getY1(); double dist= Math.sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy ); Line2D result= (Line2D) line.clone(); result.setLine( p1.getX(), p1.getY(), p1.getX() + dx/dist * len, p1.getY() + dy/dist*len ); return result; } /** * returns a positive double if turning clockwise, negative if ccw, based * on the cross product of the two difference vectors. * @param findex the floating point index * @return returns a positive double if turning clockwise, negative if ccw. */ private double turnDir( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3 ) { double dx1= x2-x1; double dx2= x3-x2; double dy1= y2-y1; double dy2= y3-y2; return dx1*dy2 - dx2*dy1; } /** * * @param findex * @param points three-element array containing the points to use. */ private void id3( double findex, int[] points ) { int dd=4; int nvert= xds.length(); int index1= (int)Math.floor(findex); int k=0; int index0= index1-k; while ( k
20 || (index1-k)<0 ) { break; } else { index0= index1-k; } } k=0; int index2= index1+k; while ( k
20 || (index1+k)==ddata[0].length ) { break; } else { index2= index1+k; } } if ( index0<0 ) index0= 0; while (index0 < index1 && ((ddata[0][index0] == -10000) || (ddata[1][index0] == 10000))) { // find a valid point index0++; } if (index2 >= nvert) { index2 = nvert - 1; } while (index2 > index1 && ((ddata[0][index2] == -10000) || (ddata[1][index2] == 10000))) {// find a valid point index2--; } if (index2 - index1 > index1 - index0) { index2 = index1 + (index1 - index0); } while (index2 > index1 && ((ddata[0][index2] == -10000) || (ddata[1][index2] == 10000))) { index2--; } if (index1 - index0 > index2 - index1) { index0 = index1 - (index2 - index1); } while (index0 < index1 && ((ddata[0][index0] == -10000) || (ddata[1][index0] == 10000))) { index0++; } if (index2 - index0 < 2 && index0 > 1 && Math.abs(ddata[0][index2 - 2]) < 10000) { index0 = index2 - 2; index1 = index2 - 1; } if (index2 - index0 < 2 && index2 < (nvert - 2) && Math.abs(ddata[0][index2 + 2]) < 10000) { index1 = index0 + 1; index2 = index0 + 2; } points[0] = index0; points[1] = index1; points[2] = index2; } /** * returns a positive double if turning clockwise, negative if ccw. * @param findex the floating point index * @return returns a positive double if turning clockwise, negative if ccw. */ private double turnDirAt( double findex ) { int nvert= xds.length(); if ( nvert<3 ) { return 0; } id3( findex, index ); return turnDir( ddata[0][index[0]], ddata[1][index[0]], ddata[0][index[1]], ddata[1][index[1]], ddata[0][index[2]], ddata[1][index[2]] ); } /** * return the outsize normal (length 1) line segment. When the findex * is at two points that repeat, then an exception is thrown. * @param findex * @return return the outsize normal * @throws IllegalArgumentException when points repeat. */ private Line2D outsideNormalAt( double findex ) { id3( findex, index ); double x0= ddata[0][index[0]]; double x2= ddata[0][index[2]]; double y0= ddata[1][index[0]]; double y2= ddata[1][index[2]]; double xinterp= DasMath.interpolate( ddata[0], findex ); double yinterp= DasMath.interpolate( ddata[1], findex ); double dx= x2-x0; double dy= y2-y0; if ( dx==0. && dy==0. ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("findex as at a point that repeats"); double turnDir; switch (tickDirection) { case "": case "outside": turnDir= turnDirAt(findex); // we want the turnDir of the tick to be opposite turnDir of the curve break; case "left": turnDir= 1.0; break; case "right": turnDir= -1.0; break; default: logger.warning("tickDirection must be left, right, or outside."); turnDir= turnDirAt(findex); break; } double dxNorm= dy; double dyNorm= -dx; double turnDirTick= -1*(dx*dyNorm-dxNorm*dy); if ( turnDir*turnDirTick < 0 ) { // this was determined experimentally. dxNorm= -dy; dyNorm= dx; } return normalize( new Line2D.Double(xinterp, yinterp, xinterp+dxNorm,yinterp+dyNorm ), 1. ) ; } private void updateTickLength( Graphics2D g ) { try { String stickLen= this.tickLength; double[] pos; if ( stickLen.equals("") ) { pos = DasDevicePosition.parseLayoutStr("0.66em"); } else { pos = DasDevicePosition.parseLayoutStr(this.tickLength ); } Font f= g.getFont(); if ( pos[0]==0 ) { this.tickLen = (int) ( Math.round( pos[0]*getParent().getCanvas().getWidth() + pos[1]* f.getSize2D() + pos[2] ) ); } else { this.tickLen = (int) ( Math.round( pos[1]* f.getSize2D() + pos[2] ) ); } } catch ( ParseException ex ) { logger.log( Level.WARNING, ex.getMessage(), ex ); } } private void drawTick( Graphics2D g, double findex ) { float tl= (float)(tickLen*0.66); Line2D tick; try { tick= normalize( outsideNormalAt( findex ), tl ); } catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) { return; } if ( tick.getP1().getX() < -1000 || tick.getP1().getY()<-1000 || tick.getP1().getX()> 9999 || tick.getP1().getY()> 9999 ) { return; } if ( tickStyle==TickStyle.BOTH ) { Line2D flipTick= normalize( tick, -tl ); Line2D bothTick= new Line2D.Double( flipTick.getP2(), tick.getP2() ); g.draw( bothTick ); } else { g.draw( tick ); } } //private double slope( Line2D line ) { // return ( line.getY2()-line.getY1() ) / ( line.getX2()-line.getX1() ); //} private void drawLabelTick( Graphics2D g, double findex, int tickNumber ) { float tl= (float)tickLen; if ( tl<0.001 ) tl= 0.001f; Line2D tick; try { tick= normalize( outsideNormalAt( findex ), tl ); } catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) { return; } if ( tick.getP1().getX() <-1000 || tick.getP1().getY()<-1000 || tick.getP1().getX()> 9999 || tick.getP1().getY()> 9999 ) { return; } if ( tickStyle==TickStyle.BOTH ) { Line2D flipTick= normalize( tick, -tl ); Line2D bothTick= new Line2D.Double( flipTick.getP2(), tick.getP2() ); g.draw( bothTick ); } else { g.draw( tick ); } tick= normalize( tick, tl + lineWidth ); tickLabeller.labelMajorTick( g, tickNumber, tick ); } /** * identify regions of continuous coverage, for example breaking up dataset into separate passes * @param tds * @return */ private QDataSet[] breakDataSet( QDataSet ds ) { QDataSet cadenceBreaks= SemanticOps.cadenceCheck( ds, null ); QDataSet r= Ops.where( Ops.eq( cadenceBreaks, 0 ) ); if ( r.length()==0 ) { return new QDataSet[] { ds }; } else { QDataSet[] result= new QDataSet[r.length()]; result[0]= ds.trim( 0, (int)r.value(0) ); for ( int i=1; i0 ) { Units u= dr.getUnits(); TickVDescriptor ticks=null; if ( UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation(u) ) { dr= new DatumRange( dr.min().doubleValue(Units.us2000), dr.max().doubleValue(Units.us2000), Units.us2000 ); QDataSet[] qq= breakDataSet(tds); if ( qq.length>1 ) { List major1= new ArrayList<>(); List minor1= new ArrayList<>(); for ( QDataSet q1: qq ) { DatumRange dr1= DataSetUtil.asDatumRange( Ops.extent(q1), true ); TickVDescriptor ticks1= GraphUtil.calculateManualTicks( tickValues, dr1, false ); major1.addAll( ticks1.getMajorTicks().asList() ); minor1.addAll( ticks1.getMinorTicks().asList() ); } ticks= TickVDescriptor.newTickVDescriptor(major1, minor1); } } if ( ticks==null ) { ticks= GraphUtil.calculateManualTicks( tickValues, dr, false ); } tickv = ticks; ticksDivider= DomainDividerUtil.getDomainDivider( dr.min(), dr.max(), false ); Datum ticksSpacingD; if ( ticks.tickV.getLength()>1 ) { ticksSpacingD= ticks.tickV.get(1).subtract(ticks.tickV.get(0)); } else { ticksSpacingD= dr.width().divide(10); } while ( ticksDivider.rangeContaining(dr.min()).width().gt(ticksSpacingD) ) { ticksDivider= ticksDivider.finerDivider(false); } while ( ticksDivider.rangeContaining(dr.min()).width().lt(ticksSpacingD) ) { ticksDivider= ticksDivider.coarserDivider(false); } tickv.datumFormatter= DomainDividerUtil.getDatumFormatter( ticksDivider, dr ); } else { if ( tickSpacing.length()>0 ) { if ( ticksDivider==null ) { ticksDivider= DomainDividerUtil.getDomainDivider( dr.min(), dr.max(), false ); } Datum ticksSpacingD; try { ticksSpacingD = dr.min().getUnits().getOffsetUnits().parse(tickSpacing); while ( ticksDivider.rangeContaining(dr.min()).width().gt(ticksSpacingD) ) { ticksDivider= ticksDivider.finerDivider(false); } while ( ticksDivider.rangeContaining(dr.min()).width().lt(ticksSpacingD) ) { ticksDivider= ticksDivider.coarserDivider(false); } } catch (ParseException ex) { ticksDivider= DomainDividerUtil.getDomainDivider( dr.min(), dr.max(), false ); logger.log(Level.WARNING, "unable to parse {0}", tickSpacing); } } else { if ( ticksDivider==null ) { ticksDivider= DomainDividerUtil.getDomainDivider( dr.min(), dr.max(), false ); } double plen= 0; int ic= 1; for ( int i=1; i0 ) { // compensate for stuff that can't be transformed. plen= plen * ddata[0].length / ic; } if ( plen<100 ) plen=100; while ( ticksDivider.boundaryCount( dr.min(), dr.max() ) < Math.ceil( plen / 100 ) ) { ticksDivider= ticksDivider.finerDivider(false); } while ( ticksDivider.boundaryCount( dr.min(), dr.max() ) > Math.ceil( plen / 50 ) ) { ticksDivider= ticksDivider.coarserDivider(false); } } major = ticksDivider.boundaries(dr.min(), dr.max()); minor = ticksDivider.finerDivider(true).boundaries(dr.min(), dr.max()); tickv = TickVDescriptor.newTickVDescriptor(major, minor); tickv.datumFormatter= DomainDividerUtil.getDatumFormatter( ticksDivider, dr ); } return tickv; } /** * returns the minimal distance between consecutive ticks, or Double.MAX_VALUE if fewer than two ticks are found. * @param tds * @return */ public double checkTickV( QDataSet tds ) { Units tunits= SemanticOps.getUnits(tds); DDataSet txds= DDataSet.wrap( tickv.tickV.toDoubleArray( tunits ), tunits ); QDataSet findex= Ops.findex( tds, txds ); double rmin= Double.MAX_VALUE; double x0= Double.MAX_VALUE,y0= Double.MAX_VALUE; for ( int i=0; i=0 && index00 ) { double len1= Math.sqrt( Math.pow(ddata[0][i]- ddata[0][i-1],2 ) + Math.pow(ddata[1][i]- ddata[1][i-1],2 ) ); if ( limit==-1 || ( len1>limit && len1/limit < 10 ) ) { // if each length is within 10 times the previous limit= len1; } } } if ( limit==0 ) limit= 10000; // we failed to find two valid adjacent points. QDataSet wds= Ops.multiply( Ops.valid(xds), Ops.valid(yds) ); double[] len= new double[tds.length()]; int lastValid=0; // we will populate this general path, inserting moveTo's when there is a data gap. GeneralPath p= new GeneralPath(); { // limit scope if variable i // find the first valid point int i; for ( i=0; i0 ) break; } if ( i==xds.length() ) { getParent().postException( this, new NoDataInIntervalException("no valid data") ); return; } p.moveTo( ddata[0][i],ddata[1][i] ); i++; boolean brk= false; for ( ; ilimit && wds.value(i-1)==1 ) { p.moveTo( ddata[0][i],ddata[1][i] ); // TODO: verify this brk= true; } else { if ( brk ) { p.moveTo( ddata[0][i],ddata[1][i] ); brk= false; } else { p.lineTo( ddata[0][i],ddata[1][i] ); lastValid= i; } } } } } GeneralPath rp= new GeneralPath(); GraphUtil.reducePath( p.getPathIterator(null), rp, 2 ); g.draw(rp); path= rp; QDataSet findex; Units tunits= SemanticOps.getUnits(tds); TickVDescriptor ltickv= tickv; if ( manualTickV!=null ) { ltickv= manualTickV; } else { if ( ltickv==null || !ltickv.getMinorTicks().getUnits().isConvertibleTo(tunits) ) { ltickv= resetTickV( tds ); } else { double check= checkTickV(tds); if ( check<30 ) { ltickv= resetTickV( tds ); } else if ( check>100 ) { ltickv= resetTickV( tds ); } } } DDataSet txds= DDataSet.wrap( ltickv.minorTickV.toDoubleArray( tunits ), tunits ); findex= Ops.findex( tds, txds ); setUpFont( g, fontSize ); updateTickLength( g ); tickLabeller.init( ltickv ); for ( int i=0; i=0 && v=0 && findex.value(i)0; i-- ) { if ( wds.value(i)>0 ) break; } int index1= i; i-=1; for ( ; i>=0; i-- ) { if ( wds.value(i)>0 ) break; } int index2= i; int em= 10; Arrow.paintArrow( g, new Point2D.Double( ddata[0][index1],ddata[1][index1] ), new Point2D.Double( ddata[0][index2],ddata[1][index2] ), em, Arrow.HeadStyle.DRAFTING ); tickLabeller.finished(); } /** * provide access to the tick labelling code * @return */ public TickLabeller getTickLabeller() { return this.tickLabeller; } /** * set the tick labelling code. If this is an instance of GrannyTickLabeller, * then a property change listener will be added. * @param tickLabeller */ public void setTickLabeller( TickLabeller tickLabeller ) { TickLabeller old= this.tickLabeller; this.tickLabeller= tickLabeller; if ( old instanceof GrannyTickLabeller ) {// cheesy ((GrannyTickLabeller)old).removePropertyChangeListener(labelListener); } if ( tickLabeller instanceof GrannyTickLabeller ) { // cheesy ((GrannyTickLabeller)tickLabeller).addPropertyChangeListener(labelListener); } } // private static String lineToString( Line2D line ) { // return GraphUtil.toString( line ); // } /** Getter for property tickStyle. * @return Value of property tickStyle. * */ public TickStyle getTickStyle() { return this.tickStyle; } /** Setter for property tickStyle. * @param tickStyle New value of property tickStyle. * */ public void setTickStyle(TickStyle tickStyle) { logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "setTickStyle({0})", tickStyle); this.tickStyle = tickStyle; invalidateParentCacheImage(); } private String tickSpacing = ""; public static final String PROP_TICKSPACING = "tickSpacing"; /** * get the spacing between ticks, which might be "" meaning automatic. * @return */ public String getTickSpacing() { return tickSpacing; } /** * set the spacing between ticks, for example "2hr" is every two hours, and an * empty string is the default automatic behavior. * @param tickSpacing */ public void setTickSpacing(String tickSpacing) { logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "setTickSpacing({0})", tickSpacing); String oldTickSpacing = this.tickSpacing; this.tickSpacing = tickSpacing; ticksDivider= null; tickv= null; update(); propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_TICKSPACING, oldTickSpacing, tickSpacing); } private String tickValues = ""; public static final String PROP_TICKVALUES = "tickValues"; public String getTickValues() { return tickValues; } /** * set like the axis control, with values like:
  • +2hr for every two hours *
  • 2019-11-26T00:02,2019-11-26T00:07 for explicit positions *
* @param tickValues */ public void setTickValues(String tickValues) { String oldTickValues = this.tickValues; this.tickValues = tickValues; this.tickv= null; update(); propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_TICKVALUES, oldTickValues, tickValues); } /** Getter for property lineWidth. * @return Value of property lineWidth. * */ public double getLineWidth() { return this.lineWidth; } /** Setter for property lineWidth. * @param lineWidth New value of property lineWidth. * */ public void setLineWidth(double lineWidth) { this.lineWidth = lineWidth; invalidateParentCacheImage(); } /** * get the color of the orbit * @return the color */ public Color getColor() { return this.color; } /** * set the color of the orbit * @param color */ public void setColor( Color color ) { this.color= color; invalidateParentCacheImage(); } /** Getter for property tickLength. * @return Value of property tickLength. * */ public String getTickLength() { return this.tickLength; } /** Setter for property tickLength. * @param tickLength New value of property tickLength. * */ public void setTickLength( String tickLength) { this.tickLength = tickLength; invalidateParentCacheImage(); } /** * manually set the ticks for the renderer, or null means use automatic. * @param ticks */ public void setTickVDescriptor(TickVDescriptor ticks) { this.manualTickV= ticks; this.invalidateParentCacheImage(); } }