package org.das2.graph;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import org.das2.qds.DDataSet;
import org.das2.qds.JoinDataSet;
import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops;
import org.das2.qds.SemanticOps;
import org.das2.qds.QDataSet;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.geom.Arc2D;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import org.das2.datum.Units;
import static java.lang.Math.cos;
import static java.lang.Math.sin;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.das2.datum.Datum;
import org.das2.datum.DatumRange;
import org.das2.datum.DatumVector;
import org.das2.datum.UnitsUtil;
import org.das2.datum.format.DatumFormatter;
import org.das2.qds.ArrayDataSet;
import org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil;
* PolarPlotRenderer is a refactoring of PitchAngleDistributionRenderer
* which will also render rank 1 series.
* @author jbf
public class PolarPlotRenderer extends Renderer {
public PolarPlotRenderer( DasColorBar cb ) {
private GeneralPath path;
private Shape _shape; //cache, derived from path
private DasAxis tinyX;
private DasAxis tinyY;
private Icon icon;
* experiment with drawing the list icon dynamically.
* @return
public Icon getListIcon() {
QDataSet dsl= getDataSet();
if ( dsl==null ) {
return super.getListIcon();
} else {
if ( icon!=null ) {
return icon;
} else {
BufferedImage result= new BufferedImage(64,64,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
Graphics2D g= (Graphics2D) result.getGraphics();
g.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON );
g.setColor( Color.WHITE );
g.fillRect( 0, 0, 64, 64 );
QDataSet bounds= doAutorange(dsl);
DatumRange xrange= DataSetUtil.asDatumRange( bounds.slice(0) );
DatumRange yrange= DataSetUtil.asDatumRange( bounds.slice(1) );
if ( tinyX==null ) {
tinyX= new DasAxis( xrange, DasAxis.HORIZONTAL );
tinyX.setColumn( new DasColumn( getParent().getCanvas(), null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 64 ) );
tinyY= new DasAxis( yrange, DasAxis.VERTICAL );
tinyY.setRow( new DasRow( getParent().getCanvas(), null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 64 ) );
} else {
try {
render( g, tinyX, tinyY );
} catch ( NullPointerException ex ) {
icon = new ImageIcon( result.getScaledInstance(16,16,Image.SCALE_SMOOTH) );
return icon;
public boolean acceptContext(int x, int y) {
return selectionArea().contains(x,y);
public Shape selectionArea() {
if ( path==null ) {
DasRow row= getParent().getRow();
DasColumn column= getParent().getColumn();
return DasDevicePosition.toRectangle( row, column );
} else {
if ( _shape!=null ) {
return _shape;
} else {
Shape s = new BasicStroke( Math.min(14,1.f+8.f), BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND ).createStrokedShape(path);
_shape= s;
return s;
* return true if the dataset can be interpreted as radian degrees from 0 to PI or from 0 to 2*PI.
* @param ds any QDataSet.
* @param scrict return null if it's not clear that the units are degrees.
* @return the multiplier to make the dataset into radians, or null.
* @see Ops#isAngleRange which is a copy of this code.
private static Double isAngleRange( QDataSet ds, boolean strict) {
return Ops.isAngleRange(ds, strict);
* accepts data that is rank 2 and not a timeseries. Angles
* may be in radians or in Units.degrees.
* ds[Energy,Pitch] or ds[Pitch,Energy] where Pitch is in:
* Units.degrees, Units.radians, or dimensionless and -2*PI to 2*PI.
* @param ds
* @return
public static boolean acceptsData( QDataSet ds ) {
switch (ds.rank()) {
case 2:
if ( SemanticOps.isTimeSeries(ds) ) return false;
if ( SemanticOps.isBundle(ds) ) return false;
QDataSet yds= SemanticOps.ytagsDataSet(ds);
QDataSet xds= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(ds);
if ( isAngleRange(xds, true)!=null ) return true;
if ( isAngleRange(yds, true)!=null ) return true;
return false;
case 1:
return true;
return false;
PropertyChangeListener rebinListener= new PropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
public final void setColorBar(DasColorBar colorBar) {
DasColorBar oldColorBar = this.colorBar;
if ( this.colorBar!=null ) {
this.colorBar.removePropertyChangeListener("dataMinimum", rebinListener);
this.colorBar.removePropertyChangeListener("dataMaximum", rebinListener);
this.colorBar.removePropertyChangeListener("log", rebinListener);
this.colorBar.removePropertyChangeListener(DasColorBar.PROPERTY_TYPE, rebinListener);
this.colorBar.removePropertyChangeListener(DasColorBar.PROPERTY_FILL_COLOR, rebinListener);
this.colorBar = colorBar;
if (this.colorBar != null) {
colorBar.addPropertyChangeListener("dataMinimum", rebinListener);
colorBar.addPropertyChangeListener("dataMaximum", rebinListener);
colorBar.addPropertyChangeListener("log", rebinListener);
colorBar.addPropertyChangeListener(DasColorBar.PROPERTY_TYPE, rebinListener);
colorBar.addPropertyChangeListener(DasColorBar.PROPERTY_FILL_COLOR, rebinListener);
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_COLORBAR, oldColorBar, colorBar);
public void update() {
this.icon= null;
* the color for contour lines
private Color color = Color.BLACK;
private double lineWidth = 1.0;
public static final String PROP_LINEWIDTH = "lineWidth";
* get the width, in pixels of the contour lines.
* @return width in pixels
public double getLineWidth() {
return lineWidth;
public void setLineWidth(double lineWidth) {
double oldLineWidth = this.lineWidth;
this.lineWidth = lineWidth;
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_LINEWIDTH, oldLineWidth, lineWidth);
* Get the color for contour lines
* @return the color for contour lines
public Color getColor() {
return this.color;
* Set the color for contour lines
* @param color the color for contour lines
public void setColor(Color color) {
Color oldColor = this.color;
this.color = color;
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("color", oldColor, color);
private static QDataSet doAutorangeRank1( QDataSet rds ) {
if ( isAngleRange(rds, true)!=null ) {
rds= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(rds);
Units yunits= SemanticOps.getUnits(rds);
ArrayDataSet xdesc= DDataSet.wrap( new double[] { 0, Ops.extent(rds).value(1) }, yunits );
ArrayDataSet ydesc= xdesc;
xdesc= ArrayDataSet.maybeCopy( Ops.rescaleRangeLogLin( xdesc, -1.1, 1.1 ) );
ydesc= ArrayDataSet.maybeCopy( Ops.rescaleRangeLogLin( ydesc, -1.1, 1.1 ) );
JoinDataSet bds= new JoinDataSet(2);
return bds;
* autorange the data set. If a color bar is needed then a 3-D bounding cube will be returned.
* @param tds
* @return bounding box or cube.
public static QDataSet doAutorange(QDataSet tds) {
if ( tds.rank()==1 ) {
return doAutorangeRank1(tds);
QDataSet zdesc;
if ( SemanticOps.isBundle(tds) ) {
if ( tds.length(0)>2 ) {
zdesc= Ops.extent( Ops.unbundle(tds,2) );
} else {
zdesc= null;
} else {
zdesc= Ops.extent( tds );
if ( zdesc!=null ) {
if ( zdesc.value(0)==zdesc.value(1) ) {
if ( zdesc.value(0)>0 ) {
zdesc= DDataSet.wrap( new double[] { 0, zdesc.value(1) } );
zdesc= Ops.putProperty( zdesc, QDataSet.UNITS, );
} else {
zdesc= DDataSet.wrap( new double[] { 0, 1 } );
zdesc= Ops.putProperty( zdesc, QDataSet.UNITS, );
zdesc= Ops.putProperty( zdesc, QDataSet.SCALE_TYPE, ) );
QDataSet ads= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(tds);
QDataSet rds= SemanticOps.ytagsDataSet(tds); // this is why they are semanticOps. ytagsDataSet is just used for convenience even though this is not the y values.
if ( isAngleRange(rds, true)!=null && isAngleRange(ads, true)==null ) { // swap em
rds= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(tds);
//ads= SemanticOps.ytagsDataSet(tds); // not used
Units yunits= SemanticOps.getUnits(rds);
ArrayDataSet xdesc= DDataSet.wrap( new double[] { 0, Ops.extent(rds).value(1) }, yunits );
ArrayDataSet ydesc= xdesc;
xdesc= ArrayDataSet.maybeCopy( Ops.rescaleRangeLogLin( xdesc, -1.1, 1.1 ) );
ydesc= ArrayDataSet.maybeCopy( Ops.rescaleRangeLogLin( ydesc, -1.1, 1.1 ) );
JoinDataSet bds= new JoinDataSet(2);
if ( zdesc!=null ) {
return bds;
* TODO: experiment with delegating to a rectangular renderer and letting it draw onto special Graphics
* object, then mapping the result back. The following render types will have to be supported:
* - SeriesRenderer
- OrbitRenderer
- DigitalRenderer
* @param g1
* @param xAxis
* @param yAxis
private void renderRank1( Graphics g1, DasAxis xAxis, DasAxis yAxis ) {
Graphics2D g= (Graphics2D)g1;
QDataSet ads,rds,cds;
if ( SemanticOps.isBundle(ds) ) {
ads= Ops.slice1( ds, 0 );
rds= Ops.slice1( ds, 1 );
if ( ds.length(0)==3 ) {
cds= Ops.slice1( ds, 2 );
} else {
cds= null;
} else {
ads= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(ds);
rds= SemanticOps.ytagsDataSet(ds); // this is why they are semanticOps. ytagsDataSet is just used for convenience even though this is not the y values.
cds= null;
Double angleFactor= isAngleRange(ads, true);
if ( angleFactor==null ) {
Double angleFactor1= isAngleRange(rds, true);
if ( angleFactor1!=null ) {
QDataSet t= rds;
rds= ads;
ads= t;
angleFactor= isAngleRange(ads, false);
if ( angleFactor==null ) angleFactor= 1.0;
QDataSet wds= Ops.copy( SemanticOps.weightsDataSet(rds) );
if ( ads.rank()!=1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("ads should be rank 1");
if ( rds.rank()!=1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("rds should be rank 1");
QDataSet cadence= DataSetUtil.guessCadenceNew( ads, rds );
QDataSet tds= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(ads);
boolean close= ! UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation( SemanticOps.getUnits(tds) ); // if true then return to the first point to make a complete circuit.
int i=0;
while( i0 ) break;
if ( i==ads.length() ) {
postMessage( "no valid data", Level.WARNING, null, null );
int i0= i;
double x= rds.value(i) * cos( ads.value(i) * angleFactor );
double y= rds.value(i) * sin( ads.value(i) * angleFactor );
GeneralPath gp= new GeneralPath();
//GraphUtil.DebuggingGeneralPath gp= new GraphUtil.DebuggingGeneralPath();
Units xunits= xAxis.getUnits();
Units yunits= yAxis.getUnits();
Units zunits= cds==null ? null : SemanticOps.getUnits(cds);
gp.moveTo( xAxis.transform( x, xunits ), yAxis.transform( y, yunits ) );
boolean penDown= true;
int lastIndex= -1;
for ( ; iMath.PI ) da= (2*Math.PI)-da;
if ( cadence!=null && cadence.rank()==0 && da<(1.1*cadence.value()*angleFactor) ) {
x= rds.value(i0) * cos( ads.value(i0) * angleFactor );
y= rds.value(i0) * sin( ads.value(i0) * angleFactor );
double dx= xAxis.transform( x, xunits );
double dy= yAxis.transform( y, yunits );
gp.lineTo( dx,dy );
g.setColor( color );
g.setStroke(new BasicStroke((float)lineWidth));
if ( cds!=null ) {
for ( i=0; i0 ) {
double s= 3.;
x= rds.value(i) * cos( ads.value(i) * angleFactor );
y= rds.value(i) * sin( ads.value(i) * angleFactor );
double dx= xAxis.transform( x, xunits );
double dy= yAxis.transform( y, yunits );
int zz= colorBar.rgbTransform( cds.value(i), zunits );
g.setColor( new Color(zz) );
g.fill( new Ellipse2D.Double( dx-s, dy-s, s*2+1,s*2+1 ) );
//gp.transform( AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(Math.random()-0.5,Math.random()-0.5) );
if ( xAxis!=tinyX ) {
path= gp;
//path= gp.getGeneralPath();
_shape= null;
private void renderRank2( Graphics2D g, DasAxis xAxis, DasAxis yAxis ) {
g.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON );
QDataSet tds= (QDataSet)ds;
if ( colorBar==null ) return;
QDataSet ads= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(tds);
QDataSet rds= SemanticOps.ytagsDataSet(tds); // this is why they are semanticOps. ytagsDataSet is just used for convenience even though this is not the y values.
Units yunits= SemanticOps.getUnits(rds);
Double angleFactor= isAngleRange(ads, false);
if ( isAngleRange(rds, false)!=null && angleFactor==null ) { // swap em
rds= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(tds);
ads= SemanticOps.ytagsDataSet(tds);
yunits= SemanticOps.getUnits(rds);
tds= Ops.transpose(tds);
angleFactor= isAngleRange(ads, false);
if ( angleFactor==null ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("neither dimension appears to be angles");
if ( angleFactor!=1. ) {
ads= Ops.multiply(ads,angleFactor);
// assert all angles are now in radians.
QDataSet wds= SemanticOps.weightsDataSet(tds);
float[][] xx= new float[ tds.length()+1 ] [ tds.length(0)+1 ];
float[][] yy= new float[ tds.length()+1 ] [ tds.length(0)+1 ];
//float[][] cx1=new float[ tds.length()+1 ] [ tds.length(0)+1 ];
//float[][] cy1=new float[ tds.length()+1 ] [ tds.length(0)+1 ];
//float[][] cx2=new float[ tds.length()+1 ] [ tds.length(0)+1 ];
//float[][] cy2=new float[ tds.length()+1 ] [ tds.length(0)+1 ];
Units zunits= SemanticOps.getUnits(tds);
double amin= Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
double amax= Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double da= ( ads.value(1) - ads.value(0) ) / 2;
QDataSet rangea= Ops.extent(ads);
if ( rangea.value(1) - rangea.value(0) < Math.PI * 3 / 2 ) {
amin= Math.PI * (int)( ads.value(1) / 180 );
amax= Math.PI * ( 1 + (int)( ads.value(ads.length()-2) / 180 ) );
ArrayDataSet damin= ArrayDataSet.copy(ads);
ArrayDataSet damax= ArrayDataSet.copy(ads);
for ( int i=0; i0 ) {
if ( origin.equalsIgnoreCase("N") ) {
a0= a0+Math.PI/2;
a1= a1+Math.PI/2;
} else if ( origin.equalsIgnoreCase("E") ) {
} else if ( origin.equalsIgnoreCase("S") ) {
a0= a0-Math.PI/2;
a1= a1-Math.PI/2;
} else if ( origin.equalsIgnoreCase("W") ) {
a0= a0+Math.PI;
a1= a1+Math.PI;
if ( originNorth ) {
yy[i][j]= (float) ( y0 - cos(a0) * r0y );
xx[i][j]= (float) ( x0 - sin(a0) * r0x );
yy[i][j+1]= (float) ( y0 - cos(a0) * r1y ); // outer
xx[i][j+1]= (float) ( x0 - sin(a0) * r1x ); // outer
yy[i+1][j]= (float) ( y0 - cos(a1) * r0y );
xx[i+1][j]= (float) ( x0 - sin(a1) * r0x );
yy[i+1][j+1]= (float) ( y0 - cos(a1) * r1y ); // outer
xx[i+1][j+1]= (float) ( x0 - sin(a1) * r1x ); // outer
// if ( useBelzier ) {
// double theta= a1-a0;
// double epsilon= 2 * sin(theta/2)* r / ( 1 + 2 * cos(theta/2) ); //, page 15
// cx1[i][j]= xx[i][j+1] + cos( ) // Not completed!
// }
} else {
xx[i][j]= (float) ( x0 + cos(a0) * r0x );
yy[i][j]= (float) ( y0 - sin(a0) * r0y );
xx[i][j+1]= (float) ( x0 + cos(a0) * r1x );
yy[i][j+1]= (float) ( y0 - sin(a0) * r1y );
xx[i+1][j]= (float) ( x0 + cos(a1) * r0x );
yy[i+1][j]= (float) ( y0 - sin(a1) * r0y );
xx[i+1][j+1]= (float) ( x0 + cos(a1) * r1x );
yy[i+1][j+1]= (float) ( y0 - sin(a1) * r1y );
if ( wds.value(i,j)>0 ) {
int zz= colorBar.rgbTransform( tds.value(i,j), zunits );
g.setColor( new Color(zz) );
GeneralPath gp= new GeneralPath( GeneralPath.WIND_NON_ZERO,6);
gp.moveTo( xx[i][j], yy[i][j] ); // x0 + cos(a0) * r0x, y0 - sin(a0) * r0y
gp.lineTo( xx[i][j+1], yy[i][j+1] );// x0 + cos(a0) * r1x, y0 - sin(a0) * r1y
Arc2D arc0 = new Arc2D.Double( x0-r0x, y0-r0y, r0x*2, r0y*2, Math.toDegrees(a0), Math.toDegrees(a1-a0), Arc2D.OPEN );
gp.append( arc0.getPathIterator(null), true );
gp.lineTo( xx[i+1][j+1], yy[i+1][j+1] ); // x0 + cos(a1) * r1x, y0 - sin(a1) * r1y
Arc2D arc1 = new Arc2D.Double( x0-r1x, y0-r1y, r1x*2, r1y*2, Math.toDegrees(a1), Math.toDegrees(a0-a1), Arc2D.OPEN );
gp.append( arc1.getPathIterator(null), true );
gp.lineTo( xx[i][j], yy[i][j] );
} else {
//g.setColor( Color.lightGray );
public void render(Graphics2D g1, DasAxis xAxis, DasAxis yAxis ) {
QDataSet tds= (QDataSet)ds;
Graphics2D g= (Graphics2D)g1;
DasPlot parent= getParent();
if (tds == null) {
logger.fine("null data set");
parent.postMessage(this, "no data set", DasPlot.INFO, null, null);
if ( tds.rank()==1 ) {
renderRank1( g1, xAxis, yAxis );
} else {
if ( !( SemanticOps.isTableDataSet(tds) ) ) {
if ( SemanticOps.isBundle( tds ) ) {
renderRank1( g1, xAxis, yAxis );
} else {
parent.postException( this, new IllegalArgumentException("expected Table: " +tds ) );
if ( !xAxis.getUnits().isConvertibleTo( yAxis.getUnits() ) ) {
parent.postException( this,
new IllegalArgumentException("x and y axes have different units, x="
+xAxis.getUnits() + " y="+yAxis.getUnits() ) );
g.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON );
renderRank2( g, xAxis, yAxis );
if ( drawPolarAxes ) {
Units yunits= yAxis.getUnits();
double x0= xAxis.transform(0,yunits);
double y0= yAxis.transform(0,yunits);
Font f0= g.getFont();
g.setFont( f0.deriveFont( f0.getSize()/2.f ) );
g.setColor( xAxis.getForeground() );
g.setStroke( new BasicStroke(0.4f) );
int dx= f0.getSize()/6;
DatumFormatter df= xAxis.getDatumFormatter();
TickVDescriptor rr= xAxis.getTickV();
DatumVector ticks= rr.tickV;
Units u= ticks.getUnits();
for ( int i=0; i0 ) {
double xc0= xAxis.transform(t.multiply(-1));
double yc0= yAxis.transform(t);
double xc1= xAxis.transform(t);
double yc1= yAxis.transform(t.multiply(-1));
if ( !xAxis.isVisible() ) {
g.drawString(df.format(t,xAxis.getUnits()), (int)xc1+dx, (int)y0-dx );
g.drawString(df.format(t,xAxis.getUnits()), (int)xc0+dx, (int)y0-dx );
ticks= rr.minorTickV;
for ( int i=0; i0 ) {
double xc0= xAxis.transform(t.multiply(-1));
double yc0= yAxis.transform(t);
double xc1= xAxis.transform(t);
double yc1= yAxis.transform(t.multiply(-1));
g.drawLine( (int)xc0,(int)y0-1,(int)(xc0),(int)(y0+1) );
g.drawLine( (int)xc1,(int)y0-1,(int)(xc1),(int)(y0+1) );
g.drawLine( (int)x0-1,(int)yc0,(int)(x0+1),(int)(yc0) );
g.drawLine( (int)x0-1,(int)yc1,(int)(x0+1),(int)(yc1) );
Datum rmax= ticks.get(0).abs();
Datum rmax1=ticks.get(ticks.getLength()-1);
if ( ) rmax= rmax1;
for ( int i=0; i<360; i+=30 ) {
double xr0= xAxis.transform(0,u);
double yr0= yAxis.transform(0,u);
double xr1= xAxis.transform(rmax.value()*Math.cos(i*Math.PI/180),u);
double yr1= yAxis.transform(rmax.value()*Math.sin(i*Math.PI/180),u);
if ( originNorth ) {
Point2D p1= new Point2D.Double( xAxis.transform(0,u), yAxis.transform(0,u) );
Point2D p0= new Point2D.Double( xAxis.transform(0,u), yAxis.getRow().getDMinimum() );
Arrow.paintArrow( g, p0, p1, 10.0, Arrow.HeadStyle.DRAFTING );
} else if ( origin.length()>0 ) {
if ( origin.equalsIgnoreCase("N") ) {
Point2D p1= new Point2D.Double( xAxis.transform(0,u), yAxis.transform(0,u) );
Point2D p0= new Point2D.Double( xAxis.transform(0,u), yAxis.getRow().getDMinimum() );
Arrow.paintArrow( g, p0, p1, 10.0, Arrow.HeadStyle.DRAFTING );
} else if ( origin.equalsIgnoreCase("S") ) {
Point2D p1= new Point2D.Double( xAxis.transform(0,u), yAxis.transform(0,u) );
Point2D p0= new Point2D.Double( xAxis.transform(0,u), yAxis.getRow().getDMaximum() );
Arrow.paintArrow( g, p0, p1, 10.0, Arrow.HeadStyle.DRAFTING );
} else if ( origin.equalsIgnoreCase("W") ) {
Point2D p1= new Point2D.Double( xAxis.transform(0,u), yAxis.transform(0,u) );
Point2D p0= new Point2D.Double( xAxis.getColumn().getDMinimum(), yAxis.transform(0,u) );
Arrow.paintArrow( g, p0, p1, 10.0, Arrow.HeadStyle.DRAFTING );
} else if ( origin.equalsIgnoreCase("E") ) {
Point2D p1= new Point2D.Double( xAxis.transform(0,u), yAxis.transform(0,u) );
Point2D p0= new Point2D.Double( xAxis.getColumn().getDMaximum(), yAxis.transform(0,u) );
Arrow.paintArrow( g, p0, p1, 10.0, Arrow.HeadStyle.DRAFTING );
} else {
Point2D p1= new Point2D.Double( xAxis.transform(0,u), yAxis.transform(0,u) );
Point2D p0= new Point2D.Double( xAxis.getColumn().getDMaximum(), yAxis.transform(0,u) );
Arrow.paintArrow( g, p0, p1, 10.0, Arrow.HeadStyle.DRAFTING );
if ( !xAxis.isVisible() ) {
protected void installRenderer() {
DasPlot parent= getParent();
if (parent != null && parent.getCanvas() != null) {
if (colorBar != null) {
parent.getCanvas().add(colorBar, parent.getRow(), colorBar.getColumn());
protected void uninstallRenderer() {
// if (colorBar != null && colorBar.getCanvas() != null) {
// colorBar.getCanvas().remove(colorBar);
// }
public String getControl() {
Map controls= new LinkedHashMap();
controls.put( "mirror", encodeBooleanControl( mirror ) );
controls.put( "originNorth", encodeBooleanControl( originNorth ) );
controls.put( "drawPolarAxes", encodeBooleanControl( drawPolarAxes ) );
if ( origin.length()>0 && origin.equalsIgnoreCase("E") ) {
controls.put( "origin", origin );
if ( clockwise ) controls.put("clockwise", "T" );
controls.put( "color", encodeColorControl(color) );
controls.put( "lineWidth", String.valueOf(lineWidth) );
return Renderer.formatControl(controls);
public void setControl(String s) {
this.mirror= getBooleanControl( "mirror", false );
this.originNorth= getBooleanControl("originNorth", false );
this.drawPolarAxes= getBooleanControl("drawPolarAxes",false );
this.origin= getControl("origin","");
this.clockwise= getBooleanControl("clockwise",false);
this.color= getColorControl( "color", color );
this.lineWidth= getDoubleControl( "lineWidth", lineWidth );
* if true, then angle=0 is in the positive Y direction, otherwise
* it is in the positive x direction
public static final String PROP_ORIGINNORTH = "originNorth";
protected boolean originNorth = false; // see setControl, which must also be false.
public boolean isOriginNorth() {
return originNorth;
public void setOriginNorth(boolean originNorth) {
boolean oldOriginNorth = this.originNorth;
this.originNorth = originNorth;
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_ORIGINNORTH, oldOriginNorth, originNorth);
* true means increasing angle goes in the clockwise direction.
private boolean clockwise = false;
public static final String PROP_CLOCKWISE = "clockwise";
* true if increasing angle corresponds to clockwise when not mirror.
* @return true if increasing angle corresponds to clockwise
public boolean isClockwise() {
return clockwise;
* true if increasing angle corresponds to clockwise when not mirror.
* @param clockwise true if increasing angle corresponds to clockwise
public void setClockwise(boolean clockwise) {
boolean oldClockwise = this.clockwise;
this.clockwise = clockwise;
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_CLOCKWISE, oldClockwise, clockwise);
* One of "", "N", "S", "E", "W"
public static final String PROP_ORIGIN = "origin";
protected String origin = ""; // see setControl.
public String getOrigin() {
return origin;
public void setOrigin( String origin ) {
String oldOrigin = this.origin;
this.origin = origin;
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_ORIGIN, oldOrigin, origin);
* if true, then draw circular axes.
private boolean drawPolarAxes = false;
public static final String PROP_DRAWPOLARAXES = "drawPolarAxes";
public boolean isDrawPolarAxes() {
return drawPolarAxes;
public void setDrawPolarAxes(boolean drawPolarAxes) {
boolean oldDrawPolarAxes = this.drawPolarAxes;
this.drawPolarAxes = drawPolarAxes;
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_DRAWPOLARAXES, oldDrawPolarAxes, drawPolarAxes);
* if true, then mirror the image about angle=0.
protected boolean mirror = false; // see setControl, which must also be false.
public static final String PROP_MIRROR = "mirror";
public boolean isMirror() {
return mirror;
public void setMirror(boolean mirror) {
boolean oldMirror = this.mirror;
this.mirror = mirror;
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_MIRROR, oldMirror, mirror);