package org.das2.graph; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.das2.datum.Datum; import org.das2.datum.DatumRange; import org.das2.datum.DatumVector; import org.das2.datum.DomainDivider; import org.das2.datum.DomainDividerUtil; import org.das2.datum.Units; import org.das2.datum.UnitsUtil; import org.das2.datum.format.DatumFormatter; import org.das2.util.GrannyTextRenderer; import org.das2.util.LoggerManager; import org.das2.qds.DataSetOps; import org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil; import org.das2.qds.QDataSet; import org.das2.qds.SemanticOps; import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops; import org.das2.qds.util.DataSetBuilder; /** * This is like a TCA, but is an axis which has ticks positioned by another axis. * @author jbf */ public class LookupAxis extends DasCanvasComponent { private static final Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger("org.das2.graph.lookupaxis" ); /** * the width of the component. */ int maxWidth; /** * the height of the component. */ int maxHeight; DasAxis axis; QDataSet tt; QDataSet ff; QDataSet xpos; QDataSet fpos; QDataSet xposMinor; QDataSet fposMinor; DatumFormatter format; public LookupAxis( DasAxis axis ) { this.maxWidth=100; this.maxHeight=100; setAxis(axis); } public void setDataSet( QDataSet yy ) { SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(yy); this.ff= yy; } public void setDataSet( QDataSet xx, QDataSet yy ) { xx; this.ff= yy; } /** * set the axis. This must be in units convertible to xx. * This must be a vertical axis with ticks on the left side, for now. * @param axis the axis. */ public void setAxis( DasAxis axis ) { axis.addPropertyChangeListener( updateListener ); this.axis= axis; } private final PropertyChangeListener updateListener= new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { LookupAxis.this.resize(); try { LookupAxis.this.updateTicks(); } catch ( Exception e ){ logger.log( Level.WARNING, null, e ); } //LookupAxis.this.repaint(); } }; @Override protected void uninstallComponent() { if ( this.axis!=null ) { this.axis.removePropertyChangeListener(updateListener); } } /** * return the X positions of the Y value. * TODO: Rewrite this. IDL-like code makes this impossible to read. * @param y the Y value * @param xx the monotonically increasing tags * @param yy rank 1 function of xx * @return the X positions of the Y value. */ private static QDataSet interpWow( Datum y, QDataSet xx, QDataSet yy ) { QDataSet zipzip= Ops.multiply( Ops.subtract(y, yy.trim(0,yy.length()-1) ), Ops.subtract( yy.trim(1,yy.length()), y ) ); QDataSet r= Ops.where( zipzip, 0 ) ); // find the points which bracket y. //QDataSet t1= Ops.subtract( y, DataSetOps.applyIndex( yy, 0, r, false ) ); //QDataSet t0= DataSetOps.applyIndex( yy, Ops.add( r,1 ) ); //QDataSet t2= Ops.subtract( DataSetOps.applyIndex( yy, Ops.add( r,1 ) ), DataSetOps.applyIndex( yy, r ) ); QDataSet div= Ops.subtract( DataSetOps.applyIndex( yy, Ops.add(r,1) ), DataSetOps.applyIndex( yy,r ) ); QDataSet ff= Ops.divide( Ops.subtract( Ops.dataset(y), DataSetOps.applyIndex( yy,r ) ) , div ); QDataSet rzero= Ops.where( Ops.eq( Ops.abs(div), 0 ) ); if ( rzero.length()>0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("yy cannot have repeating values"); if ( UnitsUtil.isIntervalMeasurement( SemanticOps.getUnits(xx) ) ) { return Ops.interpolate( xx, ff ); //return Ops.add( Ops.multiply( DataSetOps.applyIndex( xx,r ), Ops.subtract(1,ff) ), // Ops.multiply( DataSetOps.applyIndex( xx,Ops.add(r,1)), ff ) ); } else { return Ops.add( Ops.multiply( DataSetOps.applyIndex( xx,r ), Ops.subtract(1,ff) ), Ops.multiply( DataSetOps.applyIndex( xx,Ops.add(r,1)), ff ) ); } } private void drawMessage( Graphics g1, String message ) { Graphics2D g= (Graphics2D)g1; Rectangle r= getBounds(); g.setColor( Color.GRAY ); g.fillRoundRect( 0, 0, r.width-1, r.height-1,7,7 ); g.setColor( Color.BLACK ); g.drawRoundRect( 0, 0, r.width-1, r.height-1,7,7 ); g.drawString( message, 0, g.getFont().getSize() ); } @Override public void paintComponent( Graphics g ) { TickVDescriptor tickV= axis.tickV; if ( tickV==null ) return; DatumVector ticks= tickV.getMinorTicks(); if ( tt==null ) { drawMessage( g,"no times" ); return; } if ( ff==null ) { drawMessage( g,"no data" ); return; } if ( !SemanticOps.getUnits(tt).isConvertibleTo(ticks.getUnits() ) ) { if ( UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation(SemanticOps.getUnits(tt)) ) { drawMessage( g,"inconvertible units" ); return; } else { tt= Ops.putProperty(tt, QDataSet.UNITS, ticks.getUnits() ); } } g.setColor( Color.BLACK ); int ascent= g.getFontMetrics().getAscent(); int height= this.getHeight(); int myY= this.getY(); int myX= this.getX(); maxWidth= 0; maxHeight= 0; if ( xpos==null ) { try { updateTicks(); } catch ( RuntimeException ex ) { ex.getMessage() ); drawMessage( g,"error while updating ticks: "+ex.getMessage() ); return; } } if ( xpos==null ) { drawMessage( g,"no ticks found!" ); return; } //draw the major ticks for ( int j=0; jgetColumn().getDMaximum() ) continue; g.drawLine( ix-myX, height+1, ix-myX, height-5 ); } else { if ( ixgetRow().getDMaximum() ) continue; g.drawLine( 0, ix-myY, 5, ix-myY ); } GrannyTextRenderer gtr= new GrannyTextRenderer( ); gtr.setString( g, format.format( DataSetUtil.asDatum(fpos.slice(j)) ) ); if ( axis.isHorizontal() ) { gtr.draw( g, ix - myX - (int)gtr.getWidth()/2, height-5-3 ); int height0= (int)gtr.getHeight()+8; if ( height0>maxHeight ) maxHeight=height0; } else { gtr.draw( g, 5+3, ix+ascent/2-myY ); int width0= (int)gtr.getWidth(); if ( width0>maxWidth ) maxWidth=width0; } } maxHeight= Math.max( maxHeight, 6 ); maxWidth= Math.max( maxWidth, 6 ); // draw the minor ticks g.setColor( Color.BLACK ); myY= this.getY(); int ix0= -999; for ( int j=0; j0 && f.value()20 ) { DomainDivider dd= ytickvdd.coarserDivider(false); if ( dd==null ) break; ytickvdd= dd; } ticks= ytickvdd.boundaries( fmin, fmax ); DatumRange dr= new DatumRange(fmin,fmax); format= DomainDividerUtil.getDatumFormatter(ytickvdd,dr); maxWidth= 0; maxHeight= 0; DataSetBuilder xposBuilder= new DataSetBuilder(1,100); DataSetBuilder fposBuilder= new DataSetBuilder(1,100); //calculate the major ticks for ( int i=0; igetColumn().getDMaximum() ) continue; xposBuilder.nextRecord(d); fposBuilder.nextRecord(atick); } else { if ( ixgetRow().getDMaximum() ) continue; xposBuilder.nextRecord(d); fposBuilder.nextRecord(atick); } } } DataSetBuilder xposMinorBuilder= new DataSetBuilder(1,100); DataSetBuilder fposMinorBuilder= new DataSetBuilder(1,100); // draw the minor ticks ticks= ytickvdd.finerDivider( true ).boundaries( fmin, fmax ); for ( int i=0; igetColumn().getDMaximum() ) continue; xposMinorBuilder.nextRecord(d); fposMinorBuilder.nextRecord(atick); } else { if ( ixgetRow().getDMaximum() ) continue; xposMinorBuilder.nextRecord(d); fposMinorBuilder.nextRecord(atick); } } } xpos= xposBuilder.getDataSet(); fpos= fposBuilder.getDataSet(); xposMinor= xposMinorBuilder.getDataSet(); fposMinor= fposMinorBuilder.getDataSet(); } @Override public void resize() { if ( getColumn()==null || getColumn().getParent()==null ) { return; } if ( maxHeight<6 ) maxHeight=6; if ( maxWidth<6 ) maxWidth=6; if ( axis.isHorizontal() ) { int x= getColumn().getDMinimum(); int y= getRow().getDMinimum(); Rectangle rect= new Rectangle( x, y-this.maxHeight, getColumn().getWidth(), this.maxHeight ); this.setBounds( rect ); } else { int x= getColumn().getDMaximum(); int y= getRow().getDMinimum(); Rectangle rect= new Rectangle( x, y, this.maxWidth, this.getRow().getHeight() ); this.setBounds( rect ); } } }