package org.das2.graph; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.awt.geom.PathIterator; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.ConvolveOp; import java.awt.image.Kernel; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JFrame; import org.das2.components.GrannyTextEditor; import org.das2.datum.Datum; import org.das2.datum.DatumRange; import org.das2.datum.DatumRangeUtil; import org.das2.datum.DatumUtil; import org.das2.datum.InconvertibleUnitsException; import org.das2.datum.LoggerManager; import org.das2.datum.Units; import org.das2.datum.UnitsUtil; import org.das2.qds.DataSetOps; import org.das2.qds.IndexGenDataSet; import org.das2.qds.QDataSet; import org.das2.qds.SemanticOps; import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops; import org.das2.util.DasMath; import org.das2.util.GrannyTextRenderer; import org.das2.util.filesystem.FileSystemUtil; import org.das2.util.monitor.AlertNullProgressMonitor; import org.jdesktop.beansbinding.Converter; /** * Utilities for drawing graphics and establishing standard behavior. * This provides functions to get a 16x16 icon for a color, getting a Path * from a series of data points, and a "visualize" method for simply looking at * some data. * @author Jeremy */ public class GraphUtil { private static GrannyTextRenderer.Painter createBlockPainter() { return (Graphics2D g, String[] args) -> { double fontSize = g.getFont().getSize2D(); int s = (int) (fontSize * 2 / 3); g.fillRect(1, -s + 2, s - 2, s - 4); return new Rectangle(0, (int) -fontSize, (int) fontSize, (int) fontSize); }; } public static String FILL_TEXTURE_CROSSHASH="crosshash"; public static String FILL_TEXTURE_HASH="hash"; public static String FILL_TEXTURE_BACKHASH="backhash"; public static String FILL_TEXTURE_SOLID="solid"; public static String FILL_TEXTURE_NONE="none"; /** * fill the region using the specified fillTexture. * @param g the graphics context * @param pbox a general path * @param fillColor if non-null, set this color to fill and return to the original color * @param fillTexture one of the enumerations: none, hash, crosshash, backhash, and solid (and "" is an alias for solid) * @see Renderer#CONTROL_KEY_FILL_TEXTURE */ public static void fillWithTexture(Graphics2D g, GeneralPath pbox, Color fillColor, String fillTexture) { Color oldColor = g.getColor(); if (fillColor != null) { g.setColor(fillColor); } if (fillTexture.equals("hash") || fillTexture.equals("crosshash")) { Shape oldClip = g.getClip(); Rectangle2D r = pbox.getBounds2D(); g.setClip(pbox); double xx = r.getX(); double yy = r.getY(); double w = r.getHeight(); double limxx = xx + r.getWidth() + w; // 45 deg while (xx < limxx) { Line2D.Double line = new Line2D.Double(xx, yy, xx - w, yy + w); g.draw(line); xx = xx + 10; } g.setClip(oldClip); } if (fillTexture.equals("backhash") || fillTexture.equals("crosshash")) { Shape oldClip = g.getClip(); Rectangle2D r = pbox.getBounds2D(); g.setClip(pbox); double xx = r.getX(); double yy = r.getY(); double w = r.getHeight(); double limxx = xx + r.getWidth() + w; // 45 deg while (xx < limxx) { Line2D.Double line = new Line2D.Double(xx - w, yy, xx, yy + w); g.draw(line); xx = xx + 10; } g.setClip(oldClip); } if (fillTexture.equals("") || fillTexture.equals("solid")) { g.fill(pbox); } if (fillColor != null) { g.setColor(oldColor); } } /** * implements "!(painter;img;;50%)
Autoplot" * which is intended to replace the URL property of annotations. * */ private static class ImagePainter implements GrannyTextRenderer.Painter { private static Map cache= new HashMap<>(); private static Map cacheBirthMilli= new HashMap<>(); private static long CACHE_TIMEOUT_MS= 10000; @Override public Rectangle2D paint(Graphics2D g, String[] args) { try { BufferedImage im; synchronized ( this ) { Long milli= cacheBirthMilli.get(args[0]); if ( milli==null || ( System.currentTimeMillis()-milli )>CACHE_TIMEOUT_MS ) { URI uri= FileSystemUtil.toUri(args[0]); File f= FileSystemUtil.downloadResourceAsFile( uri, new AlertNullProgressMonitor("load image") ); im = f ); cache.put( args[0], im ); cacheBirthMilli.put( args[0], System.currentTimeMillis() ); } else { im= cache.get( args[0] ); } } double scale; if ( args.length<2 ) { scale= 1.0; } else { double ws; try { ws= Double.parseDouble(args[1]); } catch ( NumberFormatException ex ) { ws = DasDevicePosition.parseLayoutStr( args[1], g.getFont().getSize2D(), im.getWidth(), im.getWidth() ); } scale= ws/im.getWidth(); } int h = (int)(im.getHeight()*scale); int w = (int)(im.getWidth()*scale); g.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON ); g.scale(scale,scale); g.drawImage( im,0,-im.getHeight(),null ); Rectangle r = new Rectangle( 0,-h,w,h ); return r; } catch (IOException | NumberFormatException ex) { g.drawLine(0,0,16,16); g.drawLine(0,16,16,0); Rectangle r= new Rectangle(0,0,16,16); g.draw( r ); return r; } } } private static GrannyTextRenderer.Painter createImagePainter( ) { return new ImagePainter(); } /** * return a GrannyTextEditor with the Das2Core extras added. Examples * include: * * @return */ public static GrannyTextRenderer newGrannyTextRenderer() { GrannyTextRenderer result = new GrannyTextRenderer(); result.addPainter("psym", createPlotSymbolPainter()); result.addPainter("block", createBlockPainter()); result.addPainter("img", createImagePainter()); return result; } private static GrannyTextRenderer.Painter createPlotSymbolPainter() { return (Graphics2D g, String[] args) -> { PlotSymbol p; Color returnColor= null; if ( args.length==0 ) { p= DefaultPlotSymbol.BOX; } else { switch (args[0]) { case "boxes": p = DefaultPlotSymbol.BOX; break; case "circles": p = DefaultPlotSymbol.CIRCLES; break; case "crosses": p = DefaultPlotSymbol.CROSS; break; case "diamonds": p = DefaultPlotSymbol.DIAMOND; break; case "exes": p = DefaultPlotSymbol.EX; break; case "triangles": p = DefaultPlotSymbol.TRIANGLES; break; case "trianglesNorth": p = DefaultPlotSymbol.TRIANGLES_NORTH; break; case "trianglesEast": p = DefaultPlotSymbol.TRIANGLES_EAST; break; case "trianglesWest": p = DefaultPlotSymbol.TRIANGLES_WEST; break; case "trianglesSouth": p = DefaultPlotSymbol.TRIANGLES_SOUTH; break; case "stars": p = DefaultPlotSymbol.STAR; break; case "none": p = DefaultPlotSymbol.NONE; break; default: p = DefaultPlotSymbol.DIAMOND; break; } } double size = 8; double fontSize = g.getFont().getSize2D(); FillStyle fillStyle = FillStyle.STYLE_SOLID; for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].startsWith("size=")) { String sspec = args[i].substring(5); if (Character.isDigit(sspec.charAt(sspec.length() - 1))) { size = Double.parseDouble(sspec); } else { size = DasDevicePosition.parseLayoutStr(sspec, g.getFont().getSize(), g.getFont().getSize(), size); } } else if (args[i].startsWith("fillStyle=")) { String sfillStyle= args[i].substring(10); if ( sfillStyle.equals("outline") ) { fillStyle = FillStyle.STYLE_OUTLINE; } else if ( sfillStyle.equals("none") ) { fillStyle = FillStyle.STYLE_NONE; } // STYLE_SOLID is default. } else if ( args[i].startsWith("color=")) { String scolor = args[i].substring(6); Color c= org.das2.util.ColorUtil.decodeColor(scolor); returnColor= g.getColor(); g.setColor(c); } } p.draw(g, fontSize / 2, -fontSize * 2 / 3.0 / 2, (float) size, fillStyle); for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].startsWith("connect=")) { PsymConnector connect; String sconnect = args[i].substring(8); if (sconnect.equals("solid")) { connect = PsymConnector.SOLID; } else if (sconnect.equals("dots")) { connect = PsymConnector.DOTS; } else { connect = PsymConnector.SOLID; } double x = fontSize / 2; double y = -fontSize * 2 / 3.0 / 2; connect.drawLine(g, x - size, y + size * 4 / 11, x + size, y - size * 4 / 11, 1.5F); //connect.drawLine( g, 2, 3, 13, 7, 1.5f); } } Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, (int) -fontSize, (int) fontSize, (int) fontSize); if ( returnColor!=null ) { g.setColor(returnColor); } return r; }; } /** * return a GrannyTextEditor with the Das2Core extras added. * @return */ public static GrannyTextEditor newGrannyTextEditor() { GrannyTextEditor result = new GrannyTextEditor(); result.addPainter("psym", createPlotSymbolPainter()); result.addPainter("block", createBlockPainter()); result.addPainter("img", createImagePainter()); return result; } /** * Classes that implement this interface provide their instances with * the ability to copy themselves in a manner similar to Cloneable objects, * but without the drawbacks of Cloneable. * * Implementers need not return an object of their exact type, but the object * they return should have all the same supertypes as the original object. */ public interface Copyable { T copy(); } private static final Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger(""); /** * create a plot for the canvas, along with the row and column for layout. * @param canvas the canvas parent for the plot. * @param x the x range * @param y the y range * @return the plot. */ public static DasPlot newDasPlot(DasCanvas canvas, DatumRange x, DatumRange y) { DasAxis xaxis = new DasAxis(x.min(), x.max(), DasAxis.HORIZONTAL); DasAxis yaxis = new DasAxis(y.min(), y.max(), DasAxis.VERTICAL); DasRow row = new DasRow(canvas, null, 0, 1, 2, -3, 0, 0); DasColumn col = new DasColumn(canvas, null, 0, 1, 5, -3, 0, 0); DasPlot result = new DasPlot(xaxis, yaxis); canvas.add(result, row, col); return result; } /** * get the path for the points, checking for breaks in the data from fill values. * @param xAxis the x axis. * @param yAxis the y axis. * @param ds the y values. SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet is used to extract the x values. * @param histogram if true, use histogram (stair-step) mode * @param clip limit path to what's visible for each axis. * @return the GeneralPath. */ public static GeneralPath getPath(DasAxis xAxis, DasAxis yAxis, QDataSet ds, boolean histogram, boolean clip ) { return getPath(xAxis, yAxis, SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(ds), ds, histogram, clip ); } /** * get the path for the points, checking for breaks in the data from fill values. * @param xAxis the x axis. * @param yAxis the y axis. * @param xds the x values. * @param yds the y values. * @param histogram if true, use histogram (stair-step) mode * @param clip limit path to what's visible for each axis. * @return the GeneralPath. */ public static GeneralPath getPath( DasAxis xAxis, DasAxis yAxis, QDataSet xds, QDataSet yds, boolean histogram, boolean clip ) { return getPath( xAxis, yAxis, xds, yds, histogram ? CONNECT_MODE_HISTOGRAM : CONNECT_MODE_SERIES, clip ); } /** * draw the lines in histogram mode, horizontal to the half-way point, then vertical, then horizontal the rest of the way. */ public static final String CONNECT_MODE_HISTOGRAM= "histogram"; /** * don't draw connecting lines. */ public static final String CONNECT_MODE_SCATTER= "scatter"; /** * the normal connecting mode from point-to-point in a series. */ public static final String CONNECT_MODE_SERIES= "series"; /** * print the name for the segment type * @param type * @return "SEG_MOVETO", etc or "SEG_???" */ public static final String getSegNameFor( int type ) { switch (type) { case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: return "SEG_MOVETO"; case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: return "SEG_LINETO"; case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: return "SEG_CLOSE"; default: return "SEG_???"; } } /** * get the path for the points, checking for breaks in the data from fill values or breaks suggested by * linear cadence in the DEPEND_0 of yds. * @param xAxis the x axis. * @param yAxis the y axis. * @param xds the x values. * @param yds the y values, possibly containing a DEPEND_0. * @param mode one of CONNECT_MODE_SERIES, CONNECT_MODE_SCATTER, or CONNECT_MODE_HISTOGRAM * @param clip limit path to what's visible for each axis. * @see #CONNECT_MODE_SERIES * @see #CONNECT_MODE_SCATTER * @see #CONNECT_MODE_HISTOGRAM * @return the GeneralPath. */ public static GeneralPath getPath( DasAxis xAxis, DasAxis yAxis, QDataSet xds, QDataSet yds, String mode, boolean clip ) { GeneralPath newPath = new GeneralPath(); //Dimension d; Units xUnits = SemanticOps.getUnits(xds); Units yUnits = SemanticOps.getUnits(yds); QDataSet tagds= (QDataSet); if ( tagds==null ) tagds= new IndexGenDataSet(yds.length()); QDataSet cadence= (QDataSet); double dcadence; if ( cadence==null || cadence.rank()>0 ) { dcadence=Double.MAX_VALUE; } else { dcadence= cadence.value(); } //QDataSet tagds= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(xds); // yes, it's true, I think because of orbit plots //double xSampleWidth= Double.MAX_VALUE; // old code had 1e31. MAX_VALUE is better. //if ( QDataSet.CADENCE ) != null ) { //e.g. Orbit(T); //Datum xSampleWidthDatum = (Datum) org.virbo.dataset.DataSetUtil.asDatum( (RankZeroDataSet) QDataSet.CADENCE ) ); //xSampleWidth = xSampleWidthDatum.doubleValue(xUnits.getOffsetUnits()); //} //double t0 = -Double.MAX_VALUE; double i0 = -Double.MAX_VALUE; double j0 = -Double.MAX_VALUE; boolean v0= false; // last point was visible boolean skippedLast = true; int n = xds.length(); QDataSet wds= SemanticOps.weightsDataSet(yds); Rectangle rclip= clip ? DasDevicePosition.toRectangle( yAxis.getRow(), xAxis.getColumn() ) : null; boolean histogram= mode.equals(CONNECT_MODE_HISTOGRAM); boolean scatter= mode.equals(CONNECT_MODE_SCATTER); double lastTag= tagds.length()>0 ? tagds.value(0) : -999; for (int index = 0; index < n; index++) { //double t = index; double x = xds.value(index); double y = yds.value(index); double tag= tagds.value(index); double dtag= tag - lastTag; double i = xAxis.transform(x, xUnits); double j = yAxis.transform(y, yUnits); boolean v= rclip==null || rclip.contains( i,j); if ( dtag > dcadence ) skippedLast=true; lastTag= tag; if ( wds.value(index)==0 || Double.isNaN(y) ) { skippedLast = true; } else if ( skippedLast ) { newPath.moveTo((float) i, (float) j); if ( scatter ) { newPath.lineTo((float) i, (float) j); } skippedLast = !v; } else { if ( v||v0 ) { if (histogram) { double i1 = (i0 + i) / 2; newPath.lineTo((float) i1, (float) j0); newPath.lineTo((float) i1, (float) j); newPath.lineTo((float) i, (float) j); } else if (scatter) { newPath.moveTo((float) i, (float) j); newPath.lineTo((float) i, (float) j); } else { newPath.lineTo((float) i, (float) j); } } skippedLast = false; } //t0 = t; i0 = i; j0 = j; v0= v; } return newPath; } /** * calculates the AffineTransform between two sets of x and y axes, if possible. * @param xaxis0 the original reference frame x axis * @param yaxis0 the original reference frame y axis * @param xaxis1 the new reference frame x axis * @param yaxis1 the new reference frame y axis * @return an AffineTransform that transforms data positioned with xaxis0 and yaxis0 on xaxis1 and yaxis1, or null if no such transform exists. */ public static AffineTransform calculateAT(DasAxis xaxis0, DasAxis yaxis0, DasAxis xaxis1, DasAxis yaxis1) { return calculateAT( xaxis0.getDatumRange(), yaxis0.getDatumRange(), xaxis1, yaxis1 ); } public static AffineTransform calculateAT( DatumRange xaxis0, DatumRange yaxis0, DasAxis xaxis1, DasAxis yaxis1 ) { AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform(); double dmin0 = xaxis1.transform( xaxis0.min() ); // old axis in new axis space double dmax0 = xaxis1.transform( xaxis0.max() ); double dmin1 = xaxis1.transform( xaxis1.getDataMinimum() ); double dmax1 = xaxis1.transform( xaxis1.getDataMaximum() ); double scalex = (dmin0 - dmax0) / (dmin1 - dmax1); double transx = -1 * dmin1 * scalex + dmin0; at.translate(transx, 0); at.scale(scalex, 1.); if (at.getDeterminant() == 0.000) { return null; } dmin0 = yaxis1.transform( yaxis0.min() ); // old axis in new axis space dmax0 = yaxis1.transform( yaxis0.max() ); dmin1 = yaxis1.transform(yaxis1.getDataMinimum()); dmax1 = yaxis1.transform(yaxis1.getDataMaximum()); double scaley = (dmin0 - dmax0) / (dmin1 - dmax1); double transy = -1 * dmin1 * scaley + dmin0; at.translate(0, transy); at.scale(1., scaley); return at; } public static DasAxis guessYAxis(QDataSet dsz) { boolean log = false; if ( != null) { if ("log")) { log = true; } } DasAxis result; if ( SemanticOps.isSimpleTableDataSet(dsz) ) { QDataSet ds = (QDataSet) dsz; QDataSet yds= SemanticOps.ytagsDataSet(ds); DatumRange yrange = org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil.asDatumRange( Ops.extent(yds), true ); yrange= DatumRangeUtil.rescale( yrange, -0.1, 1.1 ); Datum dy = org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil.asDatum(org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil.guessCadenceNew( yds, null ) ); if (UnitsUtil.isRatiometric(dy.getUnits())) { log = true; } result = new DasAxis(yrange.min(), yrange.max(), DasAxis.LEFT, log); } else if ( !SemanticOps.isTableDataSet(dsz) ) { QDataSet yds= dsz; if ( SemanticOps.isBundle(dsz) ) { yds= DataSetOps.unbundleDefaultDataSet(dsz); dsz= yds; } DatumRange yrange = org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil.asDatumRange( Ops.extent(yds), true ); yrange= DatumRangeUtil.rescale( yrange, -0.1, 1.1 ); result = new DasAxis(yrange.min(), yrange.max(), DasAxis.LEFT, log); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("not supported: " + dsz); } if ( != null) { result.setLabel( (String); } return result; } public static DasAxis guessXAxis(QDataSet ds) { QDataSet xds= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(ds); DatumRange range= org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil.asDatumRange( Ops.extent(xds), true ); range= DatumRangeUtil.rescale( range, -0.1, 1.1 ); return new DasAxis( range.min(), range.max(), DasAxis.BOTTOM); } public static DasAxis guessZAxis(QDataSet dsz) { if (!( SemanticOps.isTableDataSet(dsz) ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("only TableDataSet supported"); } QDataSet ds = (QDataSet) dsz; DatumRange range = org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil.asDatumRange( Ops.extent(ds), true ); boolean log = false; if ( "log".equals( QDataSet.SCALE_TYPE ) ) ) { log = true; if (range.min().doubleValue(range.getUnits()) <= 0) { // kludge for VALIDMIN double max = range.max().doubleValue(range.getUnits()); range = new DatumRange(max / 1000, max, range.getUnits()); } } DasAxis result = new DasAxis(range.min(), range.max(), DasAxis.LEFT, log); if ( QDataSet.LABEL ) != null) { result.setLabel((String) QDataSet.LABEL ) ); } return result; } /** * legacy guess that is used who-knows-where. Autoplot has much better code * for guessing, refer to it. * @param ds * @return */ public static Renderer guessRenderer(QDataSet ds) { Renderer rend = null; if ( !SemanticOps.isTableDataSet(ds) ) {// TODO use SeriesRenderer if (ds.length() > 10000) { rend = new HugeScatterRenderer( null ); rend.setDataSet( ds ); } else { rend = new SeriesRenderer(); rend.setDataSet(ds); ((SeriesRenderer) rend).setPsym( DefaultPlotSymbol.CIRCLES ); ((SeriesRenderer) rend).setSymSize(2.0); } } else if ( SemanticOps.isTableDataSet(ds) ) { DasAxis zaxis = guessZAxis(ds); DasColorBar colorbar = new DasColorBar(zaxis.getDataMinimum(), zaxis.getDataMaximum(), zaxis.isLog()); colorbar.setLabel(zaxis.getLabel()); rend = new SpectrogramRenderer( null, colorbar); rend.setDataSet(ds); } return rend; } /** * get a plot and renderer for the dataset. * @param ds the dataset * @return a plot with a renderer for the dataset. */ public static DasPlot guessPlot(QDataSet ds) { DasAxis xaxis = guessXAxis(ds); DasAxis yaxis = guessYAxis(ds); DasPlot plot = new DasPlot(xaxis, yaxis); plot.addRenderer(guessRenderer(ds)); return plot; } /** * return a copy of the plot. It does not have the * row and column set to its own row and column. * @param a * @return */ public static DasAxis copyAxis( DasAxis a ) { DasAxis c= new DasAxis( a.getDatumRange(), a.getOrientation() ); c.setDataMinimum( a.getDataMinimum() ); c.setDataMaximum( a.getDataMaximum() ); c.setLog(a.isLog()); c.setLabel(a.getLabel()); c.setFlipLabel(a.isFlipLabel()); c.setFlipped(a.isFlipped()); c.setEnabled( a.isEnabled() ); c.setEnableHistory( a.isEnableHistory() ); c.setLog( a.isLog() ); c.setOpaque( a.isOpaque() ); c.setOppositeAxisVisible( a.isOppositeAxisVisible() ); c.setTickLabelsVisible( a.isTickLabelsVisible() ); c.setUseDomainDivider( a.isUseDomainDivider() ); c.setUserDatumFormatter( a.getUserDatumFormatter() ); return c; } /** * return a copy of the plot. It does not have the * row and column set to its own row and column. * @param a * @return */ public static DasColorBar copyColorBar( DasColorBar a ) { DasColorBar c= new DasColorBar( a.getDataMinimum(), a.getDataMaximum(), a.getOrientation(), a.isLog() ); c.setLabel(a.getLabel()); c.setFlipLabel(a.isFlipLabel()); c.setType(a.getType()); return c; } /** * return a copy of the plot. This will include the Renderers and the * data they contain. The plot is not attached to a canvas or row * and column. *
     * {@code
     *   cnvsNew= new DasCanvas(500,500);
     *   row= new DasRow(cnvsNew,0.2,0.8);
     *   column= new DasColumn(cnvsNew,0.2,0.8);
     *   p= GraphUtil.copyPlot(dp); 
     *   cnvsNew.add(p,row,column); 
     * }
* @param p * @return */ public static DasPlot copyPlot( DasPlot p ) { DasAxis xaxis= copyAxis(p.getXAxis()); DasAxis yaxis= copyAxis(p.getYAxis()); DasPlot c= new DasPlot(xaxis, yaxis); c.setTitle( p.getTitle() ); c.setDisplayTitle( p.isDisplayTitle() ); c.setDrawGrid( p.isDrawGrid() ); c.setPreviewEnabled( p.isPreviewEnabled() ); c.setLegendPosition( p.getLegendPosition() ); c.setDisplayLegend( p.isDisplayLegend() ); for ( Renderer r: p.getRenderers() ) { Renderer cr; if ( r instanceof Copyable ) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Copyable copyable = (Copyable) r; cr = copyable.copy(); } else if ( r instanceof SpectrogramRenderer ) { DasColorBar cb= copyColorBar(((SpectrogramRenderer)r).getColorBar()); cr= new SpectrogramRenderer(null,cb); SpectrogramRenderer sr= (SpectrogramRenderer)cr; sr.setRebinner(((SpectrogramRenderer)r).getRebinner()); } else if ( r instanceof SeriesRenderer ) { cr= new SeriesRenderer(); SeriesRenderer sr= (SeriesRenderer)cr; ((SeriesRenderer)cr).setAntiAliased(((SeriesRenderer) r).isAntiAliased()); sr.setColor( ((SeriesRenderer) r).getColor() ); sr.setFillColor(((SeriesRenderer) r).getFillColor() ); sr.setFillStyle(((SeriesRenderer) r).getFillStyle() ); sr.setLineWidth(((SeriesRenderer) r).getLineWidth() ); sr.setFillToReference(((SeriesRenderer) r).isFillToReference() ); sr.setReference(((SeriesRenderer) r).getReference() ); sr.setSymSize(((SeriesRenderer) r).getSymSize() ); sr.setPsym(((SeriesRenderer) r).getPsym() ); sr.setPsymConnector(((SeriesRenderer) r).getPsymConnector() ); sr.setLegendLabel(((SeriesRenderer) r).getLegendLabel()); sr.setDrawLegendLabel(((SeriesRenderer) r).isDrawLegendLabel()); sr.setCadenceCheck(((SeriesRenderer) r).isCadenceCheck()); } else if ( r instanceof HugeScatterRenderer ) { cr= new HugeScatterRenderer(null); HugeScatterRenderer sr= (HugeScatterRenderer)cr; sr.setColor( ((HugeScatterRenderer) r).getColor() ); } else if ( r instanceof ContoursRenderer ) { // NOTE this could probably work for all Renderers. cr= new ContoursRenderer(); ContoursRenderer sr= (ContoursRenderer)r; cr.setControl( sr.getControl() ); } else { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "source renderer {0} cannot be copied. Skipping.", r.getLegendLabel()); continue; } cr.setControl(r.getControl()); cr.setDataSet(r.getDataSet()); c.addRenderer( cr ); } if (c.getRenderers().length == 0) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No copyable renderers."); } return c; } /** * get a plot and add it to a JFrame. * @param ds * @return */ public static DasPlot visualize(QDataSet ds) { JFrame jframe = new JFrame("DataSetUtil.visualize"); DasCanvas canvas = new DasCanvas(400, 400); jframe.getContentPane().add(canvas); DasPlot result = guessPlot(ds); canvas.add(result, new DasRow(canvas,0.1,0.9), DasColumn.create(canvas,null,"5em","100%-10em") ); jframe.pack(); jframe.setVisible(true); jframe.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); return result; } // public static DasPlot visualize(QDataSet ds, boolean ylog) { // DatumRange xRange = org.virbo.dataset.DataSetUtil.asDatumRange( Ops.extent( ds ). true ); // DatumRange yRange = org.virbo.dataset.DataSetUtil.yRange(ds); // JFrame jframe = new JFrame("DataSetUtil.visualize"); // DasCanvas canvas = new DasCanvas(400, 400); // jframe.getContentPane().add(canvas); // DasPlot result = guessPlot(ds); // canvas.add(result, DasRow.create(canvas), DasColumn.create(canvas,null,"5em","100%-10em")); // Units xunits = result.getXAxis().getUnits(); // result.getXAxis().setDatumRange(xRange.zoomOut(1.1)); // Units yunits = result.getYAxis().getUnits(); // if (ylog) { // result.getYAxis().setDatumRange(yRange); // result.getYAxis().setLog(true); // } else { // result.getYAxis().setDatumRange(yRange.zoomOut(1.1)); // } // jframe.pack(); // jframe.setVisible(true); // jframe.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // return result; // } /** * clip the path to within the clip rectangle. Note this may introduce * breaks where the path was continuous before. Note this does not work * with quadTo etc. This was motivated by an old version of Adobe Illustrator * which didn't respect the clip set in the PDF, and with the journal * Nature, which apparently uses an old version of Illustrator. * @param it * @param result * @param clip * @return */ public static int clipPath( PathIterator it, GeneralPath result, Rectangle clip ) { logger.entering( "GraphUtil", "clipPath" ); float[] p = new float[6]; Point2D lastP= null; Point2D thisP; boolean initialMoveTo= true; //int iseg=0; while (!it.isDone()) { int type = it.currentSegment(p);; //iseg++; float xx = p[0]; float yy = p[1]; //System.err.println( String.format( "780: %3d %10s %.2f %2f %s", iseg, getSegNameFor( type ), xx, yy, Thread.currentThread().getName() ) ); if ( type == PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO ) { if ( lastP!=null ) { thisP= new Point2D.Float( xx, yy ); Point2D clipP= lineRectangleIntersection( lastP, thisP, clip ); if ( clip.contains(lastP) ) { result.moveTo( thisP.getX(), thisP.getY() ); initialMoveTo= false; } else if ( clip.contains(thisP) ) { result.moveTo( clipP.getX(), clipP.getY() ); result.moveTo( thisP.getX(), thisP.getY() ); initialMoveTo= false; } lastP= thisP; } else { thisP= new Point2D.Float( xx, yy ); if ( clip.contains(thisP) ) { result.moveTo( thisP.getX(), thisP.getY() ); initialMoveTo= false; } lastP= thisP; } } else if ( type == PathIterator.SEG_LINETO ) { if ( lastP!=null ) { // we need to clip this line segment thisP= new Point2D.Float( xx, yy ); Point2D clipP= lineRectangleIntersection( lastP, thisP, clip ); if ( clip.contains(lastP) ) { if ( clip.contains(thisP) ) { if ( initialMoveTo ) { result.moveTo( lastP.getX(), lastP.getY() ); initialMoveTo= false; //logger.warning("what to do now!"); } result.lineTo( thisP.getX(), thisP.getY() ); } else { if ( initialMoveTo ) { result.moveTo( lastP.getX(), lastP.getY() ); initialMoveTo= false; } try { result.lineTo( clipP.getX(), clipP.getY() ); } catch ( NullPointerException ex ) { result.lineTo( clipP.getX(), clipP.getY() ); } } } else if ( clip.contains(thisP) ) { if ( clipP!=null ) { result.moveTo( clipP.getX(), clipP.getY() ); result.lineTo( thisP.getX(), thisP.getY() ); } } else { Line2D clipP2= lineRectangleMask( lastP, thisP, clip ); if ( clipP2!=null ) { result.moveTo( clipP2.getX1(), clipP2.getY1() ); result.lineTo( clipP2.getX2(), clipP2.getY2() ); } } lastP= thisP; } else { thisP= new Point2D.Float( xx, yy ); if ( clip.contains(thisP) ) { result.lineTo( thisP.getX(), thisP.getY() ); } else {"TODO: what about this branch?"); } lastP= thisP; } } } logger.exiting( "GraphUtil", "clipPath" ); return 0; } /** * New ReducePath reduces a path by keeping track of vertically collinear points, and reducing them to an entry * point, an exit point, min and max. This can be all four in one point. We also limit the resolution and * combine points that are basically the same value, using resn and resd (numerator and denominator). For * example (1/5) would mean that points within x of 1/5 of one another are considered vertically collinear. * * @param it input path. * @param result output path. * @param resn the resolution numerator (e.g. 1) * @param resd the resolution denominator (e.g. 5) * @return the number of points. */ public static int reducePath20140622( PathIterator it, GeneralPath result, int resn, int resd ) { logger.entering( "GraphUtil", "reducePath20140622" ); long t0= System.currentTimeMillis(); float[] p = new float[6]; int x0 = -99999; int y0 = -99999; int entryy= -99999; int exity; int miny= 99999; int maxy= -99999; int type0 = -999; // the previous segment type. //String[] types = new String[]{"M", "L", "QUAD", "CUBIC", "CLOSE"}; int points = 0; int inCount = 0; boolean atMiny=false; boolean atMaxy=false; while (!it.isDone()) { inCount++; int type = it.currentSegment(p);; int xx = (int)( (p[0]*resd) ) / resn; int yy = (int)( (p[1]*resd) ) / resn; if ( type0==-999 ) { result.moveTo((float)xx/resd,(float)yy/resd); x0= xx; entryy= yy; miny= yy; maxy= yy; } if ( (type == PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO ) && xx==x0 ) { // do nothing } else if ( (type == PathIterator.SEG_LINETO || type == type0) && xx==x0 ) { miny= Math.min( miny, yy ); maxy= Math.max( maxy, yy ); } if ( xx!=x0 ) { atMiny=false; atMaxy=false; exity= y0; if ( miny==maxy ) { // implies entryx==exitx atMaxy=true; atMiny=true; } else if ( entryy==miny ) { result.lineTo( ((float)x0)*resn/resd, ((float)miny)*resn/resd ); points++; atMiny= true; } else if ( entryy==maxy ) { result.lineTo( ((float)x0)*resn/resd, ((float)maxy)*resn/resd ); points++; atMaxy= true; } else { result.lineTo( ((float)x0)*resn/resd, ((float)entryy)*resn/resd ); points++; result.lineTo( ((float)x0)*resn/resd, ((float)miny)*resn/resd ); points++; atMiny= true; } if ( miny 0 ? sx0 / nx0 : p[0]; ay0 = ny0 > 0 ? sy0 / ny0 : p[1]; sx0 = p[0]; sy0 = p[1]; nx0 = 1; ny0 = 1; //System.err.print(" avg " + nx0 + " points (" + String.format("[ %f %f ]", ax0, ay0)); } switch (type0) { case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: result.lineTo(ax0, ay0); points++; //j System.err.println( ""+points+": " + GraphUtil.describe(result, false) ); //System.err.println(" lineTo"+ String.format("[ %f %f ]", ax0, ay0)); break; case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: result.moveTo(ax0, ay0); //System.err.println(" moveTo"+ String.format("[ %f %f ]", ax0, ay0)); break; case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO: result.lineTo(ax0, ay0); break; case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: break; case -999: //System.err.println(" ignore"+ String.format("[ %f %f ]", ax0, ay0)); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("not supported"); } type0 = type; } ax0 = nx0 > 0 ? sx0 / nx0 : p[0]; ay0 = ny0 > 0 ? sy0 / ny0 : p[1]; //System.err.print(" avg " + nx0 + " points " ); switch (type0) { case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: result.lineTo(ax0, ay0); points++; //j System.err.println( ""+points+": " + GraphUtil.describe(result, false) ); //System.err.println(" lineTo"+ String.format("[ %f %f ]", ax0, ay0) ); break; case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: result.moveTo(ax0, ay0); //System.err.println(" moveTo "+ String.format("[ %f %f ]", ax0, ay0) ); break; case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO: result.lineTo(ax0, ay0); break; case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: break; case -999: //System.err.println(" ignore"); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("not supported"); } logger.log(Level.FINE, "reduce {0} to {1} in {2}ms", new Object[]{inCount, points, System.currentTimeMillis()-t0 }); return points; } /** * return the points along a curve. Used by ContourRenderer. The returned * result is the remaining path length. Elements of pathlen that are beyond * the total path length are not computed, and the result points will be null. * Note that CUBICTO and QUADTO are not supported. * @param pathlen monotonically increasing path lengths at which the position is to be located. May be null if only the total path length is desired. * @param result the resultant points will be put into this array. This array should have the same number of elements as pathlen * @param orientation the local orientation, in radians, of the point at will be put into this array. This array should have the same number of elements as pathlen * @param it PathIterator first point is used to start the length. * @param stopAtMoveTo treat SEG_MOVETO as the end of the path. The pathIterator will be left at this point. * @return the remaining length. Note null may be used for pathlen, result, and orientation and this will simply return the total path length. */ public static double pointsAlongCurve(PathIterator it, double[] pathlen, Point2D.Double[] result, double[] orientation, boolean stopAtMoveTo) { return pointsAlongCurve( it, pathlen, result, orientation, stopAtMoveTo, new HashMap<>() ); } /** * return the points along a curve. Used by ContourRenderer. The returned * result is the remaining path length. Elements of pathlen that are beyond * the total path length are not computed, and the result points will be null. * Note that CUBICTO and QUADTO are not supported. * @param pathlen monotonically increasing path lengths at which the position is to be located. May be null if only the total path length is desired. * @param result the resultant points will be put into this array. This array should have the same number of elements as pathlen * @param orientation the local orientation, in radians, of the point at will be put into this array. This array should have the same number of elements as pathlen * @param it PathIterator first point is used to start the length. * @param stopAtMoveTo treat SEG_MOVETO as the end of the path. The pathIterator will be left at this point. * @param props empty map where properties are added. * @return the remaining length. Note null may be used for pathlen, result, and orientation and this will simply return the total path length. */ public static double pointsAlongCurve(PathIterator it, double[] pathlen, Point2D.Double[] result, double[] orientation, boolean stopAtMoveTo, Map props ) { float[] point = new float[6]; float fx0 = Float.NaN, fy0 = Float.NaN; double slen = 0; int pathlenIndex = 0; int type; if (pathlen == null) { pathlen = new double[0]; } if ( !it.isDone() ) { if ( props!=null ) props.put( "PROP_FIRST_POINT", Arrays.copyOf( point, point.length ) ); } while (!it.isDone()) { type = it.currentSegment(point);; if (!Float.isNaN(fx0) && type == PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO && stopAtMoveTo) { break; } switch (type) { case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO: throw new IllegalArgumentException("cubicto not supported"); case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO: throw new IllegalArgumentException("quadto not supported"); case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: break; default: break; } if (Float.isNaN(fx0)) { fx0 = point[0]; fy0 = point[1]; continue; } double thislen = (float) Point.distance(fx0, fy0, point[0], point[1]); if (thislen == 0) { continue; } else { slen += thislen; } while (pathlenIndex < pathlen.length && slen >= pathlen[pathlenIndex]) { double alpha = 1 - (slen - pathlen[pathlenIndex]) / thislen; double dx = point[0] - fx0; double dy = point[1] - fy0; if (result != null) { result[pathlenIndex] = new Point2D.Double(fx0 + dx * alpha, fy0 + dy * alpha); } if (orientation != null) { orientation[pathlenIndex] = Math.atan2(dy, dx); } pathlenIndex++; } fx0 = point[0]; fy0 = point[1]; } if ( props!=null ) props.put( "PROP_LAST_POINT", Arrays.copyOf( point, point.length ) ); double remaining; if (pathlenIndex > 0) { remaining = slen - pathlen[pathlenIndex - 1]; } else { remaining = slen; } if (result != null) { for (; pathlenIndex < result.length; pathlenIndex++) { result[pathlenIndex] = null; } } return remaining; } /** * parse strings like "14em+2pt" into a length in pixels. *
  • "1em",0,8 -> 8 *
  • "50%",240,0 -> 120 *
  • "4pt",240,8 -> 4 *
  • "4px",240,8 -> 4 *
  • "1em+4pt",240,8 -> 12 *
* @param s the string specifying ems and pxs * @param totalWidth the total with for the normalized length. * @param em the size of an em in pixels. * @return the length in pixels * @see DasDevicePosition#parseLayoutStr(java.lang.String) */ public static double parseLayoutLength( String s, double totalWidth, double em ) { try { double[] dd= DasDevicePosition.parseLayoutStr((String)s); if ( dd[0]==0 && dd[1]==1 && dd[2]==0 ) { return em; } else { double parentSize= em; double newSize= dd[0]*totalWidth + dd[1]*parentSize + dd[2]; return newSize; } } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.log( Level.WARNING, null, ex.getMessage() ); return 0.f; } } /** * return a string representation of the affine transforms used in DasPlot for * debugging. * @param at the affine transform * @return a string representation of the affine transforms used in DasPlot for * debugging. */ public static String getATScaleTranslateString(AffineTransform at) { String atDesc; NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); if (at == null) { return "null"; } else if (!at.isIdentity()) { atDesc = "scaleX:" + nf.format(at.getScaleX()) + " translateX:" + nf.format(at.getTranslateX()); atDesc += "!c" + "scaleY:" + nf.format(at.getScaleY()) + " translateY:" + nf.format(at.getTranslateY()); return atDesc; } else { return "identity"; } } /** * calculates the slope and intercept of a line going through two points. * @param x0 the first point x * @param y0 the first point y * @param x1 the second point x * @param y1 the second point y * @return a double array with two elements [ slope, intercept ]. */ public static double[] getSlopeIntercept(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) { double slope = (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0); double intercept = y0 - slope * x0; return new double[]{slope, intercept}; } /** * return translucent white color for indicating the application is busy. * @return translucent white color */ public static Color getRicePaperColor() { return ColorUtil.getRicePaperColor(); } /** * return a Gaussian filter for blurring images. * @param radius the radius filter in pixels. * @param horizontal true if horizontal blur. * @return the ConvolveOp */ public static ConvolveOp getGaussianBlurFilter(int radius, boolean horizontal) { if (radius < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Radius must be >= 1"); } int size = radius * 2 + 1; float[] data = new float[size]; float sigma = radius / 3.0f; float twoSigmaSquare = 2.0f * sigma * sigma; float sigmaRoot = (float) Math.sqrt(twoSigmaSquare * Math.PI); float total = 0.0f; for (int i = -radius; i <= radius; i++) { float distance = i * i; int index = i + radius; data[index] = (float) Math.exp(-distance / twoSigmaSquare) / sigmaRoot; total += data[index]; } for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i] /= total; } Kernel kernel; if (horizontal) { kernel = new Kernel(size, 1, data); } else { kernel = new Kernel(1, size, data); } return new ConvolveOp(kernel, ConvolveOp.EDGE_NO_OP, null); } /** * blur the image with a Guassian blur. * @param im * @param size the size of the blur, roughly in pixels. * @return image */ public static BufferedImage blurImage( BufferedImage im, int size ) { ConvolveOp op= getGaussianBlurFilter( size, true ); BufferedImage out= new BufferedImage( im.getWidth(), im.getHeight(), im.getType() ); op.filter( im, out ); op= getGaussianBlurFilter( size, false ); im= out; out= new BufferedImage( im.getWidth(), im.getHeight(), im.getType() ); return op.filter( im, out ); } /** * describe the path for debugging. * @param path the Path to describe * @param enumeratePoints if true, print all the points as well. * @return String description. */ public static String describe(GeneralPath path, boolean enumeratePoints) { PathIterator it = path.getPathIterator(null); int count = 0; int lineToCount = 0; double[] seg = new double[6]; while (!it.isDone()) { int type = it.currentSegment(seg); if (type == PathIterator.SEG_LINETO) { lineToCount++; } if (enumeratePoints) { if ( type==PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO ) { System.err.println( String.format( Locale.US, "moveTo( %9.2f, %9.2f )\n", seg[0], seg[1] ) ); } else if ( type==PathIterator.SEG_LINETO ) { System.err.println( String.format( Locale.US, "lineTo( %9.2f, %9.2f )\n", seg[0], seg[1] ) ); } else { System.err.println( String.format( Locale.US, "%4d( %9.2f, %9.2f )\n", type, seg[0], seg[1] ) ); } } count++;; } System.err.println("count: " + count + " lineToCount: " + lineToCount); return "count: " + count + " lineToCount: " + lineToCount; } static String toString(Line2D line) { return ""+line.getX1()+","+line.getY1()+" "+line.getX2()+","+line.getY2(); } //TODO: sun.awt.geom.Curve and sun.awt.geom.Crossings are GPL open-source, so // these methods will provide reliable methods for getting rectangle, line // intersections. /** * returns the point where the two line segments intersect, or null. * @param line1 * @param line2 * @param noBoundsCheck if true, then do not check the segment bounds. * @return */ public static Point2D lineIntersection(Line2D line1, Line2D line2, boolean noBoundsCheck) { Point2D result; double a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2, denom; a1 = line1.getY2() - line1.getY1(); b1 = line1.getX1() - line1.getX2(); c1 = line1.getX2() * line1.getY1() - line1.getX1() * line1.getY2(); a2 = line2.getY2() - line2.getY1(); b2 = line2.getX1() - line2.getX2(); c2 = line2.getX2() * line2.getY1() - line2.getX1() * line2.getY2(); denom = a1 * b2 - a2 * b1; if (denom != 0) { result = new Point2D.Double((b1 * c2 - b2 * c1) / denom, (a2 * c1 - a1 * c2) / denom); if (noBoundsCheck ) { return result; } else { // calculate small number which can be treated as zero. double epsilon= -1 * Math.min( ( line1.getP1().distance(line1.getP2()) ), line2.getP1().distance(line2.getP2() ) ) / 10000.; if (((result.getX() - line1.getX1()) * (line1.getX2() - result.getX()) >= epsilon ) && ((result.getY() - line1.getY1()) * (line1.getY2() - result.getY()) >= epsilon ) && ((result.getX() - line2.getX1()) * (line2.getX2() - result.getX()) >= epsilon ) && ((result.getY() - line2.getY1()) * (line2.getY2() - result.getY()) >= epsilon ) ) { return result; } else { return null; } } } else { return null; } } /** * return the line segment which is within the rectangle mask. * @param p0 the first point * @param p1 the second point * @param r the rectangle * @return null when they do not intersect, or the segment */ public static Line2D lineRectangleMask( Point2D p0, Point2D p1, Rectangle2D r ) { Line2D.Double line= new Line2D.Double( p0, p1 ); Point2D.Double r0= new Point2D.Double( r.getX(), r.getY() ); Point2D.Double r1= new Point2D.Double( r.getX()+r.getWidth(), r.getY()+r.getHeight() ); Point2D point1=null; Point2D point2=null; Point2D p; p= lineIntersection( line, new Line2D.Double( r0.x, r0.y, r1.x, r0.y ), false ); if ( p!=null ) point1= p; p= lineIntersection( line, new Line2D.Double( r1.x, r0.y, r1.x, r1.y ), false ); if ( p!=null ) if ( point1==null ) point1= p; else point2= p; p= lineIntersection( line, new Line2D.Double( r1.x, r1.y, r0.x, r1.y ), false ); if ( p!=null ) if ( point1==null ) point1= p; else point2= p; p= lineIntersection( line, new Line2D.Double( r0.x, r1.y, r0.x, r0.y ), false ); if ( p!=null ) if ( point1==null ) point1= p; else point2= p; if ( point1==null ) { return null; } else if ( point2==null ) { if ( r.contains( p1 ) ) { return new Line2D.Double( point1, p1 ); } else { return new Line2D.Double( p0, point1 ); } } else if ( Point2D.distance( p0.getX(), p0.getY(), point1.getX(), point1.getY() ) < Point2D.distance( p0.getX(), p0.getY(), point2.getX(), point2.getY() ) ) { return new Line2D.Double( point1, point2 ); } else { return new Line2D.Double( point2, point1 ); } } /** * return the intersection of a line segment and the edge of a rectangle, * where one point is outside of the rectangle and one is inside. * @param p0 * @param p1 * @param r0 * @return null or the point along the rectangle */ public static Point2D lineRectangleIntersection( Point2D p0, Point2D p1, Rectangle2D r0) { PathIterator it = r0.getPathIterator(null); Line2D line = new Line2D.Double( p0, p1 ); float[] c0 = new float[6]; float[] c1 = new float[6]; it.currentSegment(c0);; while ( !it.isDone() ) { int type= it.currentSegment(c1); if ( type==PathIterator.SEG_LINETO ) { Line2D seg = new Line2D.Double(c0[0], c0[1], c1[0], c1[1]); Point2D result = lineIntersection(line, seg, false); if (result != null) { return result; } }; c0[0]= c1[0]; c0[1]= c1[1]; } return null; } /** * returns pixel range of the datum range, guarenteeing that the first * element will be less than or equal to the second. * @param axis * @param range * @return */ public static double[] transformRange( DasAxis axis, DatumRange range ) { double x1= axis.transform(range.min()); double x2= axis.transform(range.max()); if ( x1>x2 ) { double t= x2; x2= x1; x1= t; } return new double[] { x1, x2 }; } public static DatumRange invTransformRange( DasAxis axis, double x1, double x2 ) { Datum d1= axis.invTransform(x1); Datum d2= axis.invTransform(x2); if ( ) { Datum t= d2; d2= d1; d1= t; } return new DatumRange( d1, d2 ); } /** * return an icon block with the color and size. * @param iconColor the color * @param w the width in pixels * @param h the height in pixels * @return an icon. */ public static Icon colorIcon( Color iconColor, int w, int h ) { return colorImageIcon(iconColor, w, h); } /** * return an ImageIcon with the color and size. * @param iconColor * @param w * @param h * @return */ public static ImageIcon colorImageIcon( Color iconColor, int w, int h ) { BufferedImage image= new BufferedImage( w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB ); Graphics g= image.getGraphics(); if ( iconColor.getAlpha()!=255 ) { // draw checkerboard to indicate transparency for ( int j=0; j<16/4; j++ ) { for ( int i=0; i<16/4; i++ ) { g.setColor( (i-j)%2 ==0 ? Color.GRAY : Color.WHITE ); g.fillRect( 0+i*4,0+j*4,4,4); } } } g.setColor(iconColor); g.fillRect( 0, 0, w, h ); return new ImageIcon(image); } /** * return rectangle with same center that is percent/100 of the * original width and height. * @param bounds the original rectangle. * @param percent the percent to increase (110% is 10% bigger) * @return a rectangle with same center that is percent/100. of the * original width and height. */ public static Rectangle shrinkRectangle(Rectangle bounds, int percent ) { Rectangle result= new Rectangle( bounds.x + (int)(bounds.width*(100.-percent)/2/100), bounds.y + (int)(bounds.height*(100.-percent)/2/100), (int)( bounds.width * ( percent / 100. ) ), (int)( bounds.height * ( percent / 100. ) ) ); return result; } /** * return line shorted by so many pixels at each end. * @param line the line * @param l1 number of units to adjust the first point, towards the center * @param l2 number of units to adjust the second point, towards the center * @return the new line */ public static Line2D shortenLine( Line2D line, double l1, double l2 ) { double len= line.getP1().distance( line.getP2() ); if ( len==0 ) return line; double sx= ( line.getX2() - line.getX1() ) / len; double sy= ( line.getY2() - line.getY1() ) / len; return new Line2D.Double( line.getX1()+sx*l1, line.getY1()+sy*l1, line.getX2()-sx*l2, line.getY2()-sy*l2 ); } /** * create a line perpendicular to the line segment line, which * would go through p, and have length abs(len). * If len is negative, then line.p1,line.p2,p is counter-clockwise. * This is left unimplemented as it's a nice student project. * @param line a line segment. * @param p a point, whose projection is necessarily within the line segment. * @param len the length of the resulting line, or * @return line colinear with p and having length abs(len). */ public static Line2D perpendicularLine( Line2D line, Point p, double len ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("not implemented."); } /** * DebuggingGeneralPath can be used for debugging. */ public static class DebuggingGeneralPath { GeneralPath delegate; int count= 0; double lastfx0=0; double lastfy0=0; double initx=0; double inity=0; boolean arrows=false; boolean printRoute= true; DebuggingGeneralPath( int rule, int capacity ) { delegate= new GeneralPath( rule, capacity ); System.err.println(String.format("==newPath==")); count= 0; } DebuggingGeneralPath( ) { delegate= new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_NON_ZERO, 20 ); System.err.println(String.format("==newPath==")); count= 0; } public void setArrows( boolean drawArrows ) { this.arrows= drawArrows; } public void lineTo(double fx, double fy) { if ( printRoute ) { System.err.println(new Formatter().format( Locale.US, "lineTo(%5.1f,%5.1f) %d",fx,fy,count ).toString()); } if ( arrows ) { if ( inity==lastfy0 && initx==lastfx0 ) { double perpy= fx-lastfx0; double perpx= -1 * ( fy-lastfy0 ); double n= Math.sqrt( perpx*perpx + perpy*perpy ); perpx= perpx/n; perpy= perpy/n; int len=4; delegate.lineTo( lastfx0 - perpx*len, lastfy0 - perpy*len ); delegate.lineTo( lastfx0 + perpx*len, lastfy0 + perpy*len ); delegate.moveTo( lastfx0, lastfy0 ); } } delegate.lineTo(fx, fy); if ( arrows ) { double perpy= fx-lastfx0; double perpx= -1 * ( fy-lastfy0 ); double n= Math.sqrt( perpx*perpx + perpy*perpy ); perpx= perpx/n; perpy= perpy/n; int len=4; delegate.lineTo( fx+perpx*len - perpy*len, fy+perpy*len + perpx*len ); delegate.lineTo( fx , fy ); } lastfx0= fx; lastfy0= fy; count++; } public void moveTo(double fx, double fy) { if ( printRoute ) { System.err.println(new Formatter().format( Locale.US, "moveTo(%5.1f,%5.1f) %d",fx,fy,count ).toString()); } //if ( count==3 ) { // System.err.println("here1112"); //} delegate.moveTo(fx,fy); lastfx0= fx; lastfy0= fy; if ( count==0 ) { initx= fx; inity= fy; } count++; } PathIterator getPathIterator(AffineTransform at) { return delegate.getPathIterator(at); } GeneralPath getGeneralPath() { return delegate; } } /** * converts forward from relative font spec to point size, used by * the annotation and axis nodes. * @param dcc the canvas component. * @param fallbackFont the font to use when a font is not available, like "sans-8" * @return the converter that converts between strings like "1em" and the font. */ public static Converter getFontConverter( final DasCanvasComponent dcc, final String fallbackFont ) { return new Converter() { @Override public Object convertForward(Object s) { try { double[] dd= DasDevicePosition.parseLayoutStr((String)s); Font f= dcc.getFont(); if ( f==null ) { f= Font.decode( fallbackFont ); } if ( dd[1]==1 && dd[2]==0 ) { return f.getSize2D(); } else { double parentSize= f.getSize2D(); double newSize= dd[1]*parentSize + dd[2]; return (float)newSize; } } catch (ParseException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return 0.f; } } @Override public Object convertReverse(Object t) { float size= (float)t; Font f= dcc.getFont(); if ( f==null ) { f= Font.decode( fallbackFont ); } if ( size==0 ) { return "1em"; } else { double parentSize= f.getSize2D(); double relativeSize= size / parentSize; return String.format( Locale.US, "%.2fem", relativeSize ); } } }; } /** * return the number of minor ticks for the spacing. This should be * return by searching for the first two factors. * @param dt the step size * @return the number of minor ticks */ private static int updateTickVManualTicksMinor( double dt ) { int scale= (int)Math.log10(dt); dt= dt/Math.pow(10,scale); if ( dt==1. ) return 4; if ( dt==2. ) return 2; if ( dt==4. ) return 2; if ( dt==5. ) return 5; if ( dt==3. ) return 3; if ( dt==9. ) return 3; if ( dt==1.5 ) return 3; return 1; } /** * limit the number of ticks which are computed */ public static final int MAX_TICKS = 480; /** * calculate a TickVDescriptor for the ticks. * Example specifications:
  • +20 - every 20 units, whatever the data units are. *
  • +20s - every 20 seconds *
  • 0,20,40,60,100 - explicit locations. *
  • +20s/4 - every 20 seconds, with four minor divisions. *
  • +20s/5,10,15 - minor ticks repeat each 20s. *
  • 100,200,300/50,150,250,350 - explicit list of major and minor ticks. *
  • *10/+1 - log ticks with linear minor ticks. *
  • none - no ticks *
* * @see * @param lticks the specification * @param dr the range to cover * @param log * @return null if the string can't be parsed, or the TickVDescriptor * @see #MAX_TICKS the maximum number of minor or major ticks calculated */ public static TickVDescriptor calculateManualTicks( String lticks, DatumRange dr, boolean log ) { TickVDescriptor result; Units u= dr.getUnits(); int islash= lticks.indexOf('/'); int minorMult= 0; double[] minorList= null; double[] minorListAbs= null; String minorTicksSpec=null; if ( islash>-1 ) { minorTicksSpec = lticks.substring(islash+1); lticks= lticks.substring(0,islash); if ( minorTicksSpec.startsWith("+") ) { TickVDescriptor minorT= calculateManualTicks( minorTicksSpec, dr, log ); if ( minorT!=null ) minorListAbs= minorT.tickV.toDoubleArray(u); } else if ( minorTicksSpec.startsWith("*") ) { TickVDescriptor minorT= calculateManualTicks( minorTicksSpec, dr, log ); if ( minorT!=null ) minorListAbs= minorT.tickV.toDoubleArray(u); } else { if ( minorTicksSpec.contains(",") ) { String[] ss= minorTicksSpec.split(","); minorList= new double[ss.length]; for ( int i=0; i0 ? minorMult : updateTickVManualTicksMinor(dt); dt= dt/minorTicks; dticksMinor= new double[ ntick*minorTicks ]; for ( int i=0; i dticksMinorList= new ArrayList<>(); if ( minorTicksSpec!=null && minorTicksSpec.startsWith("+") ) { TickVDescriptor minorTicksOneCycle= calculateManualTicks( minorTicksSpec, DatumRange.newDatumRange( 1, tickM.value(), Units.dimensionless ), false ); minorList= minorTicksOneCycle.getMajorTicks().toDoubleArray( Units.dimensionless ); } else { //double[] dticksMinor= new double[ ntick*minorTicks ]; if ( minorList==null ) { switch (minorMult) { case 2: minorList= new double[] { 10 }; break; case 3: minorList= new double[] { 10, 100 }; break; default: minorList= new double[] { 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 }; break; } } } for ( int i=0; i2 ) { double dt= DasMath.gcd( dticks, (dticks[1]-dticks[0])/100. ); int minorTicks= minorMult>0 ? minorMult : updateTickVManualTicksMinor(dt); dt= dt/minorTicks; double firstTick= DasMath.min(dticks); double lastTick= DasMath.max(dticks); int ntick= (int)(Math.ceil(lastTick-firstTick)/dt) + 1; dticksMinor= new double[ ntick ]; for ( int i=0; i