T copy();
private static final Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger("das2.graphics.util");
* create a plot for the canvas, along with the row and column for layout.
* @param canvas the canvas parent for the plot.
* @param x the x range
* @param y the y range
* @return the plot.
public static DasPlot newDasPlot(DasCanvas canvas, DatumRange x, DatumRange y) {
DasAxis xaxis = new DasAxis(x.min(), x.max(), DasAxis.HORIZONTAL);
DasAxis yaxis = new DasAxis(y.min(), y.max(), DasAxis.VERTICAL);
DasRow row = new DasRow(canvas, null, 0, 1, 2, -3, 0, 0);
DasColumn col = new DasColumn(canvas, null, 0, 1, 5, -3, 0, 0);
DasPlot result = new DasPlot(xaxis, yaxis);
canvas.add(result, row, col);
return result;
* get the path for the points, checking for breaks in the data from fill values.
* @param xAxis the x axis.
* @param yAxis the y axis.
* @param ds the y values. SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet is used to extract the x values.
* @param histogram if true, use histogram (stair-step) mode
* @param clip limit path to what's visible for each axis.
* @return the GeneralPath.
public static GeneralPath getPath(DasAxis xAxis, DasAxis yAxis, QDataSet ds, boolean histogram, boolean clip ) {
return getPath(xAxis, yAxis, SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(ds), ds, histogram, clip );
* get the path for the points, checking for breaks in the data from fill values.
* @param xAxis the x axis.
* @param yAxis the y axis.
* @param xds the x values.
* @param yds the y values.
* @param histogram if true, use histogram (stair-step) mode
* @param clip limit path to what's visible for each axis.
* @return the GeneralPath.
public static GeneralPath getPath( DasAxis xAxis, DasAxis yAxis, QDataSet xds, QDataSet yds, boolean histogram, boolean clip ) {
return getPath( xAxis, yAxis, xds, yds, histogram ? CONNECT_MODE_HISTOGRAM : CONNECT_MODE_SERIES, clip );
* draw the lines in histogram mode, horizontal to the half-way point, then vertical, then horizontal the rest of the way.
public static final String CONNECT_MODE_HISTOGRAM= "histogram";
* don't draw connecting lines.
public static final String CONNECT_MODE_SCATTER= "scatter";
* the normal connecting mode from point-to-point in a series.
public static final String CONNECT_MODE_SERIES= "series";
* print the name for the segment type
* @param type
* @return "SEG_MOVETO", etc or "SEG_???"
public static final String getSegNameFor( int type ) {
switch (type) {
case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO:
return "SEG_MOVETO";
case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO:
return "SEG_LINETO";
case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE:
return "SEG_CLOSE";
return "SEG_???";
* get the path for the points, checking for breaks in the data from fill values or breaks suggested by
* linear cadence in the DEPEND_0 of yds.
* @param xAxis the x axis.
* @param yAxis the y axis.
* @param xds the x values.
* @param yds the y values, possibly containing a DEPEND_0.
* @param clip limit path to what's visible for each axis.
* @return the GeneralPath.
public static GeneralPath getPath( DasAxis xAxis, DasAxis yAxis, QDataSet xds, QDataSet yds, String mode, boolean clip ) {
GeneralPath newPath = new GeneralPath();
//Dimension d;
Units xUnits = SemanticOps.getUnits(xds);
Units yUnits = SemanticOps.getUnits(yds);
QDataSet tagds= (QDataSet) yds.property(QDataSet.DEPEND_0);
if ( tagds==null ) tagds= new IndexGenDataSet(yds.length());
QDataSet cadence= (QDataSet)tagds.property(QDataSet.CADENCE);
double dcadence;
if ( cadence==null || cadence.rank()>0 ) {
} else {
dcadence= cadence.value();
//QDataSet tagds= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(xds); // yes, it's true, I think because of orbit plots
//double xSampleWidth= Double.MAX_VALUE; // old code had 1e31. MAX_VALUE is better.
//if ( tagds.property( QDataSet.CADENCE ) != null ) { //e.g. Orbit(T);
//Datum xSampleWidthDatum = (Datum) org.virbo.dataset.DataSetUtil.asDatum( (RankZeroDataSet)tagds.property( QDataSet.CADENCE ) );
//xSampleWidth = xSampleWidthDatum.doubleValue(xUnits.getOffsetUnits());
//double t0 = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
double i0 = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
double j0 = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
boolean v0= false; // last point was visible
boolean skippedLast = true;
int n = xds.length();
QDataSet wds= SemanticOps.weightsDataSet(yds);
Rectangle rclip= clip ? DasDevicePosition.toRectangle( yAxis.getRow(), xAxis.getColumn() ) : null;
boolean histogram= mode.equals(CONNECT_MODE_HISTOGRAM);
boolean scatter= mode.equals(CONNECT_MODE_SCATTER);
double lastTag= tagds.length()>0 ? tagds.value(0) : -999;
for (int index = 0; index < n; index++) {
//double t = index;
double x = xds.value(index);
double y = yds.value(index);
double tag= tagds.value(index);
double dtag= tag - lastTag;
double i = xAxis.transform(x, xUnits);
double j = yAxis.transform(y, yUnits);
boolean v= rclip==null || rclip.contains( i,j);
if ( dtag > dcadence ) skippedLast=true;
lastTag= tag;
if ( wds.value(index)==0 || Double.isNaN(y) ) {
skippedLast = true;
} else if ( skippedLast ) {
newPath.moveTo((float) i, (float) j);
if ( scatter ) {
newPath.lineTo((float) i, (float) j);
skippedLast = !v;
} else {
if ( v||v0 ) {
if (histogram) {
double i1 = (i0 + i) / 2;
newPath.lineTo((float) i1, (float) j0);
newPath.lineTo((float) i1, (float) j);
newPath.lineTo((float) i, (float) j);
} else if (scatter) {
newPath.moveTo((float) i, (float) j);
newPath.lineTo((float) i, (float) j);
} else {
newPath.lineTo((float) i, (float) j);
skippedLast = false;
//t0 = t;
i0 = i;
j0 = j;
v0= v;
return newPath;
* calculates the AffineTransform between two sets of x and y axes, if possible.
* @param xaxis0 the original reference frame x axis
* @param yaxis0 the original reference frame y axis
* @param xaxis1 the new reference frame x axis
* @param yaxis1 the new reference frame y axis
* @return an AffineTransform that transforms data positioned with xaxis0 and yaxis0 on xaxis1 and yaxis1, or null if no such transform exists.
public static AffineTransform calculateAT(DasAxis xaxis0, DasAxis yaxis0, DasAxis xaxis1, DasAxis yaxis1) {
return calculateAT( xaxis0.getDatumRange(), yaxis0.getDatumRange(), xaxis1, yaxis1 );
public static AffineTransform calculateAT(
DatumRange xaxis0, DatumRange yaxis0,
DasAxis xaxis1, DasAxis yaxis1 ) {
AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform();
double dmin0 = xaxis1.transform( xaxis0.min() ); // old axis in new axis space
double dmax0 = xaxis1.transform( xaxis0.max() );
double dmin1 = xaxis1.transform( xaxis1.getDataMinimum() );
double dmax1 = xaxis1.transform( xaxis1.getDataMaximum() );
double scalex = (dmin0 - dmax0) / (dmin1 - dmax1);
double transx = -1 * dmin1 * scalex + dmin0;
at.translate(transx, 0);
at.scale(scalex, 1.);
if (at.getDeterminant() == 0.000) {
return null;
dmin0 = yaxis1.transform( yaxis0.min() ); // old axis in new axis space
dmax0 = yaxis1.transform( yaxis0.max() );
dmin1 = yaxis1.transform(yaxis1.getDataMinimum());
dmax1 = yaxis1.transform(yaxis1.getDataMaximum());
double scaley = (dmin0 - dmax0) / (dmin1 - dmax1);
double transy = -1 * dmin1 * scaley + dmin0;
at.translate(0, transy);
at.scale(1., scaley);
return at;
public static DasAxis guessYAxis(QDataSet dsz) {
boolean log = false;
if (dsz.property(QDataSet.SCALE_TYPE) != null) {
if (dsz.property(QDataSet.SCALE_TYPE).equals("log")) {
log = true;
DasAxis result;
if ( SemanticOps.isSimpleTableDataSet(dsz) ) {
QDataSet ds = (QDataSet) dsz;
QDataSet yds= SemanticOps.ytagsDataSet(ds);
DatumRange yrange = org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil.asDatumRange( Ops.extent(yds), true );
yrange= DatumRangeUtil.rescale( yrange, -0.1, 1.1 );
Datum dy = org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil.asDatum(org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil.guessCadenceNew( yds, null ) );
if (UnitsUtil.isRatiometric(dy.getUnits())) {
log = true;
result = new DasAxis(yrange.min(), yrange.max(), DasAxis.LEFT, log);
} else if ( !SemanticOps.isTableDataSet(dsz) ) {
QDataSet yds= dsz;
if ( SemanticOps.isBundle(dsz) ) {
yds= DataSetOps.unbundleDefaultDataSet(dsz);
dsz= yds;
DatumRange yrange = org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil.asDatumRange( Ops.extent(yds), true );
yrange= DatumRangeUtil.rescale( yrange, -0.1, 1.1 );
result = new DasAxis(yrange.min(), yrange.max(), DasAxis.LEFT, log);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("not supported: " + dsz);
if (dsz.property(QDataSet.LABEL) != null) {
result.setLabel( (String) dsz.property(QDataSet.LABEL));
return result;
public static DasAxis guessXAxis(QDataSet ds) {
QDataSet xds= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(ds);
DatumRange range= org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil.asDatumRange( Ops.extent(xds), true );
range= DatumRangeUtil.rescale( range, -0.1, 1.1 );
return new DasAxis( range.min(), range.max(), DasAxis.BOTTOM);
public static DasAxis guessZAxis(QDataSet dsz) {
if (!( SemanticOps.isTableDataSet(dsz) ) ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("only TableDataSet supported");
QDataSet ds = (QDataSet) dsz;
DatumRange range = org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil.asDatumRange( Ops.extent(ds), true );
boolean log = false;
if ( "log".equals( dsz.property( QDataSet.SCALE_TYPE ) ) ) {
log = true;
if (range.min().doubleValue(range.getUnits()) <= 0) { // kludge for VALIDMIN
double max = range.max().doubleValue(range.getUnits());
range = new DatumRange(max / 1000, max, range.getUnits());
DasAxis result = new DasAxis(range.min(), range.max(), DasAxis.LEFT, log);
if (dsz.property( QDataSet.LABEL ) != null) {
result.setLabel((String) dsz.property( QDataSet.LABEL ) );
return result;
* legacy guess that is used who-knows-where. Autoplot has much better code
* for guessing, refer to it.
* @param ds
* @return
public static Renderer guessRenderer(QDataSet ds) {
Renderer rend = null;
if ( !SemanticOps.isTableDataSet(ds) ) {// TODO use SeriesRenderer
if (ds.length() > 10000) {
rend = new HugeScatterRenderer( null );
rend.setDataSet( ds );
} else {
rend = new SeriesRenderer();
((SeriesRenderer) rend).setPsym( DefaultPlotSymbol.CIRCLES );
((SeriesRenderer) rend).setSymSize(2.0);
} else if ( SemanticOps.isTableDataSet(ds) ) {
DasAxis zaxis = guessZAxis(ds);
DasColorBar colorbar = new DasColorBar(zaxis.getDataMinimum(), zaxis.getDataMaximum(), zaxis.isLog());
rend = new SpectrogramRenderer( null, colorbar);
return rend;
* get a plot and renderer for the dataset.
* @param ds the dataset
* @return a plot with a renderer for the dataset.
public static DasPlot guessPlot(QDataSet ds) {
DasAxis xaxis = guessXAxis(ds);
DasAxis yaxis = guessYAxis(ds);
DasPlot plot = new DasPlot(xaxis, yaxis);
return plot;
* return a copy of the plot. It does not have the
* row and column set to its own row and column.
* @param a
* @return
public static DasAxis copyAxis( DasAxis a ) {
DasAxis c= new DasAxis( a.getDatumRange(), a.getOrientation() );
c.setDataMinimum( a.getDataMinimum() );
c.setDataMaximum( a.getDataMaximum() );
c.setEnabled( a.isEnabled() );
c.setEnableHistory( a.isEnableHistory() );
c.setLog( a.isLog() );
c.setOpaque( a.isOpaque() );
c.setOppositeAxisVisible( a.isOppositeAxisVisible() );
c.setTickLabelsVisible( a.isTickLabelsVisible() );
c.setUseDomainDivider( a.isUseDomainDivider() );
c.setUserDatumFormatter( a.getUserDatumFormatter() );
return c;
* return a copy of the plot. It does not have the
* row and column set to its own row and column.
* @param a
* @return
public static DasColorBar copyColorBar( DasColorBar a ) {
DasColorBar c= new DasColorBar( a.getDataMinimum(), a.getDataMaximum(), a.getOrientation(), a.isLog() );
return c;
* return a copy of the plot. This will include the Renderers and the
* data they contain. The plot is not attached to a canvas or row
* and column.
* {@code
* cnvsNew= new DasCanvas(500,500);
* row= new DasRow(cnvsNew,0.2,0.8);
* column= new DasColumn(cnvsNew,0.2,0.8);
* p= GraphUtil.copyPlot(dp);
* cnvsNew.add(p,row,column);
* }
* @param p
* @return
public static DasPlot copyPlot( DasPlot p ) {
DasAxis xaxis= copyAxis(p.getXAxis());
DasAxis yaxis= copyAxis(p.getYAxis());
DasPlot c= new DasPlot(xaxis, yaxis);
c.setTitle( p.getTitle() );
c.setDisplayTitle( p.isDisplayTitle() );
c.setDrawGrid( p.isDrawGrid() );
c.setPreviewEnabled( p.isPreviewEnabled() );
c.setLegendPosition( p.getLegendPosition() );
c.setDisplayLegend( p.isDisplayLegend() );
for ( Renderer r: p.getRenderers() ) {
Renderer cr;
if ( r instanceof Copyable ) {
Copyable copyable = (Copyable) r;
cr = copyable.copy();
} else if ( r instanceof SpectrogramRenderer ) {
DasColorBar cb= copyColorBar(((SpectrogramRenderer)r).getColorBar());
cr= new SpectrogramRenderer(null,cb);
SpectrogramRenderer sr= (SpectrogramRenderer)cr;
} else if ( r instanceof SeriesRenderer ) {
cr= new SeriesRenderer();
SeriesRenderer sr= (SeriesRenderer)cr;
((SeriesRenderer)cr).setAntiAliased(((SeriesRenderer) r).isAntiAliased());
sr.setColor( ((SeriesRenderer) r).getColor() );
sr.setFillColor(((SeriesRenderer) r).getFillColor() );
sr.setFillStyle(((SeriesRenderer) r).getFillStyle() );
sr.setLineWidth(((SeriesRenderer) r).getLineWidth() );
sr.setFillToReference(((SeriesRenderer) r).isFillToReference() );
sr.setReference(((SeriesRenderer) r).getReference() );
sr.setSymSize(((SeriesRenderer) r).getSymSize() );
sr.setPsym(((SeriesRenderer) r).getPsym() );
sr.setPsymConnector(((SeriesRenderer) r).getPsymConnector() );
sr.setLegendLabel(((SeriesRenderer) r).getLegendLabel());
sr.setDrawLegendLabel(((SeriesRenderer) r).isDrawLegendLabel());
sr.setCadenceCheck(((SeriesRenderer) r).isCadenceCheck());
} else if ( r instanceof HugeScatterRenderer ) {
cr= new HugeScatterRenderer(null);
HugeScatterRenderer sr= (HugeScatterRenderer)cr;
sr.setColor( ((HugeScatterRenderer) r).getColor() );
} else if ( r instanceof ContoursRenderer ) { // NOTE this could probably work for all Renderers.
cr= new ContoursRenderer();
ContoursRenderer sr= (ContoursRenderer)r;
cr.setControl( sr.getControl() );
} else {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "source renderer {0} cannot be copied. Skipping.", r.getLegendLabel());
c.addRenderer( cr );
if (c.getRenderers().length == 0) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No copyable renderers.");
return c;
* get a plot and add it to a JFrame.
* @param ds
* @return
public static DasPlot visualize(QDataSet ds) {
JFrame jframe = new JFrame("DataSetUtil.visualize");
DasCanvas canvas = new DasCanvas(400, 400);
DasPlot result = guessPlot(ds);
canvas.add(result, new DasRow(canvas,0.1,0.9), DasColumn.create(canvas,null,"5em","100%-10em") );
return result;
// public static DasPlot visualize(QDataSet ds, boolean ylog) {
// DatumRange xRange = org.virbo.dataset.DataSetUtil.asDatumRange( Ops.extent( ds ). true );
// DatumRange yRange = org.virbo.dataset.DataSetUtil.yRange(ds);
// JFrame jframe = new JFrame("DataSetUtil.visualize");
// DasCanvas canvas = new DasCanvas(400, 400);
// jframe.getContentPane().add(canvas);
// DasPlot result = guessPlot(ds);
// canvas.add(result, DasRow.create(canvas), DasColumn.create(canvas,null,"5em","100%-10em"));
// Units xunits = result.getXAxis().getUnits();
// result.getXAxis().setDatumRange(xRange.zoomOut(1.1));
// Units yunits = result.getYAxis().getUnits();
// if (ylog) {
// result.getYAxis().setDatumRange(yRange);
// result.getYAxis().setLog(true);
// } else {
// result.getYAxis().setDatumRange(yRange.zoomOut(1.1));
// }
// jframe.pack();
// jframe.setVisible(true);
// jframe.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
// return result;
// }
* clip the path to within the clip rectangle. Note this may introduce
* breaks where the path was continuous before. Note this does not work
* with quadTo etc. This was motivated by an old version of Adobe Illustrator
* which didn't respect the clip set in the PDF, and with the journal
* Nature, which apparently uses an old version of Illustrator.
* @param it
* @param result
* @param clip
* @return
public static int clipPath( PathIterator it, GeneralPath result, Rectangle clip ) {
logger.entering( "GraphUtil", "clipPath" );
float[] p = new float[6];
Point2D lastP= null;
Point2D thisP;
boolean initialMoveTo= true;
//int iseg=0;
while (!it.isDone()) {
int type = it.currentSegment(p);
float xx = p[0];
float yy = p[1];
//System.err.println( String.format( "780: %3d %10s %.2f %2f %s", iseg, getSegNameFor( type ), xx, yy, Thread.currentThread().getName() ) );
if ( type == PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO ) {
if ( lastP!=null ) {
thisP= new Point2D.Float( xx, yy );
Point2D clipP= lineRectangleIntersection( lastP, thisP, clip );
if ( clip.contains(lastP) ) {
result.moveTo( thisP.getX(), thisP.getY() );
initialMoveTo= false;
} else if ( clip.contains(thisP) ) {
result.moveTo( clipP.getX(), clipP.getY() );
result.moveTo( thisP.getX(), thisP.getY() );
initialMoveTo= false;
lastP= thisP;
} else {
thisP= new Point2D.Float( xx, yy );
if ( clip.contains(thisP) ) {
result.moveTo( thisP.getX(), thisP.getY() );
initialMoveTo= false;
lastP= thisP;
} else if ( type == PathIterator.SEG_LINETO ) {
if ( lastP!=null ) { // we need to clip this line segment
thisP= new Point2D.Float( xx, yy );
Point2D clipP= lineRectangleIntersection( lastP, thisP, clip );
if ( clip.contains(lastP) ) {
if ( clip.contains(thisP) ) {
if ( initialMoveTo ) {
result.moveTo( lastP.getX(), lastP.getY() );
initialMoveTo= false;
//logger.warning("what to do now!");
result.lineTo( thisP.getX(), thisP.getY() );
} else {
if ( initialMoveTo ) {
result.moveTo( lastP.getX(), lastP.getY() );
initialMoveTo= false;
try {
result.lineTo( clipP.getX(), clipP.getY() );
} catch ( NullPointerException ex ) {
result.lineTo( clipP.getX(), clipP.getY() );
} else if ( clip.contains(thisP) ) {
if ( clipP!=null ) {
result.moveTo( clipP.getX(), clipP.getY() );
result.lineTo( thisP.getX(), thisP.getY() );
} else {
Line2D clipP2= lineRectangleMask( lastP, thisP, clip );
if ( clipP2!=null ) {
result.moveTo( clipP2.getX1(), clipP2.getY1() );
result.lineTo( clipP2.getX2(), clipP2.getY2() );
lastP= thisP;
} else {
thisP= new Point2D.Float( xx, yy );
if ( clip.contains(thisP) ) {
result.lineTo( thisP.getX(), thisP.getY() );
} else {
logger.info("TODO: what about this branch?");
lastP= thisP;
logger.exiting( "GraphUtil", "clipPath" );
return 0;
* New ReducePath reduces a path by keeping track of vertically collinear points, and reducing them to an entry
* point, an exit point, min and max. This can be all four in one point. We also limit the resolution and
* combine points that are basically the same value, using resn and resd (numerator and denominator). For
* example (1/5) would mean that points within x of 1/5 of one another are considered vertically collinear.
* @param it input path.
* @param result output path.
* @param resn the resolution numerator (e.g. 1)
* @param resd the resolution denominator (e.g. 5)
* @return the number of points.
public static int reducePath20140622( PathIterator it, GeneralPath result, int resn, int resd ) {
logger.entering( "GraphUtil", "reducePath20140622" );
long t0= System.currentTimeMillis();
float[] p = new float[6];
int x0 = -99999;
int y0 = -99999;
int entryy= -99999;
int exity;
int miny= 99999;
int maxy= -99999;
int type0 = -999; // the previous segment type.
//String[] types = new String[]{"M", "L", "QUAD", "CUBIC", "CLOSE"};
int points = 0;
int inCount = 0;
boolean atMiny=false;
boolean atMaxy=false;
while (!it.isDone()) {
int type = it.currentSegment(p);
int xx = (int)( (p[0]*resd) ) / resn;
int yy = (int)( (p[1]*resd) ) / resn;
if ( type0==-999 ) {
x0= xx;
entryy= yy;
miny= yy;
maxy= yy;
if ( (type == PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO ) && xx==x0 ) {
// do nothing
} else if ( (type == PathIterator.SEG_LINETO || type == type0) && xx==x0 ) {
miny= Math.min( miny, yy );
maxy= Math.max( maxy, yy );
if ( xx!=x0 ) {
exity= y0;
if ( miny==maxy ) { // implies entryx==exitx
} else if ( entryy==miny ) {
result.lineTo( ((float)x0)*resn/resd, ((float)miny)*resn/resd ); points++;
atMiny= true;
} else if ( entryy==maxy ) {
result.lineTo( ((float)x0)*resn/resd, ((float)maxy)*resn/resd ); points++;
atMaxy= true;
} else {
result.lineTo( ((float)x0)*resn/resd, ((float)entryy)*resn/resd ); points++;
result.lineTo( ((float)x0)*resn/resd, ((float)miny)*resn/resd ); points++;
atMiny= true;
if ( miny 0 ? sx0 / nx0 : p[0];
ay0 = ny0 > 0 ? sy0 / ny0 : p[1];
sx0 = p[0];
sy0 = p[1];
nx0 = 1;
ny0 = 1;
//System.err.print(" avg " + nx0 + " points (" + String.format("[ %f %f ]", ax0, ay0));
switch (type0) {
case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO:
result.lineTo(ax0, ay0);
//j System.err.println( ""+points+": " + GraphUtil.describe(result, false) );
//System.err.println(" lineTo"+ String.format("[ %f %f ]", ax0, ay0));
case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO:
result.moveTo(ax0, ay0);
//System.err.println(" moveTo"+ String.format("[ %f %f ]", ax0, ay0));
case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO:
result.lineTo(ax0, ay0);
case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE:
case -999:
//System.err.println(" ignore"+ String.format("[ %f %f ]", ax0, ay0));
throw new IllegalArgumentException("not supported");
type0 = type;
ax0 = nx0 > 0 ? sx0 / nx0 : p[0];
ay0 = ny0 > 0 ? sy0 / ny0 : p[1];
//System.err.print(" avg " + nx0 + " points " );
switch (type0) {
case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO:
result.lineTo(ax0, ay0);
//j System.err.println( ""+points+": " + GraphUtil.describe(result, false) );
//System.err.println(" lineTo"+ String.format("[ %f %f ]", ax0, ay0) );
case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO:
result.moveTo(ax0, ay0);
//System.err.println(" moveTo "+ String.format("[ %f %f ]", ax0, ay0) );
case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO:
result.lineTo(ax0, ay0);
case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE:
case -999:
//System.err.println(" ignore");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("not supported");
logger.log(Level.FINE, "reduce {0} to {1} in {2}ms", new Object[]{inCount, points, System.currentTimeMillis()-t0 });
return points;
* return the points along a curve. Used by ContourRenderer. The returned
* result is the remaining path length. Elements of pathlen that are beyond
* the total path length are not computed, and the result points will be null.
* Note that CUBICTO and QUADTO are not supported.
* @param pathlen monotonically increasing path lengths at which the position is to be located. May be null if only the total path length is desired.
* @param result the resultant points will be put into this array. This array should have the same number of elements as pathlen
* @param orientation the local orientation, in radians, of the point at will be put into this array. This array should have the same number of elements as pathlen
* @param it PathIterator first point is used to start the length.
* @param stopAtMoveTo treat SEG_MOVETO as the end of the path. The pathIterator will be left at this point.
* @return the remaining length. Note null may be used for pathlen, result, and orientation and this will simply return the total path length.
public static double pointsAlongCurve(PathIterator it, double[] pathlen, Point2D.Double[] result, double[] orientation, boolean stopAtMoveTo) {
return pointsAlongCurve( it, pathlen, result, orientation, stopAtMoveTo, new HashMap<>() );
* return the points along a curve. Used by ContourRenderer. The returned
* result is the remaining path length. Elements of pathlen that are beyond
* the total path length are not computed, and the result points will be null.
* Note that CUBICTO and QUADTO are not supported.
* @param pathlen monotonically increasing path lengths at which the position is to be located. May be null if only the total path length is desired.
* @param result the resultant points will be put into this array. This array should have the same number of elements as pathlen
* @param orientation the local orientation, in radians, of the point at will be put into this array. This array should have the same number of elements as pathlen
* @param it PathIterator first point is used to start the length.
* @param stopAtMoveTo treat SEG_MOVETO as the end of the path. The pathIterator will be left at this point.
* @param props empty map where properties are added.
* @return the remaining length. Note null may be used for pathlen, result, and orientation and this will simply return the total path length.
public static double pointsAlongCurve(PathIterator it,
double[] pathlen,
Point2D.Double[] result,
double[] orientation,
boolean stopAtMoveTo,
Map props ) {
float[] point = new float[6];
float fx0 = Float.NaN, fy0 = Float.NaN;
double slen = 0;
int pathlenIndex = 0;
int type;
if (pathlen == null) {
pathlen = new double[0];
if ( !it.isDone() ) {
if ( props!=null ) props.put( "PROP_FIRST_POINT", Arrays.copyOf( point, point.length ) );
while (!it.isDone()) {
type = it.currentSegment(point);
if (!Float.isNaN(fx0) && type == PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO && stopAtMoveTo) {
switch (type) {
case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO:
throw new IllegalArgumentException("cubicto not supported");
case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO:
throw new IllegalArgumentException("quadto not supported");
case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO:
if (Float.isNaN(fx0)) {
fx0 = point[0];
fy0 = point[1];
double thislen = (float) Point.distance(fx0, fy0, point[0], point[1]);
if (thislen == 0) {
} else {
slen += thislen;
while (pathlenIndex < pathlen.length && slen >= pathlen[pathlenIndex]) {
double alpha = 1 - (slen - pathlen[pathlenIndex]) / thislen;
double dx = point[0] - fx0;
double dy = point[1] - fy0;
if (result != null) {
result[pathlenIndex] = new Point2D.Double(fx0 + dx * alpha, fy0 + dy * alpha);
if (orientation != null) {
orientation[pathlenIndex] = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
fx0 = point[0];
fy0 = point[1];
if ( props!=null ) props.put( "PROP_LAST_POINT", Arrays.copyOf( point, point.length ) );
double remaining;
if (pathlenIndex > 0) {
remaining = slen - pathlen[pathlenIndex - 1];
} else {
remaining = slen;
if (result != null) {
for (; pathlenIndex < result.length; pathlenIndex++) {
result[pathlenIndex] = null;
return remaining;
* parse strings like "14em+2pt" into a length in pixels.
* - "1em",0,8 -> 8
- "50%",240,0 -> 120
- "4pt",240,8 -> 4
- "4px",240,8 -> 4
- "1em+4pt",240,8 -> 12
* @param s the string specifying ems and pxs
* @param totalWidth the total with for the normalized length.
* @param em the size of an em in pixels.
* @return the length in pixels
* @see DasDevicePosition#parseLayoutStr(java.lang.String)
public static double parseLayoutLength( String s, double totalWidth, double em ) {
try {
double[] dd= DasDevicePosition.parseLayoutStr((String)s);
if ( dd[0]==0 && dd[1]==1 && dd[2]==0 ) {
return em;
} else {
double parentSize= em;
double newSize= dd[0]*totalWidth + dd[1]*parentSize + dd[2];
return newSize;
} catch (ParseException ex) {
logger.log( Level.WARNING, null, ex.getMessage() );
return 0.f;
* return a string representation of the affine transforms used in DasPlot for
* debugging.
* @param at the affine transform
* @return a string representation of the affine transforms used in DasPlot for
* debugging.
public static String getATScaleTranslateString(AffineTransform at) {
String atDesc;
NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
if (at == null) {
return "null";
} else if (!at.isIdentity()) {
atDesc = "scaleX:" + nf.format(at.getScaleX()) + " translateX:" + nf.format(at.getTranslateX());
atDesc += "!c" + "scaleY:" + nf.format(at.getScaleY()) + " translateY:" + nf.format(at.getTranslateY());
return atDesc;
} else {
return "identity";
* calculates the slope and intercept of a line going through two points.
* @param x0 the first point x
* @param y0 the first point y
* @param x1 the second point x
* @param y1 the second point y
* @return a double array with two elements [ slope, intercept ].
public static double[] getSlopeIntercept(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) {
double slope = (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0);
double intercept = y0 - slope * x0;
return new double[]{slope, intercept};
* return translucent white color for indicating the application is busy.
* @return translucent white color
public static Color getRicePaperColor() {
return ColorUtil.getRicePaperColor();
* return a Gaussian filter for blurring images.
* @param radius the radius filter in pixels.
* @param horizontal true if horizontal blur.
* @return the ConvolveOp
public static ConvolveOp getGaussianBlurFilter(int radius,
boolean horizontal) {
if (radius < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Radius must be >= 1");
int size = radius * 2 + 1;
float[] data = new float[size];
float sigma = radius / 3.0f;
float twoSigmaSquare = 2.0f * sigma * sigma;
float sigmaRoot = (float) Math.sqrt(twoSigmaSquare * Math.PI);
float total = 0.0f;
for (int i = -radius; i <= radius; i++) {
float distance = i * i;
int index = i + radius;
data[index] = (float) Math.exp(-distance / twoSigmaSquare) / sigmaRoot;
total += data[index];
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
data[i] /= total;
Kernel kernel;
if (horizontal) {
kernel = new Kernel(size, 1, data);
} else {
kernel = new Kernel(1, size, data);
return new ConvolveOp(kernel, ConvolveOp.EDGE_NO_OP, null);
* blur the image with a Guassian blur.
* @param im
* @param size the size of the blur, roughly in pixels.
* @return image
public static BufferedImage blurImage( BufferedImage im, int size ) {
ConvolveOp op= getGaussianBlurFilter( size, true );
BufferedImage out= new BufferedImage( im.getWidth(), im.getHeight(), im.getType() );
op.filter( im, out );
op= getGaussianBlurFilter( size, false );
im= out;
out= new BufferedImage( im.getWidth(), im.getHeight(), im.getType() );
return op.filter( im, out );
* describe the path for debugging.
* @param path the Path to describe
* @param enumeratePoints if true, print all the points as well.
* @return String description.
public static String describe(GeneralPath path, boolean enumeratePoints) {
PathIterator it = path.getPathIterator(null);
int count = 0;
int lineToCount = 0;
double[] seg = new double[6];
while (!it.isDone()) {
int type = it.currentSegment(seg);
if (type == PathIterator.SEG_LINETO) {
if (enumeratePoints) {
if ( type==PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO ) {
System.err.println( String.format( Locale.US, "moveTo( %9.2f, %9.2f )\n", seg[0], seg[1] ) );
} else if ( type==PathIterator.SEG_LINETO ) {
System.err.println( String.format( Locale.US, "lineTo( %9.2f, %9.2f )\n", seg[0], seg[1] ) );
} else {
System.err.println( String.format( Locale.US, "%4d( %9.2f, %9.2f )\n", type, seg[0], seg[1] ) );
System.err.println("count: " + count + " lineToCount: " + lineToCount);
return "count: " + count + " lineToCount: " + lineToCount;
static String toString(Line2D line) {
return ""+line.getX1()+","+line.getY1()+" "+line.getX2()+","+line.getY2();
//TODO: sun.awt.geom.Curve and sun.awt.geom.Crossings are GPL open-source, so
// these methods will provide reliable methods for getting rectangle, line
// intersections.
* returns the point where the two line segments intersect, or null.
* @param line1
* @param line2
* @param noBoundsCheck if true, then do not check the segment bounds.
* @return
public static Point2D lineIntersection(Line2D line1, Line2D line2, boolean noBoundsCheck) {
Point2D result;
double a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2, denom;
a1 = line1.getY2() - line1.getY1();
b1 = line1.getX1() - line1.getX2();
c1 = line1.getX2() * line1.getY1() - line1.getX1() * line1.getY2();
a2 = line2.getY2() - line2.getY1();
b2 = line2.getX1() - line2.getX2();
c2 = line2.getX2() * line2.getY1() - line2.getX1() * line2.getY2();
denom = a1 * b2 - a2 * b1;
if (denom != 0) {
result = new Point2D.Double((b1 * c2 - b2 * c1) / denom, (a2 * c1 -
a1 * c2) / denom);
if (noBoundsCheck ) {
return result;
} else {
// calculate small number which can be treated as zero.
double epsilon= -1 * Math.min( ( line1.getP1().distance(line1.getP2()) ), line2.getP1().distance(line2.getP2() ) ) / 10000.;
if (((result.getX() - line1.getX1()) * (line1.getX2() - result.getX()) >= epsilon )
&& ((result.getY() - line1.getY1()) * (line1.getY2() - result.getY()) >= epsilon )
&& ((result.getX() - line2.getX1()) * (line2.getX2() - result.getX()) >= epsilon )
&& ((result.getY() - line2.getY1()) * (line2.getY2() - result.getY()) >= epsilon ) ) {
return result;
} else {
return null;
} else {
return null;
* return the line segment which is within the rectangle mask.
* @param p0 the first point
* @param p1 the second point
* @param r the rectangle
* @return null when they do not intersect, or the segment
public static Line2D lineRectangleMask( Point2D p0, Point2D p1, Rectangle2D r ) {
Line2D.Double line= new Line2D.Double( p0, p1 );
Point2D.Double r0= new Point2D.Double( r.getX(), r.getY() );
Point2D.Double r1= new Point2D.Double( r.getX()+r.getWidth(), r.getY()+r.getHeight() );
Point2D point1=null;
Point2D point2=null;
Point2D p;
p= lineIntersection( line, new Line2D.Double( r0.x, r0.y, r1.x, r0.y ), false );
if ( p!=null ) point1= p;
p= lineIntersection( line, new Line2D.Double( r1.x, r0.y, r1.x, r1.y ), false );
if ( p!=null ) if ( point1==null ) point1= p; else point2= p;
p= lineIntersection( line, new Line2D.Double( r1.x, r1.y, r0.x, r1.y ), false );
if ( p!=null ) if ( point1==null ) point1= p; else point2= p;
p= lineIntersection( line, new Line2D.Double( r0.x, r1.y, r0.x, r0.y ), false );
if ( p!=null ) if ( point1==null ) point1= p; else point2= p;
if ( point1==null ) {
return null;
} else if ( point2==null ) {
if ( r.contains( p1 ) ) {
return new Line2D.Double( point1, p1 );
} else {
return new Line2D.Double( p0, point1 );
} else if ( Point2D.distance( p0.getX(), p0.getY(), point1.getX(), point1.getY() ) < Point2D.distance( p0.getX(), p0.getY(), point2.getX(), point2.getY() ) ) {
return new Line2D.Double( point1, point2 );
} else {
return new Line2D.Double( point2, point1 );
* return the intersection of a line segment and the edge of a rectangle,
* where one point is outside of the rectangle and one is inside.
* @param p0
* @param p1
* @param r0
* @return null or the point along the rectangle
public static Point2D lineRectangleIntersection( Point2D p0, Point2D p1, Rectangle2D r0) {
PathIterator it = r0.getPathIterator(null);
Line2D line = new Line2D.Double( p0, p1 );
float[] c0 = new float[6];
float[] c1 = new float[6];
while ( !it.isDone() ) {
int type= it.currentSegment(c1);
if ( type==PathIterator.SEG_LINETO ) {
Line2D seg = new Line2D.Double(c0[0], c0[1], c1[0], c1[1]);
Point2D result = lineIntersection(line, seg, false);
if (result != null) {
return result;
c0[0]= c1[0];
c0[1]= c1[1];
return null;
* returns pixel range of the datum range, guarenteeing that the first
* element will be less than or equal to the second.
* @param axis
* @param range
* @return
public static double[] transformRange( DasAxis axis, DatumRange range ) {
double x1= axis.transform(range.min());
double x2= axis.transform(range.max());
if ( x1>x2 ) {
double t= x2;
x2= x1;
x1= t;
return new double[] { x1, x2 };
public static DatumRange invTransformRange( DasAxis axis, double x1, double x2 ) {
Datum d1= axis.invTransform(x1);
Datum d2= axis.invTransform(x2);
if ( d1.gt(d2) ) {
Datum t= d2;
d2= d1;
d1= t;
return new DatumRange( d1, d2 );
* return an icon block with the color and size.
* @param iconColor the color
* @param w the width in pixels
* @param h the height in pixels
* @return an icon.
public static Icon colorIcon( Color iconColor, int w, int h ) {
return colorImageIcon(iconColor, w, h);
* return an ImageIcon with the color and size.
* @param iconColor
* @param w
* @param h
* @return
public static ImageIcon colorImageIcon( Color iconColor, int w, int h ) {
BufferedImage image= new BufferedImage( w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB );
Graphics g= image.getGraphics();
if ( iconColor.getAlpha()!=255 ) { // draw checkerboard to indicate transparency
for ( int j=0; j<16/4; j++ ) {
for ( int i=0; i<16/4; i++ ) {
g.setColor( (i-j)%2 ==0 ? Color.GRAY : Color.WHITE );
g.fillRect( 0+i*4,0+j*4,4,4);
g.fillRect( 0, 0, w, h );
return new ImageIcon(image);
* return rectangle with same center that is percent/100 of the
* original width and height.
* @param bounds the original rectangle.
* @param percent the percent to increase (110% is 10% bigger)
* @return a rectangle with same center that is percent/100. of the
* original width and height.
public static Rectangle shrinkRectangle(Rectangle bounds, int percent ) {
Rectangle result= new Rectangle(
bounds.x + (int)(bounds.width*(100.-percent)/2/100),
bounds.y + (int)(bounds.height*(100.-percent)/2/100),
(int)( bounds.width * ( percent / 100. ) ),
(int)( bounds.height * ( percent / 100. ) ) );
return result;
* return line shorted by so many pixels at each end.
* @param line the line
* @param l1 number of units to adjust the first point, towards the center
* @param l2 number of units to adjust the second point, towards the center
* @return the new line
public static Line2D shortenLine( Line2D line, double l1, double l2 ) {
double len= line.getP1().distance( line.getP2() );
if ( len==0 ) return line;
double sx= ( line.getX2() - line.getX1() ) / len;
double sy= ( line.getY2() - line.getY1() ) / len;
return new Line2D.Double( line.getX1()+sx*l1, line.getY1()+sy*l1, line.getX2()-sx*l2, line.getY2()-sy*l2 );
* create a line perpendicular to the line segment line
, which
* would go through p
, and have length abs(len)
* If len is negative, then line.p1,line.p2,p is counter-clockwise.
* This is left unimplemented as it's a nice student project.
* @param line a line segment.
* @param p a point, whose projection is necessarily within the line segment.
* @param len the length of the resulting line, or
* @return line colinear with p and having length abs(len).
public static Line2D perpendicularLine( Line2D line, Point p, double len ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("not implemented.");
* DebuggingGeneralPath can be used for debugging.
public static class DebuggingGeneralPath {
GeneralPath delegate;
int count= 0;
double lastfx0=0;
double lastfy0=0;
double initx=0;
double inity=0;
boolean arrows=false;
boolean printRoute= true;
DebuggingGeneralPath( int rule, int capacity ) {
delegate= new GeneralPath( rule, capacity );
count= 0;
DebuggingGeneralPath( ) {
delegate= new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_NON_ZERO, 20 );
count= 0;
public void setArrows( boolean drawArrows ) {
this.arrows= drawArrows;
public void lineTo(double fx, double fy) {
if ( printRoute ) {
System.err.println(new Formatter().format( Locale.US, "lineTo(%5.1f,%5.1f) %d",fx,fy,count ).toString());
if ( arrows ) {
if ( inity==lastfy0 && initx==lastfx0 ) {
double perpy= fx-lastfx0;
double perpx= -1 * ( fy-lastfy0 );
double n= Math.sqrt( perpx*perpx + perpy*perpy );
perpx= perpx/n;
perpy= perpy/n;
int len=4;
delegate.lineTo( lastfx0 - perpx*len, lastfy0 - perpy*len );
delegate.lineTo( lastfx0 + perpx*len, lastfy0 + perpy*len );
delegate.moveTo( lastfx0, lastfy0 );
delegate.lineTo(fx, fy);
if ( arrows ) {
double perpy= fx-lastfx0;
double perpx= -1 * ( fy-lastfy0 );
double n= Math.sqrt( perpx*perpx + perpy*perpy );
perpx= perpx/n;
perpy= perpy/n;
int len=4;
delegate.lineTo( fx+perpx*len - perpy*len, fy+perpy*len + perpx*len );
delegate.lineTo( fx , fy );
lastfx0= fx;
lastfy0= fy;
public void moveTo(double fx, double fy) {
if ( printRoute ) {
System.err.println(new Formatter().format( Locale.US, "moveTo(%5.1f,%5.1f) %d",fx,fy,count ).toString());
//if ( count==3 ) {
// System.err.println("here1112");
lastfx0= fx;
lastfy0= fy;
if ( count==0 ) {
initx= fx;
inity= fy;
PathIterator getPathIterator(AffineTransform at) {
return delegate.getPathIterator(at);
GeneralPath getGeneralPath() {
return delegate;
* converts forward from relative font spec to point size, used by
* the annotation and axis nodes.
* @param dcc the canvas component.
* @param fallbackFont the font to use when a font is not available, like "sans-8"
* @return the converter that converts between strings like "1em" and the font.
public static Converter getFontConverter( final DasCanvasComponent dcc, final String fallbackFont ) {
return new Converter() {
public Object convertForward(Object s) {
try {
double[] dd= DasDevicePosition.parseLayoutStr((String)s);
Font f= dcc.getFont();
if ( f==null ) {
f= Font.decode( fallbackFont );
if ( dd[1]==1 && dd[2]==0 ) {
return f.getSize2D();
} else {
double parentSize= f.getSize2D();
double newSize= dd[1]*parentSize + dd[2];
return (float)newSize;
} catch (ParseException ex) {
return 0.f;
public Object convertReverse(Object t) {
float size= (float)t;
Font f= dcc.getFont();
if ( f==null ) {
f= Font.decode( fallbackFont );
if ( size==0 ) {
return "1em";
} else {
double parentSize= f.getSize2D();
double relativeSize= size / parentSize;
return String.format( Locale.US, "%.2fem", relativeSize );
* return the number of minor ticks for the spacing. This should be
* return by searching for the first two factors.
* @param dt the step size
* @return the number of minor ticks
private static int updateTickVManualTicksMinor( double dt ) {
int scale= (int)Math.log10(dt);
dt= dt/Math.pow(10,scale);
if ( dt==1. ) return 4;
if ( dt==2. ) return 2;
if ( dt==4. ) return 2;
if ( dt==5. ) return 5;
if ( dt==3. ) return 3;
if ( dt==9. ) return 3;
if ( dt==1.5 ) return 3;
return 1;
* limit the number of ticks which are computed
public static final int MAX_TICKS = 480;
* calculate a TickVDescriptor for the ticks.
* Example specifications:
* - +20 - every 20 units, whatever the data units are.
- +20s - every 20 seconds
- 0,20,40,60,100 - explicit locations.
- +20s/4 - every 20 seconds, with four minor divisions.
- +20s/5,10,15 - minor ticks repeat each 20s.
- 100,200,300/50,150,250,350 - explicit list of major and minor ticks.
- *10/+1 - log ticks with linear minor ticks.
- none - no ticks
* @see https://github.com/autoplot/dev/blob/master/demos/2021/20211130/demoCalculateManualTicks.jy
* @param lticks the specification
* @param dr the range to cover
* @param log
* @return null if the string can't be parsed, or the TickVDescriptor
* @see #MAX_TICKS the maximum number of minor or major ticks calculated
public static TickVDescriptor calculateManualTicks( String lticks, DatumRange dr, boolean log ) {
TickVDescriptor result;
Units u= dr.getUnits();
int islash= lticks.indexOf('/');
int minorMult= 0;
double[] minorList= null;
double[] minorListAbs= null;
String minorTicksSpec=null;
if ( islash>-1 ) {
minorTicksSpec = lticks.substring(islash+1);
lticks= lticks.substring(0,islash);
if ( minorTicksSpec.startsWith("+") ) {
TickVDescriptor minorT= calculateManualTicks( minorTicksSpec, dr, log );
if ( minorT!=null ) minorListAbs= minorT.tickV.toDoubleArray(u);
} else if ( minorTicksSpec.startsWith("*") ) {
TickVDescriptor minorT= calculateManualTicks( minorTicksSpec, dr, log );
if ( minorT!=null ) minorListAbs= minorT.tickV.toDoubleArray(u);
} else {
if ( minorTicksSpec.contains(",") ) {
String[] ss= minorTicksSpec.split(",");
minorList= new double[ss.length];
for ( int i=0; i0 ? minorMult : updateTickVManualTicksMinor(dt);
dt= dt/minorTicks;
dticksMinor= new double[ ntick*minorTicks ];
for ( int i=0; i dticksMinorList= new ArrayList<>();
if ( minorTicksSpec!=null && minorTicksSpec.startsWith("+") ) {
TickVDescriptor minorTicksOneCycle= calculateManualTicks( minorTicksSpec,
DatumRange.newDatumRange( 1, tickM.value(), Units.dimensionless ), false );
minorList= minorTicksOneCycle.getMajorTicks().toDoubleArray( Units.dimensionless );
} else {
//double[] dticksMinor= new double[ ntick*minorTicks ];
if ( minorList==null ) {
switch (minorMult) {
case 2:
minorList= new double[] { 10 };
case 3:
minorList= new double[] { 10, 100 };
minorList= new double[] { 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 };
for ( int i=0; i2 ) {
double dt= DasMath.gcd( dticks, (dticks[1]-dticks[0])/100. );
int minorTicks= minorMult>0 ? minorMult : updateTickVManualTicksMinor(dt);
dt= dt/minorTicks;
double firstTick= DasMath.min(dticks);
double lastTick= DasMath.max(dticks);
int ntick= (int)(Math.ceil(lastTick-firstTick)/dt) + 1;
dticksMinor= new double[ ntick ];
for ( int i=0; i