/* File: DasAxis.java * Copyright (C) 2002-2003 The University of Iowa * Created by: Jeremy Faden * Jessica Swanner * Edward E. West * * This file is part of the das2 library. * * das2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.das2.graph; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.das2.event.MouseModule; import org.das2.event.TimeRangeSelectionEvent; import org.das2.event.TimeRangeSelectionListener; import org.das2.event.HorizontalRangeSelectorMouseModule; import org.das2.event.DataRangeSelectionEvent; import org.das2.event.DataRangeSelectionListener; import org.das2.event.VerticalRangeSelectorMouseModule; import org.das2.event.ZoomPanMouseModule; import org.das2.datum.format.DefaultDatumFormatterFactory; import org.das2.datum.DatumRange; import org.das2.datum.format.DatumFormatter; import org.das2.datum.Units; import org.das2.datum.DatumVector; import org.das2.datum.Datum; import org.das2.datum.DatumRangeUtil; import org.das2.datum.InconvertibleUnitsException; import org.das2.datum.TimeLocationUnits; import org.das2.DasProperties; import org.das2.util.GrannyTextRenderer; import org.das2.util.DasMath; import org.das2.DasApplication; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import javax.swing.border.*; import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.text.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.*; import org.das2.system.DasLogger; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.das2.DasException; import org.das2.components.DasProgressWheel; import org.das2.datum.DatumUtil; import org.das2.datum.DomainDivider; import org.das2.datum.DomainDividerUtil; import org.das2.datum.OrbitDatumRange; import org.das2.datum.UnitsConverter; import org.das2.datum.UnitsUtil; import org.das2.math.fft.jnt.Factorize; import org.das2.system.RequestProcessor; import org.das2.util.LoggerManager; import org.das2.util.TickleTimer; import org.das2.qds.ArrayDataSet; import org.das2.qds.DDataSet; import org.das2.qds.JoinDataSet; import org.das2.qds.QDataSet; import org.das2.qds.QFunction; import org.das2.qds.SemanticOps; import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops; /** * One dimensional axis component that transforms data to device space and back, * and provides controls for navigating the 1-D data space. * @author eew */ public class DasAxis extends DasCanvasComponent implements DataRangeSelectionListener, TimeRangeSelectionListener, Cloneable { public static final String PROP_LABEL = "label"; public static final String PROP_LOG = "log"; public static final String PROP_OPPOSITE_AXIS_VISIBLE = "oppositeAxisVisible"; public static final String PROP_BOUNDS = "bounds"; public static final String PROP_SCAN_RANGE="scanRange"; public static final String PROP_UNITS = "units"; public static final String PROPERTY_TICKS = "ticks"; public static final int MAX_TCA_LINES = 32; // maximum number of TCA lines private static final int DEVICE_POSITIVE_LIMIT = 10000; /* * PUBLIC CONSTANT DECLARATIONS */ /** This value indicates that the axis should be located at the top of its cell */ public static final int TOP = 1; /** This value indicates that the axis should be located at the bottom of its cell */ public static final int BOTTOM = 2; /** This value indicates that the axis should be located to the left of its cell */ public static final int LEFT = 3; /** This value indicates that the axis should be located to the right of its cell */ public static final int RIGHT = 4; /** This value indicates that the axis should be oriented horizontally */ public static final int HORIZONTAL = BOTTOM; /** This value indicates that the axis should be oriented vertically */ public static final int VERTICAL = LEFT; /** This indicate the axis ticks should go up */ private static final int UP = 995; /** This indicates the axis ticks should go down */ private static final int DOWN = 996; /* Constants defining the action commands and labels for the scan/step buttons. */ private static final String STEP_PREVIOUS_LABEL = "<< step"; private static final String STEP_NEXT_LABEL = "step >>"; /* GENERAL AXIS INSTANCE MEMBERS */ protected DataRange dataRange; // the height of the canvas when we last updated private int parentHeight; // the width of the canvas when we last updated private int parentWidth; /** * get the userDatumFormatter, which converts Datums into Strings. This * can be null if none should be used. * @return the userDatumFormatter. */ public DatumFormatter getUserDatumFormatter() { return userDatumFormatter; } /** * set the userDatumFormatter, which converts Datums into Strings. This * can be null if none should be used. * @param userDatumFormatter the userDatumFormatter. */ public void setUserDatumFormatter(DatumFormatter userDatumFormatter) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "setUserDatumFormatter({0})", userDatumFormatter); DatumFormatter old= this.userDatumFormatter; this.userDatumFormatter = userDatumFormatter; if ( old!=userDatumFormatter ) { updateTickV(); }//TODO: this results in data read on event thread SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { resize(); repaint(); } }); } /** * if non-null, try to use this formatter. */ private DatumFormatter userDatumFormatter = null; /** * set the action for the next button * @param label the label (step or scan) * @param abstractAction the action to invoke. */ public void setNextAction( String label, AbstractAction abstractAction) { if ( !DasApplication.getDefaultApplication().isHeadless() ) { ActionListener[] als= this.stepNext.getActionListeners(); for ( ActionListener al : als ) { this.stepNext.removeActionListener(al); } this.stepNext.setAction(abstractAction); this.stepNext.setText(""+ label +" >>" ); } } /** * set the action for the prev button * @param label the label (step or scan) * @param abstractAction the action to invoke. */ public void setPreviousAction( String label,AbstractAction abstractAction) { if ( !DasApplication.getDefaultApplication().isHeadless() ) { ActionListener[] als= this.stepPrevious.getActionListeners(); for ( ActionListener al : als ) { this.stepPrevious.removeActionListener(al); } this.stepPrevious.setAction(abstractAction); this.stepPrevious.setText("<< "+label ); } } /** * until we switch to java 1.5, use this lock object instead of * java.util.concurrent.lock */ public interface Lock { public void lock(); public void unlock(); } /** * synchronized block for calculating ticks uses this. */ private final Object tickLock= new Object(); /* Affine Transform, dependent on min, max and axis position * pixel= at_m * data + at_b * where data is data point in linear space (i.e. log property implemented) */ double at_m; double at_b; private int orientation; private int tickDirection = 1; // 1=down or left, -1=up or right protected String axisLabel = ""; protected TickVDescriptor tickV; private boolean autoTickV = true; private boolean ticksVisible = true; private boolean tickLabelsVisible = true; private boolean oppositeAxisVisible = false; protected DatumFormatter datumFormatter = DefaultDatumFormatterFactory.getInstance().defaultFormatter(); private MouseModule zoom = null; private PropertyChangeListener dataRangePropertyListener; protected JPanel primaryInputPanel; protected JPanel secondaryInputPanel; private ScanButton stepPrevious; private ScanButton stepNext; /** * limits of the scan range. Scan buttons will only be shown with within this range. If not set, then there is no limit to range * and the buttons are always available. */ private DatumRange scanRange; private boolean animated = ("on".equals(DasProperties.getInstance().get("visualCues"))); private Rectangle blLineRect; private Rectangle trLineRect; /** * bottom or left rectangle bounds for the ticks (green in DEBUG_GRAPHICS) */ private Rectangle blTickRect; /** * top or right rectangle bounds for the ticks (green in DEBUG_GRAPHICS) */ private Rectangle trTickRect; /** * bottom or left rectangle bounds for the tick labels (blue in DEBUG_GRAPHICS) */ private Rectangle blLabelRect; /** * top or right rectangle bounds for the tick labels (blue in DEBUG_GRAPHICS) */ private Rectangle trLabelRect; /** * bottom or left rectangle bounds for the axis label (grey in DEBUG_GRAPHICS) */ private Rectangle blTitleRect; /** * top or right rectangle bounds for the axis label (grey in DEBUG_GRAPHICS) */ private Rectangle trTitleRect; /** * this is deprecated, use labelOffset instead. */ private Integer leftXOverride = null; /** * empty string means default, or "5em" or "50px" etc. */ private String labelOffset= ""; private boolean flipped; /* TIME LOCATION UNITS RELATED INSTANCE MEMBERS */ private javax.swing.event.EventListenerList timeRangeListenerList = null; private TimeRangeSelectionEvent lastProcessedEvent = null; /* TCA RELATED INSTANCE MEMBERS */ private QFunction tcaFunction; private QDataSet tcaData = null; private final Object tcaDataLock= new Object(); private String dataset = ""; private boolean drawTca; private TickleTimer tcaTimer; public static final String PROPERTY_DATUMRANGE = "datumRange"; /* DEBUGGING INSTANCE MEMBERS */ private static final boolean DEBUG_GRAPHICS = System.getProperty("das2.graph.dasaxis.debuggraphics","false").equals("true"); private static final Color[] DEBUG_COLORS= new Color[]{ org.das2.util.ColorUtil.decodeColor("Purple"), org.das2.util.ColorUtil.decodeColor("Purple").brighter().brighter() }; int tickLen= 0; // this is reset after sizing. /** * the tick length specification, in em or pts. */ String tickLenStr= "0.66em"; final int TICK_LABEL_GAP_MIN= 4; // minimum number of pixels to label private int debugColorIndex = 0; private DasPlot dasPlot; private JMenu bookmarksMenu; private JMenu backMenu; private static final Logger logger = LoggerManager.getLogger("das2.graphics.axis"); /** * Create an axis object, relating data and canvas pixel coordinates. * @param min the minimum value * @param max the maximum value * @param orientation DasAxis.TOP, DasAxis.BOTTOM, DasAxis.LEFT, DasAxis.RIGHT. */ public DasAxis(Datum min, Datum max, int orientation) { this(min, max, orientation, false); } /** * Create an axis object, relating data and canvas pixel coordinates. * @param range the initial range for the axis. * @param orientation the position relative to a plot, one of DasAxis.TOP, DasAxis.BOTTOM, DasAxis.LEFT, DasAxis.RIGHT. */ public DasAxis(DatumRange range, int orientation) { this(range.min(), range.max(), orientation); } /** * Create an axis object, relating data and canvas pixel coordinates. * @param min the minimum value * @param max the maximum value * @param orientation the position relative to a plot, one of DasAxis.TOP, DasAxis.BOTTOM, DasAxis.LEFT, DasAxis.RIGHT. * @param log if true then the axis is a log axis. */ public DasAxis(Datum min, Datum max, int orientation, boolean log) { this(orientation); dataRange = new DataRange(this, min, max, log); addListenersToDataRange(dataRange, dataRangePropertyListener); copyFavorites(); copyHistory(); } /** * Create an axis object, relating data and canvas pixel coordinates. * @param range the range object allowing connections between axes. A DataRange is a mutable object. * @param orientation the position relative to a plot, one of DasAxis.TOP, DasAxis.BOTTOM, DasAxis.LEFT, DasAxis.RIGHT */ protected DasAxis(DataRange range, int orientation) { this(orientation); dataRange = range; addListenersToDataRange(range, dataRangePropertyListener); copyFavorites(); copyHistory(); } private DasAxis(int orientation) { super(); setOpaque(false); setOrientationInternal(orientation); installMouseModules(); if (!DasApplication.getDefaultApplication().isHeadless()) { backMenu = new JMenu("Back"); mouseAdapter.addMenuItem(backMenu); bookmarksMenu = new JMenu("Bookmarks"); mouseAdapter.addMenuItem(bookmarksMenu); } dataRangePropertyListener = createDataRangePropertyListener(); setLayout(new AxisLayoutManager()); maybeInitializeInputPanels(); maybeInitializeScanButtons(); if ( !DasApplication.getDefaultApplication().isHeadless() ) { stepNext.setEnabled( true ); stepPrevious.setEnabled( true ); } add(primaryInputPanel); add(secondaryInputPanel); try { this.updateTickLength(); } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } // this doesn't fire this.addPropertyChangeListener( "font", new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { try { updateTickLength(); } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } } }); TickMaster.getInstance().register(this); // weak map will unregister } private void addListenersToDataRange(DataRange range, PropertyChangeListener listener) { range.addPropertyChangeListener(PROP_LOG, listener); range.addPropertyChangeListener("minimum", listener); range.addPropertyChangeListener("maximum", listener); range.addPropertyChangeListener(DataRange.PROPERTY_DATUMRANGE, listener); range.addPropertyChangeListener("history", listener); range.addPropertyChangeListener("favorites", listener); } /** * add the range to the favorites list, which is accessible from the popup-menu. * @param range the range to add. */ public void addToFavorites(final DatumRange range) { dataRange.addToFavorites(range); copyFavorites(); } /** * remove the range from the favorites list, which is accessible from the popup-menu. * @param range the range to add. */ public void removeFromFavorites(final DatumRange range) { dataRange.removeFromFavorites(range); copyFavorites(); } private void copyFavorites() { if (DasApplication.getDefaultApplication().isHeadless()) { return; } bookmarksMenu.removeAll(); List favorites = dataRange.getFavorites(); for (Iterator i = favorites.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final DatumRange r = (DatumRange) i.next(); // copied code from addToFavorites Action action = new AbstractAction(r.toString()) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); DasAxis.this.setDatumRange(r); } }; JMenuItem menuItem = new JMenuItem(action); bookmarksMenu.add(menuItem); } bookmarksMenu.add( new JSeparator() ); Action action = new AbstractAction("bookmark this range") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); DasAxis.this.addToFavorites(DasAxis.this.getDatumRange()); } }; JMenuItem addItem = new JMenuItem(action); bookmarksMenu.add(addItem); bookmarksMenu.add( new JSeparator() ); Action action2 = new AbstractAction("remove bookmark for range") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); DasAxis.this.removeFromFavorites(DasAxis.this.getDatumRange()); } }; JMenuItem rmItem = new JMenuItem(action2); bookmarksMenu.add(rmItem); } private void copyHistory() { if (DasApplication.getDefaultApplication().isHeadless()) { return; } if ( enableHistory==false ) { return; } backMenu.removeAll(); List history = dataRange.getHistory(); int ii = 0; for (Iterator i = history.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final int ipop = ii; final DatumRange r = (DatumRange) i.next(); // copied code from addToFavorites Action action = new AbstractAction(r.toString()) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); dataRange.popHistory(ipop); DasAxis.this.setDataRangePrev(); } }; JMenuItem menuItem = new JMenuItem(action); backMenu.add(menuItem); ii++; } } /** * true if the axis built-in history is enabled. */ protected boolean enableHistory = true; /** * true if the axis built-in history is enabled. */ public static final String PROP_ENABLEHISTORY = "enableHistory"; /** * true if the axis built-in history is enabled. * @return true if the axis built-in history is enabled. */ public boolean isEnableHistory() { return enableHistory; } /** * true if the axis built-in history is enabled. * @param enableHistory true if the axis built-in history is enabled. */ public void setEnableHistory(boolean enableHistory) { boolean oldEnableHistory = this.enableHistory; this.enableHistory = enableHistory; if ( ! DasApplication.getDefaultApplication().isHeadless() ) { if ( !enableHistory ) { getDasMouseInputAdapter().removeMenuItem(backMenu.getText()); } else { getDasMouseInputAdapter().addMenuItem(backMenu); } } firePropertyChange(PROP_ENABLEHISTORY, oldEnableHistory, enableHistory); } /* PRIVATE INITIALIZATION FUNCTIONS */ private void maybeInitializeInputPanels() { if (primaryInputPanel == null) { primaryInputPanel = new JPanel(); primaryInputPanel.setOpaque(false); } if (secondaryInputPanel == null) { secondaryInputPanel = new JPanel(); secondaryInputPanel.setOpaque(false); } } private void maybeInitializeScanButtons() { if (!DasApplication.getDefaultApplication().isHeadless()) { stepPrevious = new DasAxis.ScanButton(STEP_PREVIOUS_LABEL); stepNext = new DasAxis.ScanButton(STEP_NEXT_LABEL); ActionListener al = createScanActionListener(); stepPrevious.addActionListener(al); stepNext.addActionListener(al); add(stepPrevious); add(stepNext); } } private ActionListener createScanActionListener() { return new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); String command = e.getActionCommand(); DasLogger.getLogger(DasLogger.GUI_LOG).log(Level.FINE, "event {0}", command); if (command.equals(STEP_PREVIOUS_LABEL)) { if ( scanRange==null || scanRange.intersects(getDatumRange().previous()) ) scanPrevious(); } else if (command.equals(STEP_NEXT_LABEL)) { if ( scanRange==null || scanRange.intersects(getDatumRange().next()) ) scanNext(); } } }; } private PropertyChangeListener createDataRangePropertyListener() { return new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { String propertyName = e.getPropertyName(); Object oldValue = e.getOldValue(); Object newValue = e.getNewValue(); if (propertyName.equals(PROP_LOG)) { update(); firePropertyChange(PROP_LOG, oldValue, newValue); markDirty("transform:"+propertyName+"="+newValue); } else if (propertyName.equals("minimum")) { update(); firePropertyChange("dataMinimum", oldValue, newValue); markDirty("transform:"+propertyName+"=" + (DasAxis.this.getUnits().createDatum((Number)newValue))); } else if (propertyName.equals("maximum")) { update(); firePropertyChange("dataMaximum", oldValue, newValue); markDirty("transform:"+propertyName+"=" + (DasAxis.this.getUnits().createDatum((Number)newValue)) ); } else if (propertyName.equals("favorites")) { copyFavorites(); } else if (propertyName.equals(DataRange.PROPERTY_DATUMRANGE)) { //if ( UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation( DasAxis.this.getUnits() ) ) { // Autoplot test018_003. // DatumRange dr= (DatumRange)newValue; // System.err.println("new range="+dr); // if ( dr.equals( DatumRangeUtil.parseTimeRangeValid("2000-01-03 09:36 to 2000-01-07 00:00")) ) { // System.err.println("here min"); // } //} update(); firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_DATUMRANGE, oldValue, newValue); markDirty("transform:"+propertyName+"="+newValue); } else if (propertyName.equals("history")) { if (!dataRange.valueIsAdjusting()) { copyHistory(); } } } }; } private void installMouseModules() { if (zoom instanceof HorizontalRangeSelectorMouseModule) { ((HorizontalRangeSelectorMouseModule) zoom).removeDataRangeSelectionListener(this); mouseAdapter.removeMouseModule(zoom); } else if (zoom instanceof VerticalRangeSelectorMouseModule) { ((VerticalRangeSelectorMouseModule) zoom).removeDataRangeSelectionListener(this); mouseAdapter.removeMouseModule(zoom); } if (isHorizontal()) { zoom = new HorizontalRangeSelectorMouseModule(this, this); ((HorizontalRangeSelectorMouseModule) zoom).addDataRangeSelectionListener(this); mouseAdapter.addMouseModule(zoom); mouseAdapter.setPrimaryModule(zoom); MouseModule zoomPan = new ZoomPanMouseModule(this, this, null); mouseAdapter.addMouseModule(zoomPan); mouseAdapter.setSecondaryModule(zoomPan); } else { zoom = new VerticalRangeSelectorMouseModule(this, this); ((VerticalRangeSelectorMouseModule) zoom).addDataRangeSelectionListener(this); mouseAdapter.addMouseModule(zoom); mouseAdapter.setPrimaryModule(zoom); MouseModule zoomPan = new ZoomPanMouseModule(this, null, this); mouseAdapter.addMouseModule(zoomPan); mouseAdapter.setSecondaryModule(zoomPan); } } /** * Set the axis orientation. One of: DasAxis.TOP, DasAxis.BOTTOM, * DasAxis.LEFT, DasAxis.RIGHT * @param orientation the orientation, one of TOP,BOTTOM,LEFT,RIGHT. * @see #TOP * @see #BOTTOM * @see #LEFT * @see #RIGHT */ public void setOrientation(int orientation) { boolean oldIsHorizontal = isHorizontal(); setOrientationInternal(orientation); if (oldIsHorizontal != isHorizontal()) { installMouseModules(); } } /** * This is a private internal implementation for * {@link #setOrientation(int)}. This method is provided * to avoid calling a non-final non-private instance method * from a constructor. Doing so can create problems if the * method is overridden in a subclass. * * @param orientation TOP,BOTTOM,LEFT,RIGHT */ private void setOrientationInternal(int orientation) { this.orientation = orientation; switch (orientation) { case TOP: setTickDirection(UP); break; case BOTTOM: setTickDirection(DOWN); break; case LEFT: setTickDirection(RIGHT); break; case RIGHT: setTickDirection(LEFT); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid value for orientation"); } } /** * Set the range for the axis. Note this is allowed to change the units as well. * @param dr the new range. The range must be interval or ratio measurements. */ public void setDatumRange(DatumRange dr) { //System.err.println("setDatumRange("+dr+")"); if ( dr==null ) { throw new NullPointerException("range cannot be null"); } if ( !UnitsUtil.isIntervalOrRatioMeasurement(dr.getUnits()) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("units cannot be ordinal or nominal"); } if ( dr.width().value()==0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("width is zero: "+dr); } DatumRange oldRange= dataRange.getDatumRange(); Units oldUnits = getUnits(); if ( !rangeIsAcceptable(dr) ) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "invalid range ignored: {0}", dr); return; } if (getUnits().isConvertibleTo(dr.getUnits())) { //this.setDataRange(dr.min(), dr.max()); this.dataRange.setRange(dr); } else { this.resetRange(dr); } if ( oldUnits!=dr.getUnits() ) { firePropertyChange(PROP_UNITS, oldUnits, dr.getUnits()); } firePropertyChange( PROPERTY_DATUMRANGE, oldRange, dr ); } /** * return the current range * @return the current range */ public DatumRange getDatumRange() { return dataRange.getDatumRange(); } /* * Return true if the range is acceptable, having some non-zero length, * false otherwise. Note this method is overriden by DasLabelAxis. * @return true if the range is acceptible. */ protected boolean rangeIsAcceptable(DatumRange dr) { return dr.min().lt(dr.max()); } /** * Set the data range. minimum must be less than maximum, but for nominal * data they can be equal. * @param minimum the minimum value * @param maximum the maximum value */ public void setDataRange(Datum minimum, Datum maximum) { Units units = dataRange.getUnits(); if (minimum.getUnits() != units) { minimum = minimum.convertTo(units); maximum = maximum.convertTo(units); } DatumRange newRange = new DatumRange(minimum, maximum); logger.log(Level.FINE, "enter dasAxis.setDataRange( {0} )", newRange); if (!rangeIsAcceptable(newRange)) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "invalid range ignored: {0}", newRange); return; } double min, max, min0, max0; min0 = dataRange.getMinimum(); max0 = dataRange.getMaximum(); if (dataRange.isLog()) { min = Math.log10(minimum.doubleValue(getUnits())); max = Math.log10(maximum.doubleValue(getUnits())); if ( minimum.doubleValue(getUnits())==0 ) { // avoid log zero min= max/1000; } } else { min = minimum.doubleValue(getUnits()); max = maximum.doubleValue(getUnits()); } if (!valueIsAdjusting()) { animateChange(min0, max0, min, max); } DatumRange oldRange = dataRange.getDatumRange(); dataRange.setRange(newRange); refreshScanButtons(false); update(); createAndFireRangeSelectionEvent(); firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_DATUMRANGE, oldRange, newRange); } /** * clear the internal history. */ public void clearHistory() { dataRange.clearHistory(); } private void createAndFireRangeSelectionEvent() { if (getUnits() instanceof TimeLocationUnits) { logger.fine("firing rangeSelectionEvent"); TimeRangeSelectionEvent e = new TimeRangeSelectionEvent(this, new DatumRange(this.getDataMinimum(), this.getDataMaximum())); fireTimeRangeSelectionListenerTimeRangeSelected(e); } } /** * set the range to the previous interval. */ public void setDataRangePrev() { logger.fine("enter dasAxis.setDataRangePrev()"); DatumRange oldRange = dataRange.getDatumRange(); double min0 = dataRange.getMinimum(); double max0 = dataRange.getMaximum(); dataRange.setRangePrev(); DatumRange newRange = dataRange.getDatumRange(); double min1 = dataRange.getMinimum(); double max1 = dataRange.getMaximum(); animateChange(min0, max0, min1, max1); update(); createAndFireRangeSelectionEvent(); firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_DATUMRANGE, oldRange, newRange); } /** * set the range to the next interval. */ public void setDataRangeForward() { logger.fine("enter dasAxis.setDataRangeForward()"); double min0 = dataRange.getMinimum(); double max0 = dataRange.getMaximum(); DatumRange oldRange = dataRange.getDatumRange(); dataRange.setRangeForward(); DatumRange newRange = dataRange.getDatumRange(); double min1 = dataRange.getMinimum(); double max1 = dataRange.getMaximum(); animateChange(min0, max0, min1, max1); update(); createAndFireRangeSelectionEvent(); firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_DATUMRANGE, oldRange, newRange); } /** * set the range to min-width to max+width. */ public void setDataRangeZoomOut() { logger.fine("enter dasAxis.setDataRangeZoomOut()"); double t1 = dataRange.getMinimum(); double t2 = dataRange.getMaximum(); double width = t2 - t1; double min = t1 - width; double max = t2 + width; animateChange(t1, t2, min, max); DatumRange oldRange = dataRange.getDatumRange(); if ( !DatumRangeUtil.isAcceptable( DatumRange.newDatumRange( min, max, getUnits() ), isLog() ) ) { logger.info("zoom out limit"); return; } dataRange.setRange(min, max); DatumRange newRange = dataRange.getDatumRange(); update(); createAndFireRangeSelectionEvent(); firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_DATUMRANGE, oldRange, newRange); } /** * return the mutable DataRange object. This is used * to bind axes together by sharing an internal model. * @return the DataRange. */ public DataRange getDataRange() { return this.dataRange; } /** * @deprecated this is not used. */ protected void deviceRangeChanged() { } /** * return the minimum value * @return the minimum value */ public Datum getDataMinimum() { return dataRange.getDatumRange().min(); } /** * return the maximum value * @return the maximum value */ public Datum getDataMaximum() { return dataRange.getDatumRange().max(); } /** * This is the preferred method for getting the range of the axis. * @return a DatumRange indicating the range of the axis. * @deprecated use getDatumRange instead. */ public DatumRange getRange() { return dataRange.getDatumRange(); } /** * get the bigger extent of the range of this axis, in the given units. * @param units the units which the result should be returned in. * @return the value in the units. */ public double getDataMaximum(Units units) { return getDataMaximum().doubleValue(units); } /** * get the smaller extent of the range of this axis, in the given units. * @param units the units which the result should be returned in. * @return the value in the units. */ public double getDataMinimum(Units units) { return getDataMinimum().doubleValue(units); } /** * set the bigger extent of the range of this axis. * @param max the new value */ public void setDataMaximum(Datum max) { dataRange.setMaximum(max); update(); } /** * set the smaller extent of the range of this axis. * @param min the new value */ public void setDataMinimum(Datum min) { dataRange.setMinimum(min); update(); } /** * return true if the axis is log. * @return true if the axis is log. */ public boolean isLog() { return dataRange.isLog(); } /** * Set the axis to be log or linear. If necessary, axis range will be * adjusted to make the range valid. * @param log true if the axis should be log. */ public void setLog(boolean log) { boolean oldLog = isLog(); DatumRange range = getDatumRange(); dataRange.setLog(log); update(); if (log != oldLog) { firePropertyChange(PROP_LOG, oldLog, log); } // switching log can change the axis range. if (!range.equals(getDatumRange())) { firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_DATUMRANGE, range, getDatumRange()); } } private String reference = ""; public static final String PROP_REFERENCE = "reference"; public String getReference() { return reference; } /** * draw an optional reference line at the location. Valid entries * can be parsed into a Datum, using the units of the axis. * @param reference */ public void setReference(String reference) { String oldReference = this.reference; this.reference = reference.trim(); update(); firePropertyChange(PROP_REFERENCE, oldReference, reference); } /** * return the units of the axis. * @return the units of the axis. */ public Units getUnits() { return dataRange.getUnits(); } /** * set the units of the axis, which must be convertible from the old units. * @param newUnits the units of the axis. * @see #resetRange(org.das2.datum.DatumRange) */ public void setUnits(Units newUnits) { dataRange.setUnits(newUnits); } /** * limit the scan buttons to operate within this range. * Setting this to null will remove the limit. * http://sourceforge.net/p/autoplot/bugs/473/ * @param range null or the range to limit the scanning */ public void setScanRange( DatumRange range ) { DatumRange old= this.scanRange; this.scanRange= range; if ( stepNext!=null ) { // headless will have null scanNext SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { DatumRange range= getScanRange(); if ( range==null ) { stepNext.setToolTipText(null); stepPrevious.setToolTipText(null); } else { stepNext.setToolTipText("scan limited to
"+range.toString()); stepPrevious.setToolTipText("scan limited to
"+range.toString()); } } }); } firePropertyChange( PROP_SCAN_RANGE, old, range ); } /** * get the limit the scan buttons, which may be null. * @return the limit the scan buttons, which may be null. */ public DatumRange getScanRange( ) { return this.scanRange; } /** * set the axis to the new range, allowing the units to change. * @param range the new range */ public synchronized void resetRange(DatumRange range) { DatumRange oldRange= this.getDatumRange(); if (range.getUnits() != this.getUnits()) { if (dasPlot != null) { dasPlot.invalidateCacheImage(); } logger.log(Level.FINEST, "replaceRange({0})", range); dataRange.resetRange(range); setScanRange(null); } else { dataRange.setRange(range); } updateTickV(); markDirty("range"); firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_DATUMRANGE, oldRange, range); update(); } /** * if true, then the axis and its ticks on the opposite side will also be drawn. * @param visible if true, then the axis and its ticks on the opposite side will also be drawn. */ public void setOppositeAxisVisible(boolean visible) { if (visible == oppositeAxisVisible) { return; } boolean oldValue = oppositeAxisVisible; oppositeAxisVisible = visible; revalidate(); repaint(); firePropertyChange(PROP_OPPOSITE_AXIS_VISIBLE, oldValue, visible); } /** * return true if the opposite side is also drawn. * @return true if the opposite side is also drawn. */ public boolean isOppositeAxisVisible() { return oppositeAxisVisible; } /** * set the label for the axis. * * The label for this axis is displayed below the ticks for horizontal axes * or to left of the ticks for vertical axes. * @param t The new label for this axis */ public void setLabel(String t) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "setLabel(\"{0}\")", t); if (t == null) { throw new NullPointerException("axis label cannot be null"); } Object oldValue = axisLabel; axisLabel = t; update(); firePropertyChange(PROP_LABEL, oldValue, t); } /** * get the label for the axis. * @return A String instance that contains the title displayed * for this axis, or "" if the axis has no title. */ public String getLabel() { return axisLabel; } /** * true if the axis is animated. Transitions in axis position are drawn * rapidly to animate the transition. * @return true if the axis is animated. */ public boolean isAnimated() { return this.animated; } /** * if true then the axis will be animated. * @param animated if true then the axis will be animated. */ public void setAnimated(boolean animated) { this.animated = animated; } /** * if true then additional ephemeris (TCA) ticks are drawn. * @return if true then additional ticks are drawn. * @deprecated use isDrawTca() */ public boolean getDrawTca() { return isDrawTca(); } /** * true if additional tick labels are drawn using the TCA function. * @return true if additional ticks will be drawn. * @see #setTcaFunction(org.das2.qds.QFunction) */ public boolean isDrawTca() { return drawTca; } /** * true if the TCA data has been loaded and the axis bounds reflect TCA data present. * @return true if the TCA data has been loaded and the axis bounds reflect TCA data present. */ public boolean isTcaLoaded() { return tcaData!=null; } /** * if true then turn on additional tick labels using the TCA function. * @param b if true then additional ticks will be drawn. * @see #setTcaFunction(org.das2.qds.QFunction) */ public void setDrawTca(boolean b) { boolean oldValue = drawTca; if (b && getOrientation() != BOTTOM) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vertical time axes cannot have annotations"); } if (drawTca == b) { return; } drawTca = b; if ( !b ) { this.tcaNeedsPainting= false; this.tcaIsLoading= false; } markDirty("drawTca"); update(); //System.err.println( "line1164 isDirty: "+isDirty() ); firePropertyChange("showTca", oldValue, b); } private static QFunction tcaFunction( String dataset ) throws DasException { QFunction result= null; if ( dataset.startsWith("/") ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("das2 legacy TCA stuff needs to be implemented"); } else if ( dataset.startsWith("class:") ) { try { try { // class:org.autoplot.tca.AutoplotTCASource:vap+file:/tmp/foo.txt?rank2=field1-field4&depend0=field0 int argPos= dataset.indexOf(':',6); String className; if ( argPos==-1 ) { className= dataset.substring(6); result = (QFunction) Class.forName(className).newInstance(); } else { String arg; className= dataset.substring(6,argPos); arg= dataset.substring(argPos+1); try { result = (QFunction) Class.forName(className).getConstructor(String.class).newInstance(arg); } catch ( ClassNotFoundException | IllegalArgumentException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | InvocationTargetException ex ) { throw new DasException(ex); } } } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } } return result; } /** * return the path for the TCA dataset. This will be a das2server data set * address, such as http://www-pw.physics.uiowa.edu/das/das2Server?voyager/tca/earth * @return the path of the TCA dataset, or "". */ public String getDataPath() { return dataset; } /** * @see setDrawTca which turns on additional ticks. * @param dataset The URL identifier string of a TCA data set, or "" for no TCAs. */ public void setDataPath(String dataset) { if (dataset == null) { throw new NullPointerException("null dataPath string not allowed"); } Object oldValue = this.dataset; if (dataset.equals(this.dataset)) { return; } this.dataset = dataset; if (dataset.equals("")) { tcaFunction = null; this.tcaData= null; } else { try { tcaFunction= tcaFunction( dataset ); maybeStartTcaTimer(); this.tcaData= null; if ( tcaFunction==null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to implement tca QFunction: "+dataset ); } //tcaFunction = DataSetDescriptor.create(dataset); } catch (org.das2.DasException de) { DasApplication.getDefaultApplication().getExceptionHandler().handle(de); } } markDirty("tcaDataPath"); update(); firePropertyChange("dataPath", oldValue, dataset); } @Override protected void processEvent(AWTEvent e) { super.processEvent(e); repaint(); } private boolean tcaIsLoading; private boolean tcaNeedsPainting; @Override boolean isDirty() { return super.isDirty() || ( drawTca && tcaIsLoading ); } private void maybeStartTcaTimer() { logger.fine("enter maybeStartTcaTimer"); final DasCanvas lcanvas= getCanvas(); if ( lcanvas==null ) { logger.log( Level.FINER, "canvas is not yet set, returning"); return; } tcaIsLoading= true; if ( lcanvas.isPendingChanges( tcaLock ) ) { logger.fine("tcatimer is already pending"); } else { lcanvas.registerPendingChange( DasAxis.this, tcaLock ); if ( tcaTimer==null ) { tcaTimer= new TickleTimer( 200, new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { logger.log( Level.FINER, "mstca, lcanvas={0}", lcanvas); if ( lcanvas!=null ) { lcanvas.performingChange( DasAxis.this, tcaLock ); } else { maybeStartTcaTimer(); return; } try { updateTCASoon(); } finally { lcanvas.changePerformed( DasAxis.this, tcaLock ); tcaNeedsPainting= true; tcaIsLoading= false; } } }); } } tcaTimer.tickle("startTcaTimer"); } /** * Add auxiliary data to an axis (usually OrbitAttitude data for a time axis). * This function does the same thing as setDataPath, but with a different interface. * The QFunction must have one input parameter which will be positions on this axis * (e.g. times from a time axis). * @see setDrawTca which turns on additional ticks. * @param f will be called upon to generate auxiliary data sets, or null to disable. */ public synchronized void setTcaFunction( QFunction f ) { QFunction oldF= this.tcaFunction; this.tcaFunction= f; maybeStartTcaTimer(); markDirty("tcaFunction"); update(); this.tcaNeedsPainting= false; this.tcaIsLoading= false; //System.err.println( "line1320 isDirty: "+isDirty() ); firePropertyChange("dataSetDescriptor", null, null ); firePropertyChange("dataPath", null, null ); firePropertyChange("tcaFunction", oldF, f ); } private int tcaRows = -1; public static final String PROP_TCAROWS = "tcaRows"; /** * the explicit number of TCA rows used to allocate space (not including time location). If negative, this is ignored. * @return tcaRows */ public int getTcaRows() { return tcaRows; } /** * the explicit number of additional TCA rows used to allocate space (not including time location). If negative, this is ignored. * @param tcaRows */ public void setTcaRows(int tcaRows) { int oldTcaRows = this.tcaRows; this.tcaRows = tcaRows; update(); firePropertyChange(PROP_TCAROWS, oldTcaRows, tcaRows); } private String tcaLabels=""; public static final String PROP_TCALABELS = "tcaLabels"; public String getTcaLabels() { return tcaLabels; } /** * set the TCA data labels explicitly, using a semi-colon delimited list of labels. * @param tcaLabels */ public void setTcaLabels(String tcaLabels) { String oldTcaLabels = this.tcaLabels; this.tcaLabels = tcaLabels; markDirty("tcaFunction"); update(); firePropertyChange(PROP_TCALABELS, oldTcaLabels, tcaLabels); } /** * update the TCAs using the QFunction this.tcaFunction. We get an example * input from the function, then call it for each tick. We add the property * "CONTEXT_0" to be a BINS dataset indicating the overall range for the * read. */ private void updateTCADataSet() { QFunction ltcaFunction= this.tcaFunction; if ( ltcaFunction==null ) { this.tcaData= null; return; } logger.fine("updateTCADataSet"); if ( valueIsAdjusting() ) { logger.finest("someone is adjusting this, wait until later to call."); return; } Units u= getUnits(); DatumVector tickVDV= getTickV().tickV; if ( !u.isConvertibleTo(tickVDV.getUnits()) ) { return; // transitional state } double[] ltickV = tickVDV.toDoubleArray(u); DDataSet dep0= DDataSet.createRank1(ltickV.length); dep0.putProperty(QDataSet.UNITS,u); logger.log(Level.FINEST, "update for {0} to {1}", new Object[]{tickVDV.get(0), tickVDV.get(tickVDV.getLength()-1)}); try { JoinDataSet ltcaData= new JoinDataSet(2); QDataSet exampleInput= ltcaFunction.exampleInput(); ArrayDataSet ex= ArrayDataSet.copy( exampleInput ); // can be rank 0 or rank 1. QDataSet bds= (QDataSet) ex.property(QDataSet.BUNDLE_0); Units tcaUnits; if ( bds==null ) { logger.info("no bundle descriptor, dealing with it."); tcaUnits= (Units) ex.property( QDataSet.UNITS, 0 ); } else { tcaUnits= (Units)bds.property( QDataSet.UNITS, 0 ); } if ( tcaUnits==null ) tcaUnits=Units.dimensionless; UnitsConverter uc; if ( !u.isConvertibleTo(tcaUnits) ) { logger.info("tca units are not convertable"); return; } uc= UnitsConverter.getConverter( u, tcaUnits ); DatumRange context= getDatumRange(); // this may not contain all the ticks. context= DatumRangeUtil.union( context, u.createDatum( uc.convert(ltickV[0]) ) ); context= DatumRangeUtil.union( context, u.createDatum( uc.convert(ltickV[ltickV.length-1]) ) ); ex.putProperty(QDataSet.CONTEXT_0, 0, org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil.asDataSet( context ) ); QDataSet dx= org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil.asDataSet( getDatumRange().width().divide( getColumn().getWidth() ) ); ex.putProperty( QDataSet.DELTA_PLUS, 0, dx ); ex.putProperty( QDataSet.DELTA_MINUS, 0, dx ); QDataSet outDescriptor=null; QDataSet ticks1= null; JoinDataSet timeDs= new JoinDataSet(ex.rank()+1); for ( int i=0; i0 ) { outDescriptor= Ops.labelsDataset( tcaLabels.split(";") ); ltcaData.putProperty( QDataSet.DEPEND_1, outDescriptor ); } if ( outDescriptor==null ) { outDescriptor= (QDataSet)tickss.property(QDataSet.BUNDLE_1); } ltcaData.putProperty( QDataSet.BUNDLE_1, outDescriptor ); //labels will come from here, units may be null. ltcaData.putProperty( QDataSet.DEPEND_0, dep0 ); this.tcaData= ltcaData; update(); } catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) { //TODO: provide some feedback! //EnumerationUnits eu= EnumerationUnits.create("tcafeedback"); //QDataSet result= Ops.bundle(null,Ops.replicate( Ops.dataset(eu.createDatum("err")), dep0.length() )); //this.tcaData= Ops.link( dep0, result ); logger.log(Level.WARNING, "exception occured while reading tca", ex ); ex.printStackTrace(); this.tcaData= null; //update(); } } /** * TODO: remove this * @deprecated this should not be used. * @return the orientation BOTTOM TOP LEFT RIGHT. */ public final int getDevicePosition() { switch (orientation) { case BOTTOM: return getRow().getDMaximum(); case TOP: return getRow().getDMinimum(); case LEFT: return getColumn().getDMinimum(); default: return getColumn().getDMaximum(); } } /** * return the length of the axis in pixels. * @return returns the length of the axis in pixels. */ public int getDLength() { if (isHorizontal()) { return getColumn().getWidth(); } else { return getRow().getHeight(); } } /** * return the axis this is attached to. * @return the axis this is attached to. */ public DasAxis getMasterAxis() { return dataRange.getCreator(); } /** * attach the axis to another axis, so they will both show the same range, * as with a stack of time axes or with a slice. * @param axis the axis. */ public void attachTo(DasAxis axis) { DataRange oldRange = dataRange; dataRange = axis.dataRange; oldRange.removePropertyChangeListener(PROP_LOG, dataRangePropertyListener); oldRange.removePropertyChangeListener("minimum", dataRangePropertyListener); oldRange.removePropertyChangeListener("maximum", dataRangePropertyListener); oldRange.removePropertyChangeListener(DataRange.PROPERTY_DATUMRANGE, dataRangePropertyListener); dataRange.addPropertyChangeListener(PROP_LOG, dataRangePropertyListener); dataRange.addPropertyChangeListener("minimum", dataRangePropertyListener); dataRange.addPropertyChangeListener("maximum", dataRangePropertyListener); dataRange.addPropertyChangeListener(DataRange.PROPERTY_DATUMRANGE, dataRangePropertyListener); if (oldRange.isLog() != dataRange.isLog()) { firePropertyChange(PROP_LOG, oldRange.isLog(), dataRange.isLog()); } firePropertyChange("minimum", oldRange.getMinimum(), dataRange.getMinimum()); firePropertyChange("maximum", oldRange.getMaximum(), dataRange.getMaximum()); copyFavorites(); copyHistory(); } /** * disconnect this from the common DataRange object that ties this to other * axes, and create a new DataRange. */ public void detach() { dataRange.removePropertyChangeListener(PROP_LOG, dataRangePropertyListener); dataRange.removePropertyChangeListener("minimum", dataRangePropertyListener); dataRange.removePropertyChangeListener("maximum", dataRangePropertyListener); dataRange.removePropertyChangeListener(DataRange.PROPERTY_DATUMRANGE, dataRangePropertyListener); DataRange newRange = new DataRange(this, Datum.create(dataRange.getMinimum(), dataRange.getUnits()), Datum.create(dataRange.getMaximum(), dataRange.getUnits()), dataRange.isLog()); dataRange = newRange; dataRange.addPropertyChangeListener(PROP_LOG, dataRangePropertyListener); dataRange.addPropertyChangeListener("minimum", dataRangePropertyListener); dataRange.addPropertyChangeListener("maximum", dataRangePropertyListener); dataRange.addPropertyChangeListener(DataRange.PROPERTY_DATUMRANGE, dataRangePropertyListener); copyFavorites(); copyHistory(); } /** * return true if this is attached to another axis. * @return true if this is attached to another axis. */ public boolean isAttached() { return this != getMasterAxis(); } /** * return the current set of ticks. * @return the current set of ticks. */ public TickVDescriptor getTickV() { if (tickV == null) { updateTickV(); } return tickV; } /** * convenience method for manually setting the ticks so the user * needn't understand TickVDescriptor. setTickV(null) can be * used to reset the ticks as well as setTickV(null,null). * @param minorTicks the minor ticks, or null (None) for the current minor ticks * @param majorTicks the major ticks, or null (None) to automatic. * @see #setTickV(org.das2.graph.TickVDescriptor) */ public void setTickV( double[] minorTicks, double[] majorTicks ) { if ( majorTicks==null ) { setTickV(null); return; } if ( minorTicks==null ) { minorTicks= getTickV().getMinorTicks().toDoubleArray( getUnits() ); } TickVDescriptor tv= new TickVDescriptor( minorTicks, majorTicks, getUnits() ); setTickV(tv); } /** * add the tick to the current set of major ticks. If the ticks were * automatic, they will now be manual. Note this copies the ticks into * a new array, presuming this is done at most a few tens of times. * @param majorTick tick in the same units as the axis. * @see #setTickV(double[], double[]) */ public void addTickV( Datum majorTick ) { TickVDescriptor tv= getTickV(); double[] minorTicks= tv.minorTickV.toDoubleArray(tv.units); double[] majorTicks= tv.tickV.toDoubleArray(tv.units); double[] newMajorTicks= new double[majorTicks.length+1]; System.arraycopy( majorTicks, 0, newMajorTicks, 0, majorTicks.length ); newMajorTicks[majorTicks.length]= majorTick.doubleValue(tv.units); TickVDescriptor newtv= new TickVDescriptor( minorTicks, newMajorTicks, tv.units ); DatumFormatter f= getUserDatumFormatter(); if ( f==null ) f= getDatumFormatter(); newtv.setFormatter(f); setTickV(newtv); } /** * Sets the TickVDescriptor for this axis. If null is passed in, the * axis will put into autoTickV mode, where the axis will attempt to * determine ticks using an appropriate algorithm. * * @param tickV the new ticks for this axis, or null for automatic */ public void setTickV(TickVDescriptor tickV) { logger.fine("about to lock for setTickV"); synchronized ( this ) { this.tickV = tickV; if (tickV == null) { autoTickV = true; updateTickV(); } else { autoTickV = false; this.datumFormatter= resolveFormatter(tickV); } } if ( dasPlot!=null ) dasPlot.invalidateCacheImage(); update(); } private String tickValues=""; /** * @see #setTickValues(java.lang.String) */ public static final String PROP_TICKVALUES = "tickValues"; public String getTickValues() { return tickValues; } /** * manually set the tick positions or spacing. The following are * examples of accepted settings: * * * * * * * * * *
empty string is automatic behavior
0,45,90,135,180explicit tick positions, in axis units
+45spacing between ticks, parsed with the axis offset units.
+20s/4every 20 seconds, with four minor divisions.
+30s30 seconds spacing between ticks
*10/2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9normal log axis.
*1e2/5,10,50log major ticks should be every two cycles
*5/2,3,4log major ticks at 1,5,25/
noneno ticks
* @see https://cdn.graphpad.com/faq/1910/file/1487logaxes.pdf about log axes. * @see GraphUtil#calculateManualTicks(java.lang.String, org.das2.datum.DatumRange, boolean) * @param ticks */ public void setTickValues(String ticks) { String oldTicks = this.tickValues; this.tickValues = ticks; if ( oldTicks!=null && !oldTicks.equals(ticks) ) { firePropertyChange(PROP_TICKVALUES, oldTicks, ticks); updateTickV(); maybeStartTcaTimer(); if ( dasPlot!=null ) dasPlot.invalidateCacheImage(); } } /** * calculate a set of log spaced ticks. * @param dr the range. * @return the ticks. */ private TickVDescriptor updateTickVLog( DatumRange dr ) { GrannyTextRenderer idlt = GraphUtil.newGrannyTextRenderer(); idlt.setString(this.getTickLabelFont(), "10!U-10"); int nTicksMax; if (isHorizontal()) { nTicksMax = (int) Math.floor(getColumn().getWidth() / (idlt.getWidth())); } else { nTicksMax = (int) Math.floor(getRow().getHeight() / (idlt.getHeight())); } nTicksMax = (nTicksMax < 20) ? nTicksMax : 20; if ( nTicksMax<2 ) nTicksMax= 2; TickVDescriptor tickV1 = TickVDescriptor.bestTickVLogNew( dr.min(), dr.max(), 2, nTicksMax, true); //https://github.com/das-developers/das2java/issues/51 return tickV1; } /** * calculate a set of linear spaced ticks. * @param dr the range. * @return the ticks. */ private TickVDescriptor updateTickVLinear( DatumRange dr ) { TickVDescriptor tickV1; int nTicksMax; int axisSize; if (isHorizontal()) { int tickSizePixels = (int) (getFontMetrics(getTickLabelFont()).stringWidth("0.0000") * 1.5); axisSize = getColumn().getWidth(); nTicksMax = axisSize / tickSizePixels; } else { int tickSizePixels = getFontMetrics(getTickLabelFont()).getHeight() + 6; axisSize = getRow().getHeight(); nTicksMax = axisSize / tickSizePixels; } nTicksMax = (nTicksMax < 7) ? nTicksMax : 7; tickV1 = TickVDescriptor.bestTickVLinear( dr.min(), dr.max(), 3, nTicksMax, false); DatumFormatter tdf = resolveFormatter(tickV1); Rectangle maxBounds = getMaxBounds(tdf, tickV1); if (isHorizontal()) { int tickSizePixels = (int) (maxBounds.width + getEmSize() * 2); nTicksMax = axisSize / tickSizePixels; } else { int tickSizePixels = (int) (maxBounds.height); nTicksMax = axisSize / tickSizePixels; } tickV1 = TickVDescriptor.bestTickVLinear( dr.min(), dr.max(), 3, nTicksMax, true); return tickV1; } private DatumFormatter resolveFormatter(TickVDescriptor tickV) { DatumFormatter udf= getUserDatumFormatter(); if ( udf == null ) { if ( tickV==null ) { return DefaultDatumFormatterFactory.getInstance().defaultFormatter(); } else { return tickV.getFormatter(); } } else { return udf; } } private Rectangle getMaxBounds(DatumFormatter tdf, TickVDescriptor tickV) { String[] granny = tdf.axisFormat(tickV.tickV, getDatumRange()); GrannyTextRenderer idlt = GraphUtil.newGrannyTextRenderer(); Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(); for (String granny1 : granny) { idlt.setString(this.getTickLabelFont(), granny1); bounds.add(idlt.getBounds()); } return bounds; } private boolean hasLabelCollisions(DatumVector major,DatumFormatter df) { if (major.getLength() < 2) { return false; } String[] granny = df.axisFormat(major, getDatumRange()); GrannyTextRenderer idlt = GraphUtil.newGrannyTextRenderer(); Rectangle[] bounds = new Rectangle[granny.length]; for (int i = 0; i < granny.length; i++) { idlt.setString(this.getTickLabelFont(), granny[i]); Rectangle bound = idlt.getBounds(); if (isHorizontal()) { bound.translate((int) transform(major.get(i)), 0); bound.width += getEmSize(); } else { bound.translate(0, (int) transform(major.get(i))); bound.height += getEmSize()/2; } bounds[i] = bound; } Rectangle bound = bounds[0]; boolean intersects = false; for (int i = 1; i < bounds.length; i++) { if (bounds[i].intersects(bound)) { intersects = true; } bound = bounds[i]; } return intersects; } /** * indicate if the ticks are packed too closely. Several consecutive * ticks must be with 4 pixels for the test to fail so that log spacing * is tolerated. * * @param minor * @return */ private boolean hasTickCollisions(DatumVector minor) { if (minor.getLength() < 2) { return false; } int x0 = (int) transform(minor.get(0)); int intersects = 0; for (int i = 1; intersects<8 && i < minor.getLength(); i++) { int x1 = (int) transform(minor.get(i)); if ( x1=8; } private void updateDomainDivider() { DatumRange dr = getDatumRange(); majorTicksDomainDivider= DomainDividerUtil.getDomainDivider( dr.min(), dr.max(), isLog() ); while ( majorTicksDomainDivider.boundaryCount(dr.min(), dr.max() ) > 100 ) { majorTicksDomainDivider= majorTicksDomainDivider.coarserDivider(false); } DatumVector major = majorTicksDomainDivider.boundaries(dr.min(), dr.max()); DatumVector major1 = majorTicksDomainDivider.finerDivider(false).boundaries(dr.min(), dr.max()); DatumFormatter df; df = DomainDividerUtil.getDatumFormatter(majorTicksDomainDivider, dr); while ( !hasLabelCollisions(major1,df)) { majorTicksDomainDivider = majorTicksDomainDivider.finerDivider(false); if ( majorTicksDomainDivider.boundaryCount( dr.min(), dr.max() ) <=1 ) { continue; } df = DomainDividerUtil.getDatumFormatter(majorTicksDomainDivider, dr); major= major1; major1 = majorTicksDomainDivider.finerDivider(false).boundaries(dr.min(), dr.max()); } while ( hasLabelCollisions(major,df)) { majorTicksDomainDivider = majorTicksDomainDivider.coarserDivider(false); df = DomainDividerUtil.getDatumFormatter(majorTicksDomainDivider, dr); major = majorTicksDomainDivider.boundaries(dr.min(), dr.max()); } while (major.getLength() < 2) { majorTicksDomainDivider = majorTicksDomainDivider.finerDivider(false); major = majorTicksDomainDivider.boundaries(dr.min(), dr.max()); df = DomainDividerUtil.getDatumFormatter(majorTicksDomainDivider, dr); } DomainDivider minorTickDivider= majorTicksDomainDivider; DatumVector minor = major; DatumVector minor1 = minorTickDivider.finerDivider(true).boundaries(dr.min(), dr.max()); while ( ! hasTickCollisions(minor1) ) { minorTickDivider= minorTickDivider.finerDivider(true); minor= minor1; minor1= minorTickDivider.finerDivider(true).boundaries(dr.min(), dr.max()); } //while ( ! hasTickCollisions(minor1) ) { //if ( ! hasTickCollisions(minor1) ) { //minorTickDivider= minorTickDivider.finerDivider(true); //minor= minor1; //minor1= minorTickDivider.finerDivider(true).boundaries(dr.min(), dr.max()); //} minorTickDivider.boundaries(dr.min(), dr.max()); this.minorTicksDomainDivider= minorTickDivider; this.tickV = TickVDescriptor.newTickVDescriptor(major, minor); dividerDatumFormatter= DomainDividerUtil.getDatumFormatter(majorTicksDomainDivider, dr); datumFormatter = resolveFormatter(tickV); } /** * calculate a set of linear spaced ticks based on the DomainDivider class. * @param dr the range. * @return the ticks. */ private TickVDescriptor updateTickVDomainDivider( DatumRange dr ) { try { long nminor= minorTicksDomainDivider.boundaryCount( dr.min(), dr.max() ); while ( nminor>=DomainDivider.MAX_BOUNDARIES ) { //TODO: what should we do here? Transitional state? return this.tickV; } DatumVector major = majorTicksDomainDivider.boundaries(dr.min(), dr.max()); DatumVector minor = minorTicksDomainDivider.boundaries(dr.min(), dr.max()); TickVDescriptor tickV1 = TickVDescriptor.newTickVDescriptor(major, minor); tickV1.datumFormatter= dividerDatumFormatter; return tickV1; } catch ( InconvertibleUnitsException ex ) { // it's okay to do nothing. return tickV; } } /** * calculate a set of time ticks. * @param dr the range. * @return the ticks. */ private TickVDescriptor updateTickVTime( DatumRange dr ) { int nTicksMax; Datum pixel = dr.width().divide(getDLength()); DatumFormatter tdf; TickVDescriptor ltickV; FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(getTickLabelFont()); if (isHorizontal()) { // two passes to avoid clashes -- not guarenteed ltickV = TickVDescriptor.bestTickVTime(dr.min().subtract(pixel), dr.max().add(pixel), 3, 8, false); tdf = resolveFormatter(ltickV); Rectangle bounds = getMaxBounds(tdf, ltickV); int tickSizePixels = (int) (bounds.width + getEmSize() * 2); if (drawTca) { String item = format(99999.99, "(f8.2)"); int width = fm.stringWidth(item) + (int) (getEmSize() * 2); if (width > tickSizePixels) { tickSizePixels = width; } } int axisSize = getColumn().getWidth(); nTicksMax = Math.max(2, axisSize / tickSizePixels); ltickV = TickVDescriptor.bestTickVTime( dr.min(), dr.max(), 2, nTicksMax, false); tdf = resolveFormatter(ltickV); bounds = getMaxBounds(tdf, ltickV); tickSizePixels = (int) (bounds.getWidth() + getEmSize() * 2); if (drawTca) { String item = format(99999.99, "(f8.2)"); int width = fm.stringWidth(item); if (width > tickSizePixels) { tickSizePixels = width; } } //nTicksMax = (int) Math.floor( 0.2 + 1.* axisSize / tickSizePixels ); nTicksMax = (nTicksMax > 1 ? nTicksMax : 2); nTicksMax = (nTicksMax < 10 ? nTicksMax : 10); boolean overlap = true; while (overlap && nTicksMax > 2) { ltickV = TickVDescriptor.bestTickVTime( dr.min(), dr.max(), 2, nTicksMax, false); if (ltickV.getMajorTicks().getLength() <= 1) { // we're about to have an assertion error, time to debug; logger.log(Level.INFO, "about to assert error: {0}", ltickV.getMajorTicks()); } assert (ltickV.getMajorTicks().getLength() > 1); tdf = resolveFormatter(ltickV); bounds = getMaxBounds(tdf, ltickV); tickSizePixels = (int) (bounds.getWidth() + getEmSize() * 2); double x0 = transform(ltickV.getMajorTicks().get(0)); double x1 = transform(ltickV.getMajorTicks().get(1)); if (x1 - x0 > tickSizePixels) { overlap = false; } else { nTicksMax = nTicksMax - 1; } } ltickV = TickVDescriptor.bestTickVTime( dr.min(), dr.max(), 2, nTicksMax, true); } else { int tickSizePixels = fm.getHeight(); int axisSize = getRow().getHeight(); nTicksMax = axisSize / tickSizePixels; nTicksMax = (nTicksMax > 1 ? nTicksMax : 2); nTicksMax = (nTicksMax < 10 ? nTicksMax : 10); ltickV = TickVDescriptor.bestTickVTime( dr.min(), dr.max(), 3, nTicksMax, true); } datumFormatter = resolveFormatter(ltickV); return ltickV; } /** * update the TCA (ephemeris) axis on the current thread. * The lock will have pendingChange and changePerformed with it. */ private void updateTCAImmediately( ) { logger.fine("enter updateTCAImmediately..."); synchronized (this) { logger.fine("...got lock."); final DasProgressWheel tcaProgress= new DasProgressWheel(); tcaProgress.started(); Runnable run= () -> { tcaProgress.getPanel(DasAxis.this); }; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(run); try { updateTCADataSet(); } finally { tcaProgress.finished(); repaint(); } } } final Object tcaLock= "tcaload_"+this.getDasName(); /** * update the TCA dataset. This will load the TCAs on a RequestProcessor thread sometime soon. */ private void updateTCASoon() { final DasCanvas lcanvas= getCanvas(); logger.log(Level.FINE, "updateTCASoon {0}", lcanvas); if ( lcanvas!=null ) { tcaIsLoading= true; lcanvas.registerPendingChange( this, tcaLock ); RequestProcessor.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { lcanvas.performingChange( DasAxis.this, tcaLock ); try { updateTCAImmediately( ); } finally { lcanvas.changePerformed( DasAxis.this, tcaLock ); tcaIsLoading= false; } } }, DasAxis.this ); } } /** * call-back for TickMaster * @param ticks the new ticks. */ protected void resetTickV( TickVDescriptor ticks ) { TickVDescriptor oldTicks = this.tickV; boolean doUpdateTicks= true; // false results in failure to update ticks in tests. if ( oldTicks!=null && ticks!=null && oldTicks.minorTickV.getLength()==ticks.minorTickV.getLength() ) { for ( int i=0; i { lcanvas.changePerformed( DasAxis.this, tcaLock ); tcaIsLoading= false; }); } } firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_TICKS, oldTicks, this.tickV); repaint(); } } private boolean getAutoTickV() { return autoTickV; } /** * return the number of minor ticks for the spacing. This should be * return by searching for the first two factors. * @param dt the step size * @return the number of minor ticks */ private int updateTickVManualTicksMinor( double dt ) { int scale= (int)Math.log10(dt); dt= dt/Math.pow(10,scale); if ( (int)dt!=dt ) dt= dt*10; int idt= (int)dt; switch ( idt ) { case 1: return 4; case 2: return 4; case 3: return 3; case 4: return 4; case 5: return 5; case 6: return 3; //case 15: return 3; //case 45: return 3; //case 25: return 5; default: { int[] factors= Factorize.factor( idt, new int[0] ); int result= 1; for ( int i=0; i3 ) return result; result*= factors[i]; } return 1; } } } protected void updateTickVManualTicks(String lticks) { TickVDescriptor ticks= GraphUtil.calculateManualTicks( lticks, this.getDatumRange(), this.isLog() ); TickMaster.getInstance().offerTickV( this, ticks ); this.tickV= ticks; // note ticks might be null. } /** * recalculate the tick positions. */ protected void updateTickV() { boolean lautoTickV= autoTickV; String lticks= tickValues; DatumRange dr= getDatumRange(); if ( !dr.min().isFinite() || !dr.max().isFinite() ) { logger.info( "range is not finite..."); return; } if (!valueIsAdjusting()) { if ( getFont()==null ) return; if ( lticks.trim().length()>0 ) { updateTickVManualTicks(lticks); if ( this.tickV!=null ) return; } //if ( getCanvas()==null || getCanvas().getHeight()==0 ) return; //if ( ( isHorizontal() ? getColumn().getWidth() : getRow().getHeight() ) < 2 ) return; // canvas is not sized yet if ( useDomainDivider ) { if ( lockDomainDivider ) { logger.finer("domain divider is locked."); } else { updateDomainDivider(); //TODO: doesn't consider width of TCAs. } } else { this.majorTicksDomainDivider= null; } if (lautoTickV) { if ( getDatumRange().width().value()==0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("datum range width is zero" ); } if (majorTicksDomainDivider != null) { TickVDescriptor newTicks= updateTickVDomainDivider(dr); TickMaster.getInstance().offerTickV( this, newTicks ); } else { TickVDescriptor newTicks; //synchronized ( tickLock ) { // deadlock observed here with JMC. if (getUnits() instanceof TimeLocationUnits) { newTicks= updateTickVTime(dr); } else if (dataRange.isLog()) { newTicks= updateTickVLog(dr); } else { newTicks= updateTickVLinear(dr); } //} //resetTickV(newTicks); if ( this.tickV==null ) resetTickV( newTicks ); // transition cases, pngwalk. TickMaster.getInstance().offerTickV( this, newTicks ); } } } else { if ( lticks.trim().length()>0 ) { updateTickVManualTicks(lticks); if ( this.tickV!=null ) return; } if (lautoTickV) { try { if (majorTicksDomainDivider != null) { TickVDescriptor newTicks= updateTickVDomainDivider(dr); TickMaster.getInstance().offerTickV( this, newTicks ); } else { TickVDescriptor newTicks; if (getUnits() instanceof TimeLocationUnits) { newTicks= updateTickVTime(dr); } else if (dataRange.isLog()) { newTicks= updateTickVLog(dr); } else { newTicks= updateTickVLinear(dr); } //resetTickV(newTicks); if ( this.tickV==null ) this.tickV= newTicks; // transition cases TickMaster.getInstance().offerTickV( this, newTicks ); } } catch ( NullPointerException ex ) { logger.log( Level.WARNING, ex.toString(), ex ); } } } } // private String errorMessage; // // /** // * checks the validity of the state, setting variable errorMessage to non-null if there is a problem. // */ // private void checkState() { // double dmin = getDataMinimum(dataRange.getUnits()); // double dmax = getDataMaximum(dataRange.getUnits()); // // String em = ""; // // if (Double.isNaN(dmin)) { // em += "dmin is NaN, "; // } // if (Double.isNaN(dmax)) { // em += "dmax is NaN, "; // } // if (Double.isInfinite(dmin)) { // em += "dmin is infinite, "; // } // if (Double.isInfinite(dmax)) { // em += "dmax is infinite, "; // } // if (dmin >= dmax) { // em += "min => max, "; // } // if (dataRange.isLog() && dmin <= 0) { // em += "min<= 0 and log, "; // } // // if (em.length() == 0) { // this.errorMessage = null; // } else { // this.errorMessage = em; // } // } /** * paints the axis component. The tickV's and bounds should be calculated at this point * @param graphics the graphics context. */ @Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics graphics) { logger.finest("enter DasAxis.paintComponent"); DasCanvas canvas= getCanvas(); if (canvas.isValueAdjusting()) { return; } // prevent incorrect clip if ( canvas.getHeight()!=parentHeight && parentHeight<100 ) { return; } if ( canvas.getWidth()!=parentWidth && parentWidth<100 ) return; try { updateTickLength(); } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } /* This was code was keeping axes from being printed on PC's Shape saveClip = null; if (getCanvas().isPrintingThread()) { saveClip = graphics.getClip(); graphics.setClip(null); } */ if ( this.lineThickness.length()>0 && !this.lineThickness.equals("1px") ) { logger.finer("disabling clip for thicker axis"); //graphics.setClip(null); ((Graphics2D)graphics).setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON ); } logger.log(Level.FINEST, "DasAxis clip={0} @ {1},{2}", new Object[]{graphics.getClip(), getX(), getY()}); // Here's an effective way to debug axis bounds: // if ( "axis_0".equals( getDasName() ) ) { // System.err.println("DasAxis clip=" + graphics.getClip() + " @ " + getX() + "," + getY()); // Rectangle rr= graphics.getClip().getBounds(); // if ( rr.getHeight()==376 ) { // System.err.println(" here"); // //return; // } else { // System.err.println(" here2"); // //return; // } // graphics.drawRoundRect( rr.x, rr.y, rr.width, rr.height, 30, 30 ); // } Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) graphics.create(); //g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_SPEED); //g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF); //g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_OFF); g.translate(-getX(), -getY()); g.setColor(getForeground()); double px= 1.0; if ( this.lineThickness.length()>0 && !this.lineThickness.equals("1px") ) { px= DasDevicePosition.parseLayoutStr( this.lineThickness, getEmSize(), getCanvas().getWidth(), 1. ); g.setStroke( new BasicStroke((float)px, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND) ); } int ipx= (int)Math.ceil(px/2); /* Debugging code */ /* The compiler will optimize it out if DEBUG_GRAPHICS == false */ if (DEBUG_GRAPHICS) { Stroke stroke0= g.getStroke(); g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, 1f, new float[]{3f, 3f}, 0f)); g.setColor(Color.BLUE); if (blLabelRect != null) { g.draw(blLabelRect); } g.setColor(Color.RED); if (blLineRect != null) { g.draw(blLineRect); } g.setColor(Color.GREEN); if (blTickRect != null) { g.draw(blTickRect); } g.setColor(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); if (blTitleRect != null) { g.draw(blTitleRect); } g.setColor(Color.BLUE); if (trLabelRect != null) { g.draw(trLabelRect); } g.setColor(Color.RED); if (trLineRect != null) { g.draw(trLineRect); } g.setColor(Color.GREEN); if (trTickRect != null) { g.draw(trTickRect); } g.setColor(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); if (trTitleRect != null) { g.draw(trTitleRect); } g.setStroke( stroke0 ); Rectangle r= getBounds(); if ( r!=null ) { g.setColor( org.das2.util.ColorUtil.CHOCOLATE ); r.width= r.width-1; r.height= r.height-1; g.draw(r); } g.setColor( DEBUG_COLORS[ (debugColorIndex++) % 2 ] ); } /* End debugging code */ TickVDescriptor tickV1; tickV1= this.tickV; //findbugs IS2_INCONSISTENT_SYNC. This caused deadlock. I think accessing tickV once is a correct fix and doesn't need to be synchronized. if (tickV1 == null || tickV1.tickV.getUnits().isConvertibleTo(getUnits())) { if (isHorizontal()) { paintHorizontalAxis(g); } else { paintVerticalAxis(g); } } else { if ( getCanvas().isPrintingThread() ) { this.updateImmediately(); g.setClip(null); logger.info("calculated ticks on printing thread, this may cause problems"); if (isHorizontal()) { paintHorizontalAxis(g); } else { paintVerticalAxis(g); } } } Rectangle clip = g.getClipBounds(); if (clip == null) { clip = new Rectangle(getX()-ipx, getY()-ipx, getWidth()+2*ipx, getHeight()+2*ipx); } else { clip = new Rectangle( clip.x-ipx, clip.y-ipx, clip.width+2*ipx, clip.height+2*ipx); } if (drawTca && getOrientation() == BOTTOM && tcaData != null && blLabelRect != null && blLabelRect.intersects(clip)) { int position = getRow().getDMaximum(); int DMin = getColumn().getDMinimum(); Font tickLabelFont = getTickLabelFont(); FontMetrics tickLabelFontMetrics = getFontMetrics(tickLabelFont); int tickLength = this.tickLen; int tick_label_gap = this.tickLen/ 2; if ( tick_label_gapi ) { idlt.setString( g, dds.slice(i).svalue() ); } else { idlt.setString( g, "???" ); } } else { if ( bds==null ) { idlt.setString( g, "???" ); } else { String label= (String) bds.property( QDataSet.LABEL, i ) ; if ( label==null ) label= (String) bds.property( QDataSet.NAME, i ); if ( label==null ) { idlt.setString( g, "????" ); // This shouldn't happen, but does... We need to check earlier } else { idlt.setString( g, label ); } } } width = (int) Math.floor(idlt.getWidth() + 0.5); leftEdge = rightEdge - width; idlt.draw(g, (float) leftEdge, (float) baseLine); } } } boolean drawBounds= false; if ( drawBounds ) { Rectangle b= getAxisBounds(); g.setColor( Color.GREEN ); g.draw( new Rectangle( b.x, b.y, b.width-1, b.height-1 ) ); g.setFont( Font.decode("sans-10") ); g.drawString( String.format("%dx%d",b.width,b.height), b.x+2, b.y+b.height-3 ); } g.dispose(); getDasMouseInputAdapter().paint(graphics); /* This was code was keeping axes from being printed on PC's if (getCanvas().isPrintingThread()) { g.setClip(saveClip); } */ } private String resolveString( String text, String name, String value ) { if ( text.contains("%{" ) ) { text= text.replaceAll("%\\{"+name+"\\}", value ); } else if ( text.contains("$(") ) { text= text.replaceAll("\\$\\("+name+"\\)", value ); } return text; } private String resolveAxisLabel() { String result= resolveString( axisLabel, "UNITS", getDatumRange().getUnits().toString() ); DatumRange dr= getDatumRange(); String sdr; if ( UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation( dr.getUnits() ) ) { sdr= DatumRangeUtil.formatTimeRange(dr,true); } else { sdr= dr.toString(); } if ( dr instanceof OrbitDatumRange ) { String abbrevName= ((OrbitDatumRange)dr).toString(); String[] ss= abbrevName.split(":"); if ( abbrevName.split(":").length>3 ) { abbrevName= ss[0]+":"+ss[ss.length-1]; } sdr= sdr+" ("+abbrevName +")"; } result= resolveString( result, "RANGE", sdr ); result= resolveString( result, "SCAN_RANGE", String.valueOf(getScanRange()) ); return result; } /** * Paint the axis if it is horizontal * @param g the graphics context */ protected void paintHorizontalAxis(Graphics2D g) { try { Rectangle clip = g.getClipBounds(); if (clip == null) { clip = new Rectangle(getX(), getY(), getWidth(), getHeight()); } boolean loppositeAxisVisible= this.oppositeAxisVisible; if ( loppositeAxisVisible ) { DasPlot otherPlot= getCanvas().otherPlotOnTop(this); if ( otherPlot!=null ) { if ( otherPlot.getXAxis().getOrientation()!=this.getOrientation() && otherPlot.getXAxis().isVisible() ) { loppositeAxisVisible= false; } } } boolean bottomLine = ((orientation == BOTTOM || loppositeAxisVisible) && blLineRect != null && blLineRect.intersects(clip)); boolean bottomTicks = ((orientation == BOTTOM || loppositeAxisVisible) && blTickRect != null && blTickRect.intersects(clip)); boolean bottomTickLabels = ((orientation == BOTTOM && tickLabelsVisible) && blLabelRect != null && blLabelRect.intersects(clip)); boolean bottomLabel = ((orientation == BOTTOM && !axisLabel.equals("")) ); // && blTitleRect != null && blTitleRect.intersects(clip)); boolean topLine = ((orientation == TOP || loppositeAxisVisible) && trLineRect != null && trLineRect.intersects(clip)); boolean topTicks = ((orientation == TOP || loppositeAxisVisible) && trTickRect != null && trTickRect.intersects(clip)); boolean topTickLabels = ((orientation == TOP && tickLabelsVisible) && trLabelRect != null && trLabelRect.intersects(clip)); boolean topLabel = ((orientation == TOP && !axisLabel.equals("")) && trTitleRect != null && trTitleRect.intersects(clip)); int axisOffsetPx= getAxisOffsetPixels(); int topPosition = getRow().getDMinimum(); int bottomPosition = getRow().getDMaximum() + axisOffsetPx; int DMax = getColumn().getDMaximum(); int DMin = getColumn().getDMinimum(); TickVDescriptor ticks = getTickV(); if ( getCanvas().isPrintingThread() ) { // check that the ticks are up-to-date. autoplot_test033 showed this was happening. if ( ticks!=null ) { DatumVector majorTicks = ticks.getMajorTicks(); if ( majorTicks.getLength()>0 ) { DatumRange x= DatumRangeUtil.union( majorTicks.get(0), majorTicks.get(majorTicks.getLength()-1)); boolean recalcTicks= false; DatumRange thisDatumRange= this.getDatumRange(); if ( x.intersects(thisDatumRange) ) { if ( x.intersection(thisDatumRange).width().divide( thisDatumRange.width() ).value()<0.3 ) { recalcTicks= true; } } else { recalcTicks= true; } if ( recalcTicks ) { logger.fine("last ditch effort to get useful ticks that we didn't get before because of thread order"); TickVDescriptor ticks2= TickMaster.getInstance().requestTickV(this); if ( ticks2!=null ) ticks= ticks2; majorTicks = ticks.getMajorTicks(); x= DatumRangeUtil.union( majorTicks.get(0), majorTicks.get(majorTicks.getLength()-1)); if ( x.intersects(thisDatumRange) ) { if ( x.intersection(thisDatumRange).width().divide( thisDatumRange.width() ).value()<0.3 ) { recalcTicks= true; } } else { recalcTicks= true; } if ( recalcTicks ) { System.err.println("still doesn't fit, see https://sourceforge.net/p/autoplot/bugs/1820/"); ticks2= TickMaster.getInstance().requestTickV(this); // fun grins and debugging. } } } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ticks are not calculated"); } } if ( DMax-DMin < 2 ) { return; } if (bottomLine) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "draw H bottomLine at {0}", bottomPosition); g.drawLine(DMin, bottomPosition, DMax, bottomPosition); } if (topLine) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "draw H topLine at {0}", topPosition); g.drawLine(DMin, topPosition, DMax, topPosition); } // if there are reference lines requested, then draw them. if ( !(reference.length()==0) ) { String[] rr= reference.split(",",-2); for ( String r: rr ) { r= r.trim(); if ( r.length()>0 ) { try { Datum dreference; dreference = dataRange.getUnits().parse(r); float d= (float)transform(dreference); if ( d>DMin && d>"+axislabel1+"<<", clip.x, clip.y + g2.getFontMetrics().getHeight() ); gtr.draw(g2, (float) clip.x, (float) clip.y + g2.getFontMetrics().getHeight()*2 ); g2.drawString( ""+baseline+ " "+bottomPosition+ " " +titlePositionOffset + " "+bottomLabel, clip.x, clip.y + 3*g2.getFontMetrics().getHeight() ); } if (bottomLabel) { leftEdge = DMin + (DMax - DMin - titleWidth) / 2; baseline = bottomPosition + titlePositionOffset; boolean drawBack=isOpaqueBackground(); if ( drawBack ) { Rectangle2D back= gtr.getBounds2D(); back= new Rectangle2D.Double( leftEdge+back.getX(), baseline+back.getY(), back.getWidth(), back.getHeight() ); Color c0= g2.getColor(); g2.setColor(Color.WHITE); g2.fill(back); g2.setColor(c0); } gtr.draw(g2, (float) leftEdge, (float) baseline); } if ( debugBoundsBox ) { leftEdge = DMin + (DMax - DMin - titleWidth) / 2; baseline = bottomPosition + titlePositionOffset; g2.drawLine( clip.x, clip.y, (int)leftEdge, (int)baseline ); } if (topLabel) { leftEdge = DMin + (DMax - DMin - titleWidth) / 2; baseline = topPosition - titlePositionOffset; gtr.draw(g2, (float) leftEdge, (float) baseline); } g2.dispose(); } } catch (InconvertibleUnitsException ex) { // do nothing } } /** * return the offset of the axis from the plot, as specified by the axisOffset property. * @return the offset of the axis from the plot */ private int getAxisOffsetPixels() { int axisOffsetPx=0; try { double[] pos = DasDevicePosition.parseLayoutStr(getAxisOffset()); if ( pos[0]==0 ) { axisOffsetPx = (int) ( Math.round( pos[1]*getEmSize() + pos[2] ) ); // make independent from row layout for initialization. } else { axisOffsetPx = (int) (Math.round( pos[0]*getRow().getHeight() + pos[1]*getEmSize() + pos[2] )); } } catch ( ParseException ex ) { logger.warning(ex.getMessage()); return 0; } return axisOffsetPx; } /** * Paint the vertical axis * @param g the graphics context */ protected void paintVerticalAxis(Graphics2D g) { try { Rectangle clip = g.getClipBounds(); if (clip == null) { clip = new Rectangle(getX(), getY(), getWidth(), getHeight()); } boolean loppositeAxisVisible= this.oppositeAxisVisible; if ( loppositeAxisVisible ) { DasPlot otherPlot= getCanvas().otherPlotOnTop(this); if ( otherPlot!=null ) { if ( otherPlot.getYAxis().getOrientation()!=this.getOrientation() && otherPlot.getXAxis().isVisible() ) { loppositeAxisVisible= false; } } } boolean leftLine = ((orientation == LEFT || loppositeAxisVisible) && blLineRect != null && blLineRect.intersects(clip)); boolean leftTicks = ((orientation == LEFT || loppositeAxisVisible) && blTickRect != null && blTickRect.intersects(clip)); boolean leftTickLabels = ((orientation == LEFT && tickLabelsVisible) && blLabelRect != null && blLabelRect.intersects(clip)); boolean leftLabel = ((orientation == LEFT && !axisLabel.equals("")) && blTitleRect != null && blTitleRect.intersects(clip)); boolean rightLine = ((orientation == RIGHT || loppositeAxisVisible) && trLineRect != null && trLineRect.intersects(clip)); boolean rightTicks = ((orientation == RIGHT || loppositeAxisVisible) && trTickRect != null && trTickRect.intersects(clip)); boolean rightTickLabels = ((orientation == RIGHT && tickLabelsVisible) && trLabelRect != null && trLabelRect.intersects(clip)); boolean rightLabel = ((orientation == RIGHT && !axisLabel.equals("")) && trTitleRect != null && trTitleRect.intersects(clip)); int leftPosition = getColumn().getDMinimum(); int rightPosition = getColumn().getDMaximum(); int DMax = getRow().getDMaximum(); int DMin = getRow().getDMinimum(); TickVDescriptor ticks = getTickV(); if ( DMax-DMin<2 ) { return; } if ( ticks==null ) { logger.fine("ticks are not ready"); return; } int axisOffsetPx= getAxisOffsetPixels(); if (leftLine) { leftPosition= leftPosition - axisOffsetPx; logger.log(Level.FINER, "draw V leftline at {0}", leftPosition); g.drawLine(leftPosition, DMin, leftPosition, DMax); } if (rightLine) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "draw V rightline at {0}", rightPosition); g.drawLine(rightPosition, DMin, rightPosition, DMax); } if ( !(reference.length()==0) ) { String[] rr= reference.split(",",-2); for ( String r: rr ) { r= r.trim(); if ( r.length()>0 ) { Datum dreference; try { dreference = dataRange.getUnits().parse(r); float f= (float)transform(dreference); if ( f>DMin && f0 ) { offset = tickLabelFont.getSize() + zeroOrPosTickLen + fm.stringWidth(" ") + labelFont.getSize() + labelFont.getSize() / 2; } else { offset = labelFont.getSize() + labelFont.getSize() / 2; } if ( drawTca && tcaData != null ) { offset += Math.min( MAX_TCA_LINES, tcaData.length(0) ) * (tickLabelFont.getSize() + getLineSpacing()); } else if ( formatString.length()>0 ) { offset += blLabelRect.height - ( 2 *( tickLabelFont.getSize() + getLineSpacing() ) ); } if ( labelOffset.length()>0 && axisLabel.length()>0 ) { offset= tickLabelFont.getSize() + (int)DasDevicePosition.parseLayoutStr( labelOffset, getEmSize(), getRow().getHeight(), 0 ); } break; case TOP: offset = zeroOrPosTickLen + fm.stringWidth(" ") + labelFont.getSize() + labelFont.getSize() / 2 + (int) gtr.getDescent(); break; case LEFT: //offset = zeroOrPosTickLen + (int)this.blLabelRect.getWidth() + fm.stringWidth(" ") + labelFont.getSize() / 2 + (int) gtr.getDescent(); if ( tickV!=null && tickV.minorTickV.getLength()>0 ) { offset = getColumn().getDMinimum() - blLabelRect.x + labelFont.getSize() / 2 + (int) gtr.getDescent() - getAxisOffsetPixels(); } else { offset = getColumn().getDMinimum() - blLabelRect.x - getAxisOffsetPixels(); } break; default: if ( trLabelRect==null ) { offset= 20; } else { offset = this.trLabelRect.x + this.trLabelRect.width - getColumn().getDMaximum() + labelFont.getSize() / 2 + (int) (flipLabel ? gtr.getAscent() : gtr.getDescent()); } break; } return offset; } /** * calculate the spacing (whitespace) between the TCA items. * @return the spacing between lines. */ public int getLineSpacing() { return getTickLabelFont().getSize() / 4; } /** * Draw each label of the axis. * @param g graphics context * @param value value to look up. * @param label the label * @param index the index. The default does not use this, but overriding methods may use it. * @param x tick position relative to the canvas * @param y tick position relative to the canvas */ protected void drawLabel(Graphics2D g, Datum value, String label, int index, int x, int y) { if (!tickLabelsVisible) { return; } g.setFont(getTickLabelFont()); GrannyTextRenderer idlt = GraphUtil.newGrannyTextRenderer(); idlt.setString(g, label); int width; width = (int) (isHorizontal() ? idlt.getLineOneWidth() : idlt.getWidth()); int height = (int) idlt.getHeight(); int ascent = (int) idlt.getAscent(); int tick_label_gap = tickLen/2; //getFontMetrics(getTickLabelFont()).stringWidth(" "); if ( tick_label_gap= ltcaData.length() ) { return; } pixelSize = getDatumRange().width().divide(getDLength()).doubleValue( getUnits().getOffsetUnits() ); if (ltcaData.length() == 0) { g.drawString("tca data is empty", leftEdge, baseLine); return; } tcaValue = dep0.value(index); //Added in to say take nearest nieghbor as long as the distance to the nieghbor is //not more than the xtagwidth. QDataSet xTagWidth = org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil.guessCadenceNew( dep0, null ); double limit; try { UnitsConverter uc= UnitsConverter.getConverter( SemanticOps.getUnits(dep0).getOffsetUnits(), getUnits().getOffsetUnits() ); limit = Math.max( uc.convert( xTagWidth.value() ), pixelSize ); //DANGER: check that this is correct } catch ( InconvertibleUnitsException ex ) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException( ex ); } if (Math.abs(tcaValue - value.doubleValue(getUnits())) > limit) { //TODO:suspicious return; } Font tickLabelFont = getTickLabelFont(); FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(tickLabelFont); int lineHeight = tickLabelFont.getSize() + getLineSpacing(); int lines= Math.min( MAX_TCA_LINES, ltcaData.length(0) ); for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) { try { baseLine += lineHeight; QDataSet test1= ltcaData.slice(index); QDataSet v1= ArrayDataSet.copy( test1.slice(i) ); String item; item= org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil.getStringValue( v1, v1.value() ); width = fm.stringWidth(item); leftEdge = rightEdge - width; g.drawString(item, leftEdge, baseLine); } catch ( RuntimeException ex ) { if ( i==0 ) { ex.printStackTrace(); } g.drawString("exception",leftEdge, baseLine); } } } /** * get the font for tick labels. If the component currently has null for the * font, then Font.decode("sans-12") is used and a warning logged. * @return the font to use for ticks. */ public Font getTickLabelFont() { Font f= this.getFont(); if ( f==null ) { //logger.warning("2285: font was null, using sans-12. Code should check first."); f= Font.decode("sans-12"); } return f; } /** * get the font for labels. If the component currently has null for the * font, then Font.decode("sans-12") is used. * @return the font to use for labels. */ public Font getLabelFont() { Font f= this.getFont(); if ( f==null ) { logger.warning("2285: font was null, using sans-12"); f= Font.decode("sans-12"); } if ( fontSize.length()>0 && !fontSize.equals("1em") ) { try { double[] dd= DasDevicePosition.parseLayoutStr(getFontSize()); if ( dd[1]==1 && dd[2]==0 ) { // do nothing } else { double parentSize= f.getSize2D(); double newSize= dd[1]*parentSize + dd[2]; f= f.deriveFont((float)newSize); return f; } } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return f; } private String fontSize = "1em"; public static final String PROP_FONTSIZE = "fontSize"; public String getFontSize() { return fontSize; } public void setFontSize(String fontSize) { String oldFontSize = this.fontSize; this.fontSize = fontSize; firePropertyChange(PROP_FONTSIZE, oldFontSize, fontSize); } /** * class for storing an axis transform. This is used to keep track * of the cache image in DasPlot. */ public static class Memento { private DatumRange range; private int dmin, dmax; private boolean log; private boolean flipped; private boolean horizontal; @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 5; hash = 29 * hash + (this.range != null ? this.range.hashCode() : 0); hash = 29 * hash + this.dmin; hash = 29 * hash + this.dmax; hash = 29 * hash + ( this.log ? 1 : 0 ); hash = 29 * hash + ( this.flipped ? 1 : 0 ); hash = 29 * hash + ( this.horizontal ? 1 : 0 ); return hash; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if ( o==null || !( o instanceof Memento) ) { return false; } else { Memento m = (Memento) o; return this == m || (this.range.equals(m.range) && this.dmin == m.dmin && this.dmax == m.dmax && this.log == m.log && this.flipped == m.flipped && this.horizontal == m.horizontal ); } } @Override public String toString() { return (log ? "log " : "") + range.toString() + " (" + ( DatumUtil.asOrderOneUnits(range.width()).toString() ) + ") " + (dmax - dmin) + " pixels @ " + dmin; } } /** * get the memento object which identifies the state of the axis transformation. * @return the momento. */ public Memento getMemento() { Memento result = new Memento(); result.range = this.getDatumRange(); if (isHorizontal()) { if (getColumn() != DasColumn.NULL) { result.dmin = getColumn().getDMinimum(); result.dmax = getColumn().getDMaximum(); } else { result.dmin = 0; result.dmax = 0; } } else { if (getRow() != DasRow.NULL) { result.dmin = getRow().getDMinimum(); result.dmax = getRow().getDMaximum(); } else { result.dmin = 0; result.dmax = 0; } } result.log = this.isLog(); result.flipped = flipped; result.horizontal = this.isHorizontal(); return result; } /** * return the AffineTransform, or null. The transform will be applied after the input * transform is applied. So to just get the transform, pass in identity. * @param memento memento from another axis state. * @param at initial transform * @return the transform from that state to this state, or null if no transform can be created. */ public AffineTransform getAffineTransform(Memento memento, AffineTransform at) { if (at == null) { return null; } if (memento.log != isLog()) { return null; } if (memento.flipped != flipped) { return null; } if (!memento.range.getUnits().isConvertibleTo(getUnits())) { return null; } //TODO: remove cut-n-paste code //return getAffineTransform(memento.range, false, at); double dmin0, dmax0; dmin0 = transform(memento.range.min()); dmax0 = transform(memento.range.max()); double scale2 = (0. + getMemento().dmin - getMemento().dmax) / (memento.dmin - memento.dmax); double trans2 = -1 * memento.dmin * scale2 + getMemento().dmin; if ( dmin0==DEVICE_POSITIVE_LIMIT || dmin0==-DEVICE_POSITIVE_LIMIT | dmax0==DEVICE_POSITIVE_LIMIT | dmax0==DEVICE_POSITIVE_LIMIT ) { logger.fine("unable to create transform in getAffineTransform"); } if (!(isHorizontal() ^ flipped)) { double tmp = dmin0; dmin0 = dmax0; dmax0 = tmp; } if (!isHorizontal()) { double dmin1 = getRow().getDMinimum(); double dmax1 = getRow().getDMaximum(); double scaley = (dmin0 - dmax0) / (dmin1 - dmax1); double transy = -1 * dmin1 * scaley + dmin0; at.translate(0., transy); at.scale(1., scaley); at.translate(0., trans2 ); at.scale(1., scale2 ); } else { double dmin1 = getColumn().getDMinimum(); double dmax1 = getColumn().getDMaximum(); double scalex = (dmin0 - dmax0) / (dmin1 - dmax1); double transx = -1 * dmin1 * scalex + dmin0; at.translate(transx, 0); at.scale(scalex, 1.); at.translate( trans2, 0. ); at.scale( scale2, 1. ); } if (at.getDeterminant() == 0.000) { return null; } else { return at; } } /** * @return a copy of the axis, also cloning the dataRange that backs the axis. */ @Override public Object clone() { try { DasAxis result = (DasAxis) super.clone(); result.dataRange = (DataRange) result.dataRange.clone(); return result; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new Error("Assertion failure"); } } private void setTickDirection(int direction) { switch (direction) { case UP: case RIGHT: tickDirection = -1; break; case DOWN: case LEFT: tickDirection = 1; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid tick direction"); } } /** * calculate the biggest label width * @return the width in pixels of the widest label. */ private int getMaxLabelWidth() { try { Font f = getTickLabelFont(); TickVDescriptor ticks = getTickV(); if ( ticks==null ) return 10; DatumVector tickv = ticks.tickV; int size = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < tickv.getLength(); i++) { String label = tickFormatter(tickv.get(i)); GrannyTextRenderer idlt = GraphUtil.newGrannyTextRenderer(); idlt.setString(f, label); int labelSize = (int) Math.round(idlt.getWidth()); if (labelSize > size) { size = labelSize; } } logger.log(Level.FINE, "Max label width: {0}", size); return size; } catch (InconvertibleUnitsException ex) { return 10; } } /** * calculate the biggest label width * @param fm the font metrics. * @deprecated use getMaxLabelWidth() * @see #getMaxLabelWidth() * @return the width in pixels of the widest label. */ protected int getMaxLabelWidth(FontMetrics fm) { try { TickVDescriptor ticks = getTickV(); DatumVector tickv = ticks.tickV; int size = Integer.MIN_VALUE; Graphics g = this.getGraphics(); for (int i = 0; i < tickv.getLength(); i++) { String label = tickFormatter(tickv.get(i)); GrannyTextRenderer idlt = GraphUtil.newGrannyTextRenderer(); idlt.setString(g, label); int labelSize = (int) Math.round(idlt.getWidth()); if (labelSize > size) { size = labelSize; } } return size; } catch (InconvertibleUnitsException ex) { return 10; } } /** * reset bounds (and unused transform), invalidate the tickV, etc. */ @Override public void resize() { resetTransform(); if ( getFont()==null ) { return; } this.parentHeight= getParent().getHeight(); this.parentWidth= getParent().getWidth(); Rectangle oldBounds = this.getBounds(); Rectangle newBounds = getAxisBounds(); setBounds(newBounds); invalidate(); TickVDescriptor ltickV= tickV; if (ltickV == null || ltickV.tickV.getUnits().isConvertibleTo(getUnits())) { validate(); } firePropertyChange(PROP_BOUNDS, oldBounds, newBounds); } /** * calculate the bounds of the labels. This should including regions that * the labels could occupy if the axis were panned, so that result doesn't * change during panning. * @param bounds the bounds which will be enlarged, or null. * @return Rectangle in the canvas coordinate frame. */ protected Rectangle getLabelBounds(Rectangle bounds) { TickVDescriptor ltickV= this.getTickV(); DatumRange dr= getDatumRange(); if ( ltickV==null || !ltickV.tickV.getUnits().isConvertibleTo(getUnits() ) ) { logger.fine("tickV cannot be used because of units."); return bounds; } String[] labels = tickFormatter( ltickV.tickV, dr ); GrannyTextRenderer gtr = GraphUtil.newGrannyTextRenderer(); Font labelFont = this.getLabelFont(); Font font= this.getFont(); double dmin, dmax; if ( isHorizontal() ) { dmin= getColumn().getDMinimum(); dmax= getColumn().getDMaximum(); } else { dmin= getRow().getDMinimum(); dmax= getRow().getDMaximum(); } if ( font==null ) return bounds; FontMetrics fm= getFontMetrics( font ); int fontDecent= fm.getMaxDescent(); if ( fontDecent<0 ) { fontDecent= 5-fontDecent; logger.finest("negative font descent"); } int axisOffsetPx= getAxisOffsetPixels(); DatumVector ticks = ltickV.tickV; for (int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { Datum d = ticks.get(i); if (DatumRangeUtil.sloppyContains(dr, d)) { gtr.setString(font, labels[i]); Rectangle rmin = gtr.getBounds(); Rectangle rmax = new Rectangle(rmin); // same bound, but positioned at the axis max. double flw = gtr.getLineOneWidth(); int tick_label_gap = tickLen/2; //getFontMetrics(getTickLabelFont()).stringWidth(" "); if ( tick_label_gap<5 ) tick_label_gap= TICK_LABEL_GAP_MIN; int space= tick_label_gap; int zeroOrPosTickLen= Math.max(0,tickLen); if (isHorizontal()) { if (getOrientation() == BOTTOM) { rmin.translate((int) (dmin - flw / 2), getRow().bottom() + space + zeroOrPosTickLen + labelFont.getSize() + axisOffsetPx ); rmax.translate((int) (dmax - flw / 2), getRow().bottom() + space + zeroOrPosTickLen + labelFont.getSize() + axisOffsetPx ); } else { rmin.translate((int) (dmin - flw / 2), getRow().top() - space - zeroOrPosTickLen - (int) ( rmin.getHeight()+rmin.y ) ) ; rmax.translate((int) (dmax - flw / 2), getRow().top() - space - zeroOrPosTickLen - (int) ( rmax.getHeight()+rmax.y ) ); } if ( bounds==null ) bounds= rmin; bounds.add(rmin); bounds.add(rmax); } else { double delta= gtr.getAscent() - gtr.getHeight() / 2; if (getOrientation() == LEFT) { rmin.translate(-(int) rmin.getWidth() - space - zeroOrPosTickLen + getColumn().left() - axisOffsetPx, (int) dmin - (int) delta ); // note that gtr.getBounds() already contains the ascent. rmax.translate(-(int) rmax.getWidth() - space - zeroOrPosTickLen + getColumn().left() - axisOffsetPx, (int) (dmax + fontDecent + 3 ) ); // 3 is fudge } else { rmin.translate( space + zeroOrPosTickLen + getColumn().right(), (int) dmin + (int)delta ); rmax.translate( space + zeroOrPosTickLen + getColumn().right(), (int) (dmax + fontDecent + 3 )); // 3 is fudge } if ( bounds==null ) bounds= rmin; bounds.add(rmin); bounds.add(rmax); } } } return bounds; } /** * Calculate the rectangle that bounds the axis including its labels. * When the axis is drawn on both sides of the plot, this rectangle will * extend across the plot. * @return Rectangle containing the axes and its labels. */ public Rectangle getAxisBounds() { Rectangle bounds; try { updateTickLength(); } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } if (isHorizontal()) { // note ephemeris/TCA is calculated below bounds = getHorizontalAxisBounds(); } else { bounds = getVerticalAxisBounds(); } if (getOrientation() == BOTTOM && isVisible() && isTickLabelsVisible()) { QDataSet ltcaData= tcaData; String[] ltcaLabels= this.tcaLabels.split(";"); if (drawTca && ( tcaRows>=0 || ltcaLabels.length>1 || ltcaData != null && ltcaData.length() != 0 ) ) { int DMin = getColumn().getDMinimum(); Font tickLabelFont = getTickLabelFont(); int tick_label_gap_2023 = getFontMetrics(tickLabelFont).stringWidth(" "); int lines= tcaRows>=0 ? tcaRows : ( getTickLines() - 1 ); int tcaHeight = (tickLabelFont.getSize() + getLineSpacing()) * lines; int maxLabelWidth = getMaxLabelWidth(); bounds.height += tcaHeight; blLabelRect.height += tcaHeight; if (blTitleRect != null) { blTitleRect.y += tcaHeight; } GrannyTextRenderer idlt = GraphUtil.newGrannyTextRenderer(); idlt.setString(tickLabelFont, "SCET"); int tcaLabelWidth = (int) Math.floor(idlt.getWidth() + 0.5); QDataSet bds=null; if ( ltcaData!=null ) bds= (QDataSet) ltcaData.property(QDataSet.BUNDLE_1); for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) { String ss; if ( bds==null ) { if ( ltcaLabels.length==1 && ltcaLabels[0].trim().equals("") ) { ss= "???"; } else { ss= i 0) { tcaLabelWidth += rightEdgeGap; int tcaLabelSpace = DMin - tcaLabelWidth - tick_label_gap_2023; int minX = Math.min(tcaLabelSpace - maxLabelWidth / 2, bounds.x); int maxX = bounds.x + bounds.width; bounds.x = minX; bounds.width = maxX - minX; blLabelRect.x = minX; blLabelRect.width = maxX - minX; } } } return bounds; } /** * return the number of lines that the ticks use, considering the ephemeris (TCAs) loaded. * @return the number of lines that the ticks use. */ public int getTickLines() { QDataSet ltcaData= tcaData; String ltcaLabels= tcaLabels; boolean ldrawTca= drawTca; if ( ldrawTca && ltcaData!=null ) { int ntca= ltcaData.length(); int tcaLines= Math.min( MAX_TCA_LINES, Math.max( ltcaData.length(ntca-1), Math.max( ltcaData.length(ntca/2), ltcaData.length(0) ) ) ); return 1+tcaLines; } else if ( ldrawTca && ltcaLabels.trim().length()>0 ) { String[] ss= ltcaLabels.split(";"); return 1+ ss.length; } else { return 2; } } private Rectangle getHorizontalAxisBounds() { boolean bottomTicks = (orientation == BOTTOM || oppositeAxisVisible); // are there ticks? boolean bottomTickLabels = (orientation == BOTTOM && tickLabelsVisible);// are the tick labels visible? boolean bottomLabel = (bottomTickLabels && !axisLabel.equals("")); // is there an axis label? boolean topTicks = (orientation == TOP || oppositeAxisVisible); boolean topTickLabels = (orientation == TOP && tickLabelsVisible); boolean topLabel = (topTickLabels && !axisLabel.equals("")); int axisOffsetPx= getAxisOffsetPixels(); int topPosition = getRow().getDMinimum(); int bottomPosition = getRow().getDMaximum() + axisOffsetPx; DasDevicePosition range = getColumn(); int DMax = range.getDMaximum(); int DMin = range.getDMinimum(); int DWidth = DMax - DMin; Rectangle bounds; // start with the bounds of the base line. if (bottomTicks) { if (blLineRect == null) { blLineRect = new Rectangle(); } blLineRect.setBounds(DMin, bottomPosition, DWidth + 1, 1); } if (topTicks) { if (trLineRect == null) { trLineRect = new Rectangle(); } trLineRect.setBounds(DMin, topPosition, DWidth + 1, 1); } if ( reference.length()>0 ) { if ( blLineRect!=null ) { blLineRect.add( DMin, topPosition ); blLineRect.add( DMin, bottomPosition ); } } double lineThicknessDouble= getLineThicknessDouble(lineThickness); // length of the ticks, negative if pointing into the plot int tickLength= tickLen + ( tickLen<0 ? -1 : 1 ) *(int)( lineThicknessDouble / 2 ); //Add room for ticks if (bottomTicks) { int x = DMin; int y = bottomPosition + 1 - Math.max( -tickLength, 0 ); int width = DWidth; int height = Math.abs( tickLength ); //The last tick is at position (x + width), so add 1 to width if ( isVisible() ) { blTickRect = setRectangleBounds(blTickRect, x, y, width + 1, height ); } else { blTickRect = setRectangleBounds(blTickRect, x, y, width + 1, 1 ); } } if (topTicks) { int x = DMin; int y = topPosition - Math.max( 0, tickLength + (int)(lineThicknessDouble/2) ); int width = DWidth; int height = Math.abs( tickLength + (int)(lineThicknessDouble/2) ); //The last tick is at position (x + width), so add 1 to width if ( isVisible() ) { trTickRect = setRectangleBounds(trTickRect, x, y, width + 1, height ); } else { trTickRect = setRectangleBounds(trTickRect, x, y, 1, height ); } } //int maxLabelWidth = getMaxLabelWidth(); //int tick_label_gap = getFontMetrics(tickLabelFont).stringWidth(" "); if (bottomTickLabels) { blLabelRect = getLabelBounds(new Rectangle(DMin, blTickRect.y, DWidth, 10)); if ( labelOffset.length()>0 && axisLabel.length()>0 ) { blLabelRect.y= (bottomPosition) + (int)DasDevicePosition.parseLayoutStr( labelOffset, getEmSize(), 0, 0 ); } } if (topTickLabels) { trLabelRect = getLabelBounds(new Rectangle(trTickRect.x, topPosition-10, DWidth, 10)); if ( labelOffset.length()>0 && axisLabel.length()>0 ) { trLabelRect.y= (bottomPosition) - (int)DasDevicePosition.parseLayoutStr( labelOffset, getEmSize(), 0, 0 ); } } //Add room for the axis label Font labelFont = getLabelFont(); GrannyTextRenderer gtr = GraphUtil.newGrannyTextRenderer(); gtr.setString(labelFont, getLabel()); int labelSpacing = (int) gtr.getHeight() + labelFont.getSize() / 2; boolean v= isVisible(); if (bottomLabel && v ) { int x = DMin; int y = blLabelRect.y + blLabelRect.height; int width = DMax - DMin; int height = labelSpacing; blTitleRect = setRectangleBounds(blTitleRect, x, y, width, height); } if (topLabel && v ) { int x = DMin; int y = trLabelRect.y - labelSpacing; int width = DMax - DMin; int height = labelSpacing; trTitleRect = setRectangleBounds(trTitleRect, x, y, width, height); } bounds = new Rectangle((orientation == BOTTOM) ? blLineRect : trLineRect); if (bottomTicks && v ) { bounds.add(blLineRect); bounds.add(blTickRect); } if (bottomTickLabels && v ) { bounds.add(blLabelRect); } if (bottomLabel && v ) { bounds.add(blTitleRect); } if (topTicks && v ) { bounds.add(trLineRect); bounds.add(trTickRect); } if (topTickLabels && v ) { bounds.add(trLabelRect); } if (topLabel && v ) { bounds.add(trTitleRect); } //Add room for the scan buttons (if present) if (stepPrevious != null && stepNext != null) { Dimension prevSize = stepPrevious.getPreferredSize(); Dimension nextSize = stepPrevious.getPreferredSize(); int minX = Math.min(DMin - prevSize.width, bounds.x); int maxX = Math.max(DMax + nextSize.width, bounds.x + bounds.width); bounds.x = minX; bounds.width = maxX - minX; } return bounds; } private Rectangle getVerticalAxisBounds() { boolean leftTicks = (orientation == LEFT || oppositeAxisVisible); // are there ticks? boolean leftTickLabels = (orientation == LEFT && tickLabelsVisible); // are the tick labels visible? boolean leftLabel = (orientation == LEFT && !axisLabel.equals("")); // is there an axis label? boolean rightTicks = (orientation == RIGHT || oppositeAxisVisible); boolean rightTickLabels = (orientation == RIGHT && tickLabelsVisible); boolean rightLabel = (orientation == RIGHT && !axisLabel.equals("")); int axisOffsetPx= getAxisOffsetPixels(); int leftPosition = getColumn().getDMinimum() - axisOffsetPx; int rightPosition = getColumn().getDMaximum(); int DMax = getRow().getDMaximum(); int DMin = getRow().getDMinimum(); int DWidth = DMax - DMin; Rectangle bounds; if (leftTicks) { if (blLineRect == null) { blLineRect = new Rectangle(); } blLineRect.setBounds(leftPosition, DMin, 1, DWidth + 1); } if (rightTicks) { if (trLineRect == null) { trLineRect = new Rectangle(); } trLineRect.setBounds(rightPosition, DMin, 1, DWidth + 1); } if ( reference.length()>0 ) { if ( blLineRect!=null ) { blLineRect.add( rightPosition, DMax ); blLineRect.add( leftPosition, DMin ); } } double lineThicknessDouble= getLineThicknessDouble(lineThickness); int tickLength= tickLen + ( tickLen<0 ? -1 : 1 ) *(int)( lineThicknessDouble / 2 ); //Add room for ticks if (leftTicks) { int x = leftPosition - Math.max( 0,tickLength ); int y = DMin; int width = Math.abs( tickLength ); int height = DWidth; //The last tick is at position (y + height), so add 1 to height blTickRect = setRectangleBounds(blTickRect, x, y, width, height + 1); } if (rightTicks) { int x = rightPosition + 1 + Math.min( 0,tickLength ); int y = DMin; int width = Math.abs( tickLength ); int height = DWidth; //The last tick is at position (y + height), so add 1 to height trTickRect = setRectangleBounds(trTickRect, x, y, width, height + 1); } //int maxLabelWidth = getMaxLabelWidth(); //int tick_label_gap = getFontMetrics(tickLabelFont).stringWidth(" "); //Add room for tick labels if (leftTickLabels) { //int x = blTickRect.x - (maxLabelWidth + tick_label_gap); //int y = DMin - tickLabelFont.getSize(); //int width = maxLabelWidth + tick_label_gap; //int height = DMax - DMin + tickLabelFont.getSize() * 2; //blLabelRect = setRectangleBounds(blLabelRect, x, y, width, height); blLabelRect = getLabelBounds(new Rectangle(blTickRect.x - 10, DMin, 10, DWidth)); if ( labelOffset.length()>0 && axisLabel.length()>0 ) { blLabelRect.x = (leftPosition+1) - (int)DasDevicePosition.parseLayoutStr( labelOffset, getEmSize(), DWidth, 0 ); } if ( leftXOverride != null ) blLabelRect.x = leftXOverride; // deprecated. } else if ( leftLabel ) { blLabelRect = getLabelBounds(new Rectangle( getColumn().getDMinimum(), DMin, 1, DWidth)); } else { blLabelRect = blTickRect; } if (rightTickLabels) { trLabelRect = getLabelBounds(new Rectangle(trTickRect.x + trTickRect.width, DMin, 10, DWidth)); if ( labelOffset.length()>0 && axisLabel.length()>0 ) { trLabelRect.width = (rightPosition) + (int)DasDevicePosition.parseLayoutStr( labelOffset, getEmSize(), DWidth, 0 ) - rightPosition; } //int x = trTickRect.x + trTickRect.width; //int y = DMin - tickLabelFont.getSize(); //int width = maxLabelWidth + tick_label_gap; //int height = DMax - DMin + tickLabelFont.getSize() * 2; //trLabelRect = setRectangleBounds(trLabelRect, x, y, width, height); } else { trLabelRect = trTickRect; } //Add room for the axis label Font labelFont = getLabelFont(); GrannyTextRenderer gtr = GraphUtil.newGrannyTextRenderer(); gtr.setString(labelFont, getLabel()); int labelSpacing = (int) gtr.getHeight() + labelFont.getSize() / 2; if (leftLabel) { int x = blLabelRect.x - labelSpacing; int y = DMin; int width = labelSpacing; int height = DWidth; blTitleRect = setRectangleBounds(blTitleRect, x, y, width, height); } if (rightLabel) { int x = trLabelRect.x + trLabelRect.width; int y = DMin; int width = labelSpacing; int height = DWidth; trTitleRect = setRectangleBounds(trTitleRect, x, y, width, height); } boolean v= isVisible(); bounds = new Rectangle((orientation == LEFT) ? blLineRect : trLineRect); if (leftTicks && v ) { bounds.add(blLineRect); bounds.add(blTickRect); } if (leftTickLabels && v ) { bounds.add(blLabelRect); } if (leftLabel && v ) { bounds.add(blTitleRect); } if (rightTicks && v ) { bounds.add(trLineRect); bounds.add(trTickRect); } if (rightTickLabels && v ) { bounds.add(trLabelRect); } if (rightLabel && v ) { bounds.add(trTitleRect); } return bounds; } private static Rectangle setRectangleBounds(Rectangle rc, int x, int y, int width, int height) { if (rc == null) { return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); } else { rc.setBounds(x, y, width, height); return rc; } } /** * returns the orientation of the axis, which is one of BOTTOM,TOP,LEFT or RIGHT. * @return BOTTOM,TOP,LEFT or RIGHT. */ public int getOrientation() { return orientation; } /** * test if the axis is horizontal. * @return true if the orientation is BOTTOM or TOP. */ public boolean isHorizontal() { return orientation == BOTTOM || orientation == TOP; } /** * return the tick direction, 1=down or left, -1=up or right * @return 1=down or left, -1=up or right */ public int getTickDirection() { return tickDirection; } /** * return the formatter which converts Datum tick positions to a string. * @return the formatter which converts Datum tick positions to a string. */ public DatumFormatter getDatumFormatter() { return datumFormatter; } /** * Transforms a Datum in data coordinates to a horizontal or vertical * position on the parent canvas. * @param datum a data value * @return Horizontal or vertical position on the canvas. * @throws InconvertibleUnitsException */ public double transform(Datum datum) { return transform(datum.doubleValue(getUnits()), getUnits()); } /** * this was never utilized, but at_m and at_b could be used to speed up * transformation. * @param data the data location * @param units the units * @return the pixel location. */ protected double transformFast(double data, Units units) { if (dataRange.isLog()) { if (data <= 0.) { data = dataRange.getMinimum() - 3; // TODO verify that dataRange.getMinimum() is log. } else { data = Math.log10(data); } } double result = at_m * data + at_b; return result; } /** * Transforms a double in the given units in data coordinates to a horizontal or vertical * position on the parent canvas. * @param data a data value * @param units the units of the given data value. * @return Horizontal or vertical position on the canvas. * @throws InconvertibleUnitsException */ public double transform(double data, Units units) { DasDevicePosition range; // TODO: consider optimization here if (isHorizontal()) { range = getColumn(); return transform(data, units, range.getDMinimum(), range.getDMaximum()); } else { range = getRow(); return transform(data, units, range.getDMaximum(), range.getDMinimum()); } } /** * Transforms the rank 0 dataset a horizontal or vertical * position on the parent canvas. This was introduced to support when * the rank 1 iterator would return QDataSets instead of doubles. * @param data a data value * @param units the units of the given data value. * @return Horizontal or vertical position on the canvas. * @throws InconvertibleUnitsException */ public double transform( QDataSet data, Units units) { DasDevicePosition range; double d; if ( units==data.property(QDataSet.UNITS) ) { d= data.value(); } else if ( units==Units.dimensionless && data.property(QDataSet.UNITS)==null ) { d= data.value(); } else { UnitsConverter uc= SemanticOps.getUnits(data).getConverter(units); d= uc.convert(data.value()); } if (isHorizontal()) { range = getColumn(); return transform(d, units, range.getDMinimum(), range.getDMaximum()); } else { range = getRow(); return transform(d, units, range.getDMaximum(), range.getDMinimum()); } } /** * Transforms the rank 0 dataset a horizontal or vertical * position on the parent canvas. * @param data a data value * @return Horizontal or vertical position on the canvas. * @throws InconvertibleUnitsException */ public double transform( QDataSet data ) { DasDevicePosition range; double d=data.value(); Units units= (Units)data.property(QDataSet.UNITS); if ( units==null ) units= Units.dimensionless; if (isHorizontal()) { range = getColumn(); return transform(d, units, range.getDMinimum(), range.getDMaximum()); } else { range = getRow(); return transform(d, units, range.getDMaximum(), range.getDMinimum()); } } /** * Transforms a double in the given units in data coordinates to a horizontal or vertical * position on the parent canvas. * @param data a data value * @param units the units of the given data value. * @param dmin the axis minimum. * @param dmax the axis maximum. * @return Horizontal or vertical position on the canvas. * @throws InconvertibleUnitsException */ protected double transform(double data, Units units, int dmin, int dmax) { if (units != dataRange.getUnits()) { data = units.convertDoubleTo(dataRange.getUnits(), data); } double device_range = (dmax - dmin); double result; if (dataRange.isLog()) { if (data <= 0.) { data = -1e308; } else { data = Math.log10(data); } } double minimum = dataRange.getMinimum(); double maximum = dataRange.getMaximum(); double data_range = maximum - minimum; if (flipped) { result = dmax - (device_range * (data - minimum) / data_range); } else { result = (device_range * (data - minimum) / data_range) + dmin; } if (result > DEVICE_POSITIVE_LIMIT) { result = DEVICE_POSITIVE_LIMIT; } if (result < -DEVICE_POSITIVE_LIMIT) { result = -DEVICE_POSITIVE_LIMIT; } return result; } /** * get the range covered by the two points. This allows clients to * get a range without having to worry about the flipped property. * * @param idata1 pixel position on the axis, in the canvas frame. * @param idata2 pixel position on the axis, in the canvas frame. * @return DatumRange implied by the two pixel positions. * @throws InconvertibleUnitsException */ public DatumRange invTransform( double idata1, double idata2 ) { Datum d1= invTransform(idata1); Datum d2= invTransform(idata2); if ( d1.lt(d2) ) { return new DatumRange(d1,d2); } else { return new DatumRange(d2,d1); } } /** * return the data location for the given pixel position. Plot * coordinates have 0,0 at the upper-left hand corner of the screen. * @param idata the pixel location on the axis, in the canvas frame. * @return the data location. * @throws InconvertibleUnitsException */ public Datum invTransform(double idata) { double data; DasDevicePosition range = (isHorizontal() ? (DasDevicePosition) getColumn() : (DasDevicePosition) getRow()); double alpha = (idata - range.getDMinimum()) / (double) getDLength(); if (!isHorizontal()) { alpha = 1.0 - alpha; } if (flipped) { alpha = 1.0 - alpha; } double minimum = dataRange.getMinimum(); double maximum = dataRange.getMaximum(); double data_range = maximum - minimum; data = data_range * alpha + minimum; double resolution = data_range / getDLength(); if (dataRange.isLog()) { data = Math.pow(10,data); resolution = data * (Math.pow(10,resolution) - 1); } Datum result = Datum.create(data, dataRange.getUnits(), resolution); return result; } /** * return a label for this datum and visible range. This is intended * to be overridden to change behavior. Note that both tickFormatter methods * should be overridden. * @param d the location * @return string, possibly with Granny control characters. */ protected String tickFormatter(Datum d) { return datumFormatter.grannyFormat(d, d.getUnits()); } /** * return the tick labels for these datums and visible range. This is intended * to be overridden to change behavior. Note that both tickFormatter methods * should be overridden. * @param tickV the ticks * @param datumRange the range * @return Strings, possibly with Granny control characters. */ protected String[] tickFormatter(DatumVector tickV, DatumRange datumRange) { return datumFormatter.axisFormat(tickV, datumRange); } /** * target event handlers to reset the axis bounds. * @param e the event */ @Override public void dataRangeSelected(DataRangeSelectionEvent e) { this.setDataRange(e.getMinimum(), e.getMaximum()); } /** * Locates the next or previous tick starting at xDatum. * * @param xDatum find the tick closest to this. * @param direction -1 previous, 1 next, 0 closest * @param minor find closest minor tick, major if false. * @return the closest tick. If there is no tick in the given direction, then * the behavior is undefined. * @deprecated Use getTickVDescriptor.findTick */ public Datum findTick(Datum xDatum, double direction, boolean minor) { return getTickV().findTick(xDatum, direction, minor); } /** * animate the change from one range to another. * @param min0 the initial range * @param max0 the initial range * @param min1 the final range * @param max1 the final range */ private void animateChange(double min0, double max0, double min1, double max1) { if (animated && EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) { logger.fine("animate axis"); boolean drawTca0 = isDrawTca(); setDrawTca(false); long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); long frames = 0; DataRange dataRange0 = dataRange; DataRange tempRange = DataRange.getAnimationDataRange(dataRange.getDatumRange(), dataRange.isLog()); this.dataRange = tempRange; double transitionTime = 300; // millis //double transitionTime= 1500; // millis double alpha = (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0) / transitionTime; while (alpha < 1.0) { alpha = (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0) / transitionTime; final double[] aa = new double[]{0.0, 0.3, 0.85, 1.0}; final double[] aa1 = new double[]{0.0, 0.05, 0.90, 1.0}; double f1 = DasMath.findex(aa, alpha, 0); double a1 = DasMath.interpolate(aa1, f1); double a0 = 1 - a1; tempRange.setRange(min0 * a0 + min1 * a1, max0 * a0 + max1 * a1); //updateTickV(); this.paintImmediately(0, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()); if (dasPlot != null) { dasPlot.paintImmediately(0, 0, dasPlot.getWidth(), dasPlot.getHeight()); } frames++; } logger.log(Level.FINE, "animation frames/sec= {0}", (1000. * frames / transitionTime)); setDrawTca(drawTca0); this.dataRange = dataRange0; } } /** * reset the transform and update the tick locations. */ @Override protected void updateImmediately() { super.updateImmediately(); logger.log(Level.FINE, "updateImmadiately{0} {1}", new Object[]{getDatumRange(), isLog()}); resetTransform(); try { updateTickV(); } catch ( InconvertibleUnitsException ex ) { // sometimes the units are changed while the ticks are being calculated. This whole system needs review, but for now, avoid the RTE. updateTickV(); } } /** * true if the tick labels should be drawn. * @return true if the tick labels should be drawn. */ public boolean isTickLabelsVisible() { return tickLabelsVisible; } /** * set true if the tick labels should be drawn. * @param b true if the tick labels should be drawn. */ public void setTickLabelsVisible(boolean b) { if (tickLabelsVisible == b) { return; } boolean oldValue = tickLabelsVisible; tickLabelsVisible = b; update(); firePropertyChange("tickLabelsVisible", oldValue, b); } /** * perform actions necessary when starting the component, such as handling TCA. */ @Override protected void installComponent() { super.installComponent(); QFunction ltcaFunction= this.tcaFunction; if ( ltcaFunction!=null ) { maybeStartTcaTimer(); } } /** * remove the component row and column update listener. */ @Override protected void uninstallComponent() { super.uninstallComponent(); tcaTimer= null; // Thanks, Ed! } /** * create another axis that follows this axis. It will have the same * range and orientation. * @return attached axis. */ public DasAxis createAttachedAxis() { DasAxis result= new DasAxis(this.dataRange, this.getOrientation()); result.setScanRange( this.getScanRange() ); return result; } /** * create another axis that follows this axis. It will have the same * range. * @param orientation the position relative to a plot, one of DasAxis.TOP, DasAxis.BOTTOM, DasAxis.LEFT, DasAxis.RIGHT * @return attached axis. */ public DasAxis createAttachedAxis(int orientation) { DasAxis result= new DasAxis(this.dataRange, orientation); result.setScanRange( this.getScanRange() ); return result; } /** * set the plot that will get updates * @param p plot object. */ public void setPlot(DasPlot p) { dasPlot = p; } /** * scan to the previous interval. If we were looking at a day with fuzz, then * scan to the previous day. */ public void scanPrevious() { DatumRange dr= getDatumRange(); if ( dataRange.isLog() ) { dr= DatumRangeUtil.rescaleLog( dr, -1., 0 ); } else { dr= dr.previous(); } setDatumRange( dr ); } /** * scan to the next interval. If we were looking at a day with fuzz, then * scan to the next day. */ public void scanNext() { DatumRange dr= getDatumRange(); if ( dataRange.isLog() ) { dr= DatumRangeUtil.rescaleLog( dr, 1., 2. ); } else { dr= getDatumRange().next(); } setDatumRange( dr ); } /** * get the region containing the axis. * @return the region containing the axis. */ @Override public Shape getActiveRegion() { Rectangle primaryBounds = primaryInputPanel.getBounds(); primaryBounds.translate(getX(), getY()); if (oppositeAxisVisible) { Rectangle secondaryBounds = secondaryInputPanel.getBounds(); secondaryBounds.translate(getX(), getY()); GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(primaryBounds); path.setWindingRule(GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD); path.append(secondaryBounds, false); return path; } else { return primaryBounds; } } /** * Adds a MouseWheelListener to the DasAxis. Special care must be taken * with the DasAxis, because it is composed of two sub panels, and their * parent panel (this), must not recieve the events. (This is because * the DasPlot between them should get the events, and the DasPlot does * not have a simple rectangular boundary. * @param l the listener */ @Override public void addMouseWheelListener(MouseWheelListener l) { maybeInitializeInputPanels(); primaryInputPanel.addMouseWheelListener(l); secondaryInputPanel.addMouseWheelListener(l); } /** * remove mouse wheel listener. * @param l the listener * @see #maybeInitializeInputPanels() */ @Override public void removeMouseWheelListener(MouseWheelListener l) { maybeInitializeInputPanels(); primaryInputPanel.removeMouseWheelListener(l); secondaryInputPanel.removeMouseWheelListener(l); } /** * add mouse wheel listener. * @param l the listener * @see #maybeInitializeInputPanels() */ @Override public void addMouseListener(MouseListener l) { maybeInitializeInputPanels(); primaryInputPanel.addMouseListener(l); secondaryInputPanel.addMouseListener(l); } /** * remove mouse motion listener. * @param l the listener * @see #maybeInitializeInputPanels() */ @Override public void removeMouseListener(MouseListener l) { maybeInitializeInputPanels(); primaryInputPanel.removeMouseListener(l); secondaryInputPanel.removeMouseListener(l); } /** * add mouse motion listener. * @param l the listener * @see #maybeInitializeInputPanels() */ @Override public void addMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener l) { maybeInitializeInputPanels(); primaryInputPanel.addMouseMotionListener(l); secondaryInputPanel.addMouseMotionListener(l); } /** * remove mouse motion listener. * @param l the listener * @see #maybeInitializeInputPanels() */ @Override public void removeMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener l) { maybeInitializeInputPanels(); primaryInputPanel.removeMouseMotionListener(l); secondaryInputPanel.removeMouseMotionListener(l); } /** * call back for time range selection event. * @param e the event */ @Override public void timeRangeSelected(TimeRangeSelectionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() != this && !e.equals(lastProcessedEvent)) { setDatumRange(e.getRange()); // setDatumRange fires the event lastProcessedEvent = e; } } /** * Registers TimeRangeSelectionListener to receive events. * @param listener The listener to register. */ public synchronized void addTimeRangeSelectionListener(org.das2.event.TimeRangeSelectionListener listener) { if (timeRangeListenerList == null) { timeRangeListenerList = new javax.swing.event.EventListenerList(); } timeRangeListenerList.add(org.das2.event.TimeRangeSelectionListener.class, listener); } /** * Removes TimeRangeSelectionListener from the list of listeners. * @param listener The listener to remove. */ public synchronized void removeTimeRangeSelectionListener(org.das2.event.TimeRangeSelectionListener listener) { timeRangeListenerList.remove(org.das2.event.TimeRangeSelectionListener.class, listener); } /** * Notifies all registered listeners about the event. * @param event The event to be fired */ private synchronized void fireTimeRangeSelectionListenerTimeRangeSelected(TimeRangeSelectionEvent event) { if (timeRangeListenerList == null) { return; } Object[] listeners = timeRangeListenerList.getListenerList(); for (int i = listeners.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) { if (listeners[i] == org.das2.event.TimeRangeSelectionListener.class) { String logmsg = "fire event: " + this.getClass().getName() + "-->" + listeners[i + 1].getClass().getName() + " " + event; DasLogger.getLogger(DasLogger.GUI_LOG).fine(logmsg); ((org.das2.event.TimeRangeSelectionListener) listeners[i + 1]).timeRangeSelected(event); } } } private static final java.util.regex.Pattern pattern = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("\\([eEfF]\\d+.\\d+\\)"); private static String format(double d, String f) { Matcher m = pattern.matcher(f); if (!m.matches()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("\"" + f + "\" is not a valid format specifier"); } int length = Integer.parseInt(f.substring(2, f.indexOf('.'))); int fracLength = Integer.parseInt(f.substring(f.indexOf('.') + 1, f.indexOf(')'))); char[] buf = new char[length]; String result; if (f.charAt(1) == 'f' || f.charAt(1) == 'F') { int i = 0; while (i < length - fracLength - 2) { buf[i] = '#'; i++; } buf[i] = '0'; i++; buf[i] = '.'; i++; while (i < length) { buf[i] = '0'; i++; } DecimalFormat form = new DecimalFormat(new String(buf)); result = form.format(d); } else { int i = 0; while (i < length - fracLength - 6) { buf[i] = '#'; i++; } buf[i] = '0'; i++; buf[i] = '.'; i++; while (i < length - 5) { buf[i] = '0'; i++; } buf[i] = 'E'; buf[i + 1] = (d > -1.0 && d < 1.0 ? '-' : '+'); buf[i + 2] = '0'; buf[i + 3] = '0'; java.text.DecimalFormat form = new java.text.DecimalFormat(new String(buf)); result = form.format(d); } if (result.length() > length) { java.util.Arrays.fill(buf, '*'); return new String(buf); } while (result.length() < length) { result = " " + result; } return result; } @Override public String toString() { String retValue; retValue = super.toString() + "(" + getUnits() + ")"; return retValue; } protected class AxisLayoutManager implements LayoutManager { //NOOP /** TODO * @param name * @param comp */ @Override public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component comp) { } /** TODO * @param parent */ @Override public void layoutContainer(Container parent) { if (DasAxis.this != parent) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (DasAxis.this.isHorizontal()) { horizontalLayout(); } else { verticalLayout(); } if ( tcaRows>=0 ) { Rectangle bounds = primaryInputPanel.getBounds(); int tcaHeight = (getTickLabelFont().getSize() + getLineSpacing()) * Math.min( MAX_TCA_LINES, tcaRows ); bounds.height += tcaHeight; primaryInputPanel.setBounds(bounds); } else if (drawTca && getOrientation() == BOTTOM && tcaData != null) { Rectangle bounds = primaryInputPanel.getBounds(); int tcaHeight = (getTickLabelFont().getSize() + getLineSpacing()) * Math.min( MAX_TCA_LINES, tcaData.length(0)); bounds.height += tcaHeight; primaryInputPanel.setBounds(bounds); } } /** TODO */ protected void horizontalLayout() { int topPosition = getRow().getDMinimum() - 1; int bottomPosition = getRow().getDMaximum(); int DMax = getColumn().getDMaximum(); int DMin = getColumn().getDMinimum(); boolean bottomTicks = (orientation == BOTTOM || oppositeAxisVisible); boolean bottomTickLabels = (orientation == BOTTOM && tickLabelsVisible); boolean topTickLabels = (orientation == TOP && tickLabelsVisible); Rectangle bottomBounds; Rectangle topBounds; Font tickLabelFont = getTickLabelFont(); int tickSize = tickLabelFont.getSize() * 2 / 3; //Initialize bounds rectangle bottomBounds = new Rectangle(DMin, bottomPosition, DMax - DMin + 1, 1); bottomBounds.height += tickSize; //Add room for ticks topBounds = new Rectangle(DMin, topPosition, DMax - DMin + 1, 1); topBounds.height += tickSize; //Add room for ticks topBounds.y -= tickSize; int tick_label_gap = getFontMetrics(tickLabelFont).stringWidth(" "); //Add room for tick labels if (bottomTickLabels) { assert bottomBounds!=null; bottomBounds.height += tickLabelFont.getSize() * 3 / 2 + tick_label_gap; } if (topTickLabels) { topBounds.y -= (tickLabelFont.getSize() * 3 / 2 + tick_label_gap); topBounds.height += tickLabelFont.getSize() * 3 / 2 + tick_label_gap; } Rectangle primaryBounds = ( bottomTicks ? bottomBounds : topBounds); Rectangle secondaryBounds = ( bottomTicks ? topBounds : bottomBounds); assert primaryBounds!=null; primaryBounds.translate(-DasAxis.this.getX(), -DasAxis.this.getY()); if (oppositeAxisVisible) { assert secondaryBounds!=null; secondaryBounds.translate(-DasAxis.this.getX(), -DasAxis.this.getY()); } primaryInputPanel.setBounds(primaryBounds); if (oppositeAxisVisible) { secondaryInputPanel.setBounds(secondaryBounds); } else { secondaryInputPanel.setBounds(-100, -100, 0, 0); } if (stepPrevious != null && stepNext != null) { Dimension preferred = stepPrevious.getPreferredSize(); int x = DMin - preferred.width - DasAxis.this.getX(); int y = (orientation == BOTTOM ? bottomPosition : topPosition - preferred.height) - DasAxis.this.getY(); stepPrevious.setBounds(x, y, preferred.width, preferred.height); preferred = stepNext.getPreferredSize(); x = DMax - DasAxis.this.getX(); stepNext.setBounds(x, y, preferred.width, preferred.height); } } /** TODO */ protected void verticalLayout() { boolean leftTicks = (orientation == LEFT || oppositeAxisVisible); boolean leftTickLabels = (orientation == LEFT && tickLabelsVisible); boolean rightTickLabels = (orientation == RIGHT && tickLabelsVisible); int leftPosition = getColumn().getDMinimum() - 1; int rightPosition = getColumn().getDMaximum(); int DMax = getRow().getDMaximum(); int DMin = getRow().getDMinimum(); Rectangle leftBounds; Rectangle rightBounds; Font tickLabelFont = getTickLabelFont(); int tickSize = tickLabelFont.getSize() * 2 / 3; //Initialize bounds rectangle(s) leftBounds = new Rectangle(leftPosition, DMin, 1, DMax - DMin + 1); leftBounds.width += tickSize; //Add room for ticks leftBounds.x -= tickSize; rightBounds = new Rectangle(rightPosition, DMin, 1, DMax - DMin + 1); rightBounds.width += tickSize; //Add room for ticks int maxLabelWidth = getMaxLabelWidth(); int tick_label_gap = getFontMetrics(tickLabelFont).stringWidth(" "); //Add room for tick labels if (leftTickLabels) { leftBounds.x -= (maxLabelWidth + tick_label_gap); leftBounds.width += maxLabelWidth + tick_label_gap; //bounds.y -= tickLabelFont.getSize(); //bounds.height += tickLabelFont.getSize()*2; } if (rightTickLabels) { assert rightBounds!=null; rightBounds.width += maxLabelWidth + tick_label_gap; //bounds.y -= tickLabelFont.getSize(); //bounds.height += tickLabelFont.getSize()*2; } Rectangle primaryBounds = ( leftTicks ? leftBounds : rightBounds); Rectangle secondaryBounds = ( leftTicks ? rightBounds : leftBounds); assert primaryBounds!=null; primaryBounds.translate(-DasAxis.this.getX(), -DasAxis.this.getY()); if (oppositeAxisVisible) { assert secondaryBounds!=null; secondaryBounds.translate(-DasAxis.this.getX(), -DasAxis.this.getY()); } primaryInputPanel.setBounds(primaryBounds); if (oppositeAxisVisible) { secondaryInputPanel.setBounds(secondaryBounds); } else { secondaryInputPanel.setBounds(-100, -100, 0, 0); } } /** TODO * @param parent * @return */ @Override public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent) { return new Dimension(); } /** TODO * @param parent * @return */ @Override public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent) { return new Dimension(); } /** TODO * @param comp */ @Override public void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp) { } } private void refreshScanButtons(boolean reset) { if ( stepNext==null ) return; // headless if ( scanRange!=null ) { if ( !scanRange.getUnits().isConvertibleTo(getDatumRange().getUnits()) ) { scanRange=null; } } if ( reset || stepPrevious.hover ) { boolean t= ( scanRange==null || ( false ? scanRange.intersects(getDatumRange().next()) : scanRange.intersects(getDatumRange().previous()) ) ); stepPrevious.hover= t; } if ( reset || stepNext.hover ) { boolean t= ( scanRange==null || ( true ? scanRange.intersects(getDatumRange().next()) : scanRange.intersects(getDatumRange().previous()) ) ); stepNext.hover= t; } } /** * set the label for the popup button * @param label concise label * @param tooltip text for popup tooltip */ public void setNextActionLabel( String label, String tooltip ) { if ( stepNext!=null ) { stepNext.setText(label); stepNext.setToolTipText(tooltip); } } /** * set the label for the popup button * @param label concise label * @param tooltip text for popup tooltip */ public void setPreviousActionLabel( String label, String tooltip ) { if ( stepPrevious!=null ) { stepPrevious.setText(label); stepPrevious.setToolTipText(tooltip); } } private int repaintCount= 0; @Override public void repaint() { //repaintCount++; //System.err.println( "DasAxis repaintCount: "+repaintCount ); super.repaint(); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } private final class ScanButton extends JButton { private boolean hover; private boolean pressed; private boolean nextButton; /** TODO * @param text */ public ScanButton(String text) { setOpaque(true); setContentAreaFilled(false); setText(text); setFocusable(false); nextButton= STEP_NEXT_LABEL.equals(text); setBorder(new CompoundBorder( new LineBorder(Color.BLACK), new EmptyBorder(2, 2, 2, 2))); this.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) { setForeground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); pressed = scanRange==null || ( nextButton ? scanRange.intersects(getDatumRange().next()) : scanRange.intersects(getDatumRange().previous()) ); repaint(); } } @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) { setForeground(Color.BLACK); pressed = false; repaint(); } } @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { //hover = scanRange==null // || scanRange.width().value()==0 // || ( nextButton // ? scanRange.intersects(getDatumRange().next()) // : scanRange.intersects(getDatumRange().previous()) ); hover= true; if ( !hover ) { logger.finest("hover false"); } repaint(); } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { hover = false; repaint(); } }); } /** TODO * @param g */ @Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { if ( getCanvas().isPrintingThread() ) return; if (hover || pressed) { Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; g2.setColor(Color.white); g2.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); Object aaHint = g2.getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING); Object aaOn = RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON; g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, aaOn); super.paintComponent(g2); g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, aaHint); } else { logger.finer("not drawing step button"); } } /** TODO * @param g */ @Override protected void paintBorder(Graphics g) { if (hover || pressed) { super.paintBorder(g); } } } private void updateTickLength() throws ParseException { double[] pos = DasDevicePosition.parseLayoutStr(this.tickLenStr); if ( pos[0]==0 ) { this.tickLen = (int) ( Math.round( pos[1]*getEmSize() + pos[2] ) ); // make independent from row layout for initialization. } else { this.tickLen = (int) (Math.round( pos[0]*getRow().getHeight() + pos[1]*getEmSize() + pos[2] )); } } /** * get the tick length string, for example "0.66em" * @return the tick length string */ public String getTickLength() { return this.tickLenStr; } /** * set the tick length string, for example * "0.33em" "5px" "-0.33em" * @param tickLengthStr the tick length string. */ public void setTickLength( String tickLengthStr ) { this.tickLenStr= tickLengthStr; try { updateTickLength(); resize(); repaint(); } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } } private String lineThickness = "1px"; public static final String PROP_LINETHICKNESS = "lineThickness"; public String getLineThickness() { return lineThickness; } /** * set the thickness of the lines drawn. * @param lineThickness */ public void setLineThickness(String lineThickness) { String oldLineThickness = this.lineThickness; this.lineThickness = lineThickness; firePropertyChange(PROP_LINETHICKNESS, oldLineThickness, lineThickness); repaint(); } public static final String PROP_FLIPPED = "flipped"; /** * return true if the axis is flipped. * @return true if the axis is flipped. */ public boolean isFlipped() { return flipped; } /** * flip over the axis. * @param b */ public void setFlipped(boolean b) { boolean oldFlipped= this.flipped; update(); this.flipped = b; firePropertyChange(PROP_FLIPPED,oldFlipped,flipped); } /** * the formatString, or "" if default behavior. */ protected String formatString = ""; public static final String PROP_FORMATSTRING = "formatString"; /** * return the format string for each tick. * @return the format string for each tick. */ public String getFormat() { return formatString; } /** * true means flip the right label so all vertical labels are facing the same direction. */ protected boolean flipLabel = false; public static final String PROP_FLIPLABEL = "flipLabel"; /** * true if the right vertical label should be flipped. * @return true if the right vertical label should be flipped. */ public boolean isFlipLabel() { return flipLabel; } /** * true if the right vertical label should be flipped. * @param flipLabel true if the right vertical label should be flipped. */ public void setFlipLabel(boolean flipLabel) { boolean oldFlipLabel = this.flipLabel; this.flipLabel = flipLabel; repaint(); firePropertyChange(PROP_FLIPLABEL, oldFlipLabel, flipLabel); } /** * the formatter identified to work with the divider */ protected DatumFormatter dividerDatumFormatter = null; public static final String PROP_DIVIDERDATUMFORMATTER = "dividerDatumFormatter"; public DatumFormatter getDividerDatumFormatter() { return dividerDatumFormatter; } public void setDividerDatumFormatter(DatumFormatter dividerDatumFormatter) { DatumFormatter oldDividerDatumFormatter = this.dividerDatumFormatter; this.dividerDatumFormatter = dividerDatumFormatter; firePropertyChange(PROP_DIVIDERDATUMFORMATTER, oldDividerDatumFormatter, dividerDatumFormatter); } protected DomainDivider minorTicksDomainDivider = null; public static final String PROP_MINORTICKSDOMAINDIVIDER = "minorTicksDomainDivider"; /** * return the domain divider for minor ticks, or null. * @return the domain divider for minor ticks, or null. */ public DomainDivider getMinorTicksDomainDivider() { return minorTicksDomainDivider; } public void setMinorTicksDomainDivider(DomainDivider minorTicksDomainDivider) { DomainDivider oldMinorTicksDomainDivider = this.minorTicksDomainDivider; this.minorTicksDomainDivider = minorTicksDomainDivider; firePropertyChange(PROP_MINORTICKSDOMAINDIVIDER, oldMinorTicksDomainDivider, minorTicksDomainDivider); } protected DomainDivider majorTicksDomainDivider = null; public static final String PROP_MAJORTICKSDOMAINDIVIDER = "majorTicksDomainDivider"; /** * return the domain divider for major ticks, or null. * @return the domain divider for major ticks, or null. */ public DomainDivider getMajorTicksDomainDivider() { return majorTicksDomainDivider; } public void setMajorTicksDomainDivider(DomainDivider majorTicksDomainDivider) { DomainDivider oldMajorTicksDomainDivider = this.majorTicksDomainDivider; this.majorTicksDomainDivider = majorTicksDomainDivider; firePropertyChange(PROP_MAJORTICKSDOMAINDIVIDER, oldMajorTicksDomainDivider, majorTicksDomainDivider); } protected boolean useDomainDivider = false; public static final String PROP_USEDOMAINDIVIDER = "useDomainDivider"; /** * true if the domain divider should be used. This is a new object that * locates ticks. * @return true if the domain divider should be used. */ public boolean isUseDomainDivider() { return useDomainDivider; } /** * true if the domain divider should be used. This is a new object that * locates ticks. * @param useDomainDivider true if the domain divider should be used. */ public void setUseDomainDivider(boolean useDomainDivider) { boolean oldUseDomainDivider = this.useDomainDivider; this.useDomainDivider = useDomainDivider; if ( oldUseDomainDivider!=useDomainDivider ) { updateTickV(); } firePropertyChange(PROP_USEDOMAINDIVIDER, oldUseDomainDivider, useDomainDivider); } private boolean lockDomainDivider = false; public static final String PROP_LOCKDOMAINDIVIDER = "lockDomainDivider"; public boolean isLockDomainDivider() { return lockDomainDivider; } /** * don't allow the domain divider to adjust. * @param lockDomainDivider */ public void setLockDomainDivider(boolean lockDomainDivider) { boolean oldLockDomainDivider = this.lockDomainDivider; this.lockDomainDivider = lockDomainDivider; firePropertyChange(PROP_LOCKDOMAINDIVIDER, oldLockDomainDivider, lockDomainDivider); } /** * set the component visible or invisible. The axis bounds are updated. So in addition to the JComponent visibility, this * also makes a useful property to completely hide the axis. drawTickLabels hides the labels but still draws the ticks, this * completely hides the axis. Note too that even though it is not visible, tick positions are still updated to support * drawing a grid on the plot. * @param aFlag */ @Override public void setVisible(boolean aFlag) { super.setVisible(aFlag); update(); } /** * set a hint at the format string. Examples include:
  • 0.000 *
  • %H:%M!c%Y-%j *
  • 0 *
* @param formatString */ public void setFormat(String formatString) { try { String oldFormatString = this.formatString; this.formatString = formatString; if (formatString.equals("")) { setUserDatumFormatter(null); } else { if ( formatString.contains("$") && !formatString.contains("%") ) { formatString= formatString.replaceAll("\\$","%"); } setUserDatumFormatter(getUnits().getDatumFormatterFactory().newFormatter(formatString)); } updateTickV(); repaint(); firePropertyChange(PROP_FORMATSTRING, oldFormatString, formatString); } catch (ParseException e) { setUserDatumFormatter(null); } } private void resetTransform() { DasDevicePosition pos; if (isHorizontal()) { pos = getColumn(); if ( pos==DasColumn.NULL) return; } else { pos = getRow(); if ( pos==DasRow.NULL) return; } double dmin = pos.getDMinimum(); double dmax = pos.getDMaximum(); if (isFlipped()) { double t = dmin; dmin = dmax; dmax = t; } double[] at = GraphUtil.getSlopeIntercept(dataRange.getMinimum(), dmin, dataRange.getMaximum(), dmax); at_m = at[0]; at_b = at[1]; } /** * get an object to lock the axis for multiple operations. * @return */ public Lock mutatorLock() { return dataRange.mutatorLock(); } /** * true if a lock is out and an object is rapidly mutating the object. * clients listening for property changes can safely ignore property * changes while valueIsAdjusting is true, as they should receive a * final propertyChangeEvent after the lock is released. (note it's not * clear who is responsible for this. * See http://das2.org/wiki/index.php/Das2.valueIsAdjusting) * @return true if valueIsAdjusting */ public boolean valueIsAdjusting() { return dataRange.valueIsAdjusting(); } }