package org.das2.graph; import org.das2.datum.Datum; import org.das2.datum.DatumRange; import org.das2.datum.DatumRangeUtil; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem; import javax.swing.JLayeredPane; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.JSeparator; import javax.swing.MenuElement; import javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter; import org.das2.DasApplication; import org.das2.datum.Units; /** * draws lines connecting two DasPlots, one on top of the other, typically used * to show a zoom in above of a context below. */ public final class ColumnColumnConnector extends DasCanvasComponent { public static final String PROP_FILL_COLOR = "fillColor"; public static final String PROP_FILL = "fill"; public static final String PROP_BOTTOM_CURTAIN = "bottomCurtain"; public static final String PROP_CURTAIN_OPACITY_PERCENT = "curtainOpacityPercent"; private final DasRow topRow; private final DasPlot topPlot; private final DasPlot bottomPlot; /** * true if the bottom curtain should be drawn */ private boolean bottomCurtainDrawn= true; public ColumnColumnConnector( final DasCanvas parent, DasPlot topPlot, DasRow topRow, final DasPlot bottomPlot ) { super( ); putClientProperty( JLayeredPane.LAYER_PROPERTY, DasCanvas.AXIS_LAYER ); this.topPlot= topPlot; this.topRow= topRow; this.bottomPlot= bottomPlot; setForeground( Color.LIGHT_GRAY ); if ( topRow==null ) topRow= topPlot.getRow(); setRow( topRow ); setColumn( topPlot.getColumn() ); PropertyChangeListener pcl= createPropertyChangeListener(); topPlot.addPropertyChangeListener(pcl); topPlot.getXAxis().addPropertyChangeListener(pcl); topPlot.getYAxis().addPropertyChangeListener(pcl); bottomPlot.addPropertyChangeListener(pcl); bottomPlot.getXAxis().addPropertyChangeListener(pcl); if ( !DasApplication.getDefaultApplication().isHeadless() ) { JPopupMenu mi= this.bottomPlot.getDasMouseInputAdapter().getPrimaryPopupMenu(); mi.setLabel("Plot Menu"); JPopupMenu delegateMenu= makeDelegateMenu( mi ); getDasMouseInputAdapter().addMenuItem( delegateMenu ); MenuElement me= getDasMouseInputAdapter().getPrimaryPopupMenu().getSubElements()[0]; ((JMenuItem)me.getComponent()).setText("Connector Properties"); addMouseListener(new MouseInputAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { Point p= new Point( getX() + e.getX(), getY() + e.getY() ); bottomPlot.getDasMouseInputAdapter().setMousePressPositionOnCanvas(p); DasPlot bot= ColumnColumnConnector.this.bottomPlot; int ir = bot.findRendererAt(getX() + e.getX(), getY() + e.getY()); Renderer r = null; if ( ir>-1 ) { r= (Renderer) bot.getRenderer(ir); } bot.setFocusRenderer(r); } }); } } private JMenu makeDelegateMenu( JMenu mi ) { JMenu result= new JMenu(mi.getText()); for ( Component c: mi.getMenuComponents() ) { if ( c instanceof JMenuItem ) { JMenuItem tmi= (JMenuItem)c; JMenuItem cmi= new JMenuItem(tmi.getAction()); cmi.setText(tmi.getText()); result.add(cmi); } else if ( c instanceof JSeparator ) { result.add( new JSeparator() ); } else if ( c instanceof JMenu ) { result.add( makeDelegateMenu( ((JMenu)c) ) ); } } return result; } /** * create a menu that delegates to the menu underneath * @param mi * @return */ private JPopupMenu makeDelegateMenu( JPopupMenu mi ) { JPopupMenu result= new JPopupMenu(); int i=0; for ( Component c: mi.getComponents() ) { i=i+1; if ( c instanceof javax.swing.JMenu ) { result.add( makeDelegateMenu( ((JMenu)c) ) ); } else if ( c instanceof JCheckBoxMenuItem ) { //drop it--it's a mouse module... } else if ( c instanceof JMenuItem ) { JMenuItem tmi= (JMenuItem)c; JMenuItem cmi= new JMenuItem(tmi.getAction()); cmi.setText(tmi.getText()); result.add(cmi); } else if ( c instanceof JSeparator ) { result.add( new JSeparator() ); } } return result; } private Rectangle getMyBounds() { int ytop= topRow.getDMaximum(); int ybottom= this.bottomCurtainDrawn ? bottomPlot.getRow().getDMaximum() : bottomPlot.getRow().getDMinimum() ; int xhigh= Math.max( topPlot.getColumn().getDMaximum(), bottomPlot.getColumn().getDMaximum() ); int xlow= Math.min( topPlot.getColumn().getDMinimum(), bottomPlot.getColumn().getDMinimum() ); Rectangle result= new Rectangle( xlow, ytop, (xhigh-xlow)+1, (ybottom-ytop) ); return result; } @Override public Shape getActiveRegion() { return getMyBounds(); } @Override public void resize() { setBounds(getMyBounds()); } private Datum min( Datum d1, Datum d2 ) { return ? d1 : d2; } private Datum max( Datum d1, Datum d2 ) { return ? d1 : d2; } private void paintBottomContext( Graphics2D g, DatumRange context ) { g.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON ); g.translate(-getX(), -getY()); int xhigh1= (int)topPlot.getXAxis().transform(context.min()); int xhigh2= (int)bottomPlot.getXAxis().getColumn().getDMiddle(); int xlow1= (int)topPlot.getXAxis().transform(context.min()); int xlow2= (int)bottomPlot.getXAxis().getColumn().getDMiddle(); //if ( xhigh1 > xhigh2 ) return; paintIt( g, xhigh1, xhigh2, xlow1, xlow2 ); } private void paintTopContext( Graphics2D g, DatumRange context ) { g.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON ); g.translate(-getX(), -getY()); int xhigh1= (int)topPlot.getXAxis().getColumn().getDMiddle(); int xhigh2= (int)bottomPlot.getXAxis().transform(context.min()); int xlow1= (int)topPlot.getXAxis().getColumn().getDMiddle(); int xlow2= (int)bottomPlot.getXAxis().transform(context.min()); //if ( xhigh1 > xhigh2 ) return; paintIt( g, xhigh1, xhigh2, xlow1, xlow2 ); } private void paintIt( Graphics2D g, int xhigh1, int xhigh2, int xlow1, int xlow2 ) { int hlen=3; int y1= topRow.getDMaximum()+hlen; int y2= bottomPlot.getRow().getDMinimum()-1-hlen; int y3= bottomPlot.getRow().getDMinimum()-1; GeneralPath gp= new GeneralPath(); GeneralPath fillPath= new GeneralPath(); gp.moveTo( xlow1,y1-hlen ); fillPath.moveTo( xlow1,y1-hlen ); gp.lineTo( xlow1,y1 ); fillPath.lineTo( xlow1,y1 ); gp.lineTo( xlow2,y2 ); fillPath.lineTo( xlow2,y2 ); gp.lineTo( xlow2,y3 ); fillPath.lineTo( xlow2,y3 ); gp.moveTo( xhigh2, y3 ); fillPath.lineTo( xhigh2,y3 ); gp.lineTo( xhigh2,y2 ); fillPath.lineTo( xhigh2,y2 ); gp.lineTo( xhigh1,y1 ); fillPath.lineTo( xhigh1,y1 ); gp.lineTo( xhigh1,y1-hlen ); fillPath.lineTo( xhigh1,y1-hlen ); if ( fill ) { g.setColor( fillColor ); g.fill(fillPath); } g.setColor( getForeground() ); g.draw( gp ); } @Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics g1) { if ( ! topPlot.getXAxis().getUnits().isConvertibleTo( bottomPlot.getXAxis().getUnits() ) ) { //context plots // check to see if bottom panel is slice of top DatumRange bottomContext= bottomPlot.getDisplayContext(); //TODO: this is not a closed-loop system. We should indicate timerange found in dataset. DatumRange topContext= topPlot.getDisplayContext(); boolean topIsInterestingContext= topContext!=null && topContext.getUnits()!=Units.dimensionless; boolean useTop= bottomContext==null || ( bottomContext.getUnits()==Units.dimensionless && topIsInterestingContext ); //problem: Autoplot uses "0 to 100" as the default context. //problem: the context property is the setting for the axis, not the feedback. if ( !useTop ) { boolean isContext= bottomContext!=null && topPlot.getXAxis().getUnits().isConvertibleTo( bottomContext.getUnits() ); if ( isContext ) { Graphics2D g2=(Graphics2D)g1.create(); paintBottomContext( g2, bottomContext ); g2.dispose(); return; } } else { boolean isContext= topContext!=null && bottomPlot.getXAxis().getUnits().isConvertibleTo( topContext.getUnits() ); bottomContext= topPlot.getDisplayContext(); if ( isContext ) { Graphics2D g2=(Graphics2D)g1.create(); paintTopContext( g2, bottomContext ); g2.dispose(); return; } else { return; } } } Graphics2D g= (Graphics2D)g1.create(); g.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON ); g.translate(-getX(), -getY()); int hlen=3; int y1= topRow.getDMaximum()+hlen; int y2= bottomPlot.getRow().getDMinimum()-1-hlen; int y3= bottomPlot.getRow().getDMinimum()-1; int y4= bottomPlot.getRow().getDMaximum(); if ( ! topPlot.getXAxis().getUnits().isConvertibleTo( bottomPlot.getXAxis().getUnits() ) ) { // transition state (?) that caused failure of autoplot-test500 005. return; } Datum dlow= max( topPlot.getXAxis().getDataMinimum(), bottomPlot.getXAxis().getDataMinimum() ); Datum dhigh= min( topPlot.getXAxis().getDataMaximum(), bottomPlot.getXAxis().getDataMaximum() ); int xhigh1= (int)topPlot.getXAxis().transform(dhigh); int xhigh2= (int)bottomPlot.getXAxis().transform(dhigh); int xlow1= (int)topPlot.getXAxis().transform(dlow); int xlow2= (int)bottomPlot.getXAxis().transform(dlow); //if ( xhigh1 > xhigh2 ) return; GeneralPath gp= new GeneralPath(); GeneralPath fillPath= new GeneralPath(); gp.moveTo( xlow1,y1-hlen ); fillPath.moveTo( xlow1,y1-hlen ); gp.lineTo( xlow1,y1 ); fillPath.lineTo( xlow1,y1 ); gp.lineTo( xlow2,y2 ); fillPath.lineTo( xlow2,y2 ); gp.lineTo( xlow2,y3 ); fillPath.lineTo( xlow2,y3 ); gp.moveTo( xhigh2, y3 ); fillPath.lineTo( xhigh2,y3 ); gp.lineTo( xhigh2,y2 ); fillPath.lineTo( xhigh2,y2 ); gp.lineTo( xhigh1,y1 ); fillPath.lineTo( xhigh1,y1 ); gp.lineTo( xhigh1,y1-hlen ); fillPath.lineTo( xhigh1,y1-hlen ); if ( fill ) { g.setColor( fillColor ); g.fill(fillPath); } g.setColor( getForeground() ); g.draw( gp ); if ( bottomCurtain && topPlot.getYAxis().getUnits().isConvertibleTo( bottomPlot.getYAxis().getUnits() ) ) { DatumRange drtop= topPlot.getYAxis().getDatumRange(); DatumRange yaxisRange= bottomPlot.getYAxis().getDatumRange(); drtop= DatumRangeUtil.sloppyIntersection( yaxisRange, drtop ); int y5,y6; if ( showYPosition ) { y5= (int)( bottomPlot.getYAxis().transform( drtop.max() )+0.00001 ); y6= (int)( bottomPlot.getYAxis().transform( drtop.min() )+0.00001 ); } else { y5= bottomPlot.getYAxis().getRow().getDMinimum(); y6= bottomPlot.getYAxis().getRow().getDMaximum(); } if ( curtainOpacityPercent > 0 ) { Color canvasColor= getCanvas().getBackground(); Color curtainColor= new Color( canvasColor.getRed(), canvasColor.getGreen(), canvasColor.getBlue(), curtainOpacityPercent * 255 / 100 ); GeneralPath gpfill= new GeneralPath( DasRow.toRectangle(bottomPlot.getRow(),bottomPlot.getColumn() ) ); gpfill.append( new Rectangle( xlow2, y5, xhigh2-xlow2, y6-y5 ), false ); gpfill.setWindingRule( GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD ); g.setColor( curtainColor ); g.fill( gpfill ); //g.fillRect( xLeft, y3+1, xlow2-xLeft, y4-y3-1 ); //g.fillRect( xhigh2+1, y3+1, xRight-xhigh2-1, y4-y3-1 ); g.setColor( getForeground() ); } if ( yaxisRange.contains(drtop.max()) )g.drawLine( xlow2, y5, xhigh2, y5 ); if ( yaxisRange.contains(drtop.min()) && drtop.min().gt( yaxisRange.min() ) ) g.drawLine( xlow2, y6, xhigh2, y6 ); g.drawLine( xlow2, y3, xlow2, y4 ); g.drawLine( xhigh2, y3, xhigh2, y4 ); } g.dispose(); getDasMouseInputAdapter().paint(g1); } private PropertyChangeListener createPropertyChangeListener() { return new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent propertyChangeEvent) { bottomCurtainDrawn= topPlot.getXAxis().getUnits().isConvertibleTo( bottomPlot.getXAxis().getUnits() ); markDirty(); update(); } }; } /** * Holds value of property fillColor. */ private Color fillColor= new Color( 240,240,240,255 ); /** * Utility field used by bound properties. */ private final java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeSupport = new java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport(this); /** * Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list. * @param l The listener to add. */ @Override public void addPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener l) { propertyChangeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(l); } /** * Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list. * @param l The listener to remove. */ @Override public void removePropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener l) { propertyChangeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener(l); } /** * Getter for property fillColor. * @return Value of property fillColor. */ public Color getFillColor() { return this.fillColor; } /** * Setter for property fillColor. * @param fillColor New value of property fillColor. */ public void setFillColor(Color fillColor) { Color oldFillColor = this.fillColor; this.fillColor = fillColor; repaint(); propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_FILL_COLOR, oldFillColor, fillColor); } /** * Holds value of property fill. */ private boolean fill=false; /** * Getter for property fill. * @return Value of property fill. */ public boolean isFill() { return this.fill; } /** * Setter for property fill. * @param fill New value of property fill. */ public void setFill(boolean fill) { boolean oldFill = this.fill; this.fill = fill; repaint(); propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_FILL, Boolean.valueOf(oldFill), Boolean.valueOf(fill)); } /** * Holds value of property bottomCurtain. */ private boolean bottomCurtain; /** * Getter for property bottomCurtain. * @return Value of property bottomCurtain. */ public boolean isBottomCurtain() { return this.bottomCurtain; } /** * Setter for property bottomCurtain. * @param bottomCurtain New value of property bottomCurtain. */ public void setBottomCurtain(boolean bottomCurtain) { boolean oldBottomCurtain = this.bottomCurtain; this.bottomCurtain = bottomCurtain; repaint(); propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_BOTTOM_CURTAIN, Boolean.valueOf(oldBottomCurtain), Boolean.valueOf(bottomCurtain)); } /** * Holds value of property curtainOpacityPercent. */ private int curtainOpacityPercent= 40; /** * Getter for property curtainOpacityPercent. * @return Value of property curtainOpacityPercent. */ public int getCurtainOpacityPercent() { return this.curtainOpacityPercent; } /** * Setter for property curtainOpacityPercent. * @param curtainOpacityPercent New value of property curtainOpacityPercent. */ public void setCurtainOpacityPercent(int curtainOpacityPercent) { int oldCurtainOpacityPercent = this.curtainOpacityPercent; this.curtainOpacityPercent = Math.max( 0, Math.min( 100, curtainOpacityPercent ) ); repaint(); propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_CURTAIN_OPACITY_PERCENT, oldCurtainOpacityPercent, curtainOpacityPercent ); } private boolean showYPosition = true; public static final String PROP_SHOWYPOSITION = "showYPosition"; public boolean isShowYPosition() { return showYPosition; } /** * don't indicate the y axis position, for example if relating data with the time axes but different Y units. * @param showYPosition */ public void setShowYPosition(boolean showYPosition) { boolean oldShowYPosition = this.showYPosition; this.showYPosition = showYPosition; repaint(); propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_SHOWYPOSITION, oldShowYPosition, showYPosition); } }