/* * MonthDatumRange.java * * Created on November 15, 2004, 4:28 PM */ package org.das2.datum; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Arrays; /** * DatumRange implementation that preserves month and year boundaries in the next() and previous() implementations. For example, *
 *   dr= MonthDatumRange( [ 1999, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00, 0 ], [ 1999, 02, 01, 00, 00, 00, 0 ] )
 *   dr.toString() → "Jan 1999"
 *   dr= dr.next()
 *   dr.toString() → "Feb 1999"  ; a normal datumRange would simply advance 31 days.
* @author Jeremy */ public class MonthDatumRange extends DatumRange implements Serializable { int width; int widthDigit; final int[] start; final int[] end; private void init( ) { widthDigit= -1; int[] widthArr= new int[7]; for ( int i=0; i<7; i++ ) { widthArr[i]= this.end[i]-this.start[i]; } while( widthArr[1]<0 ) { widthArr[1]+= 12; widthArr[0]--; } for ( int i=0; i<7; i++ ) { if ( widthArr[i]!=0 ) { if ( widthDigit==0 && i==1 ) { widthDigit=i; widthArr[1]+=widthArr[0]*12; widthArr[0]= 0; } else if ( widthDigit!=-1 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("MonthDatumRange must only vary in month or year, not both"); } else { widthDigit=i; width= widthArr[widthDigit]; } } } if ( widthArr[0]==0 && widthArr[1]==0 ) { System.err.println("*** either month or year must increment, this will be runtime error soon"); } } /** * create the MonthDatumRange with the decomposed times. * @param start a seven element array of [ yr, mn, day, hr, mn, sec, nano ] * @param end a seven element array of [ yr, mn, day, hr, mn, sec, nano ] * @param u the units for storing the Datums. */ public MonthDatumRange( int[] start, int[] end, Units u ) { super( TimeUtil.toDatum( start ).convertTo(u), TimeUtil.toDatum( end ).convertTo(u) ); this.start= new int[7]; // make defensive copy to make findbugs happy. System.arraycopy( start, 0, this.start, 0, 7 ); this.end= new int[7]; System.arraycopy( end, 0, this.end, 0, 7 ); init(); } /** * create the MonthDatumRange with the decomposed times. * @param start a seven element array of [ yr, mn, day, hr, mn, sec, nano ] * @param end a seven element array of [ yr, mn, day, hr, mn, sec, nano ] */ public MonthDatumRange( int[] start, int[] end ) { super( TimeUtil.toDatum( start ), TimeUtil.toDatum( end ) ); this.start= new int[7]; // make defensive copy to make findbugs happy. System.arraycopy( start, 0, this.start, 0, 7 ); this.end= new int[7]; System.arraycopy( end, 0, this.end, 0, 7 ); init(); } @Override public DatumRange next() { int[] end1= new int[7]; System.arraycopy(this.end, 0, end1, 0, 7); end1[widthDigit]= end1[widthDigit]+this.width; switch ( widthDigit ) { case 1: while( end1[1]>12 ) { end1[1]-= 12; end1[0]++; } case 0: break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("not implemented"); } return new MonthDatumRange( this.end, end1 ); } @Override public DatumRange previous() { int[] start1= new int[7]; System.arraycopy(this.start, 0, start1, 0, 7); start1[widthDigit]= start1[widthDigit]-this.width; switch ( widthDigit ) { case 1: while( start1[1]<1 ) { start1[1]+= 12; start1[0]--; } case 0: break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("not implemented"); } return new MonthDatumRange( start1, this.start ); } @Override public DatumRange convertTo(Units u) { if ( u==this.min().getUnits() ) { return this; } else { return new MonthDatumRange( start, end, u ); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if ( o instanceof MonthDatumRange ) { MonthDatumRange m= (MonthDatumRange)o; return Arrays.equals( this.start, m.start ) && Arrays.equals(this.end,m.end); } else { return super.equals(o); } } @Override public int hashCode() { return super.hashCode(); } }