package org.das2.datum; /** * A DomainDivider to divide a linear data range into equal segments. * Within a given order of magnitude, this divider will work in increments of one, * two, or five. * @author Ed Jackson */ public class LinearDomainDivider implements DomainDivider { private final int incSignificand, incExponent; // protected access for factory method in DomainDividerUtil protected LinearDomainDivider() { this(1, 0); } // private version allows specification of increment, for use by // finerDivider and coarserDivider protected LinearDomainDivider(int significand, int exponent) { incSignificand = significand; incExponent = exponent; } @Override public DomainDivider coarserDivider(boolean superset) { int newSignificand, newExponent; if (incSignificand == 1) { newSignificand = 2; newExponent = incExponent; } else if (incSignificand == 2) { if (superset) { newSignificand = 1; newExponent = incExponent + 1; } else { newSignificand = 5; newExponent = incExponent; } } else if (incSignificand == 5) { newSignificand = 1; newExponent = incExponent + 1; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal state in LinearDomainDivider"); } return new LinearDomainDivider(newSignificand, newExponent); } @Override public DomainDivider finerDivider(boolean superset) { int newSignificand, newExponent; if (incSignificand == 1) { newSignificand = 5; newExponent = incExponent - 1; } else if (incSignificand == 2) { newSignificand = 1; newExponent = incExponent; } else if (incSignificand == 5) { if (superset) { newSignificand = 1; newExponent = incExponent; } else { newSignificand = 2; newExponent = incExponent; } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal state in LinearDomainDivider"); } return new LinearDomainDivider(newSignificand, newExponent); } @Override public DatumVector boundaries(Datum min, Datum max) { if ( !min.isFinite() || !max.isFinite() ) { System.err.println("min and max must be finite"); // throw new IllegalArgumentException("min and max must be finite" ); } long nb = boundaryCount(min,max); if (nb > MAX_BOUNDARIES ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("too many divisions requested ("+boundaryCount(min, max)+")"); double[] values = new double[(int)nb]; boolean inv= incExponent<0; double intervalSize; if (inv) { intervalSize= Math.pow(10, -incExponent) / incSignificand; double v = Math.ceil(min.doubleValue() * intervalSize) / intervalSize; for (int i=0 ; i < nb ; ++i) values[i] = v + i / intervalSize; } else { intervalSize= incSignificand * Math.pow(10, incExponent); double v = Math.ceil(min.doubleValue()/intervalSize) * intervalSize; for (int i=0 ; i < nb ; ++i) values[i] = v + i * intervalSize; } return DatumVector.newDatumVector(values, min.getUnits()); } @Override public DatumRange rangeContaining(Datum v) { double intervalSize = incSignificand * Math.pow(10, incExponent); double min = Math.floor(v.doubleValue()/intervalSize) * intervalSize; return new DatumRange(min, min + intervalSize, v.getUnits()); } @Override public long boundaryCount(Datum min, Datum max) { if ( ) { return 0; } double intervalSize = incSignificand * Math.pow(10, incExponent); long mmin = (long)Math.ceil(min.doubleValue()/intervalSize); long mmax = (long)Math.floor(max.doubleValue()/intervalSize); return mmax - mmin + 1; } /** * protected to provide access to other dividers that delegate to this, * and to support formatter. * @return */ protected int getSignificand() { return incSignificand; } /** * protected to provide access to other dividers that delegate to this, * and to support formatter. * @return */ protected int getExponent() { return incExponent; } @Override public String toString() { return "ldd "+incSignificand+"E"+incExponent; } public static void main(String[] args) { DomainDivider div = new LinearDomainDivider(); DatumRange dr = DatumRangeUtil.newDimensionless(0.1,0.9); System.err.println(div.boundaryCount(dr.min(), dr.max())); // logger okay System.err.println(div.boundaries(dr.min(), dr.max())); // logger okay System.err.println(div.rangeContaining(dr.min())); // logger okay DomainDivider div2 = div.coarserDivider(false); System.err.println(div2.boundaryCount(dr.min(), dr.max())); // logger okay System.err.println(div2.boundaries(dr.min(), dr.max())); // logger okay div2 = div.finerDivider(false); System.err.println(div2.boundaryCount(dr.min(), dr.max())); // logger okay System.err.println(div2.boundaries(dr.min(), dr.max())); // logger okay } }