package org.das2.datum; import; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * A DatumRange is provided as a means to carry an ordered pair of Datums * representing an interval. This sort of data structure comes up often in * processing, and it's useful to define once and get the operators * implemented correctly. Consider using this object whenever you see * pairs of Datums in interfaces and codes (e.g. tbegin,tend), they are probably * a DatumRange! * @see org.das2.graph.DataRange mutable object used to link two axes together. */ public class DatumRange implements Comparable, Serializable { private static final Logger logger = LoggerManager.getLogger("das2.datum"); Datum s1; Datum s2; /** * Creates valid DatumRange from two Datums. * @param s1 the start or smaller value of the range. * @param s2 the stop or bigger value of the range. */ public DatumRange(Datum s1, Datum s2) { if ( ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "min > max: "+s1+" > "+s2 + " width=" + ( DatumUtil.asOrderOneUnits(s2.subtract(s1)) ) ) ; } if ( s1.isFinite() && s1.isFill() ) { //throw new IllegalArgumentException( "s1 is fill" ) ; } if ( s2.isFinite() && s2.isFill() ) { //throw new IllegalArgumentException( "s2 is fill" ) ; } // if ( !Double.isFinite( s1.doubleValue(s1.getUnits() ) ) ) { // logger.warning("s1 is not finite"); // } // if ( !Double.isFinite( s2.doubleValue(s2.getUnits() ) ) ) { // logger.warning("s2 is not finite"); // } this.s1=s1; if ( s1.getUnits()==s2.getUnits() ) { this.s2= s2; } else { this.s2=s2.convertTo(s1.getUnits()); } } /** * create a datum range from two doubles in the context of units. * @param s1 the start or smaller value of the range. * @param s2 the stop or bigger value of the range. * @param units the units in which to interpret s1 and s2. */ public DatumRange( double s1, double s2, Units units ) { this( Datum.create( s1, units ), Datum.create( s2, units ) ); } /** * returns true of the DatumRange overlaps this. Note that the endpoints are not * included in the comparison, so that Tuesday.intersects(Wednesday)==false. * @param dr a valid datum range * @return true of the DatumRange overlaps this * @throws InconvertibleUnitsException if the units can not be reconciled. */ public boolean intersects(DatumRange dr) { return dr.s1 ) && dr.s2 ); } /** * returns the intersection of the two intersecting ranges. This is a range that contains(d) if * and only if this.contains(d) and dr.contains(d). * @return the intersection of the two intersecting ranges. * @param dr a valid datum range. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the two do not overlap. * @see DatumRangeUtil#sloppyIntersection(org.das2.datum.DatumRange, org.das2.datum.DatumRange) */ public DatumRange intersection( DatumRange dr ) { if ( this.intersects(dr) ) { Units units= this.getUnits(); double s11= this.s1.doubleValue(units); double s12= dr.s1.doubleValue(units); double ls1= Math.max( s11, s12 ); double s21= this.s2.doubleValue(units); double s22= dr.s2.doubleValue(units); double ls2= Math.min( s21, s22 ); return new DatumRange( ls1, ls2, units ); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("does not intersect: "+dr); } } /** * returns true of param dr is contained by this, so that this.union(dr).equals(this). * @param dr the datum range to test. * @return true iff this.union(dr).equals(this); */ public boolean contains(DatumRange dr) { return this.s1.le( dr.s1 ) && dr.s2.le( this.s2 ); } /** * returns the union of the two intersecting or adjacent ranges. * @param dr the other range of consistent units. * @return DatumRange union of the two DatumRanges * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the two are disjoint. */ public DatumRange union( DatumRange dr ) { if ( this.intersects(dr) || this.max().equals(dr.min() ) || this.min().equals(dr.max() ) ) { Units units= this.getUnits(); double s11= this.s1.doubleValue(units); double s12= dr.s1.doubleValue(units); double s21= this.s2.doubleValue(units); double s22= dr.s2.doubleValue(units); return new DatumRange( Math.min( s11, s12 ), Math.max( s21, s22 ), units ); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("does not intersect or touch: "+dr); } } /** * returns true if the Datum is in the range, inclusive of the * lesser point but exclusive of the greater point. * @param d the datum * @return true if d is in the range, exclusive of max. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the units cannot be converted. */ public boolean contains( Datum d ) { return this.s1.le(d) &&; } /** * returns the width of the range, which is simply the greater minus the lessor. * Note that the units of the result will not necessarily be the same as the * endpoints, for example with LocationDatums. * @return Datum that is the width of the range (max.subtract(min)). */ public Datum width() { return this.s2.subtract(this.s1); } /** * returns a human consumable representation of the string. This should also be parsable with * DatumRangeUtil.parseDatumRange, but this has not been verified to complete certainty. * @return the DatumRange as a String. */ @Override public String toString() { if ( this.s1.getUnits() instanceof TimeLocationUnits ) { try { return DatumRangeUtil.formatTimeRange(this); } catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) { return String.format( Locale.US, "%f %f \"%s\"", this.s1.doubleValue(this.getUnits()), this.s2.doubleValue(this.getUnits()), this.getUnits() ); } } else { Units u= getUnits(); boolean isDouble= !( UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation(u) || UnitsUtil.isNominalMeasurement(u) ); String ss1= this.s1.getFormatter().format(this.s1,u); String ss2= this.s2.getFormatter().format(this.s2,u); Datum w= this.width(); if ( isDouble && Double.parseDouble(ss1)==Double.parseDouble(ss2) && w.value()>0 ) { Datum d1= Datum.create( this.s1.doubleValue(u), u, w.value()/100 ); Datum d2= Datum.create( this.s2.doubleValue(u), u, w.value()/100 ); ss1= d1.getFormatter().format(d1,u); ss2= d2.getFormatter().format(d2,u); } if ( u==Units.dimensionless ) { return String.format( "%s to %s", ss1, ss2 ); } else { return String.format( "%s to %s %s", ss1, ss2, u.toString() ); } } } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 5; hash = 67 * hash + (this.s1 != null ? this.s1.hashCode() : 0); hash = 67 * hash + (this.s2 != null ? this.s2.hashCode() : 0); return hash; } /** * returns true if the two endpoints are equal. * @param o * @return */ @Override public boolean equals( Object o ) { if (!(o instanceof DatumRange)) { return false; } if ( !this.getUnits().isConvertibleTo( ((DatumRange)o).getUnits() ) ) { return false; } else { return ( this==o ) || 0==compareTo(o); } } /** * Compare this to another DatumRange, ordered by the lesser datum, * then the greater datum. This is mostly provided for .equals, but also * so there is a consistent ordering convention though out the system. * @param o the DatumRange to compare this DatumRange to. * @return an int < 0 if this comes before DatumRange a in this DatumRange's units space, 0 if they are equal, and > 0 otherwise. */ @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { if ( o == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Cannot compare to null"); } if ( !(o instanceof DatumRange) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument is not a DatumRange"); } DatumRange dr= (DatumRange)o; int comp= s1.compareTo(dr.s1); if ( comp!=0 ) { return comp; } else { return s2.compareTo(dr.s2); } } /** * returns a scaled DatumRange, with a new width that is the this * datumRange's width multiplied by factor, and the same center. * 1.0 is the same range, 2.0 has twice the width, etc. * @param factor double representing the new range's width divided by this range's width. * @return a scaled DatumRange, with a new width that is the this * datumRange's width multiplied by factor, and the same center. */ public DatumRange zoomOut( double factor ) { double add= (factor-1)/2; return rescale( -add, 1+add ); } /** * returns DatumRange relative to this, where 0.0 is the minimum, and 1.0 is the maximum. * For example rescale(1,2) is scanNext, rescale(-0.5,1.5) is zoomOut. * @param min the new min normalized with respect to this range. 0.0 is this range's min, 1.0 is this range's max. * @param max the new max with normalized with respect to this range. 0.0 is this range's min, 1.0 is this range's max. * @return new DatumRange. * @see DatumRangeUtil#rescale(org.das2.datum.DatumRange, double, double) */ public DatumRange rescale( double min, double max ) { Datum w= width(); if ( !w.isFinite() ) { throw new RuntimeException("width is not finite in rescale"); } if ( w.doubleValue( w.getUnits() )==0. ) { // condition that might cause an infinate loop! For now let's check for this and throw RuntimeException. throw new RuntimeException("width is zero!"); } return new DatumRange( s1.add( w.multiply(min) ), s1.add( w.multiply(max) ) ); } /** * returns the smaller value or start of the range. * @return the smaller value or start of the range. */ public Datum min() { return s1; } /** * returns the bigger value or stop of the range. * @return the bigger value or stop of the range. */ public Datum max() { return s2; } /** * returns the middle value of the range, often useful when * the most descriptive value is needed. * @return the middle value of the range. */ public Datum middle() { return s1.add( s2.subtract(s1).divide(2) ); } /** * returns the next DatumRange covering the space defined by Units. Typically, * this will be a range with a min equal to this datum's max, and the same width. * Some implementations of DatumRange may return a range with a different width * than this DatumRange's width, for example, when advancing month-by-month * with a MonthDatumRange. When there is no next interval, then this same * range will be returned. * @return the next DatumRange covering the space defined by Units. */ public DatumRange next() { return rescale(1,2); } /** * returns the previous DatumRange covering the space defined by Units. See * next(). When there is no previous interval, then this same range will be * returned. * @return the previous DatumRange covering the space defined by Units */ public DatumRange previous() { return rescale(-1,0); } /** * return this DatumRange in new units. Note this may cause some functions * of a DatumRange to change, such as the next() for a MonthDatumRange, but * implementations should attempt to preserve type. * @param u the new units. * @return the DatumRange in the new units. */ public DatumRange convertTo( Units u ) { return new DatumRange( min().convertTo(u), max().convertTo(u) ); } /** * return a new DatumRange that includes the given Datum, extending the * range if necessary. For example, *
[0,1).include(2)→ [0,2) (note this is exclusive of 2 since it's the end). * [0,1).include(-1)→ [-1,1). * [0,1).include(0.5) → [0,1] (and returns the same DatumRange object) ** Also, including a fill Datum returns the same DatumRange as well. * @param d the Datum to include * @return the new range. */ public DatumRange include(Datum d) { if ( d.isFill() ) return this; if ( this.contains(d) || this.max().equals(d) ) return this; Datum min= ( this.min().le(d) ? this.min() : d ); Datum max= ( this.max().ge(d) ? this.max() : d ); return new DatumRange( min, max ); } /** * return the units of the DatumRange. * @return the units of the DatumRange. */ public Units getUnits() { return this.s1.getUnits(); } /** * creates a new DatumRange object with the range specified in the space * identified by units. Note that min must be <= max. * @param min the minimum value * @param max the maximum value which is greater than or equal to the min. * @param units the units of the two doubles. * @return the DatumRange * @see #newRange(double, double) * @deprecated */ public static DatumRange newDatumRange(double min, double max, Units units) { return new DatumRange( Datum.create(min,units), Datum.create(max,units) ); } /** * create a new DatumRange. In the case where lower is greater than * upper, the two will be reversed automatically. * @param lower the lower bound * @param upper the upper bound * @return a new DatumRange */ public static DatumRange newRange( Datum lower, Datum upper ) { if ( lower.le(upper) ) { return new DatumRange( lower, upper ); } else { return new DatumRange( upper, lower ); } } /** * create a new DatumRange. In the case where lower is greater than * upper, the two will be reversed automatically. * @param lower the lower bound * @param upper the upper bound * @param units the units * @return a new DatumRange */ public static DatumRange newRange( double lower, double upper, Units units ) { if ( lower>upper ) { return new DatumRange( upper, lower, units ); } else { return new DatumRange( lower, upper, units ); } } /** * create a new DatumRange. In the case where lower is greater than * upper, the two will be reversed automatically. * @param lower * @param upper * @return */ public static DatumRange newRange( double lower, double upper ) { if ( lower>upper ) { return new DatumRange( upper, lower, Units.dimensionless ); } else { return new DatumRange( lower, upper, Units.dimensionless ); } } }