! ! GEMPAK Parameter Table ! !ID# NAME UNITS GNAM SCALE MISSING HZREMAP DIRECTION ! ! Temperature 001 Temperature degC TMPC 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Temperature degC TEMP 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Temperature degF TMPF 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Temperature K TMPK 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Surface potential temperature K STHA 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Surface potential temperature K STHK 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Surface potential temperature degC STHC 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Surface equiv potential temp K STHE 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Surface saturation equiv pot temp K STHS 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Potential temperature K THTA 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Potential temperature K THTK 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Potential temperature degC THTC 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Equivalent potential temp K THTE 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Saturation Equiv potential temp K THTS 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Virtual temperature K TVRK 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Virtual temperature degC TVRC 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Virtual temperature F TVRF 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Virtual potential temperature K THTV 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Maximum 24 hour temperature degC TMAX 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Maximum 24 hour temperature degC TMPX 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Minimum 24 hour temperature degC TMIN 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Maximum 24 hour temperature degC TDXC 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Minimum 24 hour temperature degC TDNC 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Maximum 24 hour temperature F TDXF 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Minimum 24 hour temperature F TDNF 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Maximum temperature K TMXK 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Minimum temperature K TMNK 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Maximum 6 hour temperature degC T6XC 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Minimum 6 hour temperature degC T6NC 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Maximum 12hour temperature degC T12X 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Minimum 12hour temperature degC T12N 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Maximum 6 hour temperature F T6XF 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Minimum 6 hour temperature F T6NF 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Daily weather map maximum temp F DMAX 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Daily weather map minimum temp F DMIN 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Sea Surface Temperature degC SSTC 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Sea Surface Temperature degC SSTM 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Sea Surface Temperature F SSTF 0 -9999.00 0 0 001 Temperature of lifted surface air degC LTMP 0 -9999.00 0 0 ! Moisture 002 Dew-point temperature degC DWPT 0 -9999.00 0 0 002 Dew-point temperature degC DWPC 0 -9999.00 0 0 002 Dew-point temperature F DWPF 0 -9999.00 0 0 002 Dew-point temperature K DWPK 0 -9999.00 0 0 002 Dew-point depression(or deficit) degC DPDC 0 -9999.00 0 0 002 Dew-point depression(or deficit) F DPDF 0 -9999.00 0 0 002 Dew-point depression(or deficit) K DPDK 0 -9999.00 0 0 002 Mixing ratio g/kg MIXR 0 -9999.00 0 0 002 Saturated mixing ratio g/kg MIXS 0 -9999.00 0 0 002 Surface mixing ratio g/kg SMXR 0 -9999.00 0 0 002 Saturated surface mixing ratio g/kg SMXS 0 -9999.00 0 0 002 Relative humidity % RELH 0 -9999.00 0 0 002 Wet bulb temperature K TMWK 0 -9999.00 0 0 002 Wet bulb temperature degC TMWC 0 -9999.00 0 0 002 Wet bulb temperature F TMWF 0 -9999.00 0 0 002 Vapor pressure millibar VAPR 0 -9999.00 0 0 002 Saturation Vapor pressure millibar VAPS 0 -9999.00 0 0 002 Latent heat of vaporization J/kg LHVP 0 -9999.00 0 0 002 Precipitable water mm PWTR 0 -9999.00 0 0 ! Height 003 Height m HGHT 0 -9999.00 0 0 003 Height m HGTM 0 -9999.00 0 0 003 Height km HGTK 0 -9999.00 0 0 003 Height dam HGTD 0 -9999.00 0 0 003 Height ft HGFT 0 -9999.00 0 0 003 Height 100 ft HGFH 0 -9999.00 0 0 003 Height 1000 ft HGFK 0 -9999.00 0 0 003 Height mile HGML 0 -9999.00 0 0 003 Dry hydrostatic height meter DHGT 0 -9999.00 0 0 003 Moist hydrostatic height meter MHGT 0 -9999.00 0 0 ! Pressure 004 Pressure millibar PRES 0 -9999.00 0 0 004 Mean sea level pressure millibar PMSL 0 -9999.00 0 0 004 Surface pressure millibar PALT 0 -9999.00 0 0 004 Altimeter setting inch_Hg ALTI 0 -9999.00 0 0 004 Altimeter setting millibar ALTM 0 -9999.00 0 0 004 Abbreviated altimeter setting SALT 0 -9999.00 0 0 004 Abbreviated mean sea level press millibar SMSL 0 -9999.00 0 0 004 Pressure tendency PTND 0 -9999.00 0 0 004 Pressure tendency (3 hour) PT03 0 -9999.00 0 0 004 3 hr pressure change millibar P03C 0 -9999.00 0 0 004 Pressure tendency and group P03D 0 -9999.00 0 0 004 24 hr pressure change millibar P24C 0 -9999.00 0 0 004 Lowest 1-minute average pressure millibar PMN1 0 -9999.00 0 0 004 Time of lowest 1-min ave pressure PMNT 0 -9999.00 0 0 ! Winds 005 u-component of wind (true) meter/second UWND 0 -9999.00 0 0 005 v-component of wind (true) meter/second VWND 0 -9999.00 0 0 005 u-component of wind (true) knot UKNT 0 -9999.00 0 0 005 v-component of wind (true) knot VKNT 0 -9999.00 0 0 005 u-component of wind (relative) meter/second UREL 0 -9999.00 0 0 005 v-component of wind (relative) meter/second VREL 0 -9999.00 0 0 005 Wind direction degree DRCT 0 -9999.00 0 1 005 Wind speed meter/second SPED 0 -9999.00 0 0 005 Wind speed knot SKNT 0 -9999.00 0 0 005 Wind speed mi/hr SMPH 0 -9999.00 0 0 005 Wind gusts knot GUST 0 -9999.00 0 0 005 Wind gusts meter/second GUMS 0 -9999.00 0 0 005 Peak 5-second wind direction degree PWDR 0 -9999.00 0 0 005 Peak 5-second wind speed meter/second PWSP 0 -9999.00 0 0 005 Hour of 5-second wind speed hour PWHR 0 -9999.00 0 0 005 Min of 5-second wind speed minute PWMN 0 -9999.00 0 0 005 Peak 1-minute wind direction degree PKWD 0 -9999.00 0 0 005 Peak 1-minute wind speed meter/second PKWS 0 -9999.00 0 0 005 Time of peak 1-minute wind (HHMM) PKWT 0 -9999.00 0 0 ! Lifted Condensation Level 005 Temperature at the LCL K TLCL 0 -9999.00 0 0 005 Pressure at the LCL millibar PLCL 0 -9999.00 0 0 ! Weather and clouds 006 Numeric weather code WNUM 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Numeric WMO weather code WWMO 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Numeric past weather WMO code PWWM 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Cloud height and coverage level 1 CHC1 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Cloud height and coverage level 2 CHC2 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Cloud height and coverage level 3 CHC3 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Visibility US_statute_mile VSBY 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Visibility km VSBK 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Visibility nautical_mile VSBN 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Duration of sunshine minute MSUN 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Duration of sunshine hour HSUN 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Snow depth inch SNOW 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Amount of new snow inch SNEW 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Water equivalent of snow depth inch WEQS 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Ceiling 100 ft CEIL 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Low-level cloud genera CTYL 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Mid-level cloud genera CTYM 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 High-level cloud genera CTYH 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Cloud base CBAS 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Low Cloud height 100 ft CLHL 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Mid Cloud height 100 ft CLHM 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 High Cloud height 100 ft CLHH 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 High Cloud height 100 ft CLHH 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Cloud Coverage Symbol CFRT 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Coverage of celestial dome CFRL 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Wave height m WHGT 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Wave height ft WHFT 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Wave period sec WPER 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Period of wind wave sec POWW 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Height of wind wave meter HOWW 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Direction of predominant swell degree DOSW 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Period of predominant swell second POSW 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Height of predominant swell meter HOSW 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Direction of secondary swell degree DOS2 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Period of secondary swell second POS2 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Height of secondary swell meter HOS2 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Thickness of ice on ship meter IDTH 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Rate of ice accretion on ship ROIA 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Direction from which ship moving degrees SHPD 0 -9999.00 0 0 006 Ship's average speed (3 hour) knot SHPK 0 -9999.00 0 0 ! Misc 007 Type of station TOST 0 -9999.00 0 0 ! Grib functions 035 Stream function m**2 s**-1 STRM 0 -9999.00 0 0 037 Montgomery streamfunction m**2 s**-2 PSYM 0 -9999.00 0 0 039 Vertical velocity hPa s**-1 OMEG 0 -9999.00 0 0 041 Absolute vorticity s**-1 AVOR 0 -9999.00 0 0 051 Specific humidity kg kg**-1 SPFH 0 -9999.00 0 0 054 Precipitable water kg m**-2 PWTR 0 -9999.00 0 0 057 Evaporation kg m**-2 EVAP 0 -9999.00 0 0 059 Precipitation rate kg m**-2 s**-1 PR-- 0 -9999.00 0 0 060 Thunderstorm probability % TSTM 0 -9999.00 0 0 061 Total precipitation in P--I 0 -9999.00 0 0 061 Total precipitation mm P--M 0 -9999.00 0 0 062 Large scale precipitation mm S--M 0 -9999.00 0 0 063 Convective precipitation mm C--M 0 -9999.00 0 0 065 Water equiv of accum snow depth mm SWEM 0 -9999.00 0 0 066 Snow depth m SNDM 0 -9999.00 0 0 071 Total cloud cover % TCLD 0 -9999.00 0 0 077 Condensation pressure Pa CNDP 0 -9999.00 0 0 083 Surface roughness m SRLM 0 -9999.00 0 0 084 Albedo % ALBD 0 -9999.00 0 0 085 Soil temperature K SLTK 0 -9999.00 0 0 086 Soil moisture content kg m**-2 SLMM 0 -9999.00 0 0 091 Ice concent (1=ice,0=no ice) 1,0 ICE 0 -9999.00 0 0 111 Net short-wave radiation (sfc) W m**-2 SNIR 0 -9999.00 0 0 112 Net long-wave radiation (sfc) W m**-2 SNOR 0 -9999.00 0 0 113 Net short-wave rad (top of atm) W m**-2 SWRT 0 -9999.00 0 0 114 Net long-wave rad (top of atm) W m**-2 LWRT 0 -9999.00 0 0 121 Latent heat flux W m**-2 FXLH 0 -9999.00 0 0 122 Sensible heat flux W m**-2 FXSH 0 -9999.00 0 0