# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category 0 0 Mass density (concentration) (kg m-3) 1 1 Column-integrated mass density (kg m-2) 2 2 Mass mixing ratio (mass fraction in air) (kg/kg) 3 3 Atmosphere emission mass flux (kg m-2 s-1) 4 4 Atmosphere net production mass flux (kg m-2 s-1) 5 5 Atmosphere net production and emission mass flux (kg m-2 s-1) 6 6 Surface dry deposition mass flux (kg m-2 s-1) 7 7 Surface wet deposition mass flux (kg m-2 s-1) 8 8 Atmosphere re-emission mass flux (kg m-2 s-1) 9 9 Wet deposition by large-scale precipitation mass flux (kg m-2 s-1) 10 10 Wet deposition by convective precipitation mass flux (kg m-2 s-1) 11 11 Sedimentation mass flux (kg m-2 s-1) 12 12 Dry deposition mass flux (kg m-2 s-1) 13 13 Transfer from hydrophobic to hydrophilic (kg kg-1 s-1) 14 14 Transfer from SO2 (sulphur dioxide) to SO4 (sulphate) (kg kg-1 s-1) # 15-49 Reserved 50 50 Amount in atmosphere (mol) 51 51 Concentration in air (mol m-3) 52 52 Volume mixing ratio (fraction in air) (mol/mol) 53 53 Chemical gross production rate of concentration (mol m-3 s-1) 54 54 Chemical gross destruction rate of concentration (mol m-3 s-1) 55 55 Surface flux (mol m-2 s-1) 56 56 Changes of amount in atmosphere (mol/s) 57 57 Total yearly average burden of the atmosphere (mol) 58 58 Total yearly averaged atmospheric loss (mol/s) 59 59 Aerosol number concentration (m-3) 60 60 Aerosol specific number concentration (kg-1) 61 61 Maximum of mass density in layer (kg m-3) 62 62 Height of maximum mass density (m) 63 63 Column-averaged mass density in layer (kg m-3) # 64-99 Reserved 100 100 Surface area density (aerosol) (/m) 101 101 Vertical visual range (m) 102 102 Aerosol optical thickness (Numeric) 103 103 Single scattering albedo (Numeric) 104 104 Asymmetry factor (Numeric) 105 105 Aerosol extinction coefficient (/m) 106 106 Aerosol absorption coefficient (/m) 107 107 Aerosol lidar backscatter from satellite (m-1 sr-1) 108 108 Aerosol lidar backscatter from the ground (m-1 sr-1) 109 109 Aerosol lidar extinction from satellite (/m) 110 110 Aerosol lidar extinction from the ground (/m) 111 111 Angstrom exponent (Numeric) # 112-191 Reserved # 192-254 Reserved for local use 255 255 Missing