# Code table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category 0 0 Specific humidity (kg/kg) 1 1 Relative humidity (%) 2 2 Humidity mixing ratio (kg/kg) 3 3 Precipitable water (kg m-2) 4 4 Vapour pressure (Pa) 5 5 Saturation deficit (Pa) 6 6 Evaporation (kg m-2) 7 7 Precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1) 8 8 Total precipitation (kg m-2) 9 9 Large-scale precipitation (non-convective) (kg m-2) 10 10 Convective precipitation (kg m-2) 11 11 Snow depth (m) 12 12 Snowfall rate water equivalent (kg m-2 s-1) 13 13 Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth (kg m-2) 14 14 Convective snow (kg m-2) 15 15 Large-scale snow (kg m-2) 16 16 Snow melt (kg m-2) 17 17 Snow age (d) 18 18 Absolute humidity (kg m-3) 19 19 Precipitation type ((Code table 4.201)) 20 20 Integrated liquid water (kg m-2) 21 21 Condensate (kg/kg) 22 22 Cloud mixing ratio (kg/kg) 23 23 Ice water mixing ratio (kg/kg) 24 24 Rain mixing ratio (kg/kg) 25 25 Snow mixing ratio (kg/kg) 26 26 Horizontal moisture convergence (kg kg-1 s-1) 27 27 Maximum relative humidity (%) 28 28 Maximum absolute humidity (kg m-3) 29 29 Total snowfall (m) 30 30 Precipitable water category ((Code table 4.202)) 31 31 Hail (m) 32 32 Graupel (snow pellets) (kg/kg) 33 33 Categorical rain ((Code table 4.222)) 34 34 Categorical freezing rain ((Code table 4.222)) 35 35 Categorical ice pellets ((Code table 4.222)) 36 36 Categorical snow ((Code table 4.222)) 37 37 Convective precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1) 38 38 Horizontal moisture divergence (kg kg-1 s-1) 39 39 Per cent frozen precipitation (%) 40 40 Potential evaporation (kg m-2) 41 41 Potential evaporation rate (W m-2) 42 42 Snow cover (%) 43 43 Rain fraction of total cloud water (Proportion) 44 44 Rime factor (Numeric) 45 45 Total column integrated rain (kg m-2) 46 46 Total column integrated snow (kg m-2) 47 47 Large scale water precipitation (non-convective) (kg m-2) 48 48 Convective water precipitation (kg m-2) 49 49 Total water precipitation (kg m-2) 50 50 Total snow precipitation (kg m-2) 51 51 Total column water (Vertically integrated total water (vapour + cloud water/ice)) (kg m-2) 52 52 Total precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1) 53 53 Total snowfall rate water equivalent (kg m-2 s-1) 54 54 Large scale precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1) 55 55 Convective snowfall rate water equivalent (kg m-2 s-1) 56 56 Large scale snowfall rate water equivalent (kg m-2 s-1) 57 57 Total snowfall rate (m/s) 58 58 Convective snowfall rate (m/s) 59 59 Large scale snowfall rate (m/s) 60 60 Snow depth water equivalent (kg m-2) 61 61 Snow density (kg m-3) 62 62 Snow evaporation (kg m-2) 63 63 Reserved 64 64 Total column integrated water vapour (kg m-2) 65 65 Rain precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1) 66 66 Snow precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1) 67 67 Freezing rain precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1) 68 68 Ice pellets precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1) 69 69 Total column integrated cloud water (kg m-2) 70 70 Total column integrated cloud ice (kg m-2) 71 71 Hail mixing ratio (kg/kg) 72 72 Total column integrated hail (kg m-2) 73 73 Hail precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1) 74 74 Total column integrated graupel (kg m-2) 75 75 Graupel (snow pellets) precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1) 76 76 Convective rain rate (kg m-2 s-1) 77 77 Large scale rain rate (kg m-2 s-1) 78 78 Total column integrated water (all components including precipitation) (kg m-2) 79 79 Evaporation rate (kg m-2 s-1) 80 80 Total condensate (kg/kg) 81 81 Total column-integrated condensate (kg m-2) 82 82 Cloud ice mixing-ratio (kg/kg) 83 83 Specific cloud liquid water content (kg/kg) 84 84 Specific cloud ice water content (kg/kg) 85 85 Specific rainwater content (kg/kg) 86 86 Specific snow water content (kg/kg) 87 87 Stratiform precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1) 88 88 Categorical convective precipitation (Code table 4.222) # 89 Reserved 90 90 Total kinematic moisture flux (kg kg-1 m s-1) 91 91 u-component (zonal) kinematic moisture flux (kg kg-1 m s-1) 92 92 v-component (meridional) kinematic moisture flux (kg kg-1 m s-1) 93 93 Relative humidity with respect to water (%) 94 94 Relative humidity with respect to ice (%) 95 95 Freezing or frozen precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1) 96 96 Mass density of rain (kg m-3) 97 97 Mass density of snow (kg m-3) 98 98 Mass density of graupel (kg m-3) 99 99 Mass density of hail (kg m-3) 100 100 Specific number concentration of rain (kg-1) 101 101 Specific number concentration of snow (kg-1) 102 102 Specific number concentration of graupel (kg-1) 103 103 Specific number concentration of hail (kg-1) 104 104 Number density of rain (m-3) 105 105 Number density of snow (m-3) 106 106 Number density of graupel (m-3) 107 107 Number density of hail (m-3) 108 108 Specific humidity tendency due to parameterization (kg kg-1 s-1) 109 109 Mass density of liquid water coating on hail expressed as mass of liquid water per unit volume of air (kg m-3) 110 110 Specific mass of liquid water coating on hail expressed as mass of liquid water per unit mass of moist air (kg kg-1) 111 111 Mass mixing ratio of liquid water coating on hail expressed as mass of liquid water per unit mass of dry air (kg kg-1) 112 112 Mass density of liquid water coating on graupel expressed as mass of liquid water per unit volume of air (kg m-3) 113 113 Specific mass of liquid water coating on graupel expressed as mass of liquid water per unit mass of moist air (kg kg-1) 114 114 Mass mixing ratio of liquid water coating on graupel expressed as mass of liquid water per unit mass of dry air (kg kg-1) 115 115 Mass density of liquid water coating on snow expressed as mass of liquid water per unit volume of air (kg m-3) 116 116 Specific mass of liquid water coating on snow expressed as mass of liquid water per unit mass of moist air (kg kg-1) 117 117 Mass mixing ratio of liquid water coating on snow expressed as mass of liquid water per unit mass of dry air (kg kg-1) 118 118 Unbalanced component of specific humidity (kg kg-1) 119 119 Unbalanced component of specific cloud liquid water content (kg kg-1) 120 120 Unbalanced component of specific cloud ice water content (kg kg-1) 121 121 Fraction of snow cover (Proportion) # 122-191 Reserved # 192-254 Reserved for local use 255 255 Missing