/* * US Navy - Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center * Center: 58 * Subcenter: 0 * Parameter table version: 0 */ TBLE2 fnmoc_params[] = { {1, "pressure", "Pa", "PRES"}, {2, "pressure reduced to msl", "Pa", "PRMSL"}, {3, "pressure tendency", "Pa/s", "PTEND"}, {6, "geopotential", "m*m/s/s", "GP"}, {7, "geopotential height", "gpm", "HGT"}, {8, "geometrical height", "m", "DIST"}, {9, "std deviation of height", "m", "HSTDEV"}, {11, "temperature", "K", "TMP"}, {12, "virtual temperature", "K", "VTMP"}, {13, "potential temperature", "K", "POT"}, {14, "pseudo-adiabatic potential temperature", "K", "EPOT"}, {15, "maximum temperature", "K", "TMAX"}, {16, "minimum temperature", "K", "TMIN"}, {17, "dewpoint temperature", "K", "DPT"}, {18, "dewpoint depression (or deficit)", "K", "DEPR"}, {19, "lapse rate", "K/m", "LAPR"}, {20, "visibility", "m", "VIS"}, {21, "radar spectra (1)", "non-dim", "RDSP1"}, {22, "radar spectra (2)", "non-dim", "RDSP2"}, {23, "radar spectra (3)", "non-dim", "RDSP3"}, {24, "parcel lifted index (to 500hPa)", "K", "PLI"}, {25, "temperature anomaly", "K", "TMPA"}, {26, "pressure anomaly", "Pa", "PRESA"}, {27, "geopotential height anomaly", "gpm", "GPA"}, {28, "wave spectra (1)", "non-dim", "WVSP1"}, {29, "wave spectra (2)", "non-dim", "WVSP2"}, {30, "wave spectra (3)", "non-dim", "WVSP3"}, {31, "wind direction", "Degree true", "WDIR"}, {32, "wind speed", "m/s", "WIND"}, {33, "wind u-component", "m/s", "UGRD"}, {34, "wind v-component", "m/s", "VGRD"}, {35, "stream function", "m*m/s", "STRM"}, {36, "velocity potential", "m*m/s", "VPOT"}, {37, "montgomery stream function", "m*m/s/s", "MNTSF"}, {38, "sigma coordinate vertical velocity", "1/s", "SGCVV"}, {39, "vertical velocity in Pa/s", "Pa/s", "VVEL"}, {40, "vertical velocity in m/s", "m/s", "DZDT"}, {41, "absolute vorticity", "1/s", "ABSV"}, {42, "absolute divergence", "1/s", "ABSD"}, {43, "relative vorticity", "1/s", "RELV"}, {44, "relative divergence", "1/s", "RELD"}, {45, "vertical u-component shear", "1/s", "VUCSH"}, {46, "vertical v-component shear", "1/s", "VVCSH"}, {47, "current direction", "Degree true", "DIRC"}, {48, "current speed", "m/s", "SPC"}, {49, "current u-component", "m/s", "UOGRD"}, {50, "current v-component", "m/s", "VOGRD"}, {51, "specific humidity", "kg/kg", "SPFH"}, {52, "relative humidity", "%", "RH"}, {53, "humidity mixing ratio", "kg/kg", "MIXR"}, {54, "precipitable water", "kg/m/m", "PWAT"}, {55, "vapour pressure", "Pa", "VAPP"}, {56, "saturation deficit", "Pa", "SATD"}, {57, "evaporation", "kg/m/m", "EVP"}, {58, "cloud ice", "kg/m/m", "CICE"}, {59, "precipitaiton rate", "kg/m/m/s", "PRATE"}, {60, "thunderstorm probability", "%", "TSTM"}, {61, "total precipitation", "kg/m/m", "APCP"}, {62, "large scale precipitation", "kg/m/m", "NCPCP"}, {63, "convective precipitation", "kg/m/m", "ACPCP"}, {64, "snowfall rate water equivalent", "kg/m/m/s", "SRWEQ"}, {65, "water equivalent of accumulated snow depth", "kg/m/m", "WEASD"}, {66, "snow depth", "m", "SNOD"}, {67, "mixed layer depth", "m", "MIXHT"}, {68, "transient thermocline depth", "m", "TTHDP"}, {69, "main thermocline depth", "m", "MTHD"}, {70, "main thermocline anomaly", "m", "MTHA"}, {71, "total cloud cover", "%", "TCDC"}, {72, "convective cloud cover", "%", "CDCON"}, {73, "low cloud cover", "%", "LCDC"}, {74, "medium cloud cover", "%", "MCDC"}, {75, "high cloud cover", "%", "HCDC"}, {76, "cloud water", "kg/m/m", "CWAT"}, {77, "best lifted index (to 500 hPa)", "K", "BLI"}, {78, "convective snow", "kg/m/m", "SNOC"}, {79, "large scale snow", "kg/m/m", "SNOL"}, {80, "water temperature", "K", "WTMP"}, {81, "land cover (1= land; 0= sea)", "fraction", "LAND"}, {82, "deviation of sea-level from mean", "m", "DSLM"}, {83, "terrain height", "m", "TH"}, {84, "albedo", "%", "ALBDO"}, {85, "soil temperature", "K", "TSOIL"}, {86, "soil moisture content", "kg/m/m", "SOILM"}, {87, "vegetation", "%", "VEG"}, {88, "salinity", "kg/kg", "SALTY"}, {89, "density", "kg/m/m/m", "DEN"}, {90, "water run-off", "kg/m/m", "WATR"}, {91, "ice cover (1= ice; 0= no ice)", "fraction", "ICEC"}, {92, "ice thickness", "m", "ICETK"}, {93, "ice drift direction", "Degree true", "DICED"}, {94, "ice drift speed", "m/s", "SICED"}, {95, "ice drift u-component", "m/s", "UICE"}, {96, "ice drift v-component", "m/s", "VICE"}, {97, "ice growth rate", "m/s", "ICEG"}, {98, "ice divergence", "1/s", "ICED"}, {99, "snow melt", "kg/m/m", "SNOM"}, {100, "signific height of combinedwind wave & swell", "m", "HTSGW"}, {101, "wind wave direction", "Degree true", "WVDIR"}, {102, "wind wave significant height", "m", "WVHGT"}, {103, "wind wave mean period", "s", "WVPER"}, {104, "swell wave direction", "Degree true", "SWDIR"}, {105, "swell wave significant height", "m", "SWELL"}, {106, "swell wave mean period", "s", "SWPER"}, {107, "primary wave direction", "Degree true", "DIRPW"}, {108, "primary wave mean period", "s", "PERPW"}, {109, "secondary wave direction", "Degree true", "DIRSW"}, {110, "secondary wave mean period", "s", "PERSW"}, {111, "net short-wave radiation (surface)", "W/m/m", "NSWRS"}, {112, "net long-wave radiation (surface)", "W/m/m", "NLWRS"}, {113, "net short-wave radiation (atmosphere top)", "W/m/m", "NSWRT"}, {114, "net long-wave radiation (atmosphere top)", "W/m/m", "NLWRT"}, {115, "long-wave radiation", "W/m/m", "LWAVR"}, {116, "short-wave radiation", "W/m/m", "SWAVR"}, {117, "global radiation", "W/m/m", "GRAD"}, {118, "max wave height", "m", "MAXWH"}, {121, "latent heat flux", "W/m/m", "LHTFL"}, {122, "sensible heat flux", "W/m/m", "SHTFL"}, {123, "boundary layer dissipation", "W/m/m", "BLYDP"}, {124, "momentum flux u-component", "N/m/m", "UFLX"}, {125, "momentum flux v-component", "N/m/m", "VFLX"}, {126, "wind mixing energy", "J", "WMIXE"}, {127, "image data", "non-dim", "IMGD"}, {132, "grad mod refc", "1/ft", "GMR"}, {133, "temperature of ground or sea", "K", "TGS"}, {140, "ice u-component", "m/s", "IU"}, {141, "ice v-component", "m/s", "IV"}, {145, "dynamic height", "cm", "DH"}, {146, "temperature error", "K", "TE"}, {153, "wind stress u component", "N/m/m", "WSUC"}, {154, "wind stress v component", "N/m/m", "WSVC"}, {155, "white cap probability", "%", "WCP"}, {160, "depth surface", "m", "DS"}, {162, "EOTS sea surface temperature", "K", "ESST"}, {170, "evaporation duct height", "m", "EDH"}, {171, "general acoustic ix", "XX", "GAI"}, {178, "gradient below sound level", "XX", "GBSL"}, {179, "strength of shallow sound channel", "XX", "SSSC"}, {196, "ice coverage", "%", "IC"}, {197, "sea sufrace height dorrection", "m", "SSHD"}, {209, "visual sea height", "m", "VSH"}, {210, "500MB small scale disturbance", "gpm", "SSD500"}, {211, "500MB residual pattern", "gpm", "RP500"}, {212, "500MB long wave pattern", "gpm", "LWP500"}, {213, "magnetic ditch heading", "Degree true", "MDH"}, {218, "ground wetness", "fraction", "GW"}, {220, "max wave height", "m", "MWH"}, {221, "sensible latent heat flux", "W/m/m", "SLHF"}, {222, "total heat flux", "W/m/m", "THF"}, {224, "surface frontal anal", "K/m/m", "SFA"}, {225, "fog", "%", "FOG"}, {226, "turbulent kinetic energy", "J/kg", "TKE"}, {230, "freezing level height", "m", "FLH"}, {234, "ceiling Height", "m", "CH"}, {236, "depth of sound layer", "m", "DSL"}, {240, "vlad_acst_ix", "XX", "VAI"}, {250, "solar radiation heat flux", "W/m/m", "SRHF"}, {255, "missing value", "non-dim", "MV"}, };